July, 2001
July 16, 2001
I urge all of us to sign it. It
will help make our impression that much
more unique AND more importantly, AUTHENTIC!
I agree, Steve, Ammo supply must have been fun.
Especially later on in the
war when some held on to their Lorenz rifles and others got
etc. etc.
Cpl. Monty Chavez
July 16, 2001
Steve Bechtold
It was the 7th that used the .58
Lorenz, 2nd used .54 .....musta been hell
on the ammo supply!
July 15, 2001
guys might be interested in this: the Authentic
Campaigner website has
posted an online petition to demonstrate to manufacturers of
repro rifles
that there's reenactor interest in a repro of the Lorenz
rifle: "Desiring
to see an accurate reproduction M1854 Austrian Lorenz and
Bayonet available,
Civil War Living Historians have joined with competition
shooters and
collectors to demonstrate the demand such a reproduction would
Check it out at http://members.tripod.com/pcalloway//austrian_lorenz.htm
The site also has some great pictures of an original Lorenz
rifle. Even
though the Lorenz was the 2nd-most imported rifle of the Civil
War there has
never been a repro available. Iron Brigade reenactors
should be
particularly interested in having a repro of this rifle since
this was the
weapon used by the 2nd WVI (and apparently one other Iron
regiment--the 6th WVI?) during the period we're reenacting.
Steve Wyrick <sjwyrick@earthlink.net>
-- Concord, CA
this may be of interest to you.
John Dunn
Dunn's Computer Center
Pennsylvania Digital Archives Offer Window to the Past
By William Welsh,Staff Writer
Citizens of Pennsylvania, researchers and other history buffs
around the world can now access Pennsylvania historical
records online, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
Commission said July 3.
The entire article may be viewed at
Dennis Peterson of McFarland is selling the cannons and mortars. You may or may not remember Dennis, he shot mortars with us once at Lake Mills about five years ago.
never did join the CWSA, but he enjoyed making
He out of room in his shop now and selling these items for
"best offer"
Dennis has:
2/3 scale Mountain Howitzer
2.3 scale Napoleon
1/2 scale Naval cannon
1/4 scale Naval cannon
1/10 scale Naval cannon
Two ? scale mortars
If you want to get yourself an artillery piece, this may be a
reasonable way
of getting into it. Dennis's phone number is