September 1862

A gentleman who visited Colonel Cutler at Washington, writes to his son, Mr. L. cutler, as follows:
Washington, Sept 2

Friend Cutler:-I called on your father last night, as I found he had been brought in wounded. He requested me to write to you, and say that his wound was from a Minne rifle ball through the flesh of the thigh, and that there is nothing serious about it. More than this it's requiring him to be on his back. He had been knocking about in a ambulance for two or three days. He had very comfortable quarters at the Kirkwood House. Her talks of coming home of a visit as soon as he can travel, as it will be some time before he can ride his horse, I found him looking well and in remarkably good spirits.
Colonel Robinson, of the Wisconsin Seventh, is in the same room rounded in leg; not seriously. Lieut. Col. Hamilton, of the same regiment is at Willard's Hotel, wounded by a Minnie ball through front of both thighs. The Wisconsin Second, Sixth and Seventh, were in the battle. only three field officers escaped unhurt out of mine. Col. O'Conner, of the Second is killed. the seventh went in 700 strong, and came out 300. I can give you no idea of the state of things here. The wounded are coming in all the time. Everything with four wheels had been pressed into use as an ambulance.

Charles Hill was taken prisoner about two days ago.

From the Beloit Company in the 6th Regiment-3 Killed and 7 wounded


Our Regiment with the rest of Gibbons' Brigade, was engaged in a sharp and severe fight near Gainesville, about seven miles from Manassas Junction of the evening of August 28th. the casualties in Col. G. were-

Killed-Sergeant J. A. Hyatt, of Beloit; Mathew Haley, of Roscoe, and William Bedford, of Yates, Orleans county, N. Y---3

Wounded,-Corporal L.S. Medbury, of Shirland, Ill., flesh wound in leg; Thomas Maley, of Connersiville, Indiana, hand and  shoulder; M. H. Kinzie, of Caledonis, Ill., in arm; C. H. Guivitta, in ankle; Collins H. Mann, of Shirland, Ill,. in arm; Andrew Allen, of roscoe, in heel, and Moses Odell, of Pregle county Ohio, in neck-7, none supposed to be dangerously. John N. Bingham has also been missing since Aug. 22d supposed to have been captured by the rebel cavalry in a dash upon our wagon train at Catlett's Station He has a wife residing in Davenport Iowa.

Two or three of the boys are missing but will probably come up as they were seen to fall out. None of our boys (from Co. G) were injured in the fight of day before yesterday.

L.B. Raymond

From the "Sixth Regiment.
(Correspondence of the Journal &Courier.)

Alexandria, Va., Sept. 5, 1861. (typo)

Instead of dating this letter, as we had hoped, from the Rebel Capital, it is dated from near our own, and instead of being written after a victory, it is written after a series of reverses. You must be aware that our Wisconsin Brigade has taken a hand in the important events of the last ten days, and as the readers of your papers  have many friends in the 2d, 6th and 7th regiments, perhaps a short account of what they have passed through will not be uninteresting.

The retreat of Pope's army from the Rapidan commenced the 18th of August. we were encamped at the base of Cedar Mountain, on the ground where the sanguinary battle of August 9th took place, and hard by the field where fell the gallant Crane and many of the brave boys of the 3d Wisconsin. Everything, as far as we could see, betokened a speedy advance beyond the Rapidan, and when the order came to be in readiness to march, it was supposed that it was supposed that it was to be against the enemy and the first we saw that indicated a retreat, was Sigel's corps marching past us to the rear. Brig. Gen.  Schurz rode at the head of one of the divisions, looking thinner and more care-worn than when we used to see him in Wisconsin, but evidently the same man yet. Sigel is the most unpretending Major General in appearance I ever saw. He  is generally dressed in a snuff colored sack coat without shoulder-straps, or even brass buttons and a grown felt slouch hat, without an ornament upon it. But one thing indicates him as a man of mark the horse he rides, which is a splendid animal. I  should indeed except his manner as there is a quick nervous earnestness about him that marks him as a man of great energy. but I must not digress too far from the Wisconsin Brigade to Gen. Sigel's corps to say any more than that Sigel's troops were composed of about one-half Dutch (being Blenker's old division of whom the less that is said the better,) one-fourth splendid looking Ohio troops under Gens, Schenck and Milroy, and the balance Western Virginia Regiments, rather below the average as regards appearance, but probably above it in a fight:

the night of the 19th of August saw the most of the army across the Rappahannock, having left about 100 wounded at Culpepper court House that from the serious nature of their wounds could not be moved. The morning of the 20th saw our rear guard on the east side of the river, having made a march of about 20 miles from one river to the other. That evening the shelling was commenced by the rebels, and the next morning our brigade was marched up the rifer two or three miles to hold the rebels in check in case they should attempt to cross the river. Several were killed from the brigade and a few taken prisoners; among the wounded was Lt. Oakley, on the morning of the 21d. He had his arm shattered by a shell, and has since had it amputated. On this day the order was given to fall back farther and the bridge at Rappahannock station was blown up and our brigade marched to Warrenton where they laid until Monday morning the 25th when the division was ordered to Sulpher Springs 6 miles west of Warrenton, on the Rappahannock river, to guard against any attempt of the rebels to cross at that point Here also was another artillery duel, in which the 2d lost two or three men.

