February, 1999
Feb. 13, 1999
WANTED: Any and all information about military
chaplains of 1860's vintage. Protestant...attire...their rolls in camp and in
preparing for battle...the whole enchallata! And folks...if you're religious in ANY
sense of the word, PLEASE PLEASE pray for both the Regiment as a whole...
Fred Cook
Feb 12, 1999
I am doing some research on the 1861 gray uniform worn by Co.C.
Does anyone know if there is a complete example somewhere?
We are doing this in preparation for 140th Bull Run in 2001.
If anyone knows of an example or a pattern, please drop me a line at company@hotmail.com
<mailto:company@hotmail.com>. Thanks.
Before I forget, Co.C is the process of obtaining a reproduction of the
National Colors that the boys of the 2nd carried off to war in the summer of 1861. We look
forward to carrying this flag over South Mountain in September.
If our pards in Co.H have their Regimental Colors ready in time for the march, the sight
of the two flags with thirty or forty blackhats behind them would be a sight to behold!
Pvt. Jason Kntikos
Co. C
Second Wisconsin
Feb. 11, 1999
This is just a little note about a Another War
About Squadron Leader Ken Butler, RAF who I had the honor to know.
He passed away on the 30th of Nov. 1998.
He flew with the 103 Squadron "The Black Swan" He flew and Loved the
Because of all the pain and suffering of that war, most of all he wanted
the last missions, the missions to drop food in Holland to be remembered.
Operation "Manna"
Here is the stone at "Elsham Wolds" (the field they operated from) in
honor of those Last missions .... His last gift to the future ....

Jim Johnson
Co. A
Second Wisconsin