February 1863
(Correspondence of the Journal and Courier.)
From the 6th Regiment
Near Belle Plain Landing, Va.
Feb. 16, 1863
Mr. Editor:
A foraging expedition, composed of the 6th and 2d regiments, under command
of col. Fairchild's of the latter regiment lately most agreeably interrupted
the routine of camp life in winter quarters here upon the Potomac.
On the 12th inst., the necessary orders having been received, we quickly
found ourselves in light marching order, on board the steamer Alice Price,
formerly flagship of Gen. Burnside, and en route upon our enterprise.
Tis true we were a little too crowded for comfort, the weather rather cool,
the accommodations for sleeping and cooking our "java" very limited, as we
afterwards discovered, for a pleasure excursion still, remembering that we
during 19 months service, have become accustomed to all kinks of weather as
well as frequent lengthy and fatiguing marches ever on foot, and now for
once riding upon a journey, we could well afford to regard only the bright
side of affairs and be fully prepared to enjoy the novelty of our situation
gliding swiftly along upon the broad and grand old Potomac viewing the
numerous vessels going in every direction, and points of importance and
interest, many of us viewing them for the first time. At night 30 miles down
the river we lay to until morning, and then after a few hours ride passing
Port Lookout and obtaining a glimpse of Chesapeake bay we put into one of
the numerous creeks or bayous along the shore between the Rappahannock and
Potomac rivers known by the natives as the neck, and landing 3 mile from
Heathsville, Northumberland county.
Leaving a guard for the boat we at once started for town placing men at
every house to guard against surprise and prevent the inhabitants from
communicating with any "reb" that might be in the neighborhood, Posting
pickets to keep citizens from leaving we stacked arms in the square a
neighboring mill with the adjacent fences affording us a fine opportunity to
make up for the luxury we could not obtain upon the boat. Dinner over and
our pipes lighted we began to explore the town. totally unlike most Virginia
town there was not that marked appearance of thrift and decay. Everything
was as quiet at Sunday-houses and stores except two of the latter being
closed whose few contents speedily found their way to our pockets and
Citizens in formed us that they knew of our intended visit almost as soon as
we did, and inconsequence many left especially officers on furlough and
those looking up conscripts Resting awhile we returned to our landing and
found contrabands busily engaged in transferring from ox-carts their own
personal effects and the fine old hams and bacon once the property of kind
and indulgent masters now food for Yankees. The next morning the good work
continued but very much on the increase horse and mules bacon and negroes
arriving in such abundance that we soon had all our boat could carry.
Then the negroes, without a thought of grief of their loved masters, started
the cattle home, while the yokes and carts were thrown into the water. one
of our boys in going to a house, was attacked by three large dogs, and like
a good soldier showed fight bringing one dog down at the expense of bending
his gun barrel he shot dead the 2d and with a shortened on the left sent the
third howling away.-One lady was foolish enough to come to look after
several of her servants, and together with several farmers so green as to
come with bridles after some splendid horses we had on board, were obliged
to return with the assurance that they were taking a quick passage to Yankee
Several conscripts who had been hiding from their own men came and talked
with us and admitted that we gave them a better insight than they before
enjoyed in reference to war. One old lady who had two sons in the rebel army
said she had been twice burnt out of house and home by the Yankees, but
still did not hate them so fiercely as many southerns profess, yet
immediately added that if we molested anything about her premises she would
shoot us as she would a chicken.
It is estimated we brought away from 50 to 60 head of horses and mules, four
tons of bacon, two hales of cotton, one box of shoes one wagon, and
innumerable smaller articles of value besides the contrabands and their
Expeditions were sent out to capture two schooners, but as they were high on
beach they were burned, We could have filled two or three schooners with
corn and bacon, but for want of transportation left them .
The negroes were invaluable in piloting us from place to place, and
informing us of the names wealth and proclivities of their masters and in
loading our cargo. In return for their service we take them away from
comfortable homes and kind friends, but so spiced with servitude that they
resist all entreaties to remain. On our return we examined many places where
forage may be obtained at another time, and report says we shall have the
opportunity.; We also made some important arrests of citizens engaged in
smuggling medicines and in aiding to the best of their ability the
rebellion. On the 16th we were back, but a very perceptible change was
manifest in the light marching order of every soldier, and a good reason
existed for in every blanket was a fine old ham or shoulder. Many indulged
to luxury of a chair or pail., others struggling under such dainties as
turkey, duck, chicken, &c.
With good rations in our shanties e now look back with profound satisfaction
upon our forage, and flatter ourselves that the 6th and 2d Wis. are some on
a steal.
L.A. K.
From the 6th Regiment
Near Belle Plain Va.
A Raid Down the Potomac
Editors Republic:-An expedition composed of the 6th and 2d Wisconsin
Regiments, having for its chief object, the breaking up of a system of
smuggling which has been carried on during the rebellion across the Potomac
and Chesapeake bay, is worthy of mention in your columns, as another example
of the efficiency of the troops which Wisconsin has proudly sent to the war.