On the 27th it was discovered that Jackson with a large rebel force had came in by way of Thoroughfare Gap and burned up Manassas Junction, and committed other depredations, and Sigel's corps and King's division were sent through Warrenton to cut him off. Our brigade under the command of Gen. Gen Gibbon, came suddenly upon a division of Ewell's army about half past four in the afternoon and immediately attacked them. they were about six miles northwest from Manassas and not from the Warrenton and Centerville pike. The 2d and 7th, and the 19th Indiana, engaged the enemy first, and the 6th afterwards came to their support. the N.Y. Herald says that it was one of the most brilliant fights of the war, and that the loss in our brigade exceeded that in any other action in the campaign, being over forty per cent of the number actually engaged. The 2d lost 243 killed wounded and missing the 7th 186, and the 6th 75. Col. O'Connor was mortally wounded late in-the fight while gallantly leading his regiment and died about three hours afterward. He passed away quietly without a struggle or a groan. Major May of the 19th Indiana a gallant and brave officer, was also killed. All the field officers of the 7th Major Allen of the 2d, and col. cutler of the 6th, were wounded. the action lasted but an hour and ten minutes but was terribly severe. Not a man swerved or faltered but as the Herald says, "right nobly did the Wisconsin Brigade sustain their reputation"

The list of killed and wounded in our company has already been forwarded to you. Sergeant Hyatt was probably the first man in the 6th regiment to fall. He was shot through the forehead by a musket ball, and stood almost shoulder to shoulder with Lieutenant Carpenter when he fell. the Lieutenant raised his head and as the crimson life current gushed forth from his month he asked him if he had any message for any one. He indistinctly articulated, "Tell my wife I died in the first battle" fell back and was gone. Every man of our company that was wounded came to the officers and asked permission to go to the rear before they left-those of them who were able to go at all.

While our boys were yet in the hottest of the fight Gen. McDowell rode up and said to Gen. Gibbon, "General you went in there of your own accord you are at liberty to fight it out or withdraw from the field." Gen. Gibbon turned to Gen. McDowell and with the tears streaming down his cheeks said, "General, there are men in there that will fight it out, even to the bitter end.

The Rebel officers displayed great gallantry and bravery. A portion of this force engaged was the famous "Stonewall Brigade," which boasts that it never has been beaten. Three rebel regiments of this brigade were in succession brought up against one regiment of our brigade to overpower them and drive them from the field; but it was impossible. Their officers would ride out in front of their regiments and tell them to come on. The order was heard to be given by one of their Generals' Bring up the 15th Alabama which is the crack regiment of Jackson's army, and afterwards, "Bring up the 10th Georgia;" but our goys held the ground and when they did march off, it was in good order and with cheers for the stars and stripes. the brigade marched to Manassas Junction laid until until about noon the next day. (the 29th) and were then brought back on to the field, and supported a battery until about 7am the next day (the 30th) when the second battle of Bull Run was begun by our division attacking the enemy. They were under fire all day. The loss of the 6th in this day's fight was about 70; of the others three regiments, about the same. None of company G were killed or wounded in this day's fight; -they suffered the most severely in the fight of august 28th of any company in the regiment and on this day was the only company that escaped. At nightfall the retreat of the army across Bull Run commenced To Gibbon's brigade was assigned the duty of covering the retreat. Gen. King and Gen. Gibbon said that they had done enough without doing it. but it was insisted upon by the General-in-Chief and scarcely was the last man of the brigade over when Bull Run bridge was cut away. The appearance of our boys on Sunday morning when they reached Centreville, beggars description. They had been nearly a week with but little sleep no blankets no tents, no rations but hard crackers and had been marching in the dust or mud half of the time, and under fire the other half and although they were begrimed with dirt and smoke yet in every man's countenance there could be seen that which seemed to indicate that each one had done his duty.

They encamped about a mile east of Centerville until Monday afternoon, when they marched to Fairfax Court House, where they lay back as a reserve in the fight of Kearney's and Reno's divisions, but were not called upon, and the next morning came to Upton's Hill, where they now are or were last night (Sept. 4th).

Of hair-breadth escapes our boys have many to tell. Many of them have bullet holes through their clothing, oilcloths, haversacks &c. They all speak in the highest terms of the bravery coolness and daring of our officers, Captain Plummer and Lieutenant Carpenter. The latter is now sick from exposure and fatigue during the fearful week they have passed through. Lieut. Reader was not in the fight, being absent on furlough. Notwithstanding the humiliation of being compelled to lie in camp again in sight of the old capital, the boys are generally in good spirits, and ready to take the field again when the services are needed. Co. G is sadly reduced. Discharges deaths desertions together, have reduced our company from 94 to 53 who are with the company. We are in hopes that our numbers will soon be increased by recruits sent from Wisconsin. The general health of the company is good. Truly yours,


Camp Correspondence
Headquarters, Co. K., 6th Reg.
Camped on Upton Hill, Va.
September 5th, 1862.

