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Second Wisconsin
1861 September, Seventh
Sept. 16, 1861
Editors State Journal-Dear Sirs; the
Wisconsin Seventh is about to leave for the seat of war and before we go we wish
to leave a few words of parting with our friends and the citizens we leave
behind us.
Although occupying the humble position of a private soldier, we think we understand
and appreciate the magnitude of the work before us; and we enter upon it with no
little solicitude and anxiety.
Our avowed enemies are formidable enough. Ten millions of people of Anglo Saxon blood
possessing enterprise, intelligence and energy sufficient to wield the destinies
of twenty-five millions of the last twenty years have among them great military
talent; inhabiting a territory of more than double the extent of the original
thirteen States, a territory rich in both natural and acquired resources either
for peace or war and, relatively to their enemies, better armed, equipped and
fortified than our revolutionary fathers were- such a people, so long as they
remain united, are formidable to any force that may be sent against them.
Besides, there are enemies to the Government at home and sometimes I fear
traitors who sneak among the crowd with unavowed sentimenty and intentions will
prove a greater impediment to the success of our arms then the host now armed in
hostile array against us.
We have looked with unutterable surprise upon the late action of some of the
Democrats of some of the Northern States.
We see no party issue worth of thought in this struggle. The only parties
possible in this country at present are loyalists and traitors. Neutrality, even,
is a crime that ought to brand its votary with infamy and everlasting
The salvation of our county is the all absorbing issue. The union preserved, we
stand the freest, the happiest and the greatest nation on earth. Southern State sovereignty
(monocracy), recognized, and if not torn and distracted by feuds and factions at
we are put down a third class power in the catalogue of nations; republicanism is
a failure and the blood of our ancestors was shed in vain. Therefore
we appeal to you loyal citizens as copartners with us in the unhappy strife we
go to wage and as guardians of the happy homes we leave behind us to seep away
the pestilential breath of secession in what ever shape it may appear in your
midst; to give sympathy and aid to our dear ones at home and by your money and
you influence, both with men and with the god of battle, to add success and
victory for our arms.
As the nation's police we warn the unfaithful at home that as sure as God is
with the right, certain and signal victory will ultimately be ours and then we
shall return to call you to an account and terrible will be the retribution if
you shall be weighed in the balance and found wanting. God will stand by the
right and his right arm shall bring salvation.
A soldier in Company D, 7th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers.
Camp Randall, Sept. 19. 61
FRIEND COVER:-I have not written to you before
because we have all been very busy drilling, getting our clothing and preparing
for a move from this place but I will now, as we leave in a short time, give you a
few items.
In the first place I do not think that Wisconsin will ever have cause to be
ashamed of the 7th Regiment; it is composed of men who do not go to war without
knowing the risk and danger they must encounter and, as they know it, they are
prepared to meet it. Our officers are men in whom the boys have the fullest
confidence, especially the Colonel and Lieut Colonel, and feel that they are safe
in entrusting their lives in their hands.
The clothing is of first rate quality and everything is furnished which well be
necessary to keep us comfortable.
We are fed by contract and it is somewhat of a sight to be a spectator at meal
time; there are at least 2000 men, not including visitors, eating in one building,
the different companies being seated at their respective tables and taking and
leaving their places at the word of command.
Last evening the ladies of Madison
furnished both regiments with a change of fare: pies, cakes, and apples, being
quite an addition to our usual bill of fare; the boys were grateful, if any
estimate of their gratitude could be formed from the noise they made in cheering,
and now, as I have said, so much for the Regiment. I want to say a few words for
our company. It is one of the best in camp and I believe that none of the members
would under any consideration be willing to go under any other captain.
Capt. Callis is universally liked and the other officers are of the first
quality and so they should be for the men deserve good officers. All hands are
well and hearty, being in good spirits and able to take care of their rations.
There is an excellent feeling toward each other among all in the company each
one feeling toward the other as a brother should feel, every one feels that on
him, in a degree, depends the good or bad name of the company and therefore all
try to behave themselves so that no disgraceful act may be laid at their door.
