April - June
Home Page Second Wisconsin
to the Wisconsin Volunteers 1861
Read about the beginning of the effort to save the
story of the war
by the State Historical Society
The Second and Third Wisconsin Regiments
ordered to Washington
Gov. Randall received the following dispatch by telegraph this morning:
Washington, April 3d, 1861
Gov. Randall:-Send this place immediately by rail your three years
Report when they can come.
Secretary of war.
The call is for the Second and Third regiments. The Second will probably be ready in
three or four days; the Third cannot possibly be put in readiness without considerably
more delay.
Latest News
By Telegraph to the Patriot
Surrender of Ft. Sumter
War on the North to be Declared
April 12-
The Ball has opened.
War is inaugurated, The batteries of Sullivan's Island,
Morris Island and other points were opened on Fort Sumter at 4 o'clock this morning. Fort
Sumter has returned the fire, and a brisk cannonading has been kept up. No information has
been received from the seaboard yet.
The military are under arms and the whole of our people
are in the streets, and every available space facing the harbor is filled with anxious
Charleston, April 11-
Intercepted dispatches disclose the fact that Mr. Fox, who had been allowed to visit Maj.
Anderson on the pledge that his purpose was pacific, employed his opportunity to devise a
plan for supplying the Fort by force, and that this plan had been adopted by the
Washington government, and was in progress of execution.
New York, April 12-
The Herald's special correspondent says Fort Moultrie began the bombardment with two guns,
to which Maj. Anderson replied with 3 shots from his barbette guns, after which the
batteries at Mount Pleasant, Cumming's Point and the floating batteries open a brisk fire
of shot and shell.
Maj. Anderson replied only at long intervals until between 7 and 8 o'clock when he opened
from 2 tiers of guns looking toward Fort Moultrie and Stevens' Battery, but at 3 o'clock
failed to produce serious effect. during the greater part of the day Anderson directed his
shots principally against Moultrie, the Stevens and floating battery and Fort Johnson,
they being the only ones operating against him. Fifteen or eighteen shots struck the
floating battery without effect, breaches to all appearance being made in the sides of
Sumter exposed to the fire.
Portions of the parapets were destroyed and several guns shot away. The fight will
continue all night. The fort will probably be carried by storm. It is reported that the Harriet
Lane received a shot through her wheel head. She is in the affray. no active
government ships are in sight.
The troops are pouring into the city by thousands.
Dispatch-Charleston, April 12- The firing has continued all day
without intermission. Two of Fort Sumter's guns have been silenced and it is reported that
a breach has been made in the south east wall. The answer to Gen. Beauregard's demand by
Maj. Anderson was that he would surrender when his supplies were exhausted - that is if he
was not reinforced. Not a casualty has yet happened to any of the forces. Of the 19
batteries in operation only seven have opened fire on Ft. Sumter.
The remainder are held in reserve for the expected fleet. 2,000 men reached this city this
morning, and embarked for Morris Island and the neighborhood.
New York, April 12-
Among the passengers in the North Star, from Cal., was G.D. Wade Esq., and family, of
Cleveland. We understand that Mr. Wade came as the representative of the Western Union
Telegraph Company. He was entirely successful in perfecting arrangements on the Pacific
side for the immediate completion of the telegraph line from San Francisco to Salt Lake.
New Orleans, April 12-
Dispatches received here from the War Department at Montgomery
to hold the Kentucky Volunteer Regiment in readiness to march at a moments notice.
Charleston, April 12-
The bombardment continued from the floating battery, Stevens and other batteries.
Sumter continues returning the fire.
It is reported that three war vessels are now off the bar.
The firing has ceased for the night to be renewed early in the morning. ample arrangements
are made to prevent reinforcements to-night.
Special to Herald-
Two men were wounded on Sullivan's Island and number struck by spent projectiles.
Three ships are visible in the offing.
It is believed an attempt will be made to-night to reinforce Sumter from the regularity ofering throughout.
Anderson has a larger force than was supposed. It has rained all day.
Charleston, 12
- Later-bombardment is continuing, with mortars, and will be kept up all night. It is
supposed Anderson is resting his men for night. Vessels cannot get in as a storm is raging
and the sea rough, making it impossible to expect reinforcement to-night.
The floating battery works well.
Charleston, April 13-
The cannonading is going on fiercely from all points, and from the vessels outside and all
along our coast.
It is reported that Fort Sumter is on fire!