Dear Mother:-After a long time, I once more attempt to write to you. It is the first time I have had a chance, for they would not allow us to write while we were fighting. We have been under fire for thirteen days, and lst. Thursday night our Brigade had a very hot engagement. Our company last one man killed and three wounded. Wm Patterson, killed; Erastus Emmons, wounded in the arm, slightly; Wm Garling in the arm, and Daniel Alton, in the leg.

Last Saturday we had another engagement and our company was sent to the from as skirmishers. Levi Gardner was shot through the head and killed instantly He was by my side. We were after the rebels and the one that shot him was a Sharpshooter. He stood behind a tree when he fired and then run. the next shot was mine; he received my ball thro his back and fell a corpse. There was two or three hundred of the sharpshooters and we chased them until we camp up with the main body of the enemy when the poured full volley in to us, and we fell back to our regiment. We had two more wounded, J. Towle and Wm Ranney; those were all we lost. What I regretted most was our having to leave our dead on the field. The New Yorker run and left us in the woods, and had we not fallen back we would all have been taken prisoners, we came very near as it was.

Tommy Cleveland heard the Gen. say that we looked as though we were just coming off dress parade instead of coming out of so hot a fire. When the Gen. saw how had our Brigades was cut up he cried like a child. He is brave man, and as good as brave. Mother we have had a hard time lately no one but a soldier knows what hard time are. No language can explain it. We are now back in sight of the Capitol dome. and our division is reported not fit for duty.

From your soldier son,
E. B. Hendrick

Soldiers letters-and extracts
Washington, D. C.
September 8th, '62
About sunset our Regiment formed in line of battle in the road near Gainesville, and laid flat on the ground under cover of the fence till sundown while the shells from the rebel batteries were bursting all around us. We were then ordered to advance on the enemy, which we did for the first time since we had been in service, with a firm steady tread, until in close shooting distance, when we poured in a deadly fire into their ranks and then fired at will. I had fired some fifteen rounds, when a ball struck my right collar bone, (which I afterwards ascertained made it black and blue). I then fired some ten rounds, and while loading my faithful piece, another ball struck me on the right side of my neck, passing through my windpipe. the blood poured out in a stream from each side of my neck, until I was so weak that I was obliged to retreat to the woods in the rear of our Brigade. (Gibbon's). I was so exhausted from the loss of blood, I cast aside everything but my Canteen of water. Our men retreated in the night and the next morning the Gray Coats had possession of the field. When I awoke I saw we were surrounded by their skirmishers; they soon came up and claimed us as prisoners. We were then marched to an old house some half mile to their rear, and in the afternoon our skirmishers came up and fired at the rebels, who fired under cover of the house we were in. Our man was wounded in the wrist by our skirmishers, after having two shots in him before. Two or three spent balls struck close by my side. We were then moved half a mile further back into the edge of the woods, where some 115 of us lay on the bare ground one week without provisions, or scarcely anything to cover us with.

Most of the rebels were kind to us, but short of food and clothing themselves. On Wednesday September 3d, those of us that could walk, went as far as Centerville, and were paroled the next morning, and then waked through to Alexandria, then took the boat for Washington; arrived here yesterday.

The wound in my neck is gaining rapidly and will soon heal if I do not get cold in it.  We have good surgeons in charge of the hospital here. For two or three days I could hardly swallow my spittle, but can swallow very well now; my speech is some affected; it is hard to talk.

I had no shirt on my back while a prisoner pants ragged, coat ragged and all I had on was covered with clotted blood, shoes worn out &c. &c.

The rebels stripped many of our men who lay dead on the field of all their clothing and took the money out of their pockets; also took coats and shoes off of our wounded men when laying on the field, and put them on their backs & feet.

Many of their dead were not buried, lay in the road, and woods, a black heap of clay; maggots crawling from their eyes nose and ears. Our Brigade lost in one hour and a half, 775 men.


The Losses of our Wisconsin Regiments in the Maryland Battles

We are indebted to Dr. A. J. Ward acting Brigade Surgeon, for a complete list of the casualties in Gibbon's Brigade, which we have received by the hands of Lieut. Barnett, recently promoted from the ranks of company C. of the 2d to a place in the 25th regiment. Dr. Ward writes that "our regiments have suffered severely but they have the proud satisfaction of knowing that in every battle they have fought manually driven the rebels and held the ground. "Lieut. Barnett, Who has been in all the battles but escaped without a scratch says that the 2d had about 100 men on duty when he left them on the 24th. the official reports of those in command of our regiments have given deserved credit to the bravery and endurance of the men; the reports of returning soldiers and letters from the boys published in different papers of the State all concur in speaking in the highest terms of the officers of our Wisconsin Regiments engaged, and of the gallant General commanding Gibbon's Brigade. Such perfect confidence of officers and men in each other goes far to give assurance of victory.