The companies from Old Grant are among the best in the regiment and if any
chance is given them will give a striking token of their feelings in regard to
the question of union or disunion.
We have been practicing this morning in taking down and putting up our tents,
and the celerity with which it can be done would prove very useful to all
persons of a migratory disposition.
We will leave here very soon to go to Washington and if anything "turns
up" I will try an let you hear from me. The boys are all in good heart and
send their best respects.
Hoping this will find you all comfortable I remain.
Your respectfully,
John W. McKenzie
Camp Randall, Madison
Sept. 20th, 1861
Mr. Editor:-while I have a little time before the departure of the 7th regiment,
I think it not undeserving to say something in regard to the Badger State Guards,
the fifth company that has been organized in Grant County, besides contributing largely to other companies in adjoining
counties. Surely old Grant has exhibited genuine patriotism, not withstanding
there are a few in certain localities who have violated sacred promises. Such, we
hope, will reconsider the matter and come in at the eleventh hour. Our boys at present
are all enjoying comparatively good health and all in the fine spirits. Out trip,
from the time we left our homes until we arrived in camp, was prosperous and
pleasant. The people of Fennimore and vicinity manifested a philanthropic
spirit. Teams in abundance were provided to convey the boys to Boscobel and I
should judge from the number of citizens that accompanied the volunteers that we
left many warm friends behind whose best wishes and prayers will follow us.
We arrived in camp on Friday the 30th of August about 2 o'clock P.M. and were
busily engaged the remainder of the day fixing and preparing our bunks for the
first time to try a camp life. At 9 o'clock the tattle was beat and all laid
down to repose for the night, the lights were then extinguished and all was
quiet. At five o'clock in the morning a brass 6 pounder was discharged which
seemed to make the entire encampment tremble. This awakened all the boys and for
a few minutes considerable clamor and confusion existed, but it soon abated and
all were ready for breakfast. Since then we have been drilling regularly from
six to seven hours per day. We have improved rapidly in the military science and
we are now going through the battalion drill.
Companies are coming into camp almost daily among which was one that attracted considerable
attention; at the head of the company was a large American Eagle perched upon a
standard with the Stars and Stripes waving over his proud form; while marching
he would occasionally spread his pinions to the breeze to retain his
equilibrium; it was the center of attraction during the day; it belongs to one
of the Companies in the 8th Regiment; the boys say they are going to take him
with them and are not going to return with him until he shampoos his old head in the
Gulf of Mexico.
To day it is raining quite hard; we have just returned from parade; our Colonel
is an old veteran and seems to understand his business well and I think as the confidence
of his men he is a man that exhibit s great firmness and he not in any way
scrupulous about talking to his men or even the commissioned officers.
We have orders to-day that we must leave to-morrow for Washington which seems to
be the wish of all in the regiment. May our presence in Washington honor
the State of Wisconsin.
Yours for the Union,
Special report for the State Journal
The boys of the 7th Regiment seemed to rejoice exceedingly
when fairly under way after so many little delays which prolonged the time of
starting so long after the appointed time.
A considerable number of people were collected at McFarland to see the train
pass, but there was no time to exchanged greetings.
The first stop was made at Stoughton, where almost the entire population
appeared to have come out to bid their boys good bye. Such handshaking and
varied adieus, and parting admonitions, gave evidence that those who went forth
left warm and loving hearts behind them.
Tears there were, not alone on the cheeks of wives and mothers and sisters, but
in the eyes of strong and brave men who were leaving that which was most dear,
and from which nothing but their country's call could have separated them
and some who had bid farewell to their friends elsewhere showed that these
scenes had brought that parting afresh to their minds. Several bouquets were
bestowed on the boys and two or three fair girls passed along the side of the
car shaking hands with their "brothers all" and occasionally some bold
soldier boy with a spice of fun or tenderness in his heart would bring the face
near enough to imprint a chaste salute in memory perhaps of a sister elsewhere.
The ladies, we heard, had made a fine banners to present to the Stoughton company,
but finding that under the regulations it would be only an encumbrance if
carried, did not present it.
As the train moved off one of the soldiers made rather a hard hit at a group of
young men standing on the platform telling them to "be good boys and stay
at home".
At Edgerton and Milton Junction a large crowd variously manifested their
interest in the flying train.
At Janesville there was a great crowd to welcome the boys with something more
substantial than huzzahs and waving of handkerchiefs, through there were not
lacking. The two trains were drawn up along side of each other and pails of
coffee and buckets of sandwiches, pies, cakes and apples were distributed. There
was something for all and the rear car, as your reporter can say was most liberally
supplied. A good deal of curiosity was manifested to inspect the muskets and a
few were disposed to complain that the sentinels so strictly guarded the doors
of the cars. The Janesville people did themselves great credit by the warmth of
their reception.
There came on board here a member of Capt. Ely's company of the 2d Regiment who
had been at home on account of a wounded arm, but was returning to active duty,
one of the gayest of the gay.
Indeed there was life enough in all the members of the 2d who were going on.
At the Depot many of whom had been waiting more than two hours. DAN BOSS was on
hand and expressed great regret that the arrival had been so much behind time as
"by daylight" he said "Chicago would have given the biggest kind
of reception."
Carriages were provided for the ladies of the company to the Briggs House. It
was sometime before everything was arranged to the Colonel's satisfaction but
after some delay the line of march was taken up, headed by sundry city officials
in a carriage, a line of policemen, the splendid Light Guard Band, the Ellsworth
Zouaves with dashing costume, the Scammon Light Infantry and the Anderson rifles.
Then came some skirmishers of the 7th, Col. Vandor on horse back at the head of
the column followed by the regiment in order of battle with Lieut. Colonel
Robinson also mounted. The recruits of the 2d followed and a guard of the
Seventh brought up the rear.
The long march past the Galena depot across Wells Street bridge, down Randolph,
past the Briggs House, down Clark, past the Sherman House and Tribune office, down
Lake, past the Tremont, up Dearborn and then west past the Court House to the
forth Wayne Railroad depot gave the boys a good opportunity to see the principal
part of the city and the sidewalks, through our almost the entire line of march,
were thronged with people who evinced their appreciation of the fine appearance
made by the regiment so far as it could be discerned by the gas light and the
rising moon by the warmest expressions of commendation by huzzahs and clapping of
It tended to make a Wisconsin man feel a little proud to hear his State so
praised and the admirable manner in which she equipped her soldiers. Arrived at
the depot, some of the boys ventured to express a doubt whether they were glad
to come by
the most direct route from the depot where they landed, which was little more
than a stone's throw distant.
Col. Vandor expressed the thanks of the Regiment
tp the escort, complimenting them on their appearance, regretting they had been so
long kept waiting and highly praising the band who he said had recalled many
memories of the past as they played an air to which, as a Captain, he had marched
13 years ago in Hungary.
They responded with various peculiar and hearty cheers.
The Regiment was placed aboard first class cars in three divisions, and hot
coffee and their rations were distributed to them. The sick were well provided
for in a special car and from the fatigues of the march or other reasons their
number was increased to 9.
The advantage of having some one along not directly connected with the regiment
was illustrated by the fact that Mr. Powell, the state agent, in looking around to
see that all was right after the regiment had left the Northwestern depot, found
a member of the Stoughton company sitting on the platform having been attacked
with a sudden faintness and sickness.
He was taken over to the other depot and Mr. Powell saw that he and the others had
everything necessary to make them comfortable.
The proprietors of the Briggs House has kindly
and liberally tendered a supper to the officers, ladies and traveling companions
of the Regiment to which about half of the invited guests sat down between 10 and
11 o'clock. The tables were supplied with almost everything that could be
desired and were well served. Your reporter can bear witness that everything
from oysters down to grapes and other fruits was of the very best.
At the hotel Col. Vandor spoke in the highest terms of the regiment under his
command and referred to his landing in Chicago five or six years ago after
losing almost all of his property with but $50 in his pocket, seeking a location
for business in the west.
Supper over, the officers returned to the depot and the regiment moved off a
little before 12 o'clock at night with every prospect of a pleasant journey.
It seems as if the railroad men ought to acquire sufficient experience soon to
secure the transferring of men and equipments from one train to the other with a
little more expedition and system than has yet been attained. At the rate of 135
miles in 12 hours it take rather too long to transport troops for these times.
Harrisburg Sept 24, 1861
2 o'clock P.M.
Eds. Journal. I have a few moments at this point for the first time since the
7th left Madison to write a few line concerning our transit hither.
We left Madison at 11 o'clock A.M last Saturday after listening to a capital
parting speech from acting Gov. Harvey. At Stoughton we were received by a large
crowd at the depot amid cheers and waving of handkerchiefs. The friends of Capt.
Hile's company from this place crowded around the cars containing it, bidding
"farewell" and "God bless you" to the brave soldiers leaving their
homes to fight the battles of liberty. "Many a tear was shed" by their
Arrived at Janesville at 1 o'clock pm and feasted upon the good things the
people of Janesville so generously furnished to the soldiers passing through
that city.
Arrived at Chicago at 8 o'clock p.m.
A grand reception had been prepared in expectation of our being there in the
The late hour at which we finally arrived 'took the luster off" the grand preparations
though we were received with marked attention and a fine display. The regiment
was escorted from the C. & N. W. depot to the P. & Ft. Wayne by the
Ellsworth Zouaves and Scammon Light Infantry headed by the splendid Light Guard
Band. The band discoursed excellent music. The officers were provided with
supper at the Briggs House and the men furnished with coffee in the cars - for
all of which the managers of the Pittsburg & Ft. Wayne Railroad have the
credit. They regretted that the unexpectedly late hour of our arrival frustrated
the grand programme they had prepared. The chief manager of all this was that
very active and popular agent, D. W. Boss of Chicago General Western agent
for that road. He is one of the most popular and efficient railroad men in the
Northwest. All of the officers of the road exerted themselves to make the Journey
to this point, pleasantly furnishing refreshments at the different eating houses
all the way, to which I will soon refer. There were three sick men when we reached
Chicago.They were provided with carriages and conveyed to the "hospital
car" and soon made comfortable by the prompt and efficient action of
Surgeon Palmer whose attention to duty on the route had been the most marked.
Left Chicago at midnight, the train divided into two divisions. The first under
the charge of Mr. C.R. Patrick, ticket agent in Chicago for the P.& Ft. Wayne
railroad and the second under Mr. Geo. M. Howard traveling agent of the west of
the same road. They were particularly attentive to their business. Mr. Howard
provided everything in his power to make the journey as agreeable as possible to
officers and men.
The utmost care and caution was exercised to running the trains. These men are
gentlemen and very efficient in performance of duty.
Arrived at Fort Wayne Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and were served with
refreshments. The boys filled their canteens with water. A sneaking rascal stole
behind the cars with whisky for the soldiers but before he had dealt it out was
discovered by Lieut. Bachelder and given a severe kicking and forced to flee
under a freight train standing by. We remained at this point one hour and left.
Reached Crestline at 8 o'clock p.m. the same day took refreshments and furnished
the men with rations. I am informed that our Colonel made a very "laconic"
and pointed speech to the landlord who was to furnish coffee to the men according
to contract with the R.R. Col. said landlord was to furnish 1,500 pints for the
regiment. The Colonel asked him how many gallons he had to which he replied
"fifty-five," and according to his reckoning this would make 1.5 pints
to the man or 1,500 pints and he insisted he was right. The Colonel
replied: "You are a d---d fool," and we moved again on our journey, arriving
at Pittsburg at 7 o'clock Monday morning where the best entertainment we had yet
had awaited us since midnight when we were expected. All that any palate could
crave was set before officers and men and a committee of thirteen ladies were
detailed with cup and funnel to fill all the canteens with coffee.