10:30 A.M.-
At intervals of twenty minutes firing was kept up all night on Ft. Sumter. Maj. Anderson
ceased firing from Ft. Sumter in the evening. All night he was engaged in repairing
damages and protecting the barbette guns. He commenced to return the fire at 7 o'clock
this morning. Ft. Sumter seems to be greatly disabled. The battery on Cumming's Point does
Fort Sumter great damage.
At 9 o'clock this morning a dense smoke poured out from Ft. Sumter.
The federal flag is at half mast signaling distress.
The shells from Fort Moultrie and the batteries on Morris Island fall into Maj. Anderson's
stronghold thick and fast, and they can be seen in their course from the Charleston
Charleston, 14-
Sumter is unconditionally surrendered. The people are wild with joy. No Carolinians are
hurt. Anderson and men conveyed to Morris Island under guard and reached city as guest of
Beauregard. The people sympathize with Anderson but abhor those in the steamers in sight,
who did not come to attempt to reinforce him. The wood-work and officers quarters at
Sumter burnt.
No officers wounded. Fort Sumter taken possession of
Beauregard just goes to Sumter; also three fire companies to extinguish the fire before it
reaches the magazine.
Charleston 14-
Negotiations completed last night. Anderson's command will evaporate in the morning - and
embark on the vessels now off the bar.
Charleston, April 13-
1 1/2 o'clock- Firing ceased. Unconditional surrender made. Carolinians are surprised the
fight is over.
After flag staff was shot away, Wigfall was sent by Beauregard to Sumter with white flag,
to offer assistance to subdue the flames. He was meet by Anderson, who had just displayed
a white flag.
But batteries had not stopped firing.
Wigfall replied: Anderson must haul down the American flag, and surrender, or fight was
the word. Anderson then hauled the flag down. Several of Beauregard's staff came over and
stipulated that the surrender must be unconditional. Anderson allowed them to take actual
Charleston, 13-
five of Anderson's men wounded one thought mortally.
After the surrender a boat and ten men were sent from ships of war outside to Morris'
Island requesting permission for a vessel to take off Anderson's command. Anderson's
reported surrender because quarters and barracks destroyed and had no hope of
Fleet lay by thirty hours. Couldn't or wouldn't help him. His men were prostrated by over
exertion. Explosions heard in Sumter. Everything in ruins but the casements. Many guns are
dismounted, and the walls look like honey combs. Moultrie is badly damaged. The houses on
the island are riddled. Boats sent from the fort to-night officially notify the fleet of
the surrender of Sumter. It is not known what will be done with Sumter or the vanquished.
Charleston, April 14-
Major Anderson and men leave to-night on the steamer Isabel for
New York. fleet still outside.
How the President
received the War News, &c.
New York,
13- The President received the war news calmly and with a confident
feeling that he had done his duty in the matter.
Senator Sherman arrived from Ohio and reports the Republicans there ready
to stand by to the last. The opinion prevails that an attempt will be made before sunrise
to run the light draft vessels of the fleet up to Sumter to reinforce and provision it.
Washington Tribune dispatch says Capt. Fox commands the vessel with provisions which is to
lead the expedition into Charleston.
Surrender Demanded
Charleston April 11-
Roger A. Pryor has been appointed in Beauregard's staff. Beauregard, at 2 o'clock,
demanded the surrender of Fort Sumter, which Anderson declined probably with a
reservation. It is currently reported that negotiation will be opened to-morrow between
Anderson and Beauregard about the surrender of Sumter.
President's Proclamation
Washington, April 14-
President's proclamation says:
"Whereas, laws of the United states have been and now
are opposed in several States by
combinations too powerful to be suppressed in the ordinary way, I therefore call forth the
Militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate No. of 75,000 men, to
suppress said combination and execute the laws.
I appeal to all loyal citizens to facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the laws, the
integrity of the National union, and the perpetuity of the popular government; and redress
wrongs long enough endured.
The first service assigned forces will probably be to repossess forts, places and property
which have been seized from the Union.
The utmost care will be taken consistent with the object, against the devastation,
destruction or interference with property of peaceable citizens in any part of the country
and I hereby command persons composing the aforesaid combination to disperse within twenty
I hereby convene both Houses of Congress for the 4th of July next to determine upon
measures of public safety, as the occasion demands .
