• Think about your conversations around a campfire in the past and use this page to  expand on your thoughts about Wisconsin history, the Civil War and the Regiment
    and those From the Second Wisconsin in harms way today.



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Read past months from the Camp Fire

For immediate release: June 7, 2005
Milwaukee Soldiers Home Listed on National Register

MILWAUKEE—The National Soldiers Home Historic District has officially been listed upon the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places. The historic district, located on the grounds of the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee, includes the majority of Wood National Cemetery, nearly 90 acres of historic grounds, and 25 post-Civil War-era buildings, including the nation’s first completed federal soldiers home, established in 1867-1869.

The Soldiers Home Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)3 non-governmental non-profit organization whose mission is to save the historic district buildings, cemetery and grounds — and the veteran legacy they hold — for future generations, completed and submitted the National Register application in early 2005. The National Park Service announcement came one day after the successful completion of the Soldiers Home Foundation-sponsored Reclaiming Our Heritage Multi-Era Reenactment Event, June 4-5.
Hi all,
June 6th, 2005
Here are some pictures of an IED. The IED just went off, note the black
smoke. The rest of the pictures are of the humvee. Guess what, nobody got
hurt. The armor and windows on the humvee did their job.

Photos 1,  Photo2
