September, 2002

Hello Johnson's. It was good to see you at Antietam. Bill Roth and I fought with the 79th NY. It was a great weekend even though some of the battles were screwed-up.

Sunday we opted to visit the battlefield and the National Cemetery where we saw that you had placed an American Flag at your relative's grave. We love the battlefield and the cemetery.

Hope to see you both in Waukesha.

Best, Mike Marinelle/Bill Roth

September 22, 2002

Hi yanks !

I' am a French man and history is my hobby !
I learn the Civil War since 6 or 7 years.
I' am 19 years old.

The Iron Brigade is a very interesting unit.

i would like to know how many re-enactors are in US ?
and in your regiment ?
have you some information on your unit for me?
Thanks for your help !
UNION FOREVER (and general Reynolds !)
John Manon

(Provence area of France)