Physicians, hackmen and citizens generally were ready and willing to furnish
anything we could ask for free of charge. Left Pittsburg at 11 a. m. and arrived
at Altoona at 7 p.m. where we had supper. At this point is one of the most
furnished and magnificent eating houses in the United States.
A few miles west of it on the line of the railroad is the Crescent Mountain
House, a favorite summer resort.
Major Anderson spent several weeks here during the past summer.
Baltimore, Sept. 25th '61
I have sent two letters to you
before - one from
Camp Randall and one, written on the way which I gave to a friend to mail at
We marched through the leading streets of that city, escorted by one or two Zouave
Companies and the Scammon Light Infantry to the depot of the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayne and Chicago Railroad where we got out supper, and started on; I soon fell
asleep and when I awoke of Sunday morning we were going at a fearful speed
towards the rising sun through a country resembling the timber part of the
Indian Land; a thick cold fog made it look somewhat raw and uncivil
to us. But as the day advanced our cheerfulness returned, cheered and saluted as
we were by the loyal sons and daughters of Hoosierdom.
But Indiana with her beautiful forests and meadows retreats. Only I must state
one incident. Three or four ladies at one of the villages where we stopped came
out and talked to us; one a mother had two sons named Reynolds in the 12th
Indiana; the other ladies I believe were sisters to three brothers the manner in
which they to other ladies, I believe, were sisters to three brothers. The manner
in which they talked to us was very encouraging. Would that many more mothers
and wives would copy their manner; it was not immodest and unladylike exultation
but pure and gentle courtesy which won our heart, cheeked undue mirth which the
grief of some excitement but at the same time showing their sympathy.
We start again now for Ohio. The State line is reached. All hail! First-born
star of the North West. Always true and loyal.
All the stars in our glorious constellation shall yet burn with as pure a ray as
thine, yet thine will be undiminished
Still through one continuous line of forest all through the day till dark when
we reached Crestline.
SEPT.27TH '61
The cry of 'go to sleep' caused me to stop
finishing this letter at Baltimore.
At Crestline we waited a couple of hours and were served coffee without sugar.
Off again all night; reached Pittsburg Monday morning; had breakfast there
of bread and butter, coffee crackers, &c, in a large building bred for
the purpose of giving a good meal to every regiment going though. All day we
were on ascending grade going up over high mountains till we reached Altoona
which was in the evening. Next morning we reached Harrisburg. I must say now
that from the farthermost line of Indiana to the centre of Pennsylvania, the
scenery is magnificent; the ladies are handsome and acted handsomely all the way
towards the 7th Regiment. After staying all day at Harrisburg resting in the
depot, we started again this time in rickety, rotten and miserable cattle cars
which broke down a mile from town. We had to camp that night in the nearest
clover field which reminded me of the lines in the Atlantic Monthly commencing:
"Room for a soldier,
Lay him in the clover."
This "living in clover" is not what it is "cracked up to
An oil cloth under us and a blanket over us is not a very good protection
against the dew and cold of a September night. "Fall in, fall in,"
next morning woke us up to a sense of the hardships of a soldier's life with stiffened
joints; we packed and marched to the cars again, and went through the lovely
valley of the Susquehanna for a long time. Stayed about half an hour at Little
York, the last town in a fine State.
Off again, now nearing "Secesh;" pickets on each side of the road
guarding at the track. Just before night, a mile or two this side of Baltimore, a
lady decorated in "Secesh" colors made her appearance. In Baltimore we
slept in the depot. All appeared to be for the Union there. In the morning we
started off Washington which we reached about two o'clock (Thursday) in the
afternoon. At the relay House a portion of the 4th Wis. Regiment doing guard
duty on the line of the road came to see us. Many found old acquaintances.
before we left the band played and three cheers were given for the 7th Wis.
