June 2001
Bedard; Betsy Streisand;
Suzi Parker
U.S. News
& World Report
Blue, Gray, Green
The White House, eager to find green programs it can support, is looking over a $15 million funding request by the national Civil War Preservation Trust to buy threatened battlefields like those at Shiloh, Tenn., and Brandy Station, Va. The 34,000-member group has saved more than 3,600 acres of historical sites in three years and is promising to match the feds' $15 million with private donations. The bid has Senate support, but the House didn't put funds in initial budget votes. All sides feel President Bush's support would cement the deal and allow him to crow about his preservation credentials.
PLEASE WRITE, today, to your Member of Congress (c/o House of Representatives, Washington DC 20515), and urge him/her to support the $15 million funding request by the Civil War Preservation Trust which is being supported by the U.S. Senate.
Then, write your U.S. Senators (c/o U.S. Senate, Washington DC 20150) and urge them to support the funding request which has been included in the initial budget dialogue in the Senate.
Your support of this request with your Senators and Congressman can help make the difference in getting the money to save Shiloh, Brandy Station, Stones River, and other battlefields which need protecting. Please take action. The upcoming 4th of July holiday is a day of honor for our independence and our veterans, and there is no better way to honor Civil War veterans than to do all you can to save Civil War battlefields.