January 27, 2002
January 27, 2002
Cannon Barrel Buyers
This is just to warn you that there are Civil War cannon barrel buyers roaming through Wisconsin. Last week an out of state buyer walked in to the office of the firm that currently owns the land on which the Camp Bragg Monument (with four gun barrels) sit. He had alot of money in his hand, wanted to pay for them on the spot and haul them out the next day. He had the person he was talking to convinced he had the right to sell them to him - until someone more knowledgeable stepped in and put a stop to it (a contact Camp 8 had made). The land is in the process of being turned back over to the city of Oshksoh - but as we know from other parts of the country - it doesn't matter who owns the land they sit on.
Randy Novak
January 27, 2002
2003 will see the 50th
anniversary of the founding of the American Civil
War Round Table, United Kingdom.
We plan a major weekend seminar to be held during May. I am very
pleased to say that Ed Bearrs, Joe Whitehorne, Dennis Frye and Jeb
Stuart 1V have agreed to make presentations. Their subjects will be
I am naturally hoping that we can persuade Civil War enthusiasts in the
United States to attend. I believe that this will be a great
opportunity to meet fellow Civil War preservationists and also visit
sites connected with the War.
With this in mind, please be so kind as to ask interested parties to
contact me.
Peter Gasgoyne-Lockwood
e mail acwrtuk@aol.com
Telephone 0044 1747 828719
Days of
Glories Past Encampment!
In response to a flood of inquires, we
are pleased to announce the dates of our Fifth Annual Civil War Weekend in
Waukesha, Wisconsin. Please set aside the weekend of October 12-13,
2002 and join the fun!
As always, we will do our best to provide a grand experience for all of
you. We look forward to seeing you at the Days of Glories Past
Larry and Ingrid Huebner
Event Coordinators January 21, 2002
5th Wis. Vol. Reg.
Among the hundreds of valuable artifact collections of the Manitowoc
County Historical Society, one stands out as altogether unique, not so
much because of what it is, but because of what it represents in the
annals of local history. it is a piece of fabric sewn into a flag and
displayed under glass in the Manitowoc Heritage Center.
In the year 1861, the village of Manitowoc people were increasingly
concerned about the news read about the problems of the Southern states.
Word reached Manitowoc that Southern forces had fired on Fort Sumter and
President Lincoln had declared that military force would be used to put
down the rebellion. He called for volunteers to fight for the union.
Within two days enough men had signed up to form a company calling
themselves "Manitowoc County Guards". On June 17, a flag was present
the company by the ladies of Manitowoc, in recognition of their courage
and bravery as volunteers. Mrs. Gideon Collins made the presentation. it
was graciously received by Captain Temple Clark who promised to take it
into every battle and never let it be disgraced.
The preservation of this same flag is now being undertaken. In
a fund
raising effort the Manitowoc County Civil War Round Table is selling
2002 calendars with pictures from local reenactments. They may be
purchased sending $11.75 ($10 per Calendar and $1.75 postage
to: Nancy LeClair
2323 Sandy Bay Road,
Two Rivers, WI 54241
the complete story of the flag is at: