Greetings to all from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Gary asked for me to
send out my snail mail address to everyone. I only ask that
you please write in black ink, use a patriotic stamp and keep contraband(to include food and gum) out, otherwise i'll be doing push ups for a long time. My address is as follows:
PFC Barbour, Matthew T.
A Co. 35th Eng. Bn,
1st Plt.
Ft. Leonardwood, MO 65473
There also needs to be a 1 written on the back of the envelope. Mail would
be much appreciated however carepackages are strongly
discouraged by the cadre(Drill Sergeants). Hope to hear from ya'll soon, and i should be out of here on the 8th of October!
Your Obedient Servant,
PFC Matthew t. Barbour