August 1861
Camp Cutler,
Harrisburg, Penn FRIEND COVER:-having a few moments of leisure time, I thought I would let you know how we are progressing on our journey. We are now camped at Harrisburg, Penn. We will proceed to Harper's ferry in a few days, and front there to Washington. The fifth Regiment left Camp Randall three days before we did they were here waiting for us. The Fifth left here yesterday; we will soon follow them As we were coming through from Madison, at all towns and cities we passed we were greeted by large and enthusiastic crowds of people; hot coffee, cakes, pies and refreshments of different kinds, were fully distributed through the cars; at Milwaukee we met with a splendid reception the ladies had a dinner prepared for us which could not be beat anywhere in the East or West. The citizens of Milwaukee will long be remembered by the boys of the sixth; the ladies especially God bless them! the health of our camp is good although the weather is extremely warm the boys are very tired with traveling, no leaving slept any since we left Madison we have met with several companies of three month volunteers returning home they say the Southern men do not stand fire very well; we are ready and anxious to try their grit anyhow. The boys of gallant Wisconsin will never falter, when the storm of battle shall rage around them We are the color company of the Sixth Regiment and carry the regimental colors; and I feel safe in saying in behalf of Company "C" that the splendid flag entrusted to our care shall not be dishonored by and met of ours. We shall bring it back unsullied by traitors hands. I have had the honor of shaking hands with two of Major Anderson's daughters we met here. I will now come to close as the drum is beating for us to fall in; you will hear from me again more anon. Yours &c. W. H. Drues. P.S. direct all letters or papers to company "C" Sixth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, Washington D.C. THE SIXTH REGIMENT Letters from the officers of the Sauk co. Rifles have been received, dated Aug 1st. at Harrisburg, from which we learn that they arrived in that place late at night on the 31st. ult., and on the morning of writing, received orders to proceed to Harper's Ferry, to take the palace probably of the Wisconsin First, which was said to be then on its return. Our boys were feasted and cheered all along the route by the kind attentions of patriotic ladies. The largest and handsomest cake was given to co. A at Milwaukee; it was accompanied by a splendid bouquet, and bore the inscription "Flowers may fade, but the honors of the brave never." At Racine and Chicago they were feted, after which they took the cars for fort Wayne and Pittsburgh, thence to Harrisburg. They were to be armed at this last place, but the Quarter-master, being about to supply them with the old flintlock muskets, Col. cutler told him out boys bad better work at home than using such things in the field. The Mayor of the city had gone to Washington to procure Enfield rifles, but whether he returned in time to equip the 6th we do not learn. The wives of the officers who accompanied the troops were to return the next day. the boys are all in excellent spirits and anxious to "wipe out" the disgrace of the Bull's Run stampede. They speak in the highest terms of the colonel and Lieut. colonel, and we may add, that if these latter are worthy the troops they command as we have reason to believe thy are none need ever fear for the result of the battle in the quarter where they are posted.
writing the above we have receive the following
DEAR REPUBLIC: We left Madison Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, and arrived at Milwaukee at 2 o'clock, where the citizens had a good dinner waiting for us. We marched through the city, partook of our refreshments, and started for Chicago at 4 o'clock; where we arrived at 10 at night , and changed cars. We had to march about a mile and a half, and were then furnished with some refreshments, such as hot coffee cakes &c. We left Chicago for Pittsburgh at 12 o'clock at night; arriving at the latter place at 7 in the morning. We staid there about an hour and then started for this place, where we arrived Tuesday night at half past ten. Our whole trip was one continual ovation-at every city, village and hamlet, we were greeted with cheers from the men and smiles form the ladies. but here no preparations had been made for our reception; not even a proper place to sleep had been prepared for us. Our only bed was the ground, our knapsacks were out pillows, and the clear blue sky answered as covering. Yet I, believe I never sleep sounder in my life. It was something romantic to see one thousand men occupying such a bed together.- We made the whole trip without meeting with any accident whatever. There are about 10,000 troops in camp near this city. I heard a report this morning that the 1st Wisconsin Regiment were encamped near here. We were all ready to pay them a visit, when the story proved to be a hoax. We will strike our tents here tomorrow at 7 o'clock, and start for Harper's ferry. We have not yet received our arms, but will get them at Frankfort, in this State. We shall be armed with the Enfield rifle or the Minnie musket. The boys are all anxious to be off; they most unnaturally prefer to be among their enemies than their friends,-at present. Although all of co. A. are unused to this kind of life, they stand it like old soldiers, and will undoubtedly retain the reputation and position which we have and occupy. On our way here we met several regiments of three months men returning home. Many of them were determined to enlist for the war, and they undoubtedly would have continued right along in the service but for the inefficiency of their officers. On this ground we cannot complain. all our regimental officers are fitted for their posts; especially our colonel, who had the confidence of every man in the regiment Of our Captain and Lieutenants, I have only to say that they are an honor to the company and to old Sauk. As an instance of the estimation in which our officers are held by others, Mr. Tenney, of Madison who accompanies our Regiment asked me what Company I belonged to, a and when I told him, he said; "You were lucky in getting a Captain who understands his business so well ." We are proud of our Company officers. Notwithstanding there are over 20 cases of sickness in the hospital, there are none from our Company; they are nearly all of the measles, A member of Co. E. died last night from the effects of liquor-the poor fellow will be buried this morning. Our friends at home need have no fears of such a thing happening in co. A, for I have not heard of a drop of liquor being drank in our co. since we left Madison. God grant that it may continue so. Yours Truly SAUKEE ARMY CORRESPONDENCE The following from one of our oldest townsmen now an officer in the Sauk county Rifles, will be read with interest by all, Notwithstanding some of the narrative portions appeared in another left published last week, we have concluded to present it to our readers entire:
"Camp Atwood,"
Hamilton Park, FRIEND KELLOGG:-I thought I would write you a short epistle of our journey, tlms for towards the war. You know that we left camp Randall one week to-day, via Milwaukee, where we were received by thousands of people. At that lovely metropolis of our own beloved Wisconsin, we were fed most plentifully with all that palate could wish. We were then marched to the Lake Shore depot, where we went aboard the cars and took our departure for Chicago amid the cheers of thousands of you fellow citizens who wished us a glorious success, and that we might all return happily home again; (but that last wish, I am sorry to say, can never be granted the Great disposer of events has taught us, in this short space on one week's absence from our lovely western homes, that such wishes are never to be realized). We passed the beautiful city of Racine where we were cheered on our course by a large concourse of people: also at Kenosha. Shortly after passing the last names city, we crossed the line of our own Wisconsin, many of the boys never to re-cross that line again. We arrived in Chicago after dark that same fine Sunday evening, having passed Waukegan and other places, where we were cheered on by a multitude of people. At Chicago, notwithstanding the darkness of the night, we were met by thousands of people, Amid shouts and cheers for the union and for Wisconsin, we marched through some of the principal streets, then to the Depot of the fort Wayne &Pittsburgh R.R. and went aboard the cars, had some refreshments, met some friends, and about one o'clock that night the locomotive started us for Pittsburgh. We (the officers and their ladies, those who had them along, and many of them had), went into the sleeping cars-went to bed and slept very well-woke up in the morning, (Monday), somewhere out in "I-n-d-i-a-n-a," stopped at Fort Wayne-washed, took breakfast and all seemed to feel well. This is a right smart chance" of a town, said to have some fifteen thousand inhabitants; but most of the country we passed over in the Hoosier State is pretty hard. Anybody can see that Fever and Ague in the principal product of that country. At what exact point or at what particular time we pass into Ohio, I do not know, We stopped at Crestline, Ohio, a fine place, some fine country in Ohio, but not up to Wisconsin-not much fruit through there this year. It was a perfect ovation for us all through. We arrived in the smutty smoky city of Pittsburgh about four o'clock Tuesday morning and remained there about an hour and a half, when we took up our line of march by R. R., to Harrisburg, We passed some fine farming country and beautiful town; but did not find the people as