By Wm. H. Seward, Sec'y of State.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, April 20, 1861
State of Wisconsin
Proclamation To the Loyal
Citizens of Wisconsin:
For the first time in the history of this federal
government, organized treason has manifested itself with several states of the Union, and
armed rebels making war against it. The Proclamation of the President of the United States
tells of unlawful combinations too powerful to be suppressed in the ordinary manner, and
calls for military forces to suppress such combinations, and to sustain him in executing
the laws.
The Treasures of the country must no longer be plundered; the public property must be
protected from aggressive violence; that already seized, must be retaken and the laws must
be executed in every State of the Union alike.
A demand made upon Wisconsin by the President of the United States for aid to sustain the
Federal Army, must meet with a prompt response. One Regiment of the Militia of this State
will be required for immediate service, and further service will be required as the
exigencies of the government may demand. It is a time when, against the civil and
religious liberties of the people, and against the integrity of the Government of the
United States, parties and politicians and platforms must be as dust in the balance. All
good citizens, everywhere, must join in making common cause against a common enemy.
Opportunities will be immediately offered to all existing military companies, under the
direction of the proper authorities of the State, for enlistment to fill the demand of the
Federal government, and I hereby invite the patriotic citizens of the State to enroll
themselves into companies of seventy-eight men each, and to advise the Executive of their
readiness to mustered into service immediately.- Detailed instructions will furnished on
the acceptance of companies, and the commissioned officers of each regiment will nominate
their own field officers.
In times of public danger bad men grow bold and reckless. The property of the citizen
becomes unsafe, and both public and private rights liable to be jeopardized. I enjoin upon
all administrative and peace officers with the State renewed
vigilance in the maintenance and execution of the laws, and in guarding against excesses
leading to disorder among the people.
Given under my hand and the great Seal of the State of Wisconsin, this 16th day of April,
A.D. 1861
By the Governor:
Alex W. Randall
L.P. Harvey, Sec'y of State.
MADISON, April 23 -- The
following proclamation was issued by the Governor this morning: To the patriotic people of
Wisconsin: -- In six days from the issue of my proclamation of the 16th inst., the first
regiment called for by the president of the United States, for the defense of the Union,
is enrolled and ready for service. Four companies from Milwaukee, one from Janesville, two
from Madison, one from Horicon, and one from Beloit are assigned to the first regiment,
while nineteen more companies have tendered their services.
It is to be regretted that Wisconsin is not permitted to increase largely
her quota, but her loyal citizens must exercise patience till called for.
I urge the formation of Companies of able-bodied men, to the number of
seventy seven, in every locality where it can be done without expense for subsistence of
men who pledge themselves to be minute men, standing ready at short notice to answer to
calls from the Government. When such companies are full, if infantry of riflemen, let them
elect a captain, lieutenant and ensign and report to the Adjutant General for commissions
and orders. It is necessary that men be taken from their peaceful vocations to be drilled
for actual service.
Though when companies are located in large towns it is desirable that they be drilled as
far as possible in the use of arms, whenever companies are called into service all their
expenses will be paid. Wherever companies have been enrolled and have reported offering
their services, they will be first
called upon whenever a new demand is made upon
the State by the President, which is likely to be very soon. I thank the good people of
the State for their ready response to my proclamation, and for their patriotic devotion to
The first proclamation of
Governor Randall was as potent in bringing warriors to the field as was the whistle of
Rhoderick Dhu in olden times-
"That whistle garrisoned the glen
At once with full five hundred men."
The proclamation instead of hundreds brought up thousands. .
Wisconsin Adjutant General's report, 1861
Weekly Patriot
Madison, April 27, 1861
State Troops
The governor has as we notice elsewhere issued his
proclamation for a Second Regiment of Wisconsin Militia.
The object is to anticipate somewhat the call of the General government, and have will
drilled troops to send forward, instead of raw volunteers, as is necessarily the case
where the call is answered by immediate enlistments.
As we understand matters: as soon as ten companies are reported and accepted the Governor
will order a rendezvous of the regiment at Madison to go into camp on the Fair Grounds for
drilling. The pay of soldiers will commence with the order to rendezvous, and will come
from the state.
The expenses will be born by the state, until the troops are ordered into the service of
the general government. The course pursued by the Governor is the correct one, as it will
ensure first class men, regularly and thoroughly drilled, to go forward in defense of the
country. Wisconsin must stand in the front of the conflict, and we wish such of her sons
as fight her battles to be able to sustain the credit of the state in whatever position
they may be placed. we want men capable of doing soldiers service, and they must go forth
never to be welcomed back, unless they come bearing good report of their conduct.