How hot was the fire in which our brave boys have been tried is evidenced by their severe losses. Gibbon's Brigade in tha battles of South Mountain and Antietam, though numbering but about 1600 men, counted 604 men among the killed wounded and missing, of whom 495 were of the Wisconsin Regiments, Adding the casualties of the Third Regiment to those of our others engaged and the total loss of Wisconsin men is 692, of whom 105 were killed. We have no official report from the Fifth Regiment yet, and think it suffered slightly in comparison with others; but if its casualties were added to those of the other regiments, it would doubtless increase their number to nearly 800. In the Bull Run battles, the three regiment s of Gibbon's Brigade lost 192 men killed, and had about 460 wounded.

In the battle of Cedar Mountains, early in August, the 3d Regiment lost 106 men, of whom 15 were killed.

It thus appears that in the series of battles in the Department of Virginia and in Maryland, over 1,400 Wisconsin men have suffered, of whom about 250 were killed, or have since died. Many of the wounded, however, have already returned to duty or will soon be fit for service.

These regiments which have suffered so severely, have won a glorious name.-They greatly need men to fill out their ranks. Shall their appeal to their fellow citizens to take their places by their sides, and thus renew their strength go unheeded?

We have already published official lists of the casualties in the other regiments of Gibbon's Brigade, and are now able to make our statement complete by publishing the following official reports:

List of killed and wounded of the 6th R. W. V. in the battle of the 14th of September, 1862

Co. A.- Sauk County Riflemen.
Killed.-G. C. Miles, J. C. Weidman, and J.E. Langhart
Wounded.-Serg't J. C. Miller, arm; Serg't J. I. Welrich, confused breast; corp'l R. Atridge, T. Anderson, T. Butterfield, J. Bucker, W. S. Durgin, C. W. Farrington, A. Fowler, in leg; D. L. Odell, G. F. rice, J. Whitley

Co. B.- Prescott Guards
Killed.-A. B. Wilson, Leonard Brown.
Wounded.-1st Lieut. E. C. Ellis, leg; Corp'l H. Smyzer, Corp'l J. winn, G. Anderson, A. Friar, J. Heath slightly; A. D. Keeler, legs; A. Olsen, Charles Potter, J. Sanderson, William H. Pulver, slightly

Co. C.- Prairie du Chien
Wounded.-Serg't E. A. Whatley, Corp'; George Fairchild, R. Corcoran

Co. D.- Montgomery Guards, Milwaukee
Killed.-Corp. Perkins, Corp. Montgomery,-Arnold.
Wounded.-Serg't  Gallagner, shoulder; Serg' Kerr, Leg; Corp. Dunn, - McIntosh, hand; F. Clark, - McKenzie, slightly; - Costigan, - Myers, finger; - Lebenthall, - Huntington, slightly; - Huntrehan.

Co. E.- Bragg's Rifles, Fond du Lac
Wounded.- Corp. T. Hall, arm; D. W. Baldwin, R. E. Campbell, J. flood, leg, J. Grisbers, R. Hasbrook, a. Leffler, N. L. Rowe, P. Steenis, It. Wookland

Co. F.- Citizens' Corps, Milwaukee
Wounded.-T. Ziveriel, slightly; M. Rleinscheret, H. Ke3llner, H. Steinmetz, T. Heinrich.

Co. C.- Beloit Star Rifles
Wounded.-J. O'Leary , arm, slightly; DeWith C. Burbanks, head, mortally.

Co. H.- Buffalo County Rifles
Wounded.-Thomas Blake, leg

Co. I.- Anderson Guards, Juneau county
Killed.-W. Lawrence
Wounded.-J. Harding; M. Richardson; G. Rtby; L. Steadman, slightly; Corp. C. Green, slightly; C. Bohn; If. McClure, slightly.

Co. K.- Lemonweir Minute Men
Killed.-Chamberlain, Huntley
Wounded.-Corp. Wilcox, thigh; Crawford, arm Holmes, hand; Thompson, hand; Simms, leg; Sullivan, hip Cornish, leg; Revels; Refels.

Total -  Killed, 12 Wounded 60

List of killed and wounded of the 6th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers on the 17th Sept., 1862

Lieut. Col. Edward s. Bragg, slightly wounded left arm
Capt. E. A. Brown, Co. E, Killed
Capt. Werner Von Bachelle, Co. F, killed
1st Lieut. Wm. F. Bode, Co. F, killed
Capt. D. K. Noyes, Co. A, severely wounded in foot, (amputated,)
Capt. Rollin J. converse, Co. B, wounded in both thighs
Lieut. J. P. Marston, Co. E, wounded in leg.
Lieut. John Ticknor, Co. K, slightly wounded by shell.

Company A
Killed.-Corp. J. Alexander, Wm. P. Black, Wm. H. Copeland, F. Garlough, Jas. O. Keyes
Wounded.-Corp. R. H. Avery; Wm. Kline, very severely in chest; E. D. Calkins, in leg, amputated; L. D. Finton; F. Fletcher; R. Jones; S. W. Keys slightly; C. Loit; N. Moore, slightly; J. Pearson; S. H. Young; F. M. Crandall, slightly.

Company B
Killed.-N. Saton, F. Gluth, Wm. Casperns, V. Cole
Wounded.-1st serg't  P. H. Collins, severely; serg't M. V. Smith, severely; corp'l D. Z. Young; A. D. Keeler; J. Shultz; J. Shaw; Thos. McIntyre; F. Hare; A. Hess; O. Olson; A. W. Meyers; L. Ludluff; f. Hall; Dorp'l J. T. Cayzar; A. Saunders, slightly.

