John Cook
Battery B, 4th US Artillery at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 near the
This young Cincinnati boy (age 15 or so at the time) helped man a Napoleon
along with Brigadier John Gibbon as they canistered the 1st TX along the
Turnpike fence. The canister loads saved the battery and allowed the 2nd
Wisconsin to recover/rally after getting pushed out of the bloody corn.
Here's a picture of my good friend Jari Villanueva playing Taps last Winter
next to John Cook's grave marker. Jari put together the Taps project and
yours truly donated research and a few original bugles (clairon, the big
belled bugle) to Arlington for 3 years.
RJ Samp
Bugler 2nd WVI, Co. K
Three Danada Square East
PMB # 173
Wheaton, IL 60187