The preparation of troops may be expensive, but it is necessary, and we feel confident the
patriotic people of Wisconsin will not inquire what it costs so long as it contributes to
the good cause of defending the liberties of the country and reflects honor upon the state
The Governor has acted promptly, and patriotically - he has the united people of Wisconsin
with him.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, April 27, 1861
To Arms! To Arms!!
This is now the clarion cry from every palace and hamlet
in the land. The whole country is aroused to the highest pitch of excitement from the
North and from the South. The war spirit is up to white heat, and one of the most gory
wars that ever shocked the world is about being inaugurated. It is useless now to go back
to speculate on the causes, or bandy words about the person or party to blame. We have our
opinions about these matters, and have pretty freely expressed them during the past year,
and have often often predicted the state of things that have actually presented themselves
as history.
It will do no good now, to enlarge on these things. It will never do to spend our time in
tolling out epithets on those who are to blame, while the house we live in is being turned
to blackened cinders. No, but let us man the engines, ply the buckets, put out the flames
if we can and when all further exertion to save the grandest structure of human skill,
shall have become useless, then we may turn our attention to the incendiaries.
Boys, the old Union edifice is on fire. We want willing hearts and able hands to
extinguish the flames, and until that is accomplished we desire to hear nothing of
politics. We must work and fight for the Union. It is all that is dear to us, for when
that is gone, we have no country and without a country life itself be comes a secondary
consideration. To arms! to men of all creeds and politics. You must now defend your
country or soon - very soon - you will have none to defend, and will become the slaves of
masters that know no mercy. In times like these so pregnant with terrible events, every
man's hand should be extended every man's purse opened - to aid the families of the brave
men who volunteer in defense of their country. Our purse, though small and
"flabby" indeed, shall be as freely opened for this purpose as though we
believed the war was necessary, and could not have been avoided.
We shall stand on no technical objections, and we hope this will be the case with every
man, no matter what his views of policy may be. While a hostile army is marching towards
the Nation's Capitol, and the Union is menaced on all let no man prove recreant to duty.
To Arms! To Arms!!
April 27, 1861
New York Sun
There is a Providence which
shapes our ends
The New York Sun, of a late date introduces an article on
the present condition of the country in the following appropriate language:
There is a God who governs the world and the passions of
bad men are among the leading instruments by which He "coerces" states and
empires to fulfill His inscrutable decrees. Human passion is the "rod of iron"
with which He is said to rule the nations. It moves at His touch or rather - like certain
pieces of machinery, which a cold spring is permitted at the proper moment to actuate of
itself - whenever it suits the All wise Ruler to modify or remove the pressure which
He keeps upon human depravity it springs fourth like the wild fury of a demon, to execute
whatever work of destruction and change had been decreed.
The following is the concluding paragraph: While we stand in awe at the
visible" finger of God" in the great events of the hours, the Christian, at least
should watch the paternal providence with strengthening hope and solemn cheer.
Mercy and judgment are mingled in the the storm. We shall not come out of this conflict
where we went in. The love of liberty, of country, of the rights of man, of truth and
honor, of law and Justice, had sunk too low in the corruption and venality of our times
for any resuscitation less violent and convulsive that this. When the heavens are rolled
together as a scroll, and the earth on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall
melt with fervent heat then look we according to His promise for a new heaven and a new
earth in which dwelt righteousness.
So in the minor convulsions that prefigure and prepare for
the last great change, we may find the same cause and a like result - a new and better
OUTFIT. -- Adjutant Gen. Utly addressed the
following communication to Quartermaster Gen. Tredway . . .
"It is the direction of the Commander-in-Chief, after some consideration, that the
following outfit be allowed to each soldier in the Wisconsin active Militia: 1 cap, 1
eagle and ring, 2 flannel shirts, 2 pair of stockings, 1 tin or rubber canteen, 1 pompon,
1 coat, 2 pair of flannel drawers, 1 leather stock, 1 haversack, 1 cap cover, 1 pair
trousers, 1 pair boot's or shoes, 1 great coat, 1 knapsack. It is not deemed advisable to
purchase at this time any further articles of outfitting such as rubber blankets, ponchos,
&c. not until such time as the troops are called into actual service. Other articles,
axes, saws, spades, and camp equipage, generally, will be hereafter considered."