Regiment. In Washington we were marched to what is called the "Soldiers
Rest," where we availed ourselves of the very limited accommodation to
wash, then dined on salt pork, bread and coffee. As soon as we had "bunked"
in the evening we were startled by the cry of "Fall in, fall in, Company
J;" some of the company thought we were to march to Chain Bridge, to fight
- but their fears or hopes were groundless as we only went away to make room
for the Ninth Maine regiment.
We "bunked" last night in the second story of some building in the
centre of Washington where I write these lines.
W. D. W.
(Correspondence, State Journal.)
Washington, Sept. 27th, 1861
Messrs. Editors:-My last letter was dated at
Harrisburg, Sept. 24-the Seventh is now encamped near Washington - about one mile
to the west of the city.
After I had mailed my last letter from Harrisburg, Capt. Gordon of Beloit, was
appointed by our field officers to "bear the compliments of the Seventh
Wisconsin to Gov. Curtin." The Governor made us a visit and was highly pleased
with our appearance. At about 5 o'clock P.M. we were aboard and an started for
Baltimore. We crossed the bridge on the way and stopped for a few minutes to
await the coming of a train. During this stay it was discovered by Capt.
Huntington that an unsafe car had been put into the train though the agents here
had agreed to leave the same and supply a good one. The matter was investigated,
and it was decided that we could not move on safely with such a car. A controversy
arose, the details which it is needless to relate which resulted in our being
ordered out of the cars to start again at 5 o'clock in the morning.
The regiment went in every direction to find lodging some in a meadow near by,
some near the track, some beside rocks near by, the ladies remained in their
car. During the night some farmer very generously sent to the men in the meadow
a pig and some chickens with green corn and the etceteras which were cooked by
the camp fires and eaten with a relish.
We left Harrisburg at 6 A. M. of Sept. 25, in very poor cares, but the best that
could be furnished. Nothing of importance transpired until within ten miles of
Baltimore - here four contrabands jumped aboard while the cars were running very
slow up grades. Each had an instrument - tambourine, guitar, bones and a triangle and
entertained the officers and men with music and singing. They sang several Union
and Liberty songs, moving from car to car, collecting several dollars of loose
change. When within seven miles of Baltimore we saw an engine and cars off the
track near a switch, the night before a number of rebels, escaping the notice of
the guard, succeeded in moving the switch so that the cars would run from the
track. No one was injured. The road is thoroughly guarded from the Maryland line
all the way to Washington.
Arrived at Baltimore 7 o'clock P.M.- we have not been received with more
attention than here at any point on the way. The soldiers received their rations
and coffee from the loyal citizens of Baltimore who have established an
association for the purpose - the Union Relief Association." The officers and
ladies were taken to the houses of these loyal men and well cared for. I stopped
with the Vice President of the Association and gathered many interesting facts
about Baltimore. The officers and members of this Association have been in
danger of losing their lives and are yet though the Union party has grown
strong. The voters in the city are divided about as follows 12,000 Union, 11,000
secessionists and 12,000 ready to go with the party that wins "on the fence
party." The union men are confident of carrying the city at the next election
with an unconditional Union ticket.
As we marched through the streets, the stars and stripes were waived from
every side. Our Col. not feeling able to go on, ordered the men to quarter in
the Hamden Street Depot. We left at 7 in the morning receiving the "God
bless you's" from Union friends who pledged that the stain on the name of Baltimore
caused by the disgraceful affair of April 19th, should be wiped out before the
war ended.
At the Relay House we were received by the 4th Wisconsin Regiment, Col. Paine.
They were all well dressed, and in good health and sprits, the boys were, of
course, glad to meet their Wisconsin friends. They are expecting to be ordered
from here soon. They are anxious to get where there is a prospect of an
immediate engagement.