enthusiastic generally as in the west; (still Pennsylvania has done more in the number of soldiers furnished than any other state; and those that we have seen appear to be about the hardest cases). We crossed the mountains about noon. There is a tunnel of about a mile, then we commenced a descent of some ninety feet to a mile, for five or six miles. It was one of the grandest, most romantic views I ever saw. The artist might sketch it but pen cannot describe it. down the mountain we went, whew -to-whew! and brought up to the beautiful town of Altoona, in the deep valley of the noted, "Junietta." At this place we dined, and passed on amid cheers from the ladies and gents who had gathered there,-arrived at Harrisburg, the Capital of the great State of Pennsylvania, after ten o'clock that (Tuesday) night, all pretty well tired out,-were thrown out into a stubble field, about a mile and a half from the city,-threw ourselves down on the ground, with a blanket over us, for the night but most of us got along very well and slept; there were a few sick that it was pretty hard for. The ladies got in a house near at hand that turned out to be a sort of tavern when we could see at day light; but the tavern had been overrun with soldiers ever since April last, "Camp Curtin" being near. Frank M. Crandall took cold in his face that night and has bad a very bad face, but it is better now, Doctor. Chapman lanced it and I am in hopes he will get along, but I think he had better not started out with us. We pitched our tents in the said stubble field Wednesday morning. It was very warm and the sick not no better; some few had the measles. One poor fellow of Bragg's Rifles, (Fond du Lac) died on Thursday night and was buried on Friday morning, in the Cemetery, at the city of Harrisburg, with military Honors. This was a sad day for many of us. In the morning our first dead was buried and in the afternoon necessity required that we send our ladies, who had accompanied us so far, home. Yesterday (Saturday) morning we were up at three o'clock, at four struck our tents preparatory to leaving for this noted city. The 5th Regiment left Harrisburg two days before us and are at Hagerstown. We were to be ready to leave at eight o'clock, and we were ready, but the Railroad Co.'s here have no souls, and don't seem to care; they furnished us with freight and cattle cars about noon, with one car for the field and commissioned offers, equal to second class car on our western roads. We were glad to get away from Harrisburg; we were near Camp Curtin, and there have been so many soldiers there, and so many of their waste provisions thrown away that the whole country around is perfect stench. Camp C. is on the State fair ground, but does not begin to compare with Camp Randall as to conveniences. They have a battery these of thirty-two pieces, all brass six and twelve pounders. The city of Harrisburg is something of a manufacturing place, but principally noted as being the Capital of the State. It contains some fifteen thousand inhabitants, but is not near as fine a place as Madison; the Capitol is built of brick, nothing remarkable about the architecture; it stands on an eminence, and from the dome there is a fine view up and down the Susqtiehannah. We heard much complaint from the Penn. soldiers about their pay, they being paid in paper money and many they say have not got their pay, and are not near as well clothed as Wisconsin boys; everybody knows a Wisconsin boy by his good clothes; and the boys all feel under obligation to Gov. Randall for the care, pay and clothing they have received. It costs something to be sure, but I do say if any class should be well fed, well clothed, and well paid, it is the citizen soldier, who leaves home and friends to fight the battles of his country. We got the sick and all aboard the cattle cars and left Harrisburg at one o'clock P.M. yesterday, though I think some of the sick should have been left unless a good car could be had, for it was very warm. There is some very fine country between Harrisburg and the Maryland line, especially about York, which is a fine city; on the height, at the line, the cars stopped for a train to pass, and the boys went out picking blackberries, which were very fine. from the Maryland line we found squads of the Wisconsin 4th reg. at every bridge and oftener, to guard the R. R. and bridges. We arrived in this monumental city after night say ten o'clock, formed in two ranks and took up the line of march for this park noted in the war of 1812. We marched like yoked pigs in the dark, through the city without music it seemed as if it was five miles, but I is said to be a little more than three miles. we were without arms except side arms,-most every one had either pistols or dirk-knives, and our pistols were well leaded; but all was quiet. We were guarded by a strong police force. The ground where we encamped in the darkness of the night is very hard gravel; it is just outside the original park, but is now enclosed with the park and was to have been put in fine shape this season but for the ravages of war. We lay immediately down on this ground with only our blankets; this (Sunday) morning we pitched our tents for the first time in the enemies country,-we occupy a height over looking the city, federal Hill; opposite us on the other side the city covered with solders, and in plain view of Fort McHenry; we are beautifully situated here, and have considerable shade in the park, which we are thankful for as the heat is excessive. This is a beautiful city, but portions of it ought to be leveled to the ground, and in other portions they are just as loyal people as be found in the Union-so say the police. The most disloyal portions of the city are those composed strongly of Irish, so said and the aristocracy who sell them and buy them as they choose. They hauled a steamer to at Ft. McHenry yesterday, firing across her bow, and have here tied up there now; she was laden with some ten thousand pistols, guns, rifles, and a large quantity of provisions. She was sailing finely down the Bay, a good Star and Stripe ship of course it is not known even in the city how many men they have in the fort. Today two stray bullets came whistling into our camp, one was saved; it is near on ounce ball, and was fired by a scoundrel of a secessionist seen lurking away across ravine to the eastward. If anything of the kind happens tomorrow, they will be hunted, and our Co. will probably be the one sent to do it. We were again startled this morning the orderly Sergeant (Campbell) of the Montgomery Guards, fell out of the ranks last night as we marched through the city, perhaps to have a good time though he had not been well for some days-at any rate he died in the course of the night. He was an Irishman, the same who present't me with a big knife a good one in a close fight. This has been Sunday all day, it is said, but it has not seemed much like Sunday in our quiet little village at home. Capt. Malley has been quite sick all day. Ten o'clock, Sunday nigh.-I have just received an order from the Col. to detail ten men with a Sergeant with guns loaded and each spare cartridge; ten each from other companies detailed have just left for the city, we suppose, under commands of Col. Atwood escorted by some of the police where or for what I know not, but probably some hole in city needs closing out. The boys are ready for it,-they all wanted to go, Sergeant Miller is detailed with them "Baby" is also one of the men, him and Miller will be hard to handle in a rough game. Aug. 5th, in the morning-last night at about half past eleven a number of musket shots were fired in the neighthood of the camp. We were all ordered out, fall in with loaded muskets and fixed bayonets, and marched out into an open country near camp and displayed as skirmishers at five paces to the intervals, and ordered to lie down. We lay there with our heads down hill for three hours and a half but get no chance at the enemy. Our brave Capt. notwithstanding he had been sick all day and suffering still from quite a fever was on hand and let the led the co. out. Capt feels no worse this morning for the last night's hard job. Lieut Thomas has a very bad cold. I am tough Capt. and Lieut.'s send compliments to all. I am officer of the guard today; it will be pretty hard tonight. Oh! one thing I intended to mention in place, one Paul Will deserted us at Harrisburg. We are all right this morning except being quite fatigued from loss of sleep. This written amid the confusion of camp, and the excitement in an enemy's country. Our best regards to all. Yours Truly, D.K. NOYES
From the Wisconsin State Journal
