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1863 August, The Second Wisconsin

August 1st, break camp, march to Beverly Ford. 
August 2nd,
cross on pontoon bridge over the Rappahannock River below the railroad and bivouac in line of battle. In this position we remain until 
Aug. 7th,
when we recross the river to go into camp on the riverbank near the pontoon bridge. Whole distance marched, eight miles.

Cornelius Wheeler’s diary

August 12, 1863 

General Meade is a tall, slim, gray-bearded man. He wears glasses, an old slouched hat, a blue blouse with corduroy pants tucked into his long jack boots. He is ungainly in looks and action, plain of speech, familiar and free in conversation when not occupied with business. He has the confidence of the President to a high degree.

LaCrosse Independent Republican