We arrived at Washington at 1 o'clock P.M. September 26th and, as usual, were
obliged to remain all the afternoon about the depot, and at night after a great deal
of ordering and counter ordering we quartered in a hall in Pennsylvania Avenue.
In the morning we encamped where we now are near Washington.
Gen. King is making an effort to have us attached to his Brigade at Chain
When we arrived here there were thirty on the sick list. All are doing well now.
The fast last Thursday, was strictly observed in this city and Baltimore, and
throughout the county.
I have just obtained a pass to cross the Potomac, and until I return, I remain
Yours, &c.
Camp Randall, D.C. Sept 31st, 1861
Mr. Editor: believing that the citizens of Grant
County are interested in the welfare of our patriotic volunteers, the following
may not be uninteresting.
On Saturday the 21st, at 5 o'clock A.M. we struck our tents, packed our
knapsacks, eat our breakfast and took our respective places in the battalion. We
then listened to a warm and patriotic address from Secretary Harvey, now acting
Governor of the State of Wis. At 10 o'clock amid cheers, applause and roaring of
cannon we surrendered the camp to the 8th Regiment, seated ourselves comfortably
in first class cars and started for the seat of war. At half past two o'clock we
arrived at Janesville, where a collation was prepared for us. After satiating
our appetites, which were pretty keen, we renewed our journey, and at 8 o'clock ran
into Chicago. We then formed into four ranks, and marched through the principal
streets, accompanied with a brass band. The sidewalks were perfectly crowded
with the citizens and I must say from the many flags and handkerchiefs that were
waving in the air and the loud cheers that echoed through the streets, that
Chicago is a loyal and patriotic city.
We remained there until 12 o'clock. changed cars and again started on our journey.
At 9 o'clock A.M., we came to Fort Wayne, a very handsome town in old Indiana. We
tarried there about two hours and receive warm coffee when the locomotive snorted
which is the signal to get aboard. The train then started and we were going
making our way toward Secessiondom. At 8 o'clock A.M. (Monday) we made Pittsburg
and were cordially received by the citizens who gave us a fine breakfast, the
credit of which is due to the ladies. After partaking of their hospitality, we
gave them three loud cheers and marched to our new cars, seated ourselves and
remained there until one o'clock and again renewed our journey and after winding
our way along up the banks of the Allegheny River, passing through man deep excavations
and tunnels, we arrived at Harrisburg, a beautiful place and well worthy of the capitol.
We remained there until 6 o'clock, changed cars, and again started on our journey.
After crossing the long bridge at Harrisburg, one of the front cars broke. This
incurred the displeasure of our Colonel who had not a very good opinion of the
cars and he said the train should lay over until morning. We then selected a
favorable place and bivouacked for the night. At 6 o'clock a.m., (Wednesday) we
renewed our journey passed through some beautiful country, everything seemed to
be in peace and quietness, no signs of secessionists were seen until we crossed
the Maryland and Pennsylvania line we then found pickets stationed along the road
to guard the track and the bridges. At 8 o'clock in the evening we run into
Baltimore, and I must here acknowledge that I was much disappointed in regard to
the Union sprit manifested by the citizens. The sidewalks were a perfect moving
mass of humanity, and all seemed glad to see us. Flags were waving in all
directions and occasionally some one would give three cheers for the Union. We
then threw off our knapsacks rested ourselves and received our rations with warm
coffee, Supplied the wants of nature, we laid down on our blankets and reposed
for the night. At 9 o'clock in the morning we once more started to terminate our
journey and after we got about 9 miles from Baltimore we came to what is called
the "Relay House," there we found the Fourth Regiment guarding a large
bridge. We stopped there probably one hour, shaking hands and conversing with our
fiends who received us like brothers instead of soldiers and we again started
amid cheers and applause. at 2 o'clock P.M. (Thursday) We arrived at our
destination, received our rations and remained in the city all night. At 6 o'clock
in the morning we ate our breakfast and then marched to our camp. We are now
settled for a few days.
The boys are all enjoying usual health and are in good spirits &c.