Chilton, Wis., Times, Saturday, April 27, 1861
Weekly Patriot
April 27, 1861
Progress of the
We need not be surprised if we hear of sundry preliminary
advances taken by the Southern rebels over the Government troops; for we must all know
that so far as preparation and organization go, they have had some year or more to prepare
with many traitors high in federal offices, including two Cabinet ministers, to assist
them, while the Federal government was obliged to wait till they struck the first blow,
before our organization could be attempted, so as to throw the onus of the fight
ostensibly, where it in fact belongs - on the Southern traitors.
Had it not been for the determination of the Government
not to commence the fight the rebels would not have been permitted to work at Fort
Moultry, in Charleston harbor for months throwing up redoubts, building floating
batteries, and strengthening their positions on every hand, without hearing from Fort
But as it was, the Government muzzled its guns, and looked
on in silence, day by day, for months seeing the elements of destruction erected around
Fort Sumter, without so much as interposing an obstacle. When the rebels got ready they
commenced the attack on Fort Sumter, and then the President's Proclamation was issued, and
in less than two weeks time some ten thousand good and loyal troops had reached the
Federal Capitol, having to cut their way through some 40 miles of hostile territory, by
the light of burning railroad bridges, while no less than 200,000 more troops were
enlisted, of which about one-third have already been mustered into service and are either
at rendezvous, on the tented field, or on their way thither. All this aside from the
bringing the Navy out of chaos - providing vast quantities of military stores, &c. -
has been accomplished in the incredible space of 2 weeks - a feat that eclipses the
halcyon days of the great Napoleon, when his troops were raised by conscription, instead
of voluntary enlistment. And besides during this time, no less than five hundred millions
of dollars have been either tendered to the Government and the loyal States, or
actually paid over, by various Corporations and millions of individuals.
The rebels have deep laid and desperate schemes. Their
object has been to force all the border states into secession and we don't know but they
will succeed. They have got Virginia, and they now want Maryland, so as to hem in
Washington by hostile territory. It is a part of their programme to cut off all
communication with the North by rail, silence the telegraph and then to post war's
destruction on the flanks of the Potomac, so as to cut off Washington from succor, either
by land or water. If they could once get possession of the Capitol then half their game
would be played out for they would destroy the public records and other valuables, and
drive the officers of Government into the loyal states or take them prisoners of war. We
hardly think this can be done so long as old General Scott has a live head on his
The next move of the traitors is to block up the
Mississippi, with a view of forcing terms with the Western states, but they count without
their hosts for the Great West is united as one man.
Traitors here are are few and far between, and as fast as
discovered, they will be boxed up and sent to their sympathizing friends.
We believe, at least we hope, that the citizens of
Maryland and especially Baltimore, will have good sense enough to offer no more
obstructions to the passage of volunteers for if they do the Monumental City may soon
become a monument of ruin's. The North has been one great sleeping volcano. The Traitors
have applied the torch, and they need not be surprised if they are consumed in the
dreadful eruption. The North has waited for the first blow, and when that was struck,
without a cause, from that moment party lines were obliterated, and Democrats, and
Republicans, all parties, creeds and denominations instantly forgot their creeds and their
platforms and are to-day enrolled under but one flag - the Star Spangled Banner.
The North was slow to anger - slow to start - patient,
enduring and even forgiving of the most wanton insults, all for the sake of peace; but
since, her very toleration has been treated as an evidence of weakness and cowardice. She
has now arisen in the majesty of her might and woe to the provokes of her wrath.
Since all mild measures have failed - and since Mars is to
be the umpire, we say war to the knife, and knife to the hilt - carry the conflict into
the very heart of Africa and since the malcontent rebels would not let us fight for
constitutional rights to their slave property, let us all turn abolitionists - if that
word will express the meaning - and aim a blow at slavery that shall make the proud
master's hearts quake.
Always strike the enemy in his most vulnerable part and as
we know of no subject more tender to Southern consciences than their slaves, let such a
blow be struck as will make every rebel howl with midnight affright for fear of a servile
Yes that's it. In war we have no compliments and if
Maryland acts the traitor too, let us begin by a coup de etat with her 80,000
slaves and when we have put them in a condition of offence and defense let us turn our
attention to the half million slaves in Virginia, and make the chivalry see specters in
every bush.
We might extend this chapter ad infinitum but this will do
for the present. Now our hands are in let us make no child's play of it, but draw the
claret at every blow.