Company C
Wounded.-Serg't J. N. Chestnut, color bearer Wm. Nicholson; E. P. Hewett.

Company D
Killed.-Warren Gallup, F. Geary
Wounded.-Sergt. M. Keogh; corp. Rl Sherman corp. R. Piene; Corp. J. Kaumey; Corp. E. May J. Miner; w. Davidson; F. Haunham; L. O'Neil leg; N. Hubbard, chest, severely; J. McDonald d. Spear, slightly by a shell; P. Boswam, J. Eagan leg.

Company E
Wounded.-1st Sergt. J. Parkhurst, leg; Sergt N. Malloy, slightly; Sergt. A. Deacon, arm severely; N. A. Gafney, S. P. Green; Geo. Eggleston; a. Vandoozer; J. Fay; C. McKinnon, slightly A. Strong; wm. Darling, foot; F. A. Deleglin

Company F
Killed.-Corp. G. Islip, C. Klokow
Wounded.-Serg't. f. Bartels; Corp. W. Langner; corp. C. Burtram; L. Goetish; C. Helm, L. Uirick; P. Bean; F. Iverson; J. Peters; A. Shott, slightly.

Company G
Killed.-Corp. J. H. Cowen, F. Green.
Wounded.-Corp. J. Sam; Corp. J. Davis; Corp J. Moore; D. F. Lombard; J. Miller; A. Rikel, very slightly; J. Conner, severely; M. Ball; R. O. Wright; J. W. Frodyne; Thos. Smith, H. Brady J. McMahan; B. Parkinson.

Company H
Killed.-Corp. Wm. Balley; J. Koffier, L. Nettleton
Wounded.-Serg't H. O. Merchant, slightly; corp. Thomas Hobbs, leg; Jas. Fry, slightly; P. Weger, A. Shurlitz, Charles Downy, H. Ecke, J. Swan, Jho. Mang, F. Martin, J. Kasser, T. Lewis

Company I
Wounded.-Serg't W. Fox, Corporals J. Williams, C. O. Jones; N. Burchel, W.T. Barcus, C. Carnes, L. Davis, arm; L. Hart, c. Lind, D. W. Nutting, H. M. Richardson; George Atwood, and reported dead.

Col. E. S. Bragg still lives
Painful Mistake!

Death of Captain E. A. Brown!

The entire people of Fond du Lac have been, during the past few days, the subjects of most painful emotions; and two families & their connections, prostrated with grief, when but one was really affected. Last Friday morning a twang of intense pain ran from heart ot heart on the reception of a Telegram that Lieut. Col. E. S. Bragg was killed in the battle of the 17th inst. The dispatch was sent from Hagerstown, Mc. by the Sergeant of Co. "I" directed to Mrs. Bragg, stating here husband was killed, and that the body would be forwarded by Express to this city.

The news was considered reliable, almost beyond question. The City Council on the strength of it convened made arrangements to take charge of the funeral in a city capacity, and appointed a Committee, consisting of Lieut. J. T. Conklin, Ald. A. B. Taylor and H. A. Francis Esq. to proceed to Chicago to escort the body home. Until Sunday, all rested in the belief that our gallant fellow citizen had met the death of a true soldier, and had gone on to his reward. His family plunged in grief and made every arrangement for the funeral and the Burial; when lo! Light came back to that home, & a dark cloud threw its black shadow across another threshold.

The Committee sent after Col. Bragg's body, found when they reached Chicago, that it was Capt. E. A. Grown instead of Colonel. Bragg that was killed, and telegraphed to that effect Sunday last. the news created a new and painful excitement; what was gained in one direction was lost in another.

The Committee found the body in Chicago and telegraphed they would arrive with it on the 5:20 train Monday evening. About Monday noon they telegraphed again, that the body was so far decomposed that the burial would have to take place on the arrival of the cars.

The City Council had determined thy would take the same course in regard to conducting the funeral, that had been marked out when it was supposed Col. Bragg had fallen.

Accordingly on the arrival of the train, a body guard of such soldiers as were in the city, the North Western Band, Messrs. Wright, Perry, Kalk, Weeks, Cary and Farnsworth, a committee of brother members of the order of Odd Fellows; fire Co. No. 1, of which Capt. Brown was a member, as well as all the other fire companies including the Hook and Ladder Company and his brother members of the Bar. under the direction of Sheriff Wheeler and K. A. Darling as Marshals, repaired to the R. R. Depot to escort the body to the grave.

The Procession, accompanied by a great crowd of citizens on either side walk, slowly marched to the mournful music of the band from the Depot and through Main St. to 6th, at which Point the procession turned to march past the homestead of Capt. Brown, where the family and relatives were in waiting. At this point a ling line of carriages filled with sympathizing friends joined the procession and all moved on towards the grave which was in the small and beautiful cemetery situated on the south east corner of Mr. Pier's farm, about a mile and a quarter from the city.

