Ladies and Gentlemen, If you haven't been watching the news, Bill Graff's company lost a fourth marine. Here's an update from Dan. - Gary Hi Craig and Wil, Thanks for the kind thoughts. We are doing ok. We haven't heard from Bill since Ryan Cantafio was killed. Bill's request for transfer back to the company was approved, and he moved north to the Co. G base on Sat., 11/20/04, and his most recent email was Sun. the 21st. He said they "got IEDed on the way," but he didn't say if there were any casualties from that. The report we got from the Co. G volunteer coordinator yesterday said that the same land mine blast that killed Ryan wounded LCpl Michael Skaar of Bill's weapon's platoon in the right arm, resulting in evacuation to Germany, and Sgt. Ganem of the 3rd platoon, resulting in amputation of his left foot and other injuries, treated in Germany and now Bethesda, and Sgt. Hazell, also 3PLT, in the arm, but he was able to assist the others and call for help before being treated by the corpsman. I suppose Bill will let us know his proximity to the events. Naturally, he has much less chance to email now, and we are back to snail mail, which is pretty slow for these guys right now. I'll try to keep you posted, and Gary's copy will serve as my update for him. Thanks again, Dan Hi Dan & Karen. How are you guys holding up? I wonder if Bill knew Ryan. God bless. This is to inform you of the very sad news that Sandy Hautamaki's son Ryan Cantafio, died last week while serving as a Marine in Iraq. Sandy is a Corrections Complaint Examiner who works out of Central Office and FLCI. Sandy's husband Dave, is a Training Captain at CTC. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sandy and her family. |