NEAR BALTIMORE August 5th, 1861 Editors State Journal:-During the last week the Sixth Wisconsin has been made to realize the full sense of the word, that they are United States soldiers. Of our departure from Camp Randall,-occupied so long as to seem almost like home-you know all consequently I will pass over that . Our journey through Wisconsin was one grand signal for the uprising of the populace, and the outpouring of patriotic feeling. Bouquets were showered on our men cannons fired and cheers given at every little hamlet or city until we reached Milwaukee, where we were treated to a dinner prepared in the finest style. At Racine, one of our boys received a bouquet in which he found a note reading as follows: "My dear brother was killed last Sunday. Avenge his death!" At Chicago we also were served with a meal, but it was not quite so successful as that of the Milwaukeeans. From Chicago to Pittsburg we were received in fine style -the citizens furnishing us with coffee, and other things equally acceptable.- From Pittsburg to Harrisburg we were received enthusiastically, but as this is the only road by which access can be had to eastern Virginia soldiers were no novel sight to the people of that section. We arrived at our camping place about twelve o'clock at night, and without waiting to spread our tents, stretched ourselves out on the ground with Col. Bird's covering. On looking about the next morning, I discovered that we were located about two miles from the city, in a wheat field, on the bank of the canal. I managed to get down into the city, and took occasion to visit the State Arsenal. It is a large brick building, and is guarded by Pennsylvania troops. To an amateur soldier like myself, it presented a great many curiosities and attractions. Among other things, I saw a large six pound brass cannon brought to this country during the Revolutionary War by La Fayette; also an eighteen pound brass cannon, captured at Cerro Gordo by Gen. Patterson, under Major Gen. Scott. About one hundred men were employed in making cartridges &c. I also visited the lunatic asylum. It is a fine building rather plain in style, and so far as architectural beauty and fine finish is concerned does not approach ours It is furnished in an exceedingly plain manner, and accommodates three hundred patients. The State House is a large brick building located in the same park with the Arsenal. At present it is filled with troops and does not present a very attractive appearance. On Saturday morning we "struck" our tents and took the Northern Central road for Harper's Ferry as we at first supposed. On the route we met all sorts of people some with grim sour visages that looked curses if nothing more; but I am glad to say a majority were of an opposite cast filled with smiles and "God Speeds" coming out of their mouths freely. I can claim the honor of being the first man in the regiment in Secessia as I was standing in the front car when we crossed the Pennsylvania and Maryland line. We arrived at Baltimore about eight o'clock in the evening and were somewhat surprised at finding orders to encamp there. We marched up through the streets without arms to Patterson Park on the eastern boundary of the city limits and on the north side of the bay, opposite Fort McHenry. We again slept on the ground it being too late to spread our tents. Sunday morning we pitched our tents and commenced camp life in earnest. The park in which we are located is the grounds on which the embankments were thrown up in 1812-14 to protect the city against Ross and they still stand. The New York 20th left the grounds a few days previous to our taking possession. On Sunday night we had a slight scrimmage, which excited every one to such an extent that it is next to impossible to get at the truth of the matter. So far as I can learn the correct version of the affair is as follows: Anticipating some disturbance, Lt. Col. Atwood took command of four companies (A. B. C. and D.,) armed with "revised flint locks," and posted them as picket guards. About ten o'clock an alarm was given, the guard having been fired upon. In less than ten minutes every man in the camp was wide awake some as crazy as bed bugs and others as cool as cucumbers. for an hour or more bullets were whistling about in all directions. On our side no one was hurt, (a la fort Sumter,) but I am told by a policeman that two wounded men and one dead man have been found in the woods adjoining the camp, all of whom were known to be vile secessionists. The aggressors numbered about twenty and were concealed in a gully about a quarter of a mile from our guard line. during the whole of the fracas, Col. Atwood remained as cool and unexcited as an old experienced soldier. Col. Cutler also was present where the balls were flying thickest as calm and composed as a veteran, as he really is. This little brush had its good effects, as it stirred the boys up to a due appreciation of the fact that they were soldiers in an enemy's country, and in a dangerous position causing them to be more careful in the performance of their duties, &c. Since we left Camp Randall we have lost two men by death. The first was at Harrisburg which by the way, when compared with our present encampment is a very unhealthy place. His name was Nathaniel Decameter, cause "tangle-leg." The second was Sergeant Campbell, Orderly of Company D. (Montgomery Guards.) He died in Baltimore, Sunday evening very suddenly. Our boys are perfectly satisfied. They do their own cooking-their rations being issued to them in the raw condition, and some of them are becoming quite proficient in the culinary line. Commissary Jackson has systematized matters in such a manner that he now issues four days rations at a time, so that every one is contented and comfortable. Baltimore is more than half secession, although in the State there is beyond all doubt a small majority for the Union. OUR ARMY CORRESPONDENCE-FROM THE SIXTH REGIMENT
Camp Kalorama,
near Washington, Eds. Journal:-On Thursday last while our boys were preparing for dress parade, in Camp Atwood near Baltimore, we received an order to come to Washington at once. In half an hour's time the tents were all struck, baggage packed, knapsacks slung, and every man in the ranks ready to move.
looked on in wonder at the expeditious manner in which the boys performed
their duty.- With the exception of water our camp is an excellent one-cool and healthy on account of the elevation. The greatest peculiarity of this climate that I have noticed as yet is a dense fog every morning, which as the same result as a heavy rain. We received "altered muskets" in Baltimore, but are to have new ones, of the Minnie pattern, before long. I was somewhat surprised this morning at meeting Harrison Reed and N.B. Van Slyke, of Madison in our camp. Gen. King is here and has assumed the command.-Gen. Scott complimented us by saying to a friend of mine that "Wisconsin sends the best soldiers I have." The boys are all in good spirits and ready for any sort of work, provided it is tinctured with war. To me it looks as though there has been considerable apprehension amongst "the powers that be," for quite a number of the regiments quartered around Baltimore were ordered here post haste at the same time we were. We have all sorts of tumors in regard to our future prospects.-Among other hearsays is one that the enemy's pickets have been within six mile of us. At any rate we are in the midst of secessia and are obliged to guard on water. The only accidents worthy of note that have occurred since my last are as follows: Major Sweet was riding through Pennsylvania avenue or colonel Atwood's horse, when I stumbled and fell the Major going over his head and striking or his left shoulder breaking his collar bone. He was kindly cared for via a Mr. Burns until provision was made to carry him into camp where he now is rapidly recovering The Major is a splendid horseman and it is the fault of the horse alone. The horse by the way which you know was given to col. Atwood by our citizens does not meet the expectations of all.-He is very vicious, and at times perfectly unmanageable. CHANDLER CHAPMAN, the Hospital Steward, was injured in the leg by a care less soldier who was throwing a knife which struck a stone and glancing off the blade went in just in the rear of the knee between the chords. Gen. King's brigade consists of the Fifth and Sixth the Nineteenth Indiana, all of which are encamped here. We have received 50,000 rounds of cartridges, which are being issued today. Sunday, Aug 11th.-To night it rains A rainy day in any place is dreary and unpleasant, but in camp it is hellish to us poor amateurs. (our boys feel insulted when called green horns.) But thanks to generous Wisconsin we are all dry except our whistles, which are wet with cold coffee, and other bibulants. Pipes and tobacco come into play such nights as this. On account of the rain we have had no religious services to day, but a large lot of newspapers from home, sent to us by Hon. John F, Potter, has aided greatly in killing time. Private Mead of co. B-Prescott Guard- has been promoted to the noncommissioned staff, and now holds the position of Ordnance Sergeant.
D.C., Aug. 10, 1861 Night before last some of our dragoons went across the river, took fifteen secession scouts, and brought them in ; and as near as we could learn there is a large force of the enemy this side of Centerville. Every branch of the service is brisk and active here. Gen. McClellan is at work. He visited our camp yesterday and assured col. Cutler that we should get a place in the first advance. He fairly flies from place to place, and is seldom long at one point. Every one seems to have the most implicit confidence in him. Preparations seem to be now making for a concerted movement into Virginia and down the Mississippi in the autumn, and you may depend on it when these mighty columns are got in motion it will require a force of rebels such as never yet were found at one or two of their various encampments to resist them. Still this is only surmise after all, for very little is known of the plans of the campaign; but reason would prompt the supposition that officers like Scott, McClellan and Fremont would not enter upon a war so vast as this without a plan for the co-operation of their division upon a common basis when that plan if properly executed must insure success. Gen. King is here now forming his brigade; at least some of our boys say. I have not seen him or McClellan myself since we were here. The routine of a private's duties does not often bring him in contact with officers of such rank in camp. We have not had much evidence of the existence of any such region as Wisconsin since we left there-no letters or papers having been seen coming from that remote and inaccessible State; but we still trust that we are not forgotten, although for the time neglected by our friends.
