October, 99

October 29, 1999

( Because of our "people" section on Silas Coster being found on a web search, we've had several requests from people in Europe looking for information on US Civil War participants that have particular background: We're posting some of the e-mail info here is case you know of some info that would help them. Note: Allan's Joke page is somewhat less PC than we usually find.)

You asked what kind of material I'm trying to collect. Here is a link to a site from two friends of the civil war chatroom I regularly participate in: I want to put up stories on Dutchmen in the civil war in a same way as they do on Scotsmen. I hope you know now a little bit more on the type of info I'm looking for. Respectfully, Patrick Starmans, pattie@cuci.nl 

Scots in the civil war .(Allan Mitchell (Bootneck))

Finding things over here is like finding gold. I was researching old newspapers in the Library today just found an interesting bit about 79th at 1st Manasas and the librarian asked me to let someone else use the microfische machine. Still I'll get back to it later
Regards again, Allan

October 22, 1999

For the Camp Fire.

I talking to Mike about the article, I am convinced that he did not in
any way mean to detract from the 2nd Wisconsin or any other unit that
was involved in the homecoming.  Mike does hold all the Brigade in high
regard and would never intentionally mil-align any of it's regiments.

Tim Fairchild

October 21, 1999

I think these quotes state well the feelings that many of us have at the end of the reenacting season....

"Strangely enough the word [of our discharge] had already passed around,
but even stranger there was little cheering, little celebration.  We had
expected to be transported with JOY.  Perhaps soldiering in a splendid
regiment is not so bad.  Where would we find civilian friends to compare
with our soldier comrades?"

Or what about this quote from Henry Prince of the 127th New York?  Could this be 1865 he writes of, or 1999?

"I think I will never be ashamed of coarse clothes and plain food.  We
as a nation have been living too fast.  Too much pride and care too much
for dress.  Methinks I have learned a lesson since I became a soldier."

from "The Civil War Infantryman" by Gregory A. Coco.

Your obedient servant,
Jeff Beiriger
AKA Corporal Rufus W. Clark
Company A, Second Wisconsin

Closing out 1999
We have the Gibson Ranch Event moved to the old Mather A.F.B. in Sacramento.  It will be held in the Rotary Park on post.
The next event will be a parade in Petaluma on the 11th of November.  Meet
at Walnut Park at Noon.  Then the Ball is going to be at the Opera House in
Sonora on the 13th of November.  After that put a fork in it...we're done!

Steve Bechtold
Co. H

October 10, 1999

wardog11.jpg (75894 bytes)
click for larger photo
As promised folks. The brave soldier that marched twice as far as all of
us at South Mountain seeing he has 4 legs.  Who led us in charges, slept
where we slept, ate goober peas but didn't use the porta pots! The only
soldier that didn't complain! :-)

Folks I give you:  Montana the War Dog!

Thanks to Owner Rich Sokolowski for the photos.

Tim Fairchild

October 10, 1999

This is just in the thought stage right now but it sounds real
interesting.  Might be a good way to start funding that monument at
Turners Gap with pledges as we did at South Mountain this year. 61 guys
raised over $10,000 dollars! It would be a noble undertaking indeed!

Any thoughts?
Tim Fairchild


Can you give me a run down on what will be happening 2001/2002? I want to
make a presentation to the Association at it's annual meeting to get them itching
for it.
Well, it's not like we've got concrete plans.  It's more a question of "What
would YOU like to MAKE happen in 2001 and 2002?"   :)

The basic idea I've floated before the Fire on the Mountain committee, and
gotten positive feedback on, is that in 2001 we make the event a campaign
event, we perhaps use the Boonsboro property as a rally point/ staging area,
but that we make it a marching event ala Red River 2.  Horse drawn supply
wagons, etc.  If we can find property that is halfway between there and
wherever we end up and stage a battle/skirmish of some sort there, well, so
much the better, but the focus would be more on having a mobile, not a
static event, and working the bugs out of that process in preparation for
the next year, 2002.

In 2002 I've proposed that we have another static event in Boonsboro, or
perhaps in Burkittsville, for South Mountain 140.  Then a week of
campaigning, perhaps a walk down to Harper's Ferry for a day of living
history down there (can you see 1,000 guys encamped there for a day or two?)
to portray the siege.  Then a march, or some other means, to move the boys
up to the Artz farm near Hagerstown, for Antietam 140.  (I've looked at the
idea of moving them part of the way by train.  Might work.)  There we'd
march onto the field of battle and roll right into line, like we did a few
weeks ago.  Or something like that.

This is all a HIGHLY fluid situation, so don't take ANY of this as set in
concrete.  But that's what a few of us are talking about and if the
Wisconsin boys wanted to come back and be a part of all that, I'd sure be
thrilled to see them out there snaking their way up that hillside to
Turner's Gap, let me tell ya!