Having reached the spot daylight had departed and in the dim twilight, all that was mortal of e. a. Brown was lowered to its last resting place while the many tears of a multitude wept over, yet gloried in the manner of his fall.

A few most touching yet consoling remarks were made by Rex. H. M. Robertson, well calculated to inspire an appreciation by the the people, of the great sacrifice our young hero had made to serve them and his imperiled country. He said the grave of our friend was the greenest in all the green valley of fond Du Lac. the first martyred soldier of freedom that reposes beneath her sod. After a brief prayer he was left to his rest.

These are the sacrifices, Oh God of freedom, that slavery immolates upon its gory altar!

It would be a sad pleasure to extend these remarks; for what sincerest regard, unbroken friendship, oneness of sentiment, and union of effort in nearly all things for which we care, suggest should be said crowd for utterance as we write: but as we have no selfish desire to say all, we forbear, the proceedings of the members of the Bar and the brief sketch prepared by Mr. Drury, superceding the necessity of our saying some things that should not be omitted.

Meeting of the Bar on the Death of Capt. Brown

Upon the announcement of the death of Capt. E. A. Brown, a meeting of the Fond du Lac  Bar was held at the office of Judge Robert Flint. Judge Flint was appointed chairman, and Edward Bissell, Secretary of the Meeting. On motion Hon. Robert Flint, C. A. Eldredge, M. K. Stowe, H. F. Rose, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions.

Remarks appropriate to the occasion were made by Judge Flint, C. A. Eldredge, H. G. Rose, J. M. Gillett, E. W. Drury and D. W. C. Priest relating to his private life and Public Service. Capt. S. Lefferts, being present at the meeting offered remarks pertinent to the occasion.

On motion W. D. Conklin, Jas. Coleman and Edward Bissell were appointed a Committee of arrangement to act with other committees in relation to the funeral of deceased. E. W. Drury was also on motion appointed to give a sketch of the life of deceased.

The following Report of the committee on resolutions was unanimously adopted, after which the meeting adjourned.

Resolved: that we have leaned with profound grief, the melancholy news of the death of our  professional brothers and esteemed fellow citizen Capt E. A. Brown
That in his death the bar has lost one of its best and most intelligent members; our city one of its best and most useful citizens, and our army one of its most promising, fearless, and energetic officers,
That the members of this bar will cherish his memory for his eminent social qualities, his legal attainments his manly bearing and for the high sense of honor always manifested in his business and intercourse with them.
That to his affected widow and family we tend our kindest sympathy and direct our chairman to resent her with a pony of these resonations
that in respect his memory we will attend his funeral in a holy as mourners.
Robert flint, Chairman
Edward Bissell, Secretary

The following sketch of the life of Capt. Brown has been prepared for publication by E. W. Drury, Esq. who has been an intimate friend of the deceased. and his friends for man years at the request of the Bar of Fond du Lac of which the deceased was a member:
Capt. Edwin Arnold Brown was the son of Hon. Isaac Brown of this City, and son in law of the hon. Edward Pier. He was, at the time of his death, 30 years old and had been married about eight yrs. He leaves a widow and three small children two bys and one girl.
In the death of Capt. Brown, we are all made to feel the cruel havoc of "grim visage  war." He was a Lawyer by profession, and though he had but just commenced practice. He had talents which would have carried him to the head of that profession had he lived to devote himself to it. He possessed a very candid mind, which always learned to the right, even though it censured himself. He had a remarkable clear judgment which made his opinion valuable to others of more advanced years.
This is strictly true of Capt. Brown, and we may appeal to every member of the Bar, and every acquaintance of his while living. and they would say, that these statements are not exaggerated in the least, in consequence of his death.

Capt. Brown gave himself to his country He was young and brave -  in the very prime of life. He was the only child of his parents, who are now past the middle of life. He loved his parents most tenderly, and of their love to him we may not speak. His social connections are wealthy. He was most happy in his own little family - a tender and loving husband and father. Who can speak words of comfort to that young loving wife or his orphan children! May they all receive consolation from Him who is a Father to the fatherless and the widow's God.

Capt. Brown enlisted in the service of his country from the purest patriotism.-He was not actuated by motives of selfish ambition. How strong must have been his love of country to induce him to break away from his social surroundings? Admired by all who knew him, the favorite or his associates, with affectionate parents-a young wife that he loved, and three children, we may well ask, if Capt.. Grown could break away from all these to serve his country, who of us cannot go?

He was willing to serve in the ranks; he enlisted as a private; but when promoted to office, he served his country ably and faithfully. He proved himself a brave and competent officer. He left Madison in July, 1861, and was in active service from the time of his arrival at Washington to the day of his death. He was in General King's division, and engaged in the battles of the 29th, 30th and 31st of August.

Capt. Brown as we have said, enlisted as a private, but was chosen Sergeant, and was afterwards 1st Lieutenant, and upon the promotion of Col. Bragg, he became Captain of Company "E" of the 6th regiment Wisconsin Volunteers.-

We cannot undertake to enumerate all the battles in which he was engaged; form the 9th of August to Sept. 17th, the day on which he was killed, he and his Company were almost constantly fighting and skirmishing. He was engaged in the battle in which the brave General Reno was killed, and in nearly all the battles in Maryland which  our army had with the rebels

The death of this young man has thrown a gloom over our whole city. He was universal favorite. He had no enemies He has grown up from a small boy amongst us. His father was the county clerk when this County was organized for judicial purposes and he assisted his father in the office. He has held many responsible positions, and always with credit to himself and the satisfaction of those who elected him. While yet a boy in years he sat in our city Council. and his judgment was highly respected by those who were his seniors. May his children grow up to emulate the virtues of their father.

Lt. Col. Bragg's Grave dug and his body sent for

The Milwaukee News relates the following sad and singular affair.

One of the most curious incidents connected with the war, partaking both of tragedy and comedy was occasioned by a blunder of the telegraph. at Fond du Lac in this state last week. We publish the particulars as related to us, not only because of their affecting character, but as caution to all concerned against future accidents of a similar nature.

On Friday last a dispatch was received at fond du Lac by telegraph addressed to Mrs. E. A. Brown, wife of Captain Grown of Bragg's Rifles, Sixth Regiment who like Col. Bragg was a member of the Fond du Lac country bar and a resident of that city The dispatch, after date and address, read as follow: "Your husband was shot yesterday-his remains will be forwarded by express."

The operator - whose head was probably muddled not only by the similarity of names but by the fact that Lt. Col. Bragg had been recently wounded - in stead of sending the message to the proper party enclosed it in an envelope and directed it to Mrs. Ed. S. Bragg. it is unnecessary to lift the veil of private life so far as to portray the grief of Mrs. Bragg. it is sufficient to say that she was deeply stricken with the misfortune which she supposed had fallen upon here and her little ones. the news of her husband's death flaw on the wings of the wind, and a funeral gloom pervaded the community. His family and friends went into mourning. the city council met and passed appropriate resolutions of respect for the memory of the deceased. the newspapers published eulogies upon the gallant officer fallen upon the field committees were appointed to repair to Chicago to receive the remains and had departed upon their mournful mission. the spot for the final repose of Col. Bragg was selected and the grave dug.

Thus matters stood until Sunday afternoon, when the committee, arrived at Chicago first discovered the fact that the supposed body of Col. Bragg was in reality the body of Capt. Brown. the truth was of course immediately telegraphed back to fond du Lac. Then came the revulsion - inexpressible joy and relief to one circle and corresponding pain and bitter sorrow to another. The sympathy for the friends of Col. Bragg was of course transferred to the family of Capt.. Brown -who was a brave and gallant soldier-and the real widow is now the object of commiseration while the late window is receiving the congratulations of her friends Such is one of the many romantic and affecting incidents of our civil war.

The killed and wounded
Head Quarters, 6th Wis. Vol.
Battle field, near Sharpsburg. Md.
September 21st. 1862

Editor of Star.-Knowing the anxiety felt in your community regarding the fate of the two companies K and I, raised in the vicinity of Mauston, I append a full list of casualties in said companies to this date, together with some incidents connected with their participation in the various battles in which our regiment has been recently engaged.

List of Killed and wounded in Company I

Killed.-August 28, at the battle at Gainesville, Henry Didiot, Cha's Barnbaum, Frank Ellsworth, August 31, while on picket, Rudolph fine, September 14, at the battle of South Mountain, Wm. Lawrence, September 17, at the battle of Sharpsburg, Geo. Douglass, Geo. Atwood.

Wounded.-August 28, at the battle of Gainesville, Capt. J. A. Kellogg, slightly spent ball in shoulder, he is now on duty with his company, E. C. Burdiet, J. B. Hill, George Roggins, Edward Lind, Chester Wyman, Caleb Wright, Richard Warham arm amputated, John L. Somerby in throat and shoulder, Hugh McClure, Gilgert Allen Gagrel Rauby George Sutton, Missing. August 30, at the battle of Bull Run, Alexander Louries Samuel G. Walter. September 14, at the battle of South Mountain Gabrel Ruby second time John Harding, Leve Stedman, Chester Green Charles Lind. September 17, at the battle of Sharpsburg, Sergt. Wm. Fox mortally, corporal Isaiah Williams, Charles Carenes, Charles Lind this time severely, Daniel Nutting, W. F. Barnes, Lewis Hart. Nathan Brchell, H. W. Richardson, Corp. Charles O. Jones. Lawson Davis.

List of Killed and Wounded in Company K
Killed - August 30, at the battle at Bull run, Levi S. Gardner. September 14, at the battle at south Mountain, George E. Chamberlain, Reuben Huntley. September 17, at the battle at Sharpsburg, Charles A. Abbott, Daniel Cummings, in this battle William P. Harrison was mortally wounded.

Wounded-August 28, at the battle of Gainesville, Daniel d. Alton, Erastus Emmons, William W. Garland, John St. Clair, Wm. Patterson, very severely but will recover. August 30, at the battle of Bull run, Lieut. John Ticknor, Joel W. Ranney, John r. towle, Hoel W. Trumble. September 14, at the battle of South Mountain, Corp franklin Wilcox, Ephraim Cornish, Charles A. Crawford, Volney Holmes, Henry Revels, William revels, Edward Simons, James P. Sulivan, A. R.  Thompson. Sept. 17, at the battle of Sharpsburg, Corp. Eugene L. Anderson, Corp. Albert Tarbox, James L. Barney, Thomas Flynn, Thomas Hills, James M. Scoville, Samuel O. Woods.