Yours truly,
ARMY CORRESPONDENCE HEADQUARTERS 6TH REGIMENT W.A.M. Camp Kalorama, Washington Aug 12, 61. FRIEND KELLOGG: I have made several attempts to write you a few lines and to give a brief account of our journey to Washington, but I find that the boys have forestalled me in this. One incident, however, by the way they were not aware of that I will mention to you: co. a. was riding in the first train and I stepped off to await the arrival of the second train. I had the unspeakable pleasure of being introduced to Col. Anderson's daughter, a young lady of about seventeen, very unassuming in her manners, plain in her dress with pretty featured. The introduction was in this wise: The train was arriving so I stepped off the car to enquire if there was any water provided for the soldiers, when a gentleman stepped up to me from among the crowd and asked me what I was in the regiment, my name etc. After answering his questions he said: "Wouldn't you like to have an introduction to "Miss A. and two Misses A. about the ages of twelve and fourteen. Quarter Master Mason then took Miss A. and your humble servant took the Misses A."s and walked with them the whole length of the train introducing them to the boys of the 6th then the cheering each ear full giving nine cheers for the hero of Sumter and his daughters. I had not the pleasure of seeing the Colonel, he being about two miles distant; although some of the boys in the first train saw him. Before you receive this you will have heard of our hurried departure from Baltimore to Washington; we were packed up and away at thirty minutes notice; I was sitting watching the men preparing for dress parade, when; Col. Cutler came to me and told me to have things ready in thirty minutes, as he had received an order to march; in about that time the gallant 6th was marching out of camp; it did me good to see how prompt the men were in all their movements; there were a few left behind to take care of the sick, which have all arrived here since. Corporal McLoney is here just arrived from Madison, where he lay sick at the time we commenced our march.- The Mass. Reg. arrived in this encampment last night and this morning. They are a fine set of men; they bring their own teams and wagons with them; their horses are the best that I have seen in the country; there are now six full regiments in this encampment, and several more within two miles; their white tents are visible all around us; the 5th Wis. is the nearest regiment to ours. I understand we are now formed into line of battle, and the boys are very anxious to fight, but in my intercourse with them I tell them to be patient and the time will come when they will have a chance to be up and at 'en. Whilst I am sitting writing this the whole of the 6th Regiment is out on battalion drill, with Sauk Co. Company in front of my tent; with four rods of me stand George Miles, M. G. Jones, Corporals Foote, Lee, J. I. Weirich, Ira Scott, Bill Thomas, E., Smalley, and in fact all the rest looking just as well and cheerful as young men possibly can look; and now the well-known voice of Capt. Malloy, "Attention Company!" Arms are shouldered at the command of Col. Cutler, the regiment formed into platoons and Now they march. Be Proud, Sauk County of your sons and brothers ets. for they are worthy. OLD SAUK Letter From the Sixth Regiment HEADQUARTERS OF COMPANY "C"
Sixth Regiment
Wis. Volunteers, EDITOR HERALD:-Previous to my departure for the land of "Dixie" I promised to drop you a line occasionally. Perhaps I have been tardy in the fulfillment of that promise. As much as I admire promptitude, I find it utterly impossible to at all times manifest that degree of promptitude that I, as a matter of course would, were we surrounded by circumstances in their mature foreign to those by which we are now surrounded and controlled. Submitting this as an apology for my tardiness, I will now, in my way attempt to impart to you an idea of things in general existing at this time in the land of Secession. From the fact that you have other correspondents in Camp, I presume that I can communicate nothing new consequently, as writing is not my best "hold" I will not trouble you with a very lengthy communication. We arrived at the city of Washington early on the morning of the 8th of the present month, and went into Camp on the evening of the same day. Our Camp is located the distance of one mile from Washington, upon a very high eminence, partially overlooking the city; from our camp also can be seen, as it meanders through the broad and placed bosom float at all times vast numbers of steamers, sloops and men of war, and upon whose cedar fringed banks the luxuriant fields and flowery meadows, while still farther in the distance, as far as the eye can see, stretches the lately forest robed Arlington Heights, which now being cleared off and dotted over and encampments, form a perspective as grand and varies as it is beautiful. The number of soldiers in our encampment now amounts to about ten thousand, the number being augmented by additional troops every day. the Wisconsin Fifth and Sixth regiments are encamped side by side; the Wisconsin Second is encamped three miles from us. Everything goes on like clockwork in our camp; good feeling and good order prevail on all sides every man manifesting an eagerness in fitting him self properly for the great battle that is anticipated soon; each believing himself to be the hinge on which the whole thing will turn acts accordingly. The health of our camp, is remarkably good. Our fare thus far, though course. is wholesome; it consists of loaf bread, hard biscuit, pork, beef, beans rice and coffee, extras being furnished at our own expense. The bustle and excitement incident to camp life agrees well with me. I now prefer gunpowder to butter on my bread, and can sleep perfectly comfortable upon the sharp edge of a rail. Within a distance of eight miles. from here there are now encamped one hundred thousand soldiers and every man is a "brick" a The nearest rebel encampment is twenty miles. Our Regiment has bad but one little brush with them as yet; that occurred while we were encamped in Baltimore; it resulted however in our favor; not a man of us were touched, while three of theirs were carried from the field dead and a fourth minus a leg. We are under the necessity of laying aside our gray uniforms furnished by the State, and be furnished with blue, as a great many of the confederate troops have the gray; they take every advantage in their power; some of them even carry the stars and stripes for the purpose of fighting advantageously. I furnish you with a list of the Grant county boys in our Regiment.
You will hear from me soon again. Yours with respect, B. B. M.
Head Quarters,
6th Regiment W. A. M. FRIEND KELLOGG:-I believe I left off, in my last to you, at Baltimore city. ON Monday of last week we were pleasantly situated there, with plenty of good water, pleasant shade, &c. we some expected to remain there until the hot season had somewhat subsided, but on the next day Tuesday the order came at about six o'clock, P.M., to strike our tents preparatory to taking up our line of march and in one hour all were ready again except some thirty-five sick in the hospital. Lient. Brain with ten men were detailed to remain with and follow the baggage. One assistant surgeon Messenger and Frank Graham with four or five others, remained to take care of the sick, most of them have since come on. Messenger is still back at Baltimore with some half a dozen sick but are ordered forward to day. Doct. Chapman says he could not spare Messenger he is so untiring in his attention to the sick. We marched through Baltimore with fixed bayonets and loaded muskets to the cars, to the tune of the Union; all was quiet and at many points we were cheered, and Gen. Scott also received the same compliment. Between ten and eleven o'clock that night the cars moved off with us. At the Relay House we took the Washington route,-arrived in Washington about two o'clock A. M.-distance from Baltimore thirty-five miles. the third Wis. Reg. is stationed at the Relay House. We were quartered at the Assembly rooms for the balance of the night, and a very warm night it was. I took my shawl stepped out and camped on some gentleman's stone door step for the rest of the night and slept for about an hour well. Wednesday was a very warm day, and the boys were kept standing nearly all day in the hot sun. The soldiers have to pay about double price for every thing they need to buy. If it was not for the Government records and property of the Government in this city, it would do many of the Washingtonians good to have their city taken by the Southern Traitors and burned over their heads; and they will destroy it with every building in it if they ever do take it. The business men of the city (they of course being those who intend to make the most money out of the war they can), do not look upon a volunteer soldier with half the favor they do upon a common "Nigger." Very many commissioned officers have resigned with in the past ten days, and some of them will go in to the regular army if they can get in. The volunteers are fleeced at every corner. Hardship we expected and can endure, but to encounter cormorants at every turn is a little more than was bargained for. Towards evening we marched to this camp, passing the President's house,-halting there a few minutes to rest under the fine shade in front,- arrived here without out tents, and consequently had to lie on the open field over night. The tents and baggage arrived about daylight Thursday morning. We pitched our tents that day and began to get ready to live again. Two or three were left in the city sick; Gel. Miles was one, but he came up the following evening better. Friday, we commenced our regular drill by battalion again.
We are not
very unpleasantly situated here, about two and a half miles from the city
and a little over a mile from Georgetown,-the Old Columbian College about
eighty rods to the east of us. We are near Rock Creek a little sluggish
stream that empties into the Potomac a little below us.- We have had no alarms since arriving here, but all seems quiet. Our lines extend upon down the river some fifteen miles on either bank; how large the force we know not. Aug. 15.-Saturday, Sunday and Monday , nothing new in our camp worthy of remark. Some of the sick arrived from Baltimore improved in health, and I believe there are five still back, belonging to the regiment. Tuesday, Capt. Malloy and self got a pass from Col. cutler and Gen. King to go into the city, where we spent most of the day, but it was not a pleasant day however, as it rained most of the time; we called at the white House, at the Treasury, and strolled through the Capitol, found the Hon. J. f. Potter busy at the Committee room, ferreting out treason in the different departments of State. I think some of those clerks will awake some morning with their heads off. Judge Potter has authorized out chaplain, Mr. Staples and his clerk to frank letters, &c. for the soldiers, but Major C. H. Larabee threatens to prosecute the man who franks in that way; but on dress parade last evening every officer from the Col. down, said to Mr. Staples to go on and frank and we would see him clear. The 5th Wis. Regiment is next neighbor to us, and the 14th and 15th Massachusetts are near us, and splendid regiments they are too. They are the best provided, every way of any regiments I have seen,-they have their teams,-a four horse team for each company, teams for the field and staff officers, and four ambulances to each Regiment. God Bless old Massachusetts, she always took the lead. Last evening Reuben Hitchcock, from the N.Y. 14th Reg., "Seymour's Battery," came into our camp; he is a nephew of Mr. P.A. Basset, and was in the store there at Baraboo a year or two ago. He looks as if he could do good service. His Regis stationed across the Potomac, opposite Georgetown. We all expect now that old Gen. Scott will say "forward, march," when he gets ready, and we are all willing to abide the time, We learn that our pickets are being extended a little all the while. Often horses and other of the enemy's property is taken, also prisoners and brought in. Most of our boys who had not had the measles have had them since we left home, and some few have them now, though most of them are getting better, A number are sick or unwell from drinking the poor water we have to drink here. I have been a little unwell ever since we came to this camp. Doct. Preston and Messenger have just arrived with all the sick from Baltimore, so we are all together again except the two dead, one of whom died at Harrisburg. The boys generally feel well, and are willing to face the enemy when ordered. Capt. Malloy and Lieut. Thomas are all right. Truly Yours D. K. Noyes.
LETTER We are on the Maryland side of the Potomac, on Rock Creek, about one mile from the city of Washington, and are entirely surrounded by troops. We are in a good healthy position. Our rapid improvement in drilling is quite noticeable. The drilling of Co. A consists chiefly in skirmishing now. The discipline is necessarily rigid; the soldiers not being allowed to pass the guard either might or day- nor are the commissioned officers much more privileged. Our little army from Sauk County held out nobly as far as health hope and courage are concerned. The most of them are young and have left good comfortable homes, yet they seem to endure fatigue as well and even better than come companies composed more of pinery and river men, who have been accustomed to harder usage. We spend our time principally, when not drilling or sleeping, in reading as many of us brought books with us, and have also the daily papers printed in Washington and Baltimore brought into camp. buy the most welcome sheet we receive is the Baraboo Republic, for which we are very grateful to your kindness Mr. Editor, in sending us some copies.- It is like an intimate friend from home, and talks of things familiar and people with whom we are acquainted. Some of the boys have maps also of the seat of war, which they study and they think they can plan a campaign as well as any one. We do not notice much difference between the climate here and that of home. The nights have been quite cool since we came here. The boys are more eager than ever to get into action. they say they would like to do up the fighting and go home; but it is improbable and I think I may safely say impossible that all of us shall see home again. Each one is confident that some of us must die, but he rather thinks that he, himself will not be one of the unfortunate victims. I think, however, that none would cling to life if it was demanded to gain a single victory. Though the camp is not a congenial place for a person that would be of a dreamy or reflective turn of mind, it does not serve to diminish the fond memory of those relatives and kind friends that we left in Sauk county. the usual excitement of such a place if allayed at times would under such circumstances, naturally be succeeded by pleasant yet almost painful recollections. Last night it seemed as if all were irresistibly and collectively reminded of home. It was a beautiful moonlight evening and Kalorama Heights, though not so very rude or wild, appeared grand and impressive last night. The camp was quiet and all seemed to be enjoying the silent beauties of the extreme with the greatest admiration. But the most touching feature of all was a silver band, a little way distant, commenced playing "Sweet Home" this was almost unendurable, the gentle strains of that familiar tune had grater significance and more effect than ever before. But let me not get wearisome. the more we think of home the more determined and anxious we feel to protect them from a traitors domineering hand, and preserve their sacred relation to the government under which they have prospered and been made beautiful. Yours in sincerity H. J. H. FROM THE SIXTH REGIMENT
Camp Kalwramma,
Washington, August 10, 1861 We were well fed-having a loaf of bread to each man, with the privilege of drinking water in the place of coffee O my God! I don't know what we should have done if our stock of bread and water had fallen short. But it didn't Camp Kaleramma is a delightful place, rivaling the Garden of Eden in which our first parents regaled themselves in shady bowers drinking the sweet nectar of the gods, and eating delicious fruits I say that this place rival it and it most assuredly does. A little stream runs close by which we call the river Euphrates and trees loaded with mellow fruit cover the encampment. Some of the most conspicuous of these are the bean tree, bread tree, honey tree, coffee tree and crab tree. The bean tree is covered with a splendid growth of nice large beans the pods varying in length from one to four feet and when cut up in small chunks and boiled are of most delicious flavor. They grow in great abundance and we have them every meal. the bread tree is small in size, and covered with a fruit which to the eye resembles the coca-nut, but on being opened is found to contain the best quality of hop yeast bread, which is sweet and answers at the same time the place of bread and cake. Of the honey tree I can only say, that we chop into it, making a kind of dish, and in the morning it will be full of honey. The coffee tree is very peculiar in shape short and thick with wide spreading branches. We tar the tree in a manner similar to that of the sugar making plan and get nice warm coffee with the trimmings all in. The crab tree is a most curious institution; tall, very tall with a came like appearance; the crabs climb up the tree, and on shaking it they fall by the bushel. We dress them and put a little pork into the pot with them When boiled we have a very delicate dish of delightful flavor. There are many other kinds of fruit, which time will not permit me to describe. You see by this that we live sumptuously, The boys are enjoying excellent health, and do not mind the nine hours drill any more than they would so much sleep We have thrown aside our tents and sleep under the trees, and some of us in the branch ets. the weather is delightful-the air cool and bracing, and comes laden with the sweet fragrance of thousand flowers. There are in this vicinity something like one hundred thousand solders, but they don't all fare as well as we do. We are ready and waiting for the scene of strife, all anxious to strike a blow for our country and flag-Wisconsin shall not be disgraced by the 6th regiment. Gen. Scott said that the 6th regiment of Wisconsin State Volunteers was the best looking body of men he had seen pass through Washington. We will prove to him that we are as brave and patriotic as can be found. Hoping that we will soon be called upon to act, I am your truly A. J. Fiker ARMY CORRESPONDENCE The following, from Capt. Malloy to one of our citizens, contains a testimial to our volunteers that will be read with us as much pride as we print it, or as it was penned:
6TH REGIMENT W.A. M. R. Jones, Esq., Dear Sir:-We are now eneamual on the north side of the Potomac, on a beautiful elevation overlooking the county for may miles around. Encampments are to seen in every direction, their white tents dotting the hills and valley it is surprising to see the number of troops that pass here daily. Yesterday a splendid battery of artillery intended for Brigade, encamped on our left. There are now under Gen. King, our Brigadier, five regiments, as follows: 5th and 6th Wis 14th and 15th Mass,. and 19th Indiana ; in all full five thousand men. I think there will be some warm work before long every thing has that appearance. We are being issued now arms, and forty rounds of cartridges. In a few day's the men will receive new uniforms of blue, the new U. S. regulation patterns; the gray is to be thrown away it being exclusively worn by the rebels. Some of our regiments in gray were fired upon by our own men at the battle of Bull's Run, supposing them to be the enemy. Such mistakes will hereafter be prevented. There is one thing I may speak of with pride. I have never been forced to put a man of the Sauk County Riflemen under arrest. Outer Captains in the Regiment have arrested, ironed knocked down and otherwise punished their men. do not think, from what I write, that it is owing to good management or lenity on my part that none of our company have been confined under arrest. the reason is simply this: They are the most intelligent and moral set of men in the Regiment. We have no cases of drunkenness or quarrels; every man does his duty promptly and faithfully, and I believe they will do their country good service on the field of battle I send you a correct likeness of Gen. McClellan, the commander of the army on the Potomac. yours truly, A. G. Malloy Later.-as we go to press, a letter comes from "Old Sank," mentioning among other things that Gen. King had now in his Brigade the 14th Pa. the 3d N.Y. Zouaves, and 79th N. Y. (Highlanders). McClellan, in the grand review, particularly complimented the 6th Wisconsin, and said their arms were in the best condition of any altered ones he had seen in the service. H. Clay was quite sick. the 6th had received a part of their new uniform. A private letter of last Saturday morning says the 6th were ordered to be ready to strike their tents at half past one that afternoon. Work was anticipated, and looked for with eagerness. From the Sixth Regiment. CAMP KALORAMA Washington, D.C., Aug. 25, 1861 Messrs. Editors:-We are yet in camp here, and from all I can learn, will probably stay here until September, unless we are attacked or sent to Missouri. I am informed by a person connected with the Paymaster's department, that this regiment will be paid as soon as it can be reached after the 1st of September-probably about the 16th. As some of the boys are running short, this is very gratifying news. Nothing of great importance has occurred in the regiment since my last and consequently I will confine myself to matters that do not exactly pertain to my specialty as a war correspondent. Last Thursday our regiment was inspected by Capt. Edward McK. Hudson who is connected with Gen. McClellan's staff, and on Saturday we were reviewed by Gen King. The 14th and 15th Massachusetts regiments have left our brigade, and the places have been filled by the 2d New York Fire Zouaves, and the 19th Pennsylvania, The 2d Wisconsin and the 79th (Highland) New York will join us soon gen. V. Smith's letter in the Patriot met with anything bur a flattering reception at the hands of those who read it or heard of it. Civilians do not seem to comprehend the fact that to ensure the success of our arms the soldiers must have implicit confidence, not only in the leader of the movement but in the loyal part of the country. Supposing that the Cabinet has been divided, and has had no strict line of policy; and supposing that an anti war party has been even thought of-and I doubt both suppositious-it would be the most disastrous thing imaginable to allow the troops to know it. Companies A and B have received the Springfield rifle, (of the same as pattern those formerly used by the Governor Guard,) and we are in hopes that the whole regiment will soon be supplied. Gen. McClellan had not made his appearance in our Camp your correspondent "Vindes," to the contrary, not with standing ??????? In Arms ARMY CORRESPONDENCE We have several long letters from "our boys" at Washington, but on room is so limited that we can publish the leading portions of but two. The first takes the reader right in camp almost as really as a visit in person. "Saukee," should according to promise, favor us oftener.
Head Quarters 6th regiment W. A. M. Friend Kellogg:-Well, I am here in camp 21/2 miles from Washington. We frequently have permission to visit the city, but when we do, we have to go "duly armed and equipped" with a passport signed by major McClellan or Provost Marshal Porter, to avoid arrest by the patriots which are constantly on the alert, looking after astray,-when arrested they are confined in the jail, until their commanding officers "prove property pay charges and take them away. Through this efficient course of prohibiting soldiers running at large, inaugurated by Major Gen. McClellan, a visitor would b surprised when informed of the vast army encamped in and around the city. Our camp has been almost entirely devoid of excitement the past ten days, but the monotony was broken yesterday morning by the order from our colonel to prepare for Brigade Inspection, which was to come off at 10 o'clock. Accordingly at the proper hour the entire Brigade, consisting of the following regiments; the Second, fifth a and Sixth Wisconsin, Nineteenth Indiana, Seventy Ninth New York, (Highland), Thirty Second Pennsylvania, and the Second New York fire Zouave Regiments, which at present make up Gen. King's Brigade, were drawn up in line of battle awaiting the arrival of Major Gen. McClellan, who was to conduct the review. About 11 o'clock the General arrived accompanied by his staff, and other notables. He began the review by slowly riding past in front of our lines, and closely examining each man, when in front of our company he halted and taking a musket from one of our men said, "Boys you arms are in the best of order." When this part of the ceremony was over, the Brigade formed in column and marched by companies past the inspecting officers who expressed themselves highly pleased with the appearance of the men. I understand that the formation of this Brigade is not yet complete-various changes may be made in the regiments composing it. There is an effort being made to have the 3d and 4th Wis Regiments transferred to this Brigade. The Second Regiment has left its quarters at Ft. Corcoran, on Arlington Heights and are now encamped near us. They present the appearance of having passed through the wars. Instead of the uniform hats furnished by the State, they are now supplied with hats and caps of every conceivable pattern, many of them picked up on the battle-field at Bulls Run, and their clothes are in many cases, "tattered and torn." Our camp was thrown into great excitement last night about 9 o'clock by the order to prepare one day's rations, and fill up our cartridge boxes. The various camp fires were cooking,-others were packing their knapsacks, and the whole camp presented a busy and weird like appearance a busy and weird like appearance. The night being very dark the body flitting around the fires looked more like demons preparing for some terrible work of destruction than human beings, and some of them your own citizens. We slept that night with our cartridge boxes on and our guns by our sides ready at any moment to march. The cause of all these precautions was an exaggerated report of the rebels intending an attack on the city,-not official, how ever. As yet I have not had a sight of a rebel soldier, although there are large numbers of their cavalry scouting on the other side of the river. Last night four federal pickets, scout out from Ft. Ellsworth, were surrounded by rebel cavalry and killed. They are constantly harassing our pickets, and are getting so hold and impudent that they frequently come within our lines. Large bodies of the enemy are encamped between here and Bull Run; they occupy Centerville and Fairfax Court House. Notwithstanding they are so near, I have not the least idea they will ever be able to attack Washington. Instead of a forward movement they will soon be compelled to adopt one of a different nature. They evidently are trying to draw our forces into another Bull Run trap; but the only Run that will bother us will be their Run. You can form no idea of the vast preparations that are making here for the defense of the city. Even now it is safe. And when I tell you that there are near two hundred and eighty thousand rations of bread dealt out daily to the troops, you can form some idea of the immense force we have in this neighborhood. It appears hardy possible that with such a force at our command, we can allow the enemy to defiantly threaten us at the very doors of our National Capitol. A collision between the two armies is but natural and I have no fears for the result,-it will forever blast Secessionism.
our boys were much pleased to take by the hand our old friend Geo.
Tompkins, of Baraboo, who some how or other dropped in upon us Sunday
morning. He remained with us until this morning. Aug 28th- being called off on duty yesterday, I could not finish my letter until to-day. This is a most dismal morning rain, rain, rain. We have an abundance and to spare of rain, slush and mud. The only thing of consequence to write this morning is that a balloon is how going up from Washington, for the purpose, I presume, of reconnoitering the enemy's position, which no doubt, means something. I cannot better close this letter than by giving you a description of my house, furniture plate, &c. My house is a good 10x12 canvass duck ten, sometimes waterproof and sometimes not; my furniture consists of one small store box, two cigar boxes and a shelf made by driving sticks in the ground and laying a plank across my furniture is a little more stylish than some of my neighbors my cupboard, (which consists of a peg), is lined with one tin plate and cup; my bed and bedstead is a soft piece of earth, carefully packed down, one India-rubber and one woolen blanket, a knapsack, which answers the several purposes of pillow, sofa, table and secretary. At present I am lying flat on my b--y, using my pillow as a writing desk. Under each disadvantageous circumstances, I of course am not expected to write you a l-o-n-g letter, but you having more comfortable advantages for writing, might give a scratch of the pen occasionally to me. At present companies "A" and "B" are armed with the Springfield rifle the remainder of the Regiment have the old musket. These arms will all be exchanged the Belgian Rifle next Saturday or Monday, the colonel not being able to procure enough of the Springfield pattern to arm the Regiment. Yours truly, SAUKEE
The next letter needs no introduction, and our only regret is our
inability to give it in full. We hope to hear from Bro. Noyes regularly Friend Kellogg:-There is now a sufficient force here to meet any that can be fought against it, with good management; but then, the full five hundred thousand men are needed to overpower the enemy, and hold possession of important places, such as Richmond, Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans. That the Rebels intended to attack Washington ere this there is no doubt; but they are too late now to do so with any show of success. The Mayor of Washington was arrested a few days since and is in confinement-a new Mayor has been elected; two Army officers resigned and have been arrested, and are no caged; two women were arrested a day or two since, and are confined. Aug. 28th Last night, at dark, we were called (the officers) to the colonel's quarters, when he read to us a communication from Gen. King, that we must be ready at a moment's notice to march; a day's rations were prepared and we lay down with our clothes and harness on, for the night, but no alarm was beat and this morning found us all at the same place; it grew out of a menacing appearance of the enemy across the river last evening,-they surrounded and killed four of our pickets last night,-they are savages, and if they keep on with the commenced, they ought to be treated as such. I see by the papers that the Union people of the North in some places, are making exampled of men uttering Secession sentiments; this is just exactly right, any man showing the first particle of sympathy for those pirates ought to be banished or caged, and I am glad that the North are doing it in some instances Secession is fast drying up in Washington. Evening-We have just received the Republic of the 21st-it is a very welcome visitor for us this evening. I forgot to say that the Wis. 2nd came over the river day before yesterday, and are encamped close to us,-they look pretty hard and have seen some hard times. I do not think the papers have given them the credit they were entitled to. it is said by men out side of his company, that Capt. Gabe Bauck was just as good a fighting man as they had the battle of Bull Run; also Capt. Mansfield, of Portage city did well. Aug. 20th,-Today it rains. We have had much damp weather here of late. All quiet this morning; Hands playing in every direction.-The streets are full of wagons all the while-four horses or mules are attached to a wagon. To see the great number of white canvass covered wagons it would seem that a large emigration is coming into this country; we shall expect it settled up after a little. Aug. 30-It is a fine clear morning again all quiet except that the enemy across the river steal up on our pickets every day or night and shoot one or more down, in a most despicably cowardly manner. Geo. Tompkins was in camp two or three days. We were glad to see a Baraboo man with us; he has gone on to New York and New Hampshire. Aug 31.-Today we have been mustered; preparatory to being paid off. it looked yesterday as if we might move from here soon, but all is quiet today. J.C. Miller is quite sick with fever some twenty of Co. "A" sick. J. I. Weirich was nearly sick yesterday, but is better today,- he is a good little Joe. We have a company of No. 1 as sure as shooting one of the most prompt soldiers in the Regiment is corporal Huntington, he is always at his post and never complains,-we have other good solders , some of whom are Corporal Strarks, corporal Jones and brothers, the two fowlers from Kingston, Serg. Fox, Pruyn, corp. Lee and one of the best fellows in the 2d Sergeant Coughran, of Reedsburg,-a good solder is Gen. Miles, of the same place,-also Geo. harp, Ed. Ames, Amos Johnson, R. Avery, Copeland and little gritty Frank M. Crandall our "Jake" the orderly and many others too numerous toe name this time. CAMP KALORAMA, Aug, 27th, 1861 (Extract from a Private Letter.) from the 6th Regiment
CAMP KALORAMA, NEAR We have been located in this camp just two weeks which is a very long time for a regiment to repose in the came camp-that is, in accordance with our experience. We were four days in Camp Cutler, at Harrisburg, and about the same time in Camp Atwood, at Baltimore. These changes seem to teach the men how to conform to circumstances, for it requires a few repetitions of these incidents connected with change of camp in order to teach the men now to get along with it with the greatest facility. When we had got our effects well arranged while at Baltimore, we expected to remain for several days, and perhaps weeks. A few rude boards had been formed into tables, shelves and coverings form the sun at dinner time where trees were not in the right ;once for this purpose; in fact we began to feel that Patterson Park was a very comfortable home. On the evening of the fourth day just as our supper was being prepared, a dispatch from Gen. McClellan ordered us to Washington at the earliest moment possible. In a moment, thoughts or actions with regard to supper were abandoned, and men exercised the utmost vigilance in arranging their effects. Tent were struck, and the regiment was movie out of camp in forty minutes. As transportation had been provided simultaneous with the order to move, we were soon or our way. We arrived at the Washington depot about two o'clock A.M., and the men were provided with temporary places for repose, some in Washington Hall. our first order directed us to encamp in the grove in the rear of the President's house, and on the banks of the Potomac; but this was subsequently changed to the place we now occupy. We arrived on the ground too late (as was the case at both Harrisburg and Baltimore) to admit of pitching tents the same night, so that all reposed in blankets till the following morning. Our camp is near Columbian Colleges which is now used as a general hospital Extending in near relation through several fields are the fifth Wisconsin, the Twenty-ninth New York, and the new York Zouaves. The Second Wisconsin encamped adjoining the Fifth two days ago. This (Gen. Kings') brigade was inspected by Gen. McClellan two ago. It may not be out of place to mention, that after reviewing this regiment , at which a careful observation of arms was not neglected, Gen. McClellan remarked that no regiment had observed the rules with regard to care of arms as faithfully as the Sixth Wisconsin, that they deserved better arms that they now possess and that they should be provided with them very soon. Nearly all the care of the regiment had from necessity been bestowed by Col. Cutler alone, since we came to this camp. Lt. Col. Atwood had been unable to afford much aid in the field since we left Camp Randall, and his health had been still more frail since we came here, although he seems somewhat improved the last two days. Major Sweet was thrown from a horse and his collar bone fractured the day we arrived in Washington. He will most likely be in condition for service in a few days. It is generally acknowledged that but few men are as well qualified to command a regiment as Col. Cutler. His industry is all that could be expected, and his vigilance in supervision extends to every department. Food, clothing, arms and accoutrements are alike carefully observed by him, in addition to those who are in special charge of these departments. Although his discipline is not without some severity toward those who violate rules, he is equally considerate and kind to men who are faithful in the discharge of their duties, while none are more constantly and vigilantly in the proper place than himself. As I am writing (half past two) a balloon is in plain view in the of Fall's Church, which is most likely employed in determining the position of the rebel army. CAMP KALORAMA, Aug. 27th, 1861 [Extract from a Private Letter.] We are encamped about one mile north of the city, with thousands of other soldiers. Our nearest neighbors are the 2d Wisconsin, who arrived this morning from Fort Corcoran, 4 