Let me know your thoughts,


Black Hat Brothers: 
Cpl. Bill Locey, Co. B, 6th Wisconsin here.
At our last event in FRESNO, we had 48 Black Hats from all five regiments, a West Coast record. For the first time, we did Scott's, pissing off the hardcore officer jerks to no end. We need a copy of Baxter's, something preferably with pictures. We know shoulder arms, right shoulder shift and we stack arms according to Militia Scott's but we need a definitive answer. Why learn anything twice when we can learn it right the first time. We need to know stack arms, where the file closers belong and all the usual BS. As if the Hat itself wasn't enough, the drill monsters
from Planet Hardcore thought we were screwing with them whedn they saw us all come to the shoulder. Any help would be appreciated - we don't
want to be the ugly stepchildren at Antietam 140. My mailing address is
POB 64, Ventura Ca 93002 or you can call me at 805-653-5524 and you know how to do this. I met you at Gettysburg. It must be the hat - I'm out - the Iron Brigade of the West Coast thanks you...

(We'll be sending a CD with Scott's, Jim Johnson)

Cpl. Bill Locey,

"Great time in Fresno"
Posted by dmmascit on Oct-05-99 at 08:54 PM (EST)
First off I would agree that the last battle on Sunday did end in a bust. The information given to us was a half dozen spectators sneeked onto the battle field behind the Confederate line to the White Gazabo type building and were setting off fireworks from that position. ##### shame too, we had crossed the bridge and pushed into the Confederate lines and getting ready to take a massive slaughter. It would have looked great, a massive pile of dead and wounded Black Hats!

The greatest part of the weekend for us was getting members of each of the Iron Bridage on the field. We had members of the 7th Wisconsin from Washington, the 19th Indiana out of Oregon, the 6th Wisconsin from Southern California, the 2d Wisconsin and 24th Michigan from the San Francisco Bay Area and San Joaquin Valley all together to form for the first time a fully represented Iron Bridage on the West Coast. For those on the Union side we were known as Company #6.

As I said we had a grand time in Fresno and appreciate evrything the event coordenators did to put on this event.

Dave Mascitelli
1st Sgt. 24th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

forwarded by R J Samp

October 7, 1999

I am in the final process of negotiating the March route for our
Remembrance day Monument Ceremony on Sat Nov. 20.  
I spoke with the NPS today and It looks as if we will be granted the permit to march up Mc'Pherson's Ridge!  Just a few logistical items  to work out such as
parking.  I may ask that we have people designated to car pool to the
Staging area on Reynolds Ave. This will most likely be about 200-300
yards on Reynolds Ave. off of RT. 116 or the Hagerstown/Fairfield Road.
Parking is being set up but it is imperative that we adhere to the
parking spaces provided and STAY OFF THE GRASS ! I will be sending a map
to Jim Johnson which will show where we will start to place on the
Association web Site. When I receive the final Permits I will forward
the time schedules to you and the Web Site so keep checking the
Johnson's web site for updates.

We have 39 People shown coming for the Association Companies dinner at
Buckleys Irish Pub. I will be sending in the final menu in 1 Week.

I would like to hear from our Wisconsin Pards if any small state flags
were obtained for the Cemetery ceremony scheduled for Friday Afternoon
the 19th.

Look for a write up in the Civil War News in November for the 2nd
Wisconsin's participation in the South Mountain Preservation March and
the re-enactment. Should have some photo's as well. I'll put them on My
site as soon as I can get back to a scanner.

Will be talking to Gary Klas in the near future about doing a
preservation march for The 2nd Wisconsin at Turners Gap. in a year or
two so start gearing up.

Best wishes to all

Tim Fairchild
Association Staff

from Doug Dobbs, Oct. 13, 1999

Thought you boys should see what we accomplished.  The figures below only  reflect what we'd collected from the marchers, and only those amounts in hand by the day of the march.  There's a bit more money that's come in since then and our total for the effort has climbed over $12,000 at last reckoning.  That means your efforts purchased one and a half display cases, all by yourselves. I've also seen a draft of the article coming out in the next CW News and it's going to be great.
Well done, my friends, well done.
 South Mountain March donations by unit
 (for those with 3 or more attending)

Unit name             # of registrants             Total given by 9/10/99
2nd Wisconsin     10                                 $1,132.00
3rd NJ                 26                                 $2,500.00
14th NJ                 8                                    $800.00
15th NJ                12                                $3,342.00

This is exciting stuff!

Congratulations Tim on doing such a great job!

RJ Samp
Bugler   2nd WVI, Co. K