Milwaukee Sentinel, Apr.27,61
A SOLDIER'S KIT - At this time, when so many are preparing for the wars, a memorandum of the
things necessary to take along as baggage will not be unacceptable. An old soldier
contributes the desired catalogue as follows:
"Two flannel shirts, red preferable; 2 stout
hickory shirts; 2 fine shirts, if you can take them along; 4 pairs of woolen socks; 2 pair
of drawers, white cotton or wool, indispensable; 2 pair stout and easy boots, if you can
take a second pair; 2 towels, indispensable; 1 piece soap; 1 fine and one coarse comb; 1
tooth-brush; 1 butcher knife, (a good place for this is in the boot); 1 quart tin cup; 1
button stick; 1 vial of sweet oil; 1 piece rotten stone; 1 piece chalk; 1 button-brush,
(nail brush will do); 1 flannel housewife for and full of needles - throw in a few pins
while you're about it; 1 pair small scissors; strong black and white threads in tidy
skeins; 1 blacking brush, if you can take it; 1 box blacking. Learn to pack your knapsack
tidily, closely and conveniently for use.
To the above you can add all the grub you can
stow away, inside and out, and replenish when you can, without waiting for the stock on
hand to be exhausted.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, April 1861
Satisfactory-The appointment of L. Park Coon, of Milwaukee, as Col. of
the 2d Regiment is well received. the Col. is a gentlemen who has had a military training
and possesses the qualities of heart and mind necessary to make a popular and effective
commanding officer.
Greatest natural
A sharp young gentleman in a drug store near the
Capitol House sends us the following good one.
Why is the 2d Regiment of Wisconsin Active Militia the greatest phenomenon of the age?
Because it is composed of Badgers led by a Coon.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, April 27, 1861
Milwaukee has contributed
$22,000 and Madison about $10,000
for the support of the war. Well done.
Wisconsin will raise a million of dollars and 10,000 troops if necessary.
Anatomists say that a man changes every seven years. Therefore, says Jones, my tailor should
not remind me of the bill I contracted in 1854-
I ain't the same man!
Washington D. C.,
April 30, 1861
Friend Bartlett:
I will endeavor to gratify you with a brief description of the doings here for the past
week or so of course I will not tell you all for I cannot and need not as the
telegraph performs that labor as to important events as they transpire.
When you left the Capitol all was quiet - unusually so when we consider that here all
classes and sections meet and that there must, of necessity, be considerable political
wrangling going on all the time. I confess to a little disappointment in this respect. I
have found this city as quiet and orderly as any I was ever in. It might be expected that
after the fall of Fort Sumter there would have been a change in this respect but there was
none visible save that the secessionists were a little more bold and open in the
expression of their opinions.
The fall of Sumter threw a gloom over the minds of the friends of freedom here. The blow was such and the Government had
failed to give us any evidence that it had the energy and vigor necessary to deal with
open high handed rebellion. It appeared as imbecile as its predecessor.
The time had come to act. Volunteers within the District were enrolled the proclamation
was issued, Virginia was seceding, Ben McCullock was at Richmond and Washington was in
eminent danger.
It still an easy prey to be captured by
a band of desperadoes, if any were found bold enough to strike the blow. It was truly a
gloomily hour men consulted anxiously, timid ones left for home as fast as railroad could
carry them. What was to be done? Whatever was to be done must be done well and quickly for
the danger was imminent. There was an organized band of 1000 secessionists in the City.
The Departments were full of open sympathies for the South. There were large numbers more
who would go with Virginia and Maryland, even the volunteers enrolling for the defense of
the District and for their $20 per month and rations were not to be trusted. Some, of
course, were true but a large number would have faltered when brought to the test. Their
conversation and their associations caused them to be suspected.
Well might the friends of the Government feel gloomy! There were many strangers here on
business from different parts of the Union. Nightly meetings were held in Old Trinity
Church and the regular Abolitionists were ventilating themselves freely.
What shall we do? was being asked. One
or two attempts were tried to form the strangers into a company but they did not succeed.
At this critical hour when Washington was in danger of attack from with out and within
that noble and gallant spirit Col. Cassius M. Clay tendered his services to the President
for the defense of the Capitol.
He was at once commissioned to organize
a company of picked men upon whom he could rely and to act in concert with Marshall Lamon
as a special police - Gen. King, of the Mil. Sentinel,
was here. He selected 20 reliable men from Wisconsin and tendered them to Clay.
Others from other States did like wise.
