of School of Soldier used for
Madison Sesquicentennial Event
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Facing to the right or left, will be executed in one time or pause.
Squad. By the right flank - Right. FACE.
The recruit should be careful to hear the cautionary command (which is in italics), but not attempt to execute the movement until the last command is given, which is FACE, at the last sound of that word turn to the right upon the left heel by raising a little the left toe and right heel from the ground; place the right heel beside the left and on the same line, so that the line of heels will be exactly at right angles with their former position.
(Fig. 5.) The dotted lines A. B., in this figure represents the
feet at a front face. The black shoes represent their position when flanked to the right.
Observe the left heel has not been moved from its position, although it has turned
or twisted, while the right foot B has been completely carried from its old to
its new position.
Squad. By the left flank left. FACE.
At the word face turn to the left, upon the left heel, raising a little the left toe and right heel for that purpose; bring the right heel beside the left, but do not move the latter.
(Fig. 6.) Represents the feet at a left flank. Observe the position of the heels; the
dotted lines represent their position to the front.
To face about (that is to turn completely around),
the command will be
About Face, and will be executed in two times or pauses.
Squad. ABOUT - FACE.
At the word ABOUT, the recruit will turn the left toe to the front, carry the right foot to the rear, the hollow opposite to, and three inches from the left heel; at the same time seize the inner front comer of the cartridge-box with the right hand, if on, if not, place the back of the right hand to the rear of and against the right hip.
At the word FACE, turn upon both heels by raising both toes, extend the hands and face to the rear, at the same time bringing the right heel beside the left, and drop the right hand.
If under arms, the recruit will at the first motion (or pause), which is ABOUT, turn his piece with the left hand, the lock to the front, and replace his hand and piece the instant he has faced.
(Fig. 7.) Represents the feet at the first time, or pause; the
dotted line A. L., represents the left toe turned to the front -
observe the heel is in its old position; B. B., represents the right
foot as having been carried to the rear and placed at right angles
with the left, and distant from it three inches, the dotted
shoes represent the feet at a front face.
(Fig. 8.) Represents the feet at word FACE
(second time or pause); observe the left heel is still upon its
own ground, whilst the right foot has been carried back
beside it (the left).
At the time or pause (Fig. 7,see also Fig. 9,) the body makes a third of a face to
the right, that is, the line of shoulders has change obliquely to the right.
The right elbow is disengaged to the rear of the man on your right;
body resting slightly more on the, left, than on the right foot.
Although the shoulders have changed to the right, the face is still to the
(Fig. 9.) Represents the recruit in the position of BOUT, or one time or pause.
Fig. 10.) Represents the position of FACE or second time or pause.