September 1999

Hey RJ et al,

You all would be welcome to come here any old time.  I've gotten to know a
lot of folks around this area and would do all within my power to pave the
way for your efforts in such a march.  Among other assets we've got
outstanding cooperation from local government.

Keep your ear cocked for developments of a mobile event for 
"South Mountain" in 2001.  
Next year (2000) will probably be a static event, i.e. the usual camps 
with a battlefield nearby sort of thing, but with good accomodations
for campaigners, a lot more emphasis on historical scenarios and a much
larger battlefield.  But the next year I want to take the whole show on the
road, from cavalry videttes to horse drawn supply wagons; with as much
infantry in the middle as we can recruit.  That all could start with the
Black Hats coming up through Turner's to Boonsboro and then press 
on towards Antietam.  Talk to me if you've got ideas.

All of that would be in preparation for 2002, in which we'll have a whole
week of events and campaigning on tap, starting with South Mountain,
probably including Harper's Ferry and then marching into Antietam the next
weekend.  2001 would be a "test case" for that larger event, work out the
bugs, build a support staff, etc.

If we had you guys coming up through Turner's I'm sure we could get the
highway dept to close off a lane for us for an hour or two and give us some
protection as we made that ascent and descent.  Speaking from this year's
experience though, make SURE your boys are in shape and don't allow late
registrants who can't run up four flights of stairs in full gear without
breathing too hard.  I made that mistake and regret it now.

As for those sips of Grandma's Secret Elixir, well, she was a strict
Methodist.  We'll have to whip up a batch of her sister's famous ginger snap
cookies instead, ok?  :)

I like your ideas for other vignettes.  There are several homes along the
way, ones that figured prominently in the battle, that are owned by ardent
preservationists now.  We could do some fun stuff with them, I'm sure.

Get your boys walking and we'll work on the details here for ya, no problem.

Doug Dobbs
Hagerstown, MD
Pvt, Co E, 15 NJVI

I'd be willing to take a group of Wisconsin based 2nd WVI pards out there
each year and support Company C's East Coast efforts. It's a tremendous
battle site even with the big trucks and speeding car traffic on the
National Road!

It also helps that Doug Dobbs is a pard of mine and owes me a few sips of
his Grandmother's Secret Elixir Recipe #1, as a curative only mind you....
Some other vignettes that could be portrayed:
Breakfast in Middletown prior to walking up the mountain. Milking a few
cows to add to the cream to the coffee (why is it that Iron Brigade diaries
mention milking anything with udders on the march).
General Summers salute to the Iron Brigade on TOP of the mountain when they
marched up it a second time the next day. This entire XII corps salute from
a normally somber 'traditional' general is an important morale building
event that surely added to the esprit de corps of the Black Hats. Despite
the loss of over 300 pards at South Mountain just three days later they
push Lawton out of the Cornfield; stack up Stark (and his Louisianan's) like
cordwood;  and even while skeedaddling back from Hood's Texas Brigade
Assault they manage to set up the 1st TX for a little Canister mauling from
the 140 Thieves.

By the way, the Black Hats looked EXCELLENT at Chickamauga 1999! My
[Hardee]  hat's off to you guys!

RJ Samp
Bugler   2nd WVI, Co. K
Three Danada Square East
PMB # 173
Wheaton, IL   60187
This is great news folks

Monday, September 20, 1999

RJ Samp 
Bugler 2nd WVI, Co. K 
Three Danada Square East, PMB # 173 
Wheaton, IL 60187
Work 630.871.7072 FAX 
Date: Monday, September 20, 1999 
Colonel Dave Shackleford Gentlemen, As most of you know, Colonel Shackleford suffered a heart attack during Saturday mornings first engagement. Dave remained in a Chattanooga hospital today, for what I believe, is some surgery to clear blockages. Mr. Shackleford was in our hearts, minds and prayers, throughout the weekend, and he will remain in our thoughts and prayers throughout his recovery. I know that Dave would very much appreciate to hear some kind words from his pards in the Western Brigade. E-mail messages can be passed through Jim Dedman, Mr. Shackleford's AAG, at

Let us all reach deep and say a prayer for Mr. Shackelford's quick, and complete recovery. I remain as always, you most obedient servant. Chris Ableson Colonel, Commanding The Western Brigade

September 13, 1999

 Turner's Gap

Glorious news!  I wanted to run this past you first to get your imput. 
Remember the Maryland State Ranger that inspected our rifles?  Well, I ran
into Ranger Al Preston  back up on Crampton's Gap Saturday afternoon. 
He does Civil War living history! gets better.  He said he was impressed with the impression of the
2nd Wisconsin.  He informed me that the state is in partnership with the Western Maryland Historical Society (?) to purchase Fox Gap and Turner's Gap to turn it into a state battlefield park. 
He said the project is making tremendous progress and it appears that the
two gaps will, indeed, become state park land.  Here is the point I'm
driving to.  He asked if the 2nd Wisconsin would be interested in doing
living histories at Turner's Gap once the state acquires it. 
He's looking
for quality reenacting units to come and do living histories and was
impressed with us when he first saw us at Burkittsville.  He was even more
impressed when I told him that we do a correct campaign style impression. 
If you are interested, I will give you Ranger Preston's  address and phone
number.  If this sounds like a grand idea to you, pass this along to the
troops and the association.  Also (with Ranger Preston's help) I have
located the exact areas of action on Turner's Gap.

Chris Yaroch