There were 150 assembled thus the first night and the number soon reached 300. We were
drilled and organized into scouting parties and put out on duty at once. Our quarters were
at the Willard House Concert Room - which was formerly a church. At the head of the room
was a platform on which was a sofa - there was Clay, sometimes some times asleep and
sometimes superintending the movements of his men or in counsel with his Lieutenants. The
platform in front was covered with a compound of men and rifles in a recumbent posture.
The setters around the room at times were likewise occupied. We were not allowed to sleep
long undisturbed. Alarms or the noise and bustle of scouting; armies coming and going kept
us in a wakeful condition - When too much inclined to slumber a call to the ranks would be
heard from our vigilant commander.
The order would be given to see that
your pieces were loaded and that you were supplied with 10 rounds a piece for there was a
prospect of fun ahead.
One night a part of us were detail to stand at the White House. It fell to my lot in
company with Bryan of the Appleton Motor to watch the
Southern front.
Little did I think one year ago however
that our country would require my services thus or that I should enjoy the high honor and
distinction of standing guard over the President of the United States not as a hireling
soldier but as a lover of my country who was glad to be able to obey that county's call
and render my services without pay or reward, except the consciousness of doing my duty.
At another time we were ordered to spend the night at the Navy Yard with a similar company
under the command of Col. Jim Lane, of Kansas notoriety. Of course we did so and as you
may well expect enjoyed ourselves hugely.
It was indeed highly amusing to see
Senators and members of Congress and others of high standing in society crawling up on
coils of rope and among cordage or boxes, endeavoring to rest and sleep. In this manner we
have passed eight nights, on guard and under arms waiting and watching for traitors. We
have watched in vain. They did not come; I think they dared not.
The name of Clay and Lane carried
terror. The fact of their having gathered a band of reliable men around them was enough.
Our numbers remained unknown and it was supposed that we were at least one thousand
strong. Of course Clay and Lane would fight and those who formed in companies under them
would be true to their leaders and follow where ever they led. Such being the case it was
not desirable to meet us; we were given a wide berth. We were called pirates, border
ruffians and every other epithet that could be thought of. It was well it should be so.
The Secessionists took the hint and fearing arrest and punishment, their most prominent
men took leave. Good riddance to Washington.
All were rejoiced to see them go, for their company was not so desirable as their absence.
Shortly after our organization a few
Pennsylvanians, and the Massachusetts men who fought their way through Baltimore, arrived.
These, with a few U.S. soldiers here, in all say 1,500 men, took charge of the public
buildings leaving the active scouting duty for us.
We kept our selves active until the
arrival of the famous New York Seventh Regiment. This made us feel more easy, especially
as we knew that more troops were on their way. The critical hour was passed, the Capitol
was in a measure safe. The volunteers, of course, had done their duty in guarding bridges
and could full reliance have been placed in them, there would have been no danger.
Our gallant Clay feeling that he had
done his duty resigned his command being obliged to sail at once for Europe. His second in
command, Gen. Nye, was now our leader. The parting with Clay was an interesting scene. He
made a brief speech thanking us for the readiness with which we obeyed his every command.
The evening was spent in speaking. Gov.
Nye, Denio, of Galena, Vinton, who is now a captain, Ex.-Speaker Littlejohn of New York,
Galusha A. Grow, and others make glowing speeches. All were for fight and all were sternly
opposed to compromising in the least. The South had appealed to the sword, and now there
was nothing but death to the traitors and the Constitution as it is for the masses.
On Sunday we had divine service by our
chaplain. Every thing was conducted in true military style. The pulpit was surrounded by
stacks of muskets on which were hung the cartridge boxes and other accoutrements. The
stand was covered with the "Stars and Stripes" and others were hung in other
parts of the hall. We had a good sermon and our services were closed by the entire
congregation singing the Star Spangled Banner. It was well sung and effect was electric.
In the afternoon the two companies,
Clay's and Lane's, went to the Capitol and called upon the New York and Massachusetts boys
quartered there. We were handsomely received. The New York 7th is in the Representatives
Hall and the Massachusetts boys, who tasted blood at Baltimore, are in the Senate Chamber;
the Capitol is used for barracks. While in the Senate Chamber, Lane and Vaughan, of
Kansas, made some stirring speeches and were followed by Mrs. Edward Daniels of Wisconsin
who sung in a most beautiful manner our glorious National Anthem - the Star Spangled
Banner. The audience joined into the chorus and many hearts swelled under the impulses of
the moment.
After leaving the Capitol, we went to
the Patent Office and called on Gov. Sprague's Rhode Island boys. They paid us the
compliment to come over and drill, and sent their fine band of music to escort us home.
