September 1863 Arrival of Gen. Cutler- We announced on Friday that Gen. Cutler would arrive here on Saturday. The General arrived on the noon train from Chicago and was met at the depot by a committee from the Chamber of Commerce who had proceeded there is carriages, and escorted to chamber of Commerce. On his arrival there he was welcomed by a band of music, and on entering the rooms, was greeted by enthusiastic cheers by a large throng which had assembled to do honor to the gallant soldier. He stopped in the centre the ball and was welcomed by Mat H. Carpenter with the following eloquent and thrilling address.! I am here sir on behalf of the chamber of commerce to welcome you home. Not that we think we can confer honor upon you. Honor is won by deeds not conferred by words; and you have taken good care not to leave your laurels to be offered by friendly hands at home; you have snatched them, in the deadly strife, earned them dearly and well in the noblest cause for which a patriot ever unsheathed his sword. But we are here to allow that we appreciate you services and suffering in out and our county behalf here to welcome you have a representing of the army composed of our neighbors and friends freemen and the lovers of freedom not an army representing the mere brut force of a nation but containing members of all trades and profession recruited from all the walks and departments of life and society. In all times mankind has paid its homage to
military renown hailed and glorified military chieftains; yet in not a few,
probably in by far the great number of cases military laurels have been won
in wars prosecuted by ambition to fasten the chains of a conqueror upon an
unwilling people; to set up castes to establish aristocratic distinctions;
to grind and oppress the poor turn with delight to our cause and our noble
defenders. Our armies go not forth to break down but to sustain the equal
rights of all, in and through the forms of a government ordained by the
whole piople to secure perfect union establish justice insure domestic
tranqutility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare, and
secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity forever.
And the chieftains we welcome home come from the fields stained with blood
in such a just cause; come with out blot upon their character or stain upon
their name. "Guiltless as infancy and undisturbed The people of this State have watched your
course with a just pride. You led away our Sixth Regiment. They went
rollicking in the freedom that characterizes our volunteer gradually gently
but with steady firmness as you sobered and disciplined that regiment, until
like the veterans of Europe they are able to perform the meat difficult
maneuvers in the most dangerous places; you then look command of the Iron
Brigade and contributed to bring it to that pitch of military excellence
which has made it an honor imperishable to be of the Iron Brigade. In the
late severe battle of Gettysburg, this brigade was first to receive the fire
of the enemy; and out of eighteen hundred of its men twelve hundred were
killed and wounded. After such a terrible proof of its military power
steadiness and bravery, we feel that our emotions would seek manifestation
not in words, but in tears of thankfulness to the survivors and sorrow for
its bravely departed. The Iron Brigade needs no hirelings of the
New York press to chant its praise; it has written its name upon the history
of its country; the track of our army whether in victory or defeat is marked
by its blood; and wherever it has been necessary for brave men to lay down
their bodies as a rampart to stay the tide of treason there lie her brave
boys by the hundreds -over them wave green grass and the gaudy followers of
a southern clime; and there to the latest years shall the lovers of liberty
make their pilgrimage and pour their tears of thankfulness and of
joy-thankfulness, honoring the brave dust beneath joy that with such
monuments upon earth liberty will not again be assaulted. When your brief furlough shall expire when replenished in health by the fracing breezes of the North you shall return to your command I beg you sir, disabuse our brave boys if they have been abused by the false notes that have been uttered i some places in discord with the harmony of general sentiment here- Assure them that the great body of our population are neither cowards traitors nor scoundrels. that we are utterly incapable of the turpitude of encouraging them to the field of battle the scenes of danger and death and then ignominiously turning our backs upon them; and solemnly pronouncing them the tools of tyrants; and their admirable discipline the docdity of slaves. We had peace and such prosperity as no other land ever enjoyed until this rebellion broke out. When it is put down we shall have peace again. and put down it will be must be and shall be. The growth of liberty the progress of civilization, are not to be stayed to gratify the unholy ambition of a piratical crew in the South PEACE SHALL BE, and an undivided republic, the flag of the Union shall be upheld upon every square inch of our proper domain. If necessary,-if all other means prove unavailing if the South compel us to the awful extremity we will establish peace in the South as Russia established "order at Warsaw". tell our grave boys that we have not deserted them; if the love of some has grown cold they are a minority growing beautifully less; and the great American liberty loving heart beats louder and warmer day by day for the Union and the brave army that supports it. Tell them that we pray for them morning and evening as the ancient church prayed for the soldiers of the cross. Tell them when their good work is well done to return - they will find the throng of people to welcome them intense and enthusiastic. Tell them that at their peaceful coming traitors in the North will flee more rapidly then ever rebels in the south ran before them in the day of battle. In the name of this audience and our whole people, its loyal and brave-hearted men. Its beautiful and kink hearted women, I give you thanks and bid you welcome. At the conclusion of the address, Mr.
Carpenter stepped forward and taking the general by the hand conducted him
to the stand amid great applause. Mr. President and Gentlemen: After the band had discoursed some patriotic airs, the assemblage dispersed and the General was escorted to his homes. |