miles from here; the 6th Wisconsin, 79th New York, 19th Indiana, 19th Pennsylvania, N.Y. fire Zouaves (2d Regiment) and a great many other regiments whom I haven't had time to visit. this morning was a grand time for us. The above named regiments, with several others, were all reviewed on our splendid parade grounds, consisting of about 200 acres, by Gen. McClellan and Staff, who compliments the Wisconsin troops very highly. It was an imposing sight to see 8,000 men in one column-but I expect to see larger bodies of men that that before long. I saw OLIN and MESSERVEY to-day, from the 2d Regiment. MESSERVEY is 2d lieutenant in Capt. Langworthy's Co. K, I wrote to Fred, that our brigade was formed-this is not the case for both of the Mass. Regiments have left us; one went to Harper's Ferry yesterday, and the other was transferred to some other point. There are three Regiments I know of that will surely be in our brigade, namely the 2d, 5th and 6th Wisconsin and perhaps the 4th Wisconsin and 19th Indiana. We are getting used to a soldiers life pretty fast. since we left Wisconsin we commenced cooking our own rations, and I must say that I never enjoyed a meal better-although since we have arrived in Washington, I hired a contraband to do the cooking for the non-commissioned officers. We are drilling continually, but principally in the double-quick movements. The Regiment, in fact all the Regiment in our army are drilling in Hardee's Tactics of Light Infantry and most of it is double quick. We frequently march four or five miles at a time, so as to get use to hard service which we expect we'll soon see, but let it come we are prepared! P.S. I wrote the above before dress parade. Orders have just been read that our forces about Chain bridge are in danger, as the pickets were driven in and overpowered, and that they expected an attack from the Rebels, and that we should hold ourselves in readiness to march at a moment's notice. There is a great hurry and bustle just now, as the boys are putting in 50 rounds of cartridges and packing knapsacks as to be ready for orders to start. FROM THE SIXTH REGIMENT (Correspondence of the Journal and courier.) CAMP KALORAMA. NEAR WASHINGTON, August 29th, 1861. You have doubtless heard that we are in Gen. Rufus King's brigade. The brigade at present consists of the 5th, 6th and 2d Wisconsin, the 19th Indiana, two Pennsylvania Regiments, and a Zouave Regiment from New York city. The 2d Wisconsin came over the river and joined us a couple of days ago. Our boys were glad to see their "elder brothers," and the recognitions of old friends both between the 5th and 6th with the 2d were many. Col. O'Connor is fast restoring order, and a better state of discipline in the 2d, and is well liked. The boys look rather seedy but are in the best of spirits, and ready and eager for another turn at the enemy. Many of the boys were in our camp yesterday and day before, and our boys gathered around them and besieged them with as many questions as ever were put to a traveler just returned from the Old World. Their hair breath escapes were many and wonderful, One of the boys had the tip of his ear cut off by a sword, and another was limping from the effect of a shot in the toes-the last one by the way was a son of Mr. Albert Allyn of Shopiere. He is a young man of true grit, and went with the Randolph Guards of Madison. Our brigade was reviewed by Gen. McClellan and Staff day before yesterday, the 27th.-The General paid our Colonel the compliment of saying that the arms of the sixth were in the best condition of any Regiment having "altered guns" in the service, (all but two companies of our Regiment having the old Springfield musket, He said also that our uniforms were in good condition, also our other accoutrements in as good condition as any regiment in the service. He said that we deserved better arms and should soon have them. Night before last, immediately after dress parade, we received orders to "pack up everything and be ready to strike tents at a moments warning." Each man received enough cartridges to amount to forty rounds, and one days rations ahead to stow away in his haversack, canteens were filled with water, guns were cleaned and for a short time all was hurry and bustle. We were not called out however but slept on our arms, with everything where we could lay our hands on it in the dark, and be ready to march at the tap of the drum. It seems that the Rebels made an advance to Calls cross Roads, about 8 miles from Washington, and killed and wounded some of the picket guard of the Union forces but were driven back. They killed four of our pickets near Fort Ellsworth night before last. Whether this skirmishing is to draw but our forces in order to make an attack upon some weak point, and attempt to gain an entrance into Washington, or merely for the sake of killing a few pickets is a matter of conjecture. We are ordered to be in readiness at all times to march at ten minutes notice. The 5th are encamped adjoining us. I saw the Beloit boys who are in the Milwaukee Zouaves yesterday, all are well. Dr. Craig's Band is the best band in the brigade, and is fact the best anywhere in this vicinity that I have heard. L.B.R. FROM THE 6TH REGIMENT
HEADQUARTERS, WASHINGTON, D.C., DEAR SIR-I am in good health and spirits, and in good fighting condition; owing to the rain to-day, we have not had orders to drill as it is very slavish walking, and difficult to march at all in consistence of the mud created by such a multitude marching in a body. We are in gen. King's brigade consisting McClellan and some of his staff were here and took a squint at us, and told us we were equal to any brigade he had; and promised that we should all have new rifles within two weeks for he thought we would to take good use of them as we had all our old muskets polished like silver. But we are afraid we shall be called into action with our old one, for the rebels are shooting our picket guards every day. they had a little brush yesterday.- Some of the rebel cavalry made a charge on the picket guards, and drove them to camp, taking four taking four of them prisoners; but our boys laid some twenty of them to land. One of our Minnesota boys fell, and pretended to be killed till four of the rebels come up to take a peep at the cursed Yankee," when he sprang to his feet and shot three of them with his revolver, and then he and the fourth had a regular set-to with the bayonet for some time, both handling them with skill, but the Yankee proving the better, thrust his bayonet through the rebel's breast, killing him on the spot; and then escaped to camp carrying with him the rebels' arms. He afterward returned to the place of disaster taking with him an officer and some others, and buried the rebels. There are sixty from our camp as volunteers on the picket guard. As there was no detail, all the boys are anxious to be ;laced where they can get a shot at the rebels, for that is all the chance of getting near enough; as the rebels are not anxious to try their chances in amongst about four hundred thousand of Abe Lincoln's bayonets: And cavalry and batteries that are on every hill in the district of Columbia; and over all the heights from Arlington to Harper's Ferry on both sides of the river. Yours truly, J. F. H. Letter from New York We are in receipt of a gratifying and lengthy letter from a gentleman in New York who had recently visited the 6th Regiment, and who takes an active interest in the patriotic course or Wisconsin during the war. Among other things he says: My motive more particularly in writing to you was to honor the gallant county of Sauk and here brave patriots who are so cheerfully going forward to sell the grand phalanx for Freedom. Watching, as I have done every movement in the land of my kindred, of whom gallant hearts have gone forth at their country's call, I can but prove recreant to my own feelings if I forbear giving my testimony in favor of our gallant citizens in behalf of our country, which now demands the service of so many of her patriotic sons. I have made the pleasant acquaintance of many of your citizens in camp during my visits to the Capital of our nation, and have watched with heartfelt interest their promptness and devotion their readiness to submit to every hardship feeling that they had the honor of Sauk County at heart. The serious receptions I have received at the hands of the officers and soldiers of the Sauk county Riflemen have drawn me out not only to them but to the section and the friends that claim them; for, although I have traveled among nearly all classes of people never have I found a class more courteous, wholesounded or magnanimous. It is excelled only by their bravery. and I think, Mr. Editor, that you and the good citizens of Sauk may well be proud of Company A, 6th Regiment, "Wisconsin Volunteers." And if ever they are called to meet the foe, depend upon it you will have no reason to be ashamed of them. They may be stricken down, but cowards they never be. With their faces to the foe, they will die as brave men with their armor on. Marshaled by such men as Capt. Malloy, (a man who in the kindness of his heart sympathizes and feels for every man more than for himself,) and Lieutenants Thomas and Coughran. you may rely upon you may rely upon it they will do honor to the section that sent them forth. And further I rejoice to see from a stray copy of your paper that the "good work goes bravely on" in your midst, and that six hundred brave spirits from county alone have volunteered "their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor" in support of the most beneficent government the sun ever shone upon, now desecrated by traitors that would tear it asunder, and trample under foot the proud banner of our country. |