Private Wm. Lawrence Co. I, afterwards killed the battle of South Mountain, was personally complimented for coolness and bravery by Brig. Gen. Gibbon on the battle-field of Bull Run.-
Company I opened the battle of Sharpsburg, being together with Co. C. thrown forward as skirmishers in front of the Brigade. They drove in the rebel skirmishers following them up until they met and received the fire of an entire rebel brigade.

At the hottest of the fire Lieut. col. Bragg then in command of the regiment was wounded and carried off the field. the command of the Regt. then devolved upon Maj. Dawes. Captain Kellogg being temporarily placed in command of the right wing, when the regiment retired from the field having been relieved by troops for Gen. Summer's corps, they had expended their last round of ammunition, and only numbered 115 men out of over 300 taken upon the field. The loss was all is killed and wounded.

Co. K was thrown forward as skirmishers and opened the battle of Bull Run. At the battle of South Mountain Co's  K and B were thrown forward. At Bull run after driving in the enemies Sharp Shooters, they received the fire of an entire battalion. the company received special mention in the official report of Lieut. Col. Bragg for its gallantry an discretion. there is not a cooler or braver man in the service than Lieut. col. Bragg, who being wounded and carried form the field at the battle of Sharpsburg, as soon as recovered form the shock returned to the field and assumed command of the Reg't.

L. B. Upham

From the Sixth Regiment
(Correspondence of the Journal&Courier.)

Camp near Sharpsburg, Md.,
September 21st, 1862

Our brigade was engaged in the battles of Middleton Heights, on the 14th September and on the 17th near Sharsburg, and suffered severely. I enclose a list of the casualties in our company, "G" 6th regiment:

Battle of 14th
Wounded-C. C. Burbanks, Harrison, Ill.-head; severely

Battle of 17th
Killed-John H. Cowan, Garrison, Ill
Frank Green, Rockford, Ill.
Wounded-Corporal James M. Moore, leg broken.
Corporal James F. J. Davis, flesh wound in leg.
Corporal John Lane, Michigan, leg; badly
Henry Brady, elbow; badly
Michael Ball, arm
John Connor, hand, arm and leg
J. W. Frodine, ankle
John Miller, flesh wound in thigh
Burrill Parkerson, slightly
R. O. Wright, slightly
Frank Lombard, leg
Thomas Smith, Hip; slightly
Detached to Battery B, 4th Artillery same fight:

Killed--Hiram Whittaker
Wounded-John Fillmore, arm
Burton Miller, slightly
Smith Young, shot through breast
Total--3 killed and 17 wounded.

Our Company has 20 men able for battle; the regiment has about 120 fighting men. The other regiments in the brigade are as badly cut up as ours, if not worse, so that Gibbon's Brigade has not the appearance of a good sized regiment.

L. A. Kent

The Battle Ground of Bull Run
(Extract from a letter of Dr. Wm. Frothingham.)

Replenishing my stock of dressing &c. at Centerville, I returned with a flag of truce to care for our wounded soldiers there accompanied me a train of wagon and ambulances with two hundred of the men to bury the dead. Reaching yesterday's position, the field presented a most ghastly spectacle. On that little spot of ground lay over four hundred dead  in every possible attitude. the faces of some mere boys bore no scowl of hate or defiance; killed instantly and dying without pain on closing the staring eye thy looked as though quietly sleeping Although man wounded had been gathered under trees and in shanties, yet hundreds still lay in the fields and woods. I found one poor fellow who had been wounded on Friday, lying helpless with a cup of water and a cracker beside him.

"Who left you these?" I inquired "One of the rebels" he replied adding "they are very kind". Some told me that their enemies divided their last cracker with them. I never believed all the stories of rebel barbarities; still less do I now.

As to stripping the dead, they show a utilitarian common sense for which I commend them. Their men suffer for shoes, and all good shoes are taken off; cloth is of great value, and the costly coats and pants of officers are removed the under clothing is left.

Privates are invariably untouched, except the shoes: there was no maltreatment of bodies. Pockets were invariably turned inside out, but this is always done by our own men on the bodies of  the enemy.

One man who witnessed the same scene of death which I have described; came back with a horrid tale of rebel barbarities which I silenced by a flat contradiction. Men speak from express a wish to cut the throats of suffering enemies who I was attending.

The rebels having burned bridges could not bring up supplies for their troops who were consequently upon short rations; neither had they food for the prisoners they took, who therefore suffered hunger. I visited one depot of prisoners a mile in the rear and found a thousand unwounded men and forty officers. the rebels with whom I talked were desirous of peace, but solemnly averred that they would fight to the last before submitting.

They think that McClellan is our best general: and I am glad that we are again commanded by him. Neither he nor Sigel would have last that field, nor retreated when not a fourth of our artillery, nor half the troops had been engaged.

W. F.