Sections of School of Soldier used for
Madison Sesquicentennial Event

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The position of the hand upon the butt. (Figs. 12,13)

hand2 rifle small.GIF (5145 bytes) hand rifle small.GIF (3762 bytes)
(Fig. 12) Front view                                                         (Fig. 13) Inside view.
soldier1 small.GIF (2941 bytes) The musket in the left hand, the palm pressing upon the outer flat of the butt; the outer edge of the latter on the upper joints of the fingers; the thumb, on the front screw of the butt-plate; the remaining fingers under the butt; the finger-nails next to the left thigh; the butt more or less kept back, so that the piece shall appear perpendicualr; the stock below the tail-band resting against the hollow of the shoulder, just within the joint; (Fig. 14), the elbow slightly bent, and near the body; (Fig. 15), the right arm hanging naturally, as prescribed in the position of the soldier.
Fig.14.Front view Fig15. Side view

Sometimes the recruit, in order (as he thinks) to carry the musket perpendicular, will project the right thigh and depress the left, this he should avoid; be careful that the arm is not bent too much, nor that it be too straight, but just sufficiently bent to throw the weight of the piece upon the muscle, and not upon the bone, of the arm.