Gov. Sprague and Rhode Island have done themselves and that state credit by sending this
regiment. They look like picked men, so uniform are they in size and so stalwart in
appearance. Their uniform is dark gray pants, dark blue frocks and black felt hats, with a
red blanket for field service in cold or wet weather. These men will make terrible work
with the Southerners if ever the get a pop at them. That can be relied on.
Troops are constantly arriving. There
must be at least 12,000 Northern men and U.S. troops here, besides 4,000 to 5,000
volunteers from the District of Columbia.
There being no longer any particular
duty for the Clay Guards, unless it by to go through Baltimore ,
the Company will disband. Commodore Paulding, it is reported, told Col. Clay that he
saved the Capitol. This is pretty generally conceded by those high in authority and long
will the Clay Guards and the Frontier Guards under Col. Lane, be remembered by those who
knew the danger Washington was in between the 18th and 25th days of April, 1861.
O'Brien is here and has done his duty
like a man, he has advanced to the post of orderly sergeant in the Clay Guards. We are
quietly waiting now for Jeff. Davis, on the one side and Billy Wilson on the other, the
latter is going through Baltimore with his rowdy regiment.
Of course war brings many horrors in its
train. It is creating great activity here, dray men and teamsters are busy. Throughout the
North the preparation for war will and must give great life and activity. This added to
the scarcity of labor caused by drawing on the surplus to play soldiers will make labor
high. Again, it is developing the character and resources of the people. Our armies as
they move show themselves capable of sailing, repairing engines and railroads, laying
track and building bridges. Nothing can daunt or stop the Northern soldier. He is at home
wherever you place him, whether in the field or work shop, or in the parlor or Senate
Chamber, it is all the same to him.
The great contest between freedom and
slavery is fairly commenced. Traitors have appealed to the sword, and have essayed to
strike down the fairest government on earth. The North, thank God, is a unit, and men and
money will not be wanting. There is a sublimity and a grandeur in the unanimity of the
North in the support of our Government that makes my heart glad, and fills me with joy.
Though this contest will cost millions of money and thousands of lives, it is well that it
has come. The result will be the humiliation of the slave power, if not its extinction;
the reification of Patriotism and a love of country and its glorious Star Spangled
banner, which will serve to strengthen our government, and perpetuate our institutions of
Freedom, and transmit them to posterity unimpaired. We have been loving and power , - we
have been growing rich, luxurious and effeminate, we will hereafter love our country
better, and appreciate more highly than ever the blessings of liberty we enjoy.
May 1861
Juvenile Camp. - Yesterday a company of boys established a camp on the corner of Van Buren an
Wisconsin Streets. They put up a tent and unfurled the Stars and Stripes, and when we
passed that way, a couple of tender sentinels were marching up and down with wooden guns
on their shoulders.
E. Tunis
& Co. have the best assortment of 'Union
Envelopes' in the city. Also, the 'Star Spangled Banner' note paper, and any quantity of
'Union Rosettes' are now on hand, and will be sold cheap.
An Army of
Letter-Writers. -
There has probably never been a war in the world which will be so perfectly, so minutely
reported, from the smallest detail up to the grandest strategic movement, as the one in
which we are engaged. Every Company has its two or three letter-writers, and with every
regiment go a corps of newspaper correspondents. Hitherto, all such accounts have been
bald, bare or garbled and distorted by prejudice. Now with every man's heart beating high
to the music of the Union, and trained in letter-writing, we may expect to see all the
brilliant episode of the field reproduced in vivid colors on paper, and afforded splendid
materials to some American MacCaulay, and a whole army of romances and novelists.
Milwaukee Sentinel, May 6, 1861
Captains of Companies, Wisconsin Active Militia:- All companies ordered into camp are
expected to appear at camp with full ranks; and no Company will hereafter be received in
camp or quartered at the State's expense unless it has the full complement of officers and
By order of the Commander in Chief. WM. L. UTLEY, Adjutant
Milwaukee Sentinel, May 10 61
Punsters at
the Play
On Wednesday Evening - the occasion of Mr. Sharps benefit at Albany Hall, a
number of "conundrums" were read in accordance with the programme, which stated
that the author of the best conundrum on the Union would be presented with a silver cup.
Immediately after the representation of the first piece, Mr. Sharp came before the curtain
with the cup, and read the following dreadful affairs:
1. Why is the Union like a quