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1862 April, The Second Wisconsin

Letter from the Second Regiment
Correspondence of the Sentinel

Camp, Near Fairfax Seminary
Thursday, April 3, 1862

You see we are still in the same camp. All sorts of rumors as to our destination and when we move are going the rounds. There are no more indications of our leaving at present than there were ten days ago and many begin to express doubts of King's Division "shipping" at all.
We are encamped about two miles from the Fairfax Seminary and four from Alexandria on one of the highest of the numerous hills that overlook Washington from the south. From the summit of our encampment we have a fine view of the surrounding country. Directly in front, the capitol and the city of Washington are distinctly visible while to the right, left and before us, the intervening space is one large semi-circle of camps, resembling a beautiful panorama. On a dark cloudy night the scene is very picturesque. The camps of three divisions are before us, in each of those camps are hundreds of lights, glittering fires, the shouting and hum of thousands of voices, rumbling of wagons and the red glare of those thousands of camp fires makes one think he is standing on the outskirts of some vast city.
On the 25th of March there was a review of the first Corps by Maj. General McDowell. I was not present at this review but understand that General McClellan , Lord Lyons, and Mr. Russell of the London Times were present. The boys appeared highly amused at Lord Lyon's style of "bumping the saddle"- One expressed his criticism by saying he could shoot partridges under him as he rode. Mr. Russell, or Bull Run Russell as he is called, was hooted and hissed by some of the New York Regiments.
On the 27th, two divisions of McDowell's corps, King's and Franklin's were again reviewed by McDowell. It was again reviewed by McDowell. It was just the day for a review - warm, sunny spring like day. At half-past one, the various roads leading to the review ground were lined with troops. The scene was unusually brilliant. The different bands pouring forth melodious and inspiring strains of martial airs, the glistening bayonets of the infantry, the bright sabers of the cavalry, the glittering of the howitzers and the black workman like appearance of the rifled cannon, the galloping to and fro of the field and staff officers, all mingled with the red, white and blue of the glorious Star Spangled Banner and handsomely caparisoned horses made it a spectacle of great splendor - a gala day of soldier. There were hundreds of spectators. Lord Lyons, W. H. Russell and some officers of the English Guards now stationed in Canada were present and rode around with McDowell during the inspection before marching in review. Gen. McClellan was not with them when our division was inspected or, if he was, it was not known.
When Gen. McDowell came by at a hard gallop, he turned round to the English officers and said pointing to us. "The Second Wisconsin a gallant Regiment!" pointing us out and calling attention to us was indeed a compliment even had he said nothing. When Gen. McDowell was passing down the second line of Division, a cheer was on the right of the line when-"yes, there's McClellan" rose from thousands of lips - and there he was bowing low to the enthusiastic throats of the men. I fancy he looked somewhat more worn and intense "thought was written on his countenance"; he certainly looked older than when I saw him last. The day after review, an order from McClellan was read to us, the substance of which was "that the review yesterday was everything that he could wish."
The English officer expressed great admiration at our efficiency, discipline and appearance. Our "material" was better than anything they ever had seen, that our steadiness in marching equalled the best troops in Europe and our discipline, as they had learned from being in our camp, was excellent; and when they returned to Europe, they would be able to tell their country men that America has really an army.
I have learned some particulars in regard to our advance on Manassas. Gen. Caney's brigade of N.Y. troops were on the advance and took possession of Fairfax Court House after a skirmish. While the skirmish was going on, Gen. Carney rode up to a Lieutenant in command of a squad of Lincoln cavalry and said "Lieutenant, can you place confidence in your men?" The lieutenant answered that he could. "Well" said the General, pointing to a knot of about one hundred and fifty rebels, "disperse them" The Lieutenant told his men that he would shoot the first man who showed the "white feather." They charged right into them, hewing right and left, wounding several and killing three of four and taking thirteen prisoners. One of the killed secesh was completely decapitated. The Lieutenant was the only man killed of the cavalry. Gen Carney is an old one armed veteran of the Mexican War, a through soldier and good general.
I was in conversation the other night with a corporal of the color guard of a regiment of our brigade who gave me an account of an interview he had with Mrs. Lincoln. The corporal was in town and determined to call upon the President for the purpose of finding out, as he expressed it, "Whether Old Abe was a common man or not." I suppose he meant whether a "live President" was like any other man.
I cannot give you a detailed account of his reception and exit; it would occupy too much time; but suffice it the corporal was cordially received by the President, took a glass of wine with him in the famous East Room and became so familiar as to call him "Old Abe", Old Rail Splitter &c. He was introduced to Mrs. Lincoln and after a conversation with Mr. and Mrs. L. of about two hours, came away fully satisfied that the President was a common man. The corporal was evidently pleased and impressed with the formality and dignity of his reception. I believe from what I have heard this afternoon, we shall leave here this week. Our brigade is on drill but I have remained "at home" Our company has not changed its letter - only number.
Direct as before, Company A.
A. L.

Nothing of note transpires until April 5th, when we are apprised of the fact that McDowell’s command is assigned to the department of the Rappahannock. Gen. McClellan with the balance of his command was embarked for the peninsular. We march to Centerville, camp on Hunting Creek, distance 15 miles. April 6th we march at an early hour through Fairfax and Centerville to Blackburn, where we camp on the old battlefield, distance 22 miles.

 April 7th march from Manassas junction to Milford on Broad Run and camp, distance 8 miles. 

April 8th march to Kettle Run and camp. At this camp we experience one of the most disagreeable, cold, wet, and chilly snowstorms known to occur in this climate, and in the morning we call it snow camp. 

From the Second Wis. Regiment   
On road Run near Manassas Junction Virginia,
April 8, 1862 
Dear Tribune: Some time has passed since I made my last scribble for the Tribune and now at leisure, let me indict a short letter noting events of a three week's campaign spent amid difficulties on the shores of the Potomac and in the recesses of seceshendom. On the 15th of March we left Fairfax Court House for Alexandria under the impression that we were to go on board of ships down the Potomac. Arriving at Alexandria after a fatiguing march thro' the rain , drenched and the considerably "worse for wear" we encamped for the night. Here we found the 5th Wisconsin. Paid a short visit to Col. Cobb, who by the way, looks hearty and well. Saw Dr. Wilber who looks fat and hearty, besides numerous other old friends. Lieutenant Walker of Co. A, 5th Wis., declared me his bed-fellow so after partaking of a little stimulus, the soldiers relief, we rolled in side of one of those roomy shelter-tents and snoozed till the wee small hours of morn. At noon pm, the 16th, we were ordered to return to the old camp which we reached at nightfall. We were glad to once more set eyes on Fort Tillinghast and occupy again the old log cabins, considering the rough time we had experienced on a six days cruise to Fairfax Court House and vicinity. On the 19th we were ordered to Alexandria. At 2 o'clock, P.M. we started and arrived on Seminary Hills about 4 miles east of Alexandria where we encamped until the 4th of April when we were ordered to Warrington Station.- Until this time we were under orders to go on board of ships. We knew not where we were to go but supposed that we were bound for some point below Acquit Creek. However, all our ideas of a sail on the water were suddenly vanished by orders to march to Warrington. On the 4th inst. we marched to Annandale, a distance of ten miles from Alexandria, where we camped till the morning of the 5th when we marched to Blackburn's Ford and there camped for the night. The next morning we resumed the line of march passing through Manassas Junction and crossing Milford Creek about eight miles from the Junction where we are at present encamped. Here we remain until further orders. Blackburn's Ford is near the battle field of the 18th of July last. We passed through Fairfax and Centerville but had no opportunity of going over the Bull Run battle field. We were disappointed in this as we had high hopes of once more reviewing the ground on which a mighty contest raged for nearly nine hours. We are within a mile of Bristol Station. The railroad is now competed to Warrington Station. Of Centerville but little need be said. It has the appearance of once having been quite a soldierly site. The fortifications around the town are not what I expected to see. The whole does not compare the Fort Smith near Chain Bridge. The forts could be easily scaled, and through erected on high eminences commanding a large scope of country, could have been taken at any time. These fortifications are roughly built and appear to have been erected more for a scare than for standing a siege which, to me, appears entirely incredible. The barracks erected are comfortable and would easily accommodate 60,000 troops which is more that I believe they have had at the town at any one time. On the whole it was a slim defense of a position considering the advantages given for fortifying. Manassas Junction is pretty well destroyed. The rebels seem to have delighted in burning and destroying all that was possible. It is a hard looking once abut I learn it has been laid off in lots and is destined to under the rule of Northern enterprise. Carpenters and Blacksmiths are gong in on repairing and the loose rubbish is to be gathered up. In a few week it will by quite a town. It is destined to be a large once. A great many contrabands are here and are employed on repairing the railroad, and in arranging Quartermaster Stores.- So much for Yankee enterprise. At the crossing of Milford Creek we found a family of the colored population who appeared quite happy over the arrival of the Union forces. Also an Irish family was here quite delighted over the advance of our army to find all families to be Union if only for the protection of their property but it is seldom we meet with the head of the family as his best holt is to keep in the advance of us. It is supposed that several guerrilla bands are about as a Lieutenant of a New York regiment and a Colonel's orderly were taken and shot night before last.- This is a report, the truth of the affair I know not. Several of the regiments have been out a foraging and returned with any quantity of mutton, chickens, &c. Consequently, we are bound to have a good dinner. When at camp near the Seminary Capt. W. W. LaFleiche resigned and, I presume, he is home, happy and contented. Since then Lieut. George H. Otis has been made Captain, Lieut. A. Bell made First Lieutenant, and First Sergeant O. W. Sanford, Second Lieutenant. On the accession of Capt. Otis, Sergt. Wm. Noble was appointed Orderly Sergeant and Wm Meuser promoted to a Sergeant. Our Company is in good condition, well provided for enjoying good health. At Fairfax we had to leave one of our men, M. Kentner, who gave out ,he having returned from Hospital only the day previous to our marching. Dinner is just announced and the boys are piling into the pork and beans and the mutton and chickens is fast disappearing. The mail is about to leave for Washington therefore I must close hoping the next time to chronicle at least a skirmish if not a battle with secesh. Bidding a kind adieu to friends and asking a kind remembrance for a short missive, I am yours L. B.

 April 12th the major part of the Second Wisconsin out on the Orange and Alexandria road and the balance with the other regiments of the Brigade march to Catlett’s station on Cedar Run to rebuild the railroad bridge destroyed by the enemy, distance 7 miles. 

April 21st march towards Fredericksburg to Elk Run. In consequence of heavy rain it is flooded, cannot pass it, go into camp, distance 5 miles.

April 22d, rain ceases at an early hour. By 9 o’clock we pass over the river, march to Howard Station, distance 16 miles. April 23rd, march at an early hour, pass through Falmouth about 4 P. M., camp about a mile from the village on the heights opposite the City of Fredericksburg, Va., distance 10 miles.
The advance of our column had some skirmishing with the enemy just before reaching Falmouth and the enemy’s pickets are to be seen on the hills beyond Fredericksburg. 

April 27th, march to Potomac Creek, 5 miles to repair railroad bridge, and the next day the Second is detached from the brigade and sent to Accokeek Creek to rebuild a bridge at Brook’s Station. 

Cornelius Wheeler’s diary

From the Second Wisconsin Reg. 
Camp 2d Regiment Wis. Vol. 
Plymouth, Va., 
April 24th, 1862 
Dear Tribune:-I had written a short letter for you when stationed at Catlett on the Orange and Alexandria railroad but being suddenly required to pack up and vamoose the ranch I withheld it and shall now replace it by giving a rather lengthy scribble on matters and things pertaining to this region of the State of Virginia. Let me present a few passages from the diary which I imagine will serve to give you an idea of our experience as soldiers since the 7th inst. April 7th - Camped on Milford Creek. Rains, snows and hails; anticipate a dreary time. Ordered to move camp ten miles distance in a pine thicket. April 8th - slept on the ground, while it rained and snowed. Shelter tents leak badly. Awoke refreshed but to look our upon a gloomy prospect - the ground covered with snow and it is raining quite hard. A good deal of complaining among the soldiers - many wet and chilly, but few sick. It continues to snow, rain and hail all day. April 9th - The storm has abated some yet the clouds hover over. Everything bears a gloomy face. The men look worn and weather-beaten. Clothes and blankets wet and rusty. It continues to storm during the day. April 10th - Awoke this morning to see the sun shine once more. It is good cheer to the bivouacking soldiers. All went to work drying clothes and blankets. Considerable sickness in the Regiment. April 11th - roll call every two hours. Regiment assembled to receive orders.- Car loads of troops passing to Catlett Station. P. M. - Franklin's Division returning to Alexandria, preparatory to reinforce McClellan. April 12 - Ordered to move. Detailed to guard the Orange and Alexander Railroad, between Bristol and Catlett Station, a distance of seven miles. The left wing made the detail and the right wing went into camp on the banks of Cedar Run. - Have a beautiful camp ground. Weather pleasant. April 13th - In camp and roll call every two hours. Writing letters, &c. is chief business. Inspection of arms at 11 A.M.  P.M. -  A slight quantity of old rye comes into camp. A deserter from Secesh bro't into camp. Details of guard and fatigue duty men. April 14th - bridge across Cedar Run finished. April 15 - Rains until about 10 A.M. when it clears off and became quite pleasant. Augers and Kirkpatricks Brigades ordered to Fredericksburg, with the Harris Cavalry. April 16th - the day warm and pleasant. Col. O'Connor wishing to do a little scouting details Company I as an escort. Go in direction of Warrington. About 4 miles out stop for dinner. Receive Virginia hospitality in the shape of hoe-cake, beans and boiled ham for dinner. Overseer of plantation refuses to receive pay for dinner. He feeds the whole Company. See fine farming country and any quantity of live stock. Return delighted over the tramp. April 17th - Warm and pleasant. Company and Battalion drills. Crackers and boiled pork for dinner. April 18-Heavy cannonading in direction of Warrington. the day warm and pleasant. No morning drill - a wonder! News comes in that Gen. Auger is shelling rebel cavalry. reported wounding of Gen. Kirkpatrick. Harris Cavalry have a muss with Secesh. Eight men killed on Union side. Secesh run with the Cavalry and a Brooklyn regiment in Hot pursuit, Bridge across Rappahannock at Plymouth burnt by rebels. Surrender of Fredericksburg to Gen. Auger by the Mayor. April 19th - Regiment relieved from guarding railroad. The day warm and pleasant. April 20th - Rains and is a dreary unpleasant day. Rice, soup, hard crackers, &c. for dinner. April 21st - It continues to rain. Ordered to march to Fredericksburg at 8 o'clock. Arrived at Elk Run, a distance of three miles. Lost the way, and traveled several miles out of the way. Storms all day and night. Soldiers receive a thorough drenching. April 22d - strike tents at eight o'clock and march to within three miles of Falmouth. Rains all day. Men about worn out. April 23d - Strike tents and march to Falmouth on the Rappahannock river, where we found Auger's and Kirkpatrick's Brigades and the Harris Cavalry. Camp within a mile of the town. Has been a warm and pleasant day. Ten gun boats lie a little below this place ready for service should they be required. Falmouth is a small town of about two thousand inhabitants. Fredericksburg is directly opposite and the main landing for the boats that ply between it and the mouth of the Rappahannock. A majority of the citizens of both places are strong Secessionists. Fredericksburg is a town of about five thousand inhabitants and was surrendered to Gen. Auger on Friday last though with some reluctance on the part of many of its citizens over whom the Mayor said he had no control. The General gave the citizens their choice to either pull down the Rebel flag and surrender or receive a thorough shelling from the Wisconsin battery. They concluded it the best policy to give in and therefore the Mayor appeared and done the agreeable to Gen. Auger. Our packets remain on this side of the River. The Secesh pickets are said to be about a mile back of Fredericksburg. When the Rebels took their sudden departure they burnt the Railroad bridge and two other bridges below the town.  As the Secesh retreated they endeavored to make a stand and thus repel out advance guard. They arranged several cribs of rails across the road about six feet in breadth and four feet high behind which they secreted and awaited the approach of Harris Cavalry. It was just at dusk when the Cavalry arrived in sight of the wooden structures and mistook them for a column of infantry They immediately formed in line and made a grand charge on the rails and secesh receiving both the brunt of the compact cribs and volleys of musketry. Ere they had time to form for another charge Secesh was in full retreat - Our cavalry followed and with Auger's Brigade obliged them to clear both towns capturing six of the Secesh Cavalry who are now prisoners in Falmouth. The Wisconsin battery was arranged on a high eminence and commenced shelling the retreating chivalry. But a few shot was necessary to clear both sides of the river. A nigger came over the next morning from Fredericksburg and informed the Captain of the battery that Yankee  balls was good for nothing as they all busted. He considered the secesh balls superior to ours. We can't blame the man or his opinion considering that he knew not the difference between shells and balls. Our boys have done well in the way of trading to day. The Secesh refused to take the U. S. treasury notes preferring to take the Fredericksburg scrip. They also refused the Richmond scrip except in denominations of five and ten dollars. Our boys were well supplied with a quantity of the fact-simile notes printed at Philadelphia which cost them a cent on the dollar. This proved to the better money than Uncle Sam's notes and was passable at any once in town. One man could boast of having taken over two hundred dollars in exchange for her groceries. There were several others saved in the same way and all seemed delighted in receiving them. By noon the confederate scrip was played out and those taken in had discovered that they had been badly deceived and must mourn over being the possessor of quantity of counterfeit scrip. The inhabitants of this place are loud in their expressions in favor of Jeff Davis. The women in particular are terrible if not ridiculous. For the first time in my life I have stood before a woman that I feared and hated but I trust I may be relieved from hearing any more of the kind give vent to their feelings. The lady in question had the impudence to upbraid me in the strongest terms sparing not my young and devoted head from the worst of aims. She believe us to be a set of marauders ready to devour the innocent women and children of the South that we invaded their land to murder their husbands and sons. I pitied the poor thing yet I feared her even as much. I have been to several houses and conversed with a number of the Secesh ladies but one good whole souled Northern Gal is worth a dozen of those paudy stuck-up pieces of calico. The niggers are considered as the 2nd class and the poor white folks are third class and the aristocratic are the 1st class. Thus we find then the colored population best in the ring. A little excitement was created in the streets to-day by the chance meeting of a master and his slave. The slave had been absent without leave and the master had come in pursuit of him but Cuffy refused to return with his master where up on. The slavebroker undertook the task of arresting him. Cuffy took leg bail with the master in pursuit, was caught and again escaped leaving his master in the midst of a squad of Union solders who felt highly elated over the discomfort of the slaveholder without interfering . The slave escaped and the master returned home, ranting and rearing over the loss of poor Cuffy. I was thankful that our men did not interfere in the matter, although they were called on to do so, but made the reply that they didn't come here to catch runaway niggers. They considered themselves in better business. Our brigade is ordered to guard the Aquia Creek Railroad. We move tomorrow morning at half past eight o'clock. The health of the 2nd regiment is good considering what they have passed through within the last three weeks. Company I has one in the hospital. The company is in good condition, well and happy, with a plenty to eat drink and wear. The drum beats for "Lights out" therefore I draw my scribble to an end, bidding you all a happy good night.
L.____ B.______

From the 2nd Regiment, Wis  
Division of the Rappahannock 

April 26th, 1862 

Editor Witness- After a somewhat protracted silence, I will again attempt a short letter. since my last, this division has occupied several positions and our camps have been numerous. After the "fleet ride" had evaporated and we had become reconciled to remain on terra firma, a change of quarters was deemed necessary and we have been on the move ever since and no farmer ever watched the indications of the weather more carefully than do the "Second", as a rainy day is generally taken as an evidence of a speedy removal and should the rain be mixed with snow then all hands begin to strike tents and pack knapsacks. We arrived at our present quarters on the 23d instant, although the advance of our division has been here near a week. Falmouth, a small village, lies near us and is in the hands of our troops. The people have desired this for some time and on the advance of our army readily came in. A brisk skirmish took place near Falmouth a week since between three regiments of infantry, one regiment of cavalry, two batteries of secesh and the advance of King's division in which we lost five killed and fifteen wounded and the enemy about forty killed and as many wounded. The skirmish took place on this side of the river but the enemy very suddenly remembered a pressing engagement over in Fredericksburg and rapidly left. The 14th Brooklyn, (New York) should be remembered when ever this affair is spoken of as our success was in a great measure owing to their indomitable courage and daring bravery. They, like the Second, considering their chance of an engagement growing smaller by degrees and beautifully less, took advantage of the occasion referred to and engaged front seats and manfully did they occupy the time allotted to them. All honor to the 14th. Fredericksburg on the opposite side of the Rappahannock has been surrendered to the Union forces but as the bridge over the river has been burned we do not occupy it. As soon as a bridge can be built, the stars and stripes will be hoisted. The Union sentiment of the city is rather questionable. The choice was given them of surrendering or having their own shelled. Like sensible men they surrendered. We have about 10,000 troops here at present and when ever Gen. King thinks it practicable we will cross the river. The troops are all anxious to see the fun and the Second especially, as they wish to redeem the character they consider they lost at Bull Run last July. Some of out boys got passes to go to Falmouth yesterday and wishing to purchase some articles went into a store and calling for what they wanted, offered United States treasury notes in payment for their purchases but were told that such money did not pass. They remembered having several confederate notes which were offered in lieu of Uncle Sam's money which the grocer took giving them the change in silver. Now, "let them that win, laugh." The confederate scrip was bought of a peddler for one cent on the dollar and were but imitation of the genuine. That have, however, I understand, is about played out. We but seldom get a paper out here yet rumors of battles are quite plenty. Men complain of the tardiness of McClellan at Yorktown. They think he should have done something 'ere this. The same class thought strange of Pope's conduct at Island No. 10 and are now the loudest in his praise. Such men are the greatest enemies the Union cause has. My letter thus far have not spoken very highly for the ability of your correspondent as I have had but little opportunity of gaining information interesting to you readers. Shortly I expect to see sights that may be worthy of writing about and then I will try and make amends. As this regiment is now on the move and like the Englishman's bug - when it moves it go's somewhere. I do not know where my next letter will hail from, yet, should any thing of interest occur, I will endeavor to acquaint you of it. The 2nd, 6th and 7th Wisconsin are the brigade and lay together
Yours &c.,

April 27


Below we give some extracts of a letter from a Volunteer in our 2nd Reg't dated.
Camp near Fredericksburg
April 27, 1862

Since my last letter, King's division has moved on to Fredericksburg or rather to Falmouth on the opposite side of the river in sight of the city.
On the morning of the 21st Cutler's Brigade received orders to march to Fredericksburg and there join the division to which they belong. Soon we were on the march and when we were within about two miles of Cedar Creek it commenced to rain as usual in good earnest for on reaching the creek we found the water rising very fast and we had to halt for want of a bridge to cross.
Here we were kept in line for nearly an hour when we received orders to build a bridge and march to Fredericksburg quick as possible.
Col. Cutler, acting brigadier of King's brigade, gave orders to pitch our tents for the night. Two Co's from our Reg't were detailed to build the bridge and by dusk the timbers were all on the ground and it was thought best to wait till morning before putting them up; At 8 it was up & at half past 8 we were on the march.
At 3 o'clock next day after a wet and muddy march we reached Falmouth a place on the opposite side of the river, (Rappahannock) from Fredericksburg and encamped half a mile from that place.
Falmouth is a small village; the principal building are a cotton factory, a grist mill and three groceries; here are some of the prices of articles, bread, 25cts a loaf; fish, 8cts a lb; butter, 60cts; eggs, 45 cts a dozen; sugar, 40 cts a lb; tobacco, 25 cts, up to a dollar; and every thing else in proportion and scarce at that.
(A 1861 $1 equals $17.50 in 1998 Dollars. Ed)
I went to the store the other day to buy some things and offered the merchant a treasury note in payment he refused it; I asked if he would take confederate script he said yes; I happened to have a $10 Richmond hill which I bought of a newsboy for 10cts; he pronounced it good and gave me good treasury script in exchange.
I have been told that Fredericksburg contains about 5,000 population. There were two bridges across the river here but the rebels have burnt them both; the Mayor surrendered the city to Gen. King. and has agreed to rebuild them if we would spare the city. Yesterday 3 gunboats came up the river bringing a pontoon bridge which is thrown across the river upon which 5 comps of sharpshooters went over this forenoon and I presume we shall all go over in a few hours.
A few of the farms in this vicinity look as if there were a few farmers in Virginia worth something.
Farmers have not generally commenced their spring work for the reason that their niggers have nearly all run away, every thing in the way of provisions is fetched into camp by the boys who go out foraging with the teams. Boys all in goods spirits.

Yours, in haste, A. N. K.

Letter from the Second Regiment 
Camp near Fredericksburg,
King's Div.,
April 27th, 1862

Of course the papers will have informed you of our advance to Fredericksburg. As we once more fell into the road "on to Richmond," we felt that we had finished for the present with marching and countermarching in view of Washington and that we were now really advancing into the very heat of "Secessia." Centreville and the scene of action of the 21st of July at Bull Run had a particular interest for us of the Second. Each man had some well remembered spot to point out where he had done so and so each his story to tell. As the various objects recalling to our minds in vivid light the scenes of that (to us) memorable Sunday were recognized, exclamations of "that's the house!" here's where we met the New York troops," &c. &c. went from file to file. At Centreville dead horses, innumerable, lay scattered around causing intolerable stench. I had not much leisure to examine the fortifications but noticed that the entrenchments or, perhaps, more properly speaking, the rifle pits extending about half a mile on either flank of the earth works were defended by abbattis and seemed to me, now a professional in such matters, excellent. On comparing these with the forts, I was struck with their inconsistency; the former looked dangerous, the latter a sham. These forts were simply parapet entrenchments, ditches in front and guns in embrasures. An officer on horseback rode over one of those earthworks parapets and all with perfect ease. Indeed after seeing our defenses  in front of Washington, they looked miserable pretences.- the barracks were good and substantial constructed of logs. We camped close to the field of action of the 18th July,-,near us were the graves of those rebels who fell there. Here also the combination of foul gases arising from the graves of the departed and dead horses made it almost unendurable. Scattered along our route were the graves of those traitors who had died in camp, some almost obliterated and I assure it was no pleasurable sensation one felt when treading on the last resting place of perhaps a brave man, though a traitor. Those men of the middle ages who declared the scent of a dead traitor sweet must have been possessed of poor nasal faculties or it may be it was one of those chivalrous endowments which belonged to the age and which no doubt with the other noble characteristics of chivalry belong now only to the chivalrous sons of the south.
On the 16th we arrived and camped about two miles from the village of Britton. Through some negligence of the Commissary Department the Brigade had to fast for about twelve hours. A friend and myself took a tour around Briton hoping to obtain something for a breakfast and dinner but only succeeded in getting ten eggs at four cents each - which we ate sans salt and a small biscuit thrown in as a favor. We moved again on the 7th, two miles further South for the purpose of obtaining better camping grounds. Our usual good luck attended us; just as we were leaving it began to to rain but soon changed to snow and by the time we reached the pine woods where we camped, mother earth was covered with a dress of unspotted purity. The recollections of those three days of rain, hail and snow alternately - of eyes smarting from the effects of a horrible Stygnian smoke, cold wet feet in mud and water and when trying to take a little rest  - of the drops and splash of the merciless water in one's eyes, the ripple of the small creeks coursing over the folds of our blankets make me shudder as I write and thank the gods that all is past .
On the 12th we struck tents and marched on the railroad towards Catlett's Station. Part of them marched on the Station and camped by Cedar Run. I had the good fortune to be with Company A, detailed as guard. During our stay here of a week we were occupied when off duty in hunting up such good things to us soldiers as mild bread butter &c. The country round about here had not such a meager poverty stricken appearance as that North of Bull Run. It was more thickly settled and evinced greater wealth. It reminded us more of Wisconsin. We struck tents on the 19th (rain of course. It has become a saying with us when we have no means of ascertaining when we march that we move the first wet day.) and joined the brigade at Cedar Run; the railroad bridge here as all along the line was destroyed.
The rest of the division was now in front of Fredericksburg a distance of thirty miles. On the 21st it having fairly set in terrain we moved forward. As we left camp we bid farewell to Captain Bouck of Co. E. who was en route for Wisconsin having been appointed Colonel of the 18th. All the boys, irrespective of companies, were sorry to lose the Captain, for in parting with those officers who have been with us so long, we feel like parting with an old and valued friend.
The Captain with his rough good humor and eccentric good nature was liked by all.
The numerous roads now swollen with the recent rains impeded our march as temporary bridges had to be constructed for our crossing. The 2nd now had the advance - Co. E. at one time deployed as skirmishers.
We took a road to the right leading by a piece of wood the rest of the Brigade taking another to the left, on emerging into the open country, we were rather surprised at seeing two miles ahead the white tent covers of the provision wagons and also a battery of artillery that were advancing with us rather a novelty - skirmishers deployed in rear of a battery and provision train in advance. About 4 o'clock we were stopped by a run. Gen. King had passed the battery and guards also. In the mean time it was decided to camp here for the night. The rain descended in torrents; in an hour the stream, before passable for infantry, was now impassable; in two hours the low lands were flooded On looking at our position in the enemy country I could not help thinking that the dictates of prudence and the plainest maxims of military science were here ignored. The next day old Sol cheered us on our way while the darkies on the road relieved us of the necessity of munching hard bread, selling us hoe cake????????????cents; and nevertheless that the??????????still bad we made a good mar?????????????further we get into Dixie the be?????????country the more numerous the ??????population. The latter occasion mar?????????ly times amongst the boys by the odd??????????their costume and looks and the peculiar????? tonation of their voices. The music of our bands appears to be the great treat to them as on the morning of the 23rd they tripped the light fantastic tow and their heels "kept' a rocking'" in great glee. 
We arrived at Fredericksburg on the evening of the 23d. the town of Falmouth north of the Rappahannock and Fredericksburg south, the white houses and church-spires clustered and nestling upon the banks of the river whose broad bosom shone like a mirror were to us soldiers wearied with our long march both beautiful and welcome sights. And when we entered the town of Falmouth and our old torn flag which we love - and love for the very reason it is torn - was unfurled, each man felt elated, each step was firm, every thought but that of pride at seeing the Old flag floating so gloriously and triumphantly over the town of an enemy was laid aside - even home was forgotten for the time being. The inhabitants - principally females - gazed at us listlessly. As we passed by the colored folks turned out en masse, answering good naturedly the numerous questions asked and laughing heartily at the inquires we made of things in general. The Fourteenth Brooklyn and Second Berdan's  Sharpshooters were guarding the town. When our troops entered here they had a smart skirmish with the enemy who were posted behind rails piled up for the purpose. Our loss was fifteen killed and wounded. The enemy carried theirs with them. The people about here are moderate "Secesh". Treasury notes are refused and provisions high. Some of our boys who bough five and ten dollar bills of S.C. from peddlers at five or ten cents have made a good thing out of the innocent "Secesh" here with said notes which they seemed glad to get rid of.
One cannot help observing the difference between the Negroes of the town and country. In the former they are neat, clean, good looking and intelligent; in the later unkempt, misshaped, ignorant and rough looking creatures. It would be well for those philosophers who prate so absurdly about the "normal condition" and the impossibility of elevating the Negroes from a state of degradation to note this.
On the 27th we were marched about six miles from Fredericksburg. The Second (excepting Co. B, guarding the railroad) is engaged building a bridge on the Acquia & Fredericksburg R. R. The rest of the brigade are are also bridge building about two miles below. We do not anticipate moving forward until those bridges are completed. Then "On to Richmond"
By-the-by our truant chaplain, Jas. C. Richmond, made his appearance the other day; he stood by the track waving a white handkerchief as we passed. His appearance was the occasion of numerous remarks some of which are too classic to repeat. One inquired as to the whereabouts of the Paymaster and Provost Marshal with kindly Intentions.
Time will not permit of my writing more, I am writing now at midnight alone by a large fire - "Sergeant of the Guard" - have tried to sleep - but seldom even when on duty  - so I thought to beguile the long long hours by finishing this commenced a day or two since.
You shall hear from me again when I hope we shall be nearer if not safely ensconced with the Confederate capital.

Yours S

Description of an Army Hospital 

Prince St. Hospital, Alexandria, Va, 
April 30, '62

When I last wrote I did not expect my next letter would by from the hospital but here I am and here I have been for nearly a month, combating with my old enemy, the ague, who first met me on the plains of the far west and not being satisfied with the results of our former encounters, he has dug up the hatchet and confronted me on the war path of Virginia. As people in general have a horror of army hospitals, and not entirely without reasons, either a brief description of the one in which I am imprisoned our treatment, fare, &c. may not be uninteresting to the readers of the Patriot.
The building is a three story brick dwelling house formerly owned by one of the F.F. B's but as he evacuated and moved South in order to take a stranger position, Uncle Samuel took possession and it is now occupied by about 80 of his disabled nephews. This building together with one on the opposite side of the street, about the same size and evacuated about the same time, comprise what is known as Prince Street Hospital.
The present occupants are men from every state in the North and from almost every nation of the earth. In the the 1st ward where I tent, we have a great variety. The ward comprises two rooms - a double parlor in by-gone days and the best finished rooms in the house and is arranged for the accommodating of 16 persons, 14 patients and two attendants. In the first room there is a German from Wittenberg, another an old man of 68 years from Baden, a Frenchman, a Dutchman, two New Yorkers, a Vermonter, and a Sucker. In this room are two attendants, one a Michigander and the other a native of Norway but for a long time a resident of Massachusetts, a native of Wisconsin, another American but so sick that I have not tried to learn his native state, a Hibernian, a Hun, a Prussian and myself - a Blue Nose.
Of course we have some long debates with regard to the knowledge skill and enterprise displayed by different nations in war and in peace for though Irish, French and German alike think that America is a good country, they each claim for their country the honor of making America what it is. The Hibernian had had some very exalted opinions of his country and countrymen when he first came here claiming - as Irishmen do - that the Irish are the men that are doing the fighting in the present war, that the brave 69th did all the fighting that was done at Bull Run and the like but he was very soon obliged to give up those opinions as erroneous or at least to desist from expressing them in public for the Badger boy took him in hand and although Pat, like his country men in general is witty and very tonguey, he found he was no fetch for the westerner and for that reason dried up He has not said a word in praise of his country, his regiment, not Irish Generals, not even the great Duke of Wellington, for the last three days. The other nationalities meet with but little better success but not being used to victory they do not take defeat so much to heart and though vanquished they will argue still.
Besides the residents of our ward we have a very frequent visitor in the person of an Englishmen - a rare thing in our army. He is a friend of one of the attendants and comes in to talk about the war; to curse the slow progress of McClellan before Yorktown; to spit out his spleen against America and American institutions; in short to display his John Bullism in the thousand and one ways so well known by most of his countrymen. The other night he went so far as to say that our army, although large, did not amount to much and for proof made the assertion that regiment after regiment ran like sheep without firing a gun at the battle of Bull Run. I politely informed Sir John that it was a downright -- mistake and that if he knew when he was well off he would do well to deep such expressions to himself. His friend tried to help him by saying he meant the reserves that were not taken into the battle; but it would not do; however he has kept a more civil tongue since then. It seems as though people in general and the English in particular are blinder than bats for though some parts of our war machine may move slowly, any one with half an eye can see that America has done more in one short year in constructing war implements, in improving arms and artillery and in revolutionizing and improving the world that all other nations together have done for the last fifty years. England failed to get possession of New Orleans with all her boasted power and yet the Yankee nation capture it with but little loss. Napoleon is pointed at as an active general - a general that would have crushed this rebellion in half the time that our generals can but they do not take into consideration the facts that he was put at the head of the first military nation of his time and that he rose like a cloud of smoke that the gathering winds sweep away in a moment.
But to return to the hospital. We have good beds which is a luxury after being a year without any. We do not exactly live on the fat of the land but still we have no reason to complain. Full diet consists in a cup of coffee and a slice of bread for breakfast; a cup of soup, a piece of boiled beef and a slice of bread for dinner; a cup of tea, or coffee as the case may be with a slice of bread for supper. Those who are quite sick and want other things to eat can have them. Oysters, broiled beef, toast, mild, ham, and bacon, with now and then a potato are given to those who cannot eat full diet.
We cannot leave the house without a pass from the Doctor only to go into the back yard, a little square pen set out with fruit trees and rose bushes and walled in with brick so high that we cannot see over the wall. It is a lovely place but too small for one who has been used to traversing the boundless fields of the west. I have been out twice on a pass since my sojourn in this place.
The Doctors that have this hospital in charge are very kind and attentive to the sick. One of them speak French and German as readily as he does English and has no trouble in holding conversation with most of his patients - they do not give much medicine, a very commendable qualification for a Dr. for though the sickest will be apt to die, the well one will not be killed. There has been but one death here since I came.
The most disagreeable thing connected with hospitals and the most humbling, nay I will say degrading, ordeal that soldiers have to pass through in our army is being compelled to take off our hats to officers and Doctors. Take off your hat, sir, was about the first words addressed to me by an officer after enlisting and that, too, before I was sworn in. I came out from Sun Prairie to Madison, put my name on the roll and went into camp but after remaining about a week, I asked for a furlough not wishing to commence a soldiers life in real earnest until it should become necessary. Col. Coon referred me to Lieut. Col. Peck and I entered the apartment, not dreaming that I had lost my freedom, not dreaming that I was a slave and man before me my master. - Imagine my surprise then when these words fell on my wondering ear "Take off your hat sir."
At first I thought he could not mean me; why I had been among Indians, Negroes and white men, I had stood before the great and the wise but never till than had I been ordered to take off my hat.
But I saw that he meant me and with as good grace as possible I pulled off my hat but I bit my lips till they were ready to bleed and in my gear I cursed shoulder straps and every one that wore them. I got my furlough but for the degradation of that moment a dozen furloughs were no compensation. But for the name of backing out I would not have enlisted in the Second Regiment for I was not bound, however I stuck to it, but Lieut. Col. Peck I always disliked and never said much in his favor until he was unlucky enough to get the ill will of most of the men of his regiment, then I took his part for I think he had not justice done him. He could have done better on the 21st of July and so could many others. But that is all past and I am glad to say that we have no officers in our regiment now except our medical men who tell us to take off our hats and if we are not in the humor we keep them on. But there are officers and doctors who think themselves god's and that other men are but tools to do their bidding.
If the doctor comes into our ward twenty times a day, we must all stand up and take off our hats if we have them on. A German told me he never had to do it in the old country save to the priest. Alas! that we here in America, a republic fighting for liberty when we are able to fight, should be compelled to pass thro' an ordeal more degrading than despots even demand of their impressed soldiers. I never saw authority for such doing in the regulations and what is more I do not believe it is there but there should be a law against it. Are we the volunteers of 1861, dogs that we should do this thing? I would it were not so. It is no part of republicanism. There is nothing that will cut so deeply into the heart of a free man as to be told "Take off your hat, sir."
Though' the doctors that directly have charge of this hospital are very kind, the old doctor of all who comes around once a week to inspect the hospital is as crabbed and gruff as a bull-dog. He came in the other day, looked around and remarked in a very loud, rough tone "Well, doctor, I think it's time you were getting rid of some of these men." The doctor told him of the different patients and their situations. He pointed to a cavalry man who had a fractured hip "What of that " says the Doctor Chief "can't he ride a horse?" another had an ague cake in his side. The reply was "I've seen men out west whose spleen was as big as a washtub but that didn't disqualify them from duty" It 's his way and we think nothing of it.
My regiment is in McDowell's corps somewhere near Fredericksburg when last I heard of them. I expect to join it soon. The next few weeks will be full of stirring events.

April 30

The "Belle City" Rifles 

Among those who first rushed to the defense of out glorious old flag were the young men from Racine county that formed the "Bell City Rifles". Their patriotism has been equalled only by their bravery - never yet has it been said of one of them that he was a coward or a traitor. It has been our pleasure, from time to time, to notice through our columns the individual acts of bravery and heroism of our boys and we add today the subjoined statement concerning the tone of our old friend Thomas Graham of Yorkville in this County.
Lieut. A. G. Cole says: "I have pleasure in stating a few facts in relation to a praiseworthy deed performed by Thomas Graham, Co. F, 2d Wis. Regt. as they were told me by Lieut. Ruggles, Quartermaster of the regiment. At the time, the rebels made a raid on our wagon trains in the vicinity of Cattlett's Station, Graham was detached as a teamster with the train. The attack came quite unexpectedly and some of the teamsters fled. Not so young Graham but like a true soldier he stood by the team loaded in his charge. His position was partially sheltered by the Quartermaster's horse and during the melee, a rebel cavalry man caught sight of him and fired three shots at him killing the horse that sheltered him. Graham now had a chance to return the compliment and with much better success for he brought down the rebel at the first fire and succeeded in capturing him. He proved to be a Lieutenant in the Confederate service. We hope Tom made bold to retain the fellow's pistols.
We have also an extract from a letter written by a comrade of Walter Gregory who was near him when he fell. It seems that he fell in the battle on Friday the 29th inst. shot through the heart and died almost instantly . His last words to a comrade were "Fight on, Co. F. Walter's gone!" Our boys are heroes, they fight gloriously and attest their devotion to their country in their dying words.

April 30

Returned Prisoners 

About a dozen privates from the 1st Minnesota and 2d Wisconsin regiments taken prisoners at Bull Run and lately release on parole passed through here last night.
They give an interesting account of the ten months of prison life. Moved from point to point from Richmond to New Orleans in cattle cars too filthy to decently transport stock in and packed so close that they could not sit, exposed along the route to every insult from the heathen inhabiting those localities; spending four months in the common prison in New Orleans confined in the cells with not even straw to sleep on; the dudgeon equal to the Black Hole of Calcutta at all time filed; receiving only three ounces of mule meat and six ounces of bread per day, sleeping on the bare floor in rooms 9x13 with little or no ventilation and sixteen persons in a room, forms a scene of suffering rarely equalled. Still the boys say they never complained but rather rejoiced in suffering in so holy a cause.
They say that no one can imagine their feelings on seeing the old flag again when they arrived at Washington, D.C. From the whole 1500 prisoners there went up a shout equaled only by that of the Israelites when they escaped from bondage. From many a hand, suddenly, and to their captors, unexpectedly, waved the stars and stripes - small flags which they had made while in New Orleans, and concealed about their persons.
They say that about two weeks before they were release their treatment was almost entirely changed having but little to complain of and during that time only 16 out of their whole number died at New Orleans and six at Salisbury, N. C.; while their guard last a greater number. The rebels are giving up all hope of success and have lost all faith in Beauregard.
The gratification of seeing the men who have suffered so much for their country return to their homes is lessened by a knowledge of the manner in which they have been treated by their own government.
They have not received a dollar from our government since their imprisonment. In prison they earned what money they could by the labor of their hands in the manufacture of trinkets. Mr. Hobbs to whom we have elsewhere particularly referred exhibited to us a chased finger ring made by him from a beef bone. After being received by the United States officers, they were sent to New York without a cent of pay. At Buffalo the mayor provided them a good meal and too proud to beg they made the trip from that city to Chicago without food.
Pennsylvania alone had an agent in New York and all her sons were generously provided for until they should reach home.


The Hartford Evening Press makes the following extracts from a private letter written by an officer no confined in Richmond. It vouches for the genuineness of the letter.

. . . Our condition is most dark and dreary There are only three windows to the room and those on one end. the floor is always in a filthy condition. It having been used for a pork warehouse (immediately before we were removed to it, however, for a slave-pen), the floor is perfectly saturated which causes it to be coated with an amalgam of pork fat and all kinds of dirt. In walking, this vile stuff adheres to the shoes and we need a scraper more in walking here than you do in walking in the street. Then add to this the filth that comes from above. Almost 400 men are on the two floors above us and frequently as it has now been the case for two days their water closets overflow and discharge their awful contents upon us. This comes down sometimes in torrents. Yesterday it poured down where a Captain was lying with a broken leg. He had to be moved as quickly as possible and has not been able to occupy his place since on adding of this stream of pollution flowing from above. A similar stream with scarcely an intermission has been now for two days pouring down into the cook-room which is a room partitioned off in one corner of the one which we occupy. All our cooking is done in this room.

You will say, How can you eat? I answer I have scarcely thought of the matter in relation to eating. Our schooling has prepared us for it. You will wish to know what my food is. This I can soon tell you though I might give you a dietetic history which would painfully interest you. Our food as furnished by the Southern confederacy consists in the morning of bread, and meat for dinner, meat and bread for tea, meat and bread and bread and meat. This is all and this is all we get unless we have money to send out for articles. Many times we cannot do this when we have the money as we have not been able to do so now for three days. Therefore we have no sugar, no coffee, no potatoes, no money. All these articles are rarities costing immensely. We have made out to supply ourselves comfortable well by the blessing of a kind Providence.
May 1. - It is May-day but what a dreary one, dark and lowry, without and the floods within have continued all night and still pour down upon us from the sinks and privy-holes above. We are the sewer for near 400 men. There is not a foot in the cook-room excepting under the stove which is not covered with water. A hole has been cut in the ceiling which let most of the water down in one place instead of sifting it down all over. Several holes in the plank of this floor have been cut this morning to allow the water standing on it to pass through in to the basement which has long since become an awful muck-hole. Thus everything is being prepared for disease when the warm weather shall come. The measles have already broken out among us.
On the whole we are in a most deplorable condition: and what very much aggravates this unbearable state is the sending home of the men and non-commissioned officers while the officers are still held in custody. All the officers wear the most gloomy faces Our fate is uncertain, so far as we can judge, being denied the papers entirely, one man being a few days ago gagged and then made to keep time half a day at a time in order to compel him tell how a paper was got in) our army from the Rappahannock seems to be moving on this place. In this case we shall by no means be suffered to remain in Richmond but will undoubtedly be sent South. You can imagine the undesirableness of this.
May 2 - The rumor is that the officers are to be taken South. This is very probable. Report says we are to taken to Salisbury, N. C. It may be interesting to you and others to know something about what are here called citizen prisoners. They are Union men citizens of the Southern States. I do not know whether this is the only depot for this kind of prisoners, but there are hundreds in this place. I know but few of them. Some act as cooks in the lower kitchen and bring our meat and bread in to us. All these men are in every respect very worthy. There were three ministers among them. One has died. The cause of his sickness and death reveals the barbarism of the rebels and at the same time what the Union men suffer. This Mr. Webster, for such was his name was a citizen of Fairfax county taken prisoner about a month before his death. He was taken with the following men who were engaged in the peaceful occupations of life.
William S. Spur, aged 52 years; Isaac Wilbirt, 65 years of age; C. White, William Showere, 70 years old. These men were not in one instance permitted to go into their houses for money or clothing or to bid their friends good-bye. They were marched with the army eight days during which time they sleep out doors, it being in the month of January --and had but one meal per day. When the age of these men is considered the barbarism is unparalleled. But something worse than this follows. On the second day's march Mr. Showers who had reached his three-score years and ten dropped dead on the road. The battalion halted not for a moment and the officer in command forbade any attention what ever to be given to the dead man save to carry the body and place it by the wayside. There it was left. On the third day's march, a Negro dropped down dead and his remains were served in the same way. The desolation wrought by these heartless Rebels is actually beyond description. I have seen men by scores taken to the prison frequently followed by their wives and children until they were repulsed by the guards and in one case the husband and wife kissed over the bayonet, the husband disappearing within the prison while the wife went weeping away. I could write much more on this painful subject but this will suffice to give you some idea of the state of things.
Evening,  May 2--we have had a most terrible day. The floods from above continue. At one time while writing this letter, the pipe from the upper closets burst and discharged the excrement of 400 men upon us, filling room with the villain most odor. It fell with a few feet of our dining table. Every man lit his pipe and smoked for his life. The awful stench is still in the room. I do not write this to add to your affliction but I have concluded you would like to know just how we are situated and I am convinced also that the people of the North ought to know how their officers are treated. Many who have gone home have not given the true view. I have told the truth in this letter. You are at liberty to publish extracts from it. You must not permit my name to appear, for one man for getting a letter through telling facts was put into a prison cell and fed on bread and water for ten days. Many of the letters of the prisoners published at the North appeared in the Southern papers.

Lieut. E .P. Kellogg of Company C., 2d Reg't has returned to his home at Boscobel. His arm was not amputated as reported but his physicians agree that it cannot be saved. Since his return a fever has set in with tendency to typhoid and it is doubted whether he can recover. In his present condition it is thought that amputation would more endanger his life. Lieut. Kellogg possesses a bright intellect and as a writer has few superiors in the country. As a soldier his comrades considered him among the first and bravest. Quarter Master Clinton of his regiment has been heard to say that Kellogg possesses a fine intellect and during his service in the army his conduct has been without a stain.

Scalded - we called the other afternoon on Henry B. Ginty who is at home under the care of Dr. Page suffering from scald received in the recent sad disaster to the Mound City while shelling a rebel battery on White River. Out of the mess of twenty sailors to which Henry belonged but two besides himself escaped alive. He was quite severely scalded on the face, feet and one arm. At present he can walk only wish much pain owing to a contraction of the foot. His arm too, the same one injured by a cannon ball at the battle of Bull Run, is badly scalded and from appearances will be saved from permanent injury only by the best of care.
He gives some graphic accounts of events on the Mississippi having been in every naval engagement in the West save the bombardment of Forts Henry and Donaldson.
Henry Ginty has proved himself a brave boy and his narrow escapes by no means cool his ardor. If he gets well enough to return he desires to see the end of the rebellion in active duty preferring to fight for his country than to remain at home. "God bless our brave volunteers."
Sufferings of a Brave Boy  
Henry B. Ginty is a brother of Geo. C. Ginty of the Oconto Pioneer. He was among the first to enlist for the war and was wounded in the battle of Bull Run. Recently he has had another experience which is thus described by the Racine Advocate:

The Second Regiment--Colonel O'Connor

Returned-- D. D. Dodge who left this city with Capt. Ely's company as ensign returned last Wednesday afternoon having been discharged from the service on account of ill health. When Mr. Dodge resigned he held the commission of 1st Lieutenant in the company. The 2d regiment is in McDowell's division and under command of Lieut. Colonel Fairchild who is well esteemed and much respected throughout the regiment. Col. O'Connor, Lieut. Dodge states, has not been in active command of the regiment since his appointment, He is hanging on to the pay $225 per month while he is discharging none of his duties. Is it not about time he resigned or do the work he was selected to perform? The health of Capt. Ely's company was generally good when Lieut. Dodge left. --Janesville Gazette, April 26

Our information in regard to the Colonel of the 2d regiment is of an entirely different character and we do not hesitate to say that either the editors of the Gazette misunderstood Lieut. Dodge, or Lieut Dodge told them a story which the facts in the case will not substantiate. We published two months ago an extract from the Washington National Republican highly commendatory of the 2d regiment and its colonel which we then considered - and do now consider - to be fair and truthful representation; and to pace it in contrast with the above from the Gazette we insert it again:

An Excellent regiment.- A friend who has been visiting the regiments over the river calls our attention to the 2d Wisconsin a corps which came into Washington in June last and entered at once into active service. The 2d participated at Bull Run and was particularly noticed by General Sherman for its bravery in that affair. Since that time its aim has been to excel. Col. Edgar O'Connor, its commander, is a graduate of the West Point Academy, an excellent officer and a thorough disciplinarian and served for some time as an officer in the regular army. Since he took command of the 2d he has labored assiduously to bring it up to a high point of excellence and his labors have not been in vain. In brigade or division drills it is never at fault and Gen McDowell has more than once complimented it in the strongest terms. Colonel O'Connor's aim has been to drill the regiment strictly in accordance with the regulations while it is not behind the regular army in discipline. To those who think us inclined to flattery we say go ever and see the 2d Wisconsin drill and you will be fully of the opinion of those who have seen it; that is that it is an excellent corps and will be found on hand when wanted. It is in Gen. McDowell's division and stationed at Arlington.
When Colonel O'Connor first went to Washington to assume command of the regiment he was quite unwell and unable to speak so as to be heard along the whole line and he would them give the command to Lieut. Colonel Fairchild who would sound it to the whole regiment. With this assistance the Lieutenant Colonel soon became able to handle the regiment with skill and promptness, and now ranks high among army officers; but he has not the command of the regiment. Col. O'Connor has completely recovered the use of his voice and writes that he was never in better health. He assumes the active duties of his position and enjoys the esteem and confidence of the officers and men of his envied regiment. The idle filing of the Gazette that the colonel is hanging on to his pay and performing none of his duties is entirely uncalled for unjust and disproved by abundant and good authority. and may we add, that between Col. O'Connor and Lieut. Col. Fairchild the most friendly and cordial relation exist and the latter cannot but frown upon the attempts made by certain correspondents and newspapers to elevate him at the expense of his superior.
,As one conclusive proof that Col. O'Connor is able to perform his duties we may her state upon good authority that Gen McDowell that in fact given him the position of a Brigadier General allowing him to still retain the command of his favorite regiment.