March, 2000
Friends of ours from Chicago recently attended a
play by the "Cold Chicago
Company" on the CW. The play had the following song about the Iron
from a decidedly Secessionist perspective:
The Iron Brigade
By Warren Leming
Ten foot high in places
Sometimes twice as wide
Wears a wool shirt and braces
Bowie knife for a bride
He's fired a thousand balls
Before you've fired your first
Marched a thousand miles a day
And never dropped from thirst
Its murder keeps em happy
He'll kill you fifteen ways
They were not made for peace on earth
The dammed old Iron Brigade.
The devil will not take them
But they love him just the same
Says he'd rather be in heaven
Than face them boys again
Its murder keeps em happy
He'll kill you fifteen ways
They were not made for peace on earth
The dammed old Iron Brigade
Thought you might enjoy this.
Sgt. Thiel
Co. B