November, 1998

Tim Fairchild. November 1, 1998

Ah! The blues!
In a follow-up to the trouser topic, Like Company H, Company C has opted to set it's look towards the 1862 appearance aka dark blue. I tell all new members to get their dark blues first and get a sky blue later as part of their kit.
Gary stated in an earlier post " the group hardly gets to portray the 2nd Wisconsin"
I find that troubling seeing my men and I chose to recreate  the 2nd Wisconsin.
The Association should consider that by it's size alone, it could act as it's own Battalion and do the 2nd at ANY event here in the East save a National event.
One of my not so great memories of the 135th of Gettysburg was to see a bunch of troops go by us wearing bummers and kepis and calling themselves the 2nd Wisconsin. That brought a bitter taste to me knowing that my family fought in the woods no more than three miles away and I wasn't allowed to honor him by portraying his unit. As for requesting my boys to remove their "2" from their hats! well, they made their own minds up on that one much to my pride.
Don't let our heritage go for the sake of numbers. You are the 2nd Wisconsin first, not the Black Hat Battalion! It would be wonderful to see the "Grand Ole Second" Marching at South Mountain Next September. Why not make that our National event?
South Mountain and a living History at the Dunker church at Antietam Battlefield are our events for September next year so Company C will not be attending Chickamauga.
As always, it was  good seeing our pards at Gettysburg 135th and we look forward to seeing some of the boys at Remembrance Day in Gettysburg November 21st

Steve Bechtold,November 4, 1998

Howdy From Company H,

We of Company H may just may be interested in the march through Turner's Gap.  I know that I would much more than Chickamauga.  I am an Iron Brigader before I am a generic Yankee.  You can only do so many first person impressions before you start sounding silly (in your own head that is).  I can probably commit five members without even asking them.
Who knows we could come close to bringing the entire company (we are still that small - about 10).
I would like to propose to the Regiment that we support Tim and Company C with a major push to march over Turner's Gap and portray the 2d this year instead of some other unit.  I would like to see the regiment concentrate on being the 2d, we have the members to do it.  That was and is my vision for the Regimental concept and the main reason that we way out here in God's Forsaken West wanted to partner up with the rest of you at National Events.
I think that this is one heck of a possibility.  There are those who would not be able to make the march, this is true of any endeavor such as what we are talking about.  But, perhaps those folks could be waiting just outside of the battlefield area and join us close in as we move to contact.  Just my thoughts and trivial ideas.

Doug Dobbs, November 4, 1998

Bill Styple is a member of my Civil War reenacting unit and he's written a great book for kids about the life of a 12 year old boy named Gustav Schurmann.  Gus was a real boy and this book tells his story very, VERY
well.  This Saturday, Nov. 7, at 3 P.M. C-SPAN will be showing an hour long program, interviewing Bill about this book and the Civil War in general.  I understand that they will be showing some portion of the battle reenactment as well.  The program was filmed at a Civil War reenactment at Cedar Creek, Virginia about two weeks ago.
(C-SPAN has more information at )

little bugler.jpg (8409 bytes) R. J. Samp, November 4, 1998

Do you recognize the trumpet Gustav Schurman received from Phil Kearney on the cover of the book?
We had three of them made this year by Andrew Naumann, Naumann Trumpets, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

Gustav's 'bugle' is a true cavalry trumpet..cylindrical tubing predominates, instead of the conically bored tubing of a bugle. Klemm and Brothers, Philadelphia made these during the Civil War...the three we had made are the first made of a similar design in 130 years.
This is the 'bugle' I used at Spring Muster, Camp Randall, G135, and Boscobel.