The expedition was conducted by col. L. Fairchild's of the 2d Wisconsin
Regiment, and Lient. col. E. S. Bragg of the 6th, and started on Thursday
the 12th inst. in light marching order and with six days rations. We
proceeded immediately to the landing where the Steamer Alice Price was
waiting to convey us to the mouth of the Potomac.
It was the first time that we had ever had the pleasure of riding on this
beautiful river, and notwithstanding the boat was much crowded its Captain
was a lively interesting gentleman, and we all made up our minds to enjoy
the rip. After the freight is all on, and a few mules, that show themselves
by no means destitute of the full amount of stubbornness natural with the
race, are lead, and pushed, and backed, and carried on board we start. there
is noting particularly grand in the scenery on either side, but the Virginia
bank has the alternate appearance of an extensive tract of deserted worn out
land, and thick growth of small pines. An occasional plantation but feebly
relieves its dull monotony, for the buildings are usually of the same style
one large dwelling adorned with half a dozen negro shanties. As we approach
the Chesapeake however, the country appears better, as the inhabitants seem
to be wealthier and to have been less disturbed by the war.
Just at dusk a shrill whistle called us on deck, and we perceived a low dark
something on the water, which resembles an eastern shed, except that it has
a smoke stack, A little nearer and some frowning "war dogs" reveal the fact
that it is a Gunboat guarding the Potomac, and that friend and foe must
obtain permission ere they can pass.
We went but little further that night and cast anchor, and as the question
whether it would be possible to sleep on board had been discussed and
decided in the negative when we first took passage, the boys had nothing to
do but commence the night amusements which were, to sing tell stories keep
every one awake who tried to sleep and sear. The Captain of the boat aided
materially in keeping them interested and did not become vexed even, at
finding himself locked in his room and having to climb through the window
and come around on the side of the vessel but declared that he had been in
almost every state in the Union except Wisconsin and now he was going there
On Friday morning we proceeded in the same course till opposite
Northumberland county where we turned into Cone river, which is a small
stream and difficult to navigate except by those accustomed to it, there by
facilitating the business of smuggling which is carried on extensively in
that vicinity.
We soon come to an old wharf which is nearly dilapidated by time, but it is
just the place where we desire to stop and the boat is moored and we step
upon the sacred soil once more. We spy a plantation and a fine large
dwelling in the distance, which bears evidence of the repose of
wealth.-Capt. Mansfield with a guard is sent to the residence and soon
returns with its owner Dr. J. Smith, as a political prisoner, guilty of
smuggling goods for the use of rebels in arms. the doctor is a young man,
wealthy and a zealous rebel; to go into the army was the only thing which he
seemed unwilling to do for his ideal confederacy and this he avoided by
obtaining license to preach. He had probably been more effective however in
the capacity of a smuggler which he preferred.
The expedition now starts for the town of Heathsville, which is about three
miles off leaving a guard at the boat and one at each house on the road
side, with orders to allow no one to leave the premises. The town is a small
dull deserted one with but few inhabitants to welcome us or be surprised at
our coming. We returned to the boat that night and slept on the river bank
Saturday forenoon everything is as lively and brisk as a commercial mart;
scouting parties are returning with horses and mules for a raid a part of
our programme, understand. Contrabands are flocking in by scores some the
families and household furniture ox teams and hauling in bacon and hams a
great amount of which has been discovered in a storehouse and the boat is
being loaded ready for our return. At this stage of proceedings however,
something unusually interesting took place. Dr. Smith had been allowed to go
to his house for some purpose previous to his departure for Washington and
we were a little surprised to see the guard returning with him accompanied
by a young lady. It was the Doctor's sister. She had come to make a plea for
her or her brother property, and there was a curiosity to know how she would
succeed. They made straightway for the cabin where they found Col.
Fairchild's and immediately the court opened. The attack was strong and
skillful, but the Colonel was equal to the emergency and kept in view the
fact that he was acting for the Government that sent him.
She seemed to understand that we were going to take her slaves whether they
wished to go or not; but the Colonel assured her that he did not ask them to
leave and that if she could induce them to remain she might do so. She went
out to converse with them, and as she hastened through the crowd towards one
stalwart African holding a horse here, and another unloading bacon there, it
was easy to see that he felt uneasy and wished that "missus" was almost
anywhere else. They were evidently attached to their young mistress and she
evidently knew now to awaken their attachment, and after she had rehearse to
them the "kindness which she had always shown them, and how well she had and
would care for them"
And asked the appealing question how john do you wish to go and leave us;
The poor victim of cursed avarice and the custom of ages faltered and tried
to say no.
Why should he say otherwise?
Has he ever had a taste of liberty to sharpen his desire or appreciation of
Has not everything that would tend to uproot the deep settled and only
principle of his education, that he is a slave and in his proper sphere,
been careful kept from his reach?
Yet but one of those to whom she put this question answered in the negative
and he finally persuaded turned his reluctant steps to go back and continue
his faithful servitude. He stopped to look bock for the last time on the
boat which was to carry off his colored friends What moment he was lost to
his mistress, He felt keenly that he had relaxed his hold on freedom which
he had just felt within his grasp and turning from his young mistress he
came back to the boat it was not that he loved mistress less but that he
loved freedom more.
The young lady was escorted home safely by the guard and after burning
some boats which had been used for smuggling, we started for home, where we
arrived Sunday evening. Aside from the contrabands, the expedition brought
away from the enemy about sixty horses and mules, 15,000 lbs of bacon and
hams, two bales of cotton, one case of shoes, and will be considered one of
the most effective and successful raids of the war. Yours truly. H. J.
From the 6th Regiment A few days ago we were drawn up in front of Gen.
Meredith's quarters to hear read the resolutions I send you. Gen. M. made a
few prefatory remarks explaining the reason of our being assembled, and
desired us to lay aside for the moment the character of disciplined soldiers
listening to an order from a superior officer, in which as such, we would
readily acquiesce but with the freedom of, American citizens. Mote
upon the resolutions, which embodied his own sentiments, and he believed
those of his entire command. "Whereas, certain evil-minded persons in the
army and at home have circulated basic and slanderous reports concerning the
'Army of the Potomac, it is with pain and regret we have noticed the
unfounded but too universal belief of the demoralization of this army; a
report put in circulation by a set of Northern traitors to justify their own
wicked designs laying to our charge the imputation that we are in favor of
peace on any terms. For the purpose of refuting so base a slander alike
insulting to our character as soldiers and citizens we members of the 4th
Brigade, 1st division, 1st Army Corps do therefore resolve: 1st. that we
denounce all such reports and agitations and declare most emphatically that
there are no men to be found in our ranks who would not blush at a
dishonorable and inglorious peace, or would not rather sacrifice their all
for the maintenance of the constitution, the integrity of our country, and
the crushing out of this rebellion. 2d. That wearisome and toilsome as the
profession of a soldier's life may be, and as we long for the society of our
families and the endearments of home we feel it our duty to carry on this
war to the bitter end and what ever the consequence to ourselves may be, the
army of the Potomac will be true to its flag, and does not desire peace
until the last rebel in arms has vanished from our soil. 3d. We warn our
friends at home to beware of traitors in their own midst wolves in sheep's
clothing and never forget that the first duty of a good citizen and patriot
is the maintenance of his rightful government and submission of all little
personal political or social interests to the great common cause. The blood
of thousands of our friends and comrades already sacrificed open the altar
of out county cites aloud to you to follow their glorious example and to
fill the thinned ranks of an army which will never submit to an inglorious
peace. 4th It is our sincere belief that the safety of our country lies in
rallying around the Government in a hearty co-operation of all the branches
of civil lift in a vigorous prosecution of this war the stern resolution to
fight until the last rebel is subdued and the stars and stripes are again
floating over every inch of the territory belonging to the United States. We
invite our friends at home and abroad to join with us in the motto. High the
flag of our county, death to traitors south of North, East or West." 5th.
We fully endorse the spirit of the last Congressional Militia law and are in
favor of enforcing the same throughout all the states and parts of states
now under control of Government. The grumblers and fault finders at home;
the heroes of the quill and the thundering public orators after having seen
the fruitless of the attempts to crush the rebellion with their long range
guns, may yet have the opportunity to show their metal to correct errors,
and to prove their so often pledged devotion to the country in shouldering
to musket and joining their brothers in arms. Let it be truly understood
that in the present struggle no neutrality can exist and than they have
either to fight pay or emigrate." 6th. That we recognize in the present
Administration the Government de facto and cheerfully endorse it. or
any subsequent one in all acts or measures having for their object a
vigorous prosecution of the war and the effectual crushing out of this
rebellion. The spontaneous and unanimous about that went up at the close
of the reading carried the conviction ot every one present that the General
was right in his judgment of the sentiments of this brigade. That shout
would have cheered the heart of every loyal Wisconsin man making him feel
that all the hardships and dangers experienced, all the slights of friends
at home all the foul asservations of Copperheads and grumbles, have but
added to the firm determination of their troops in this department to stand
by our Government to the end and prove true to the state from which they
came. Copperhead sheets, widely circulated by their emissaries have found
their way to our midst only to strengthen out hatred of the cowardly
miscreants who while reposing in the security of home would raise their
cowardly hands to undermine a beneficent Government. and beget a distrust in
the minds of their brothers and friends who like men have left their homes
and periled their lives to maintain their principles and crush the
rebellion. Too cowardly to join openly and fight for those with whom they
sympathies they merit nougat but our heartiest disgust.
Could they have heard our assent to these resolutions they would have
felt that it would afford us the highest satisfaction to be called home to
squelch their treason to exhibit upon them the proficiency in arms which we
have acquired fighting far more honorable toes, and their case would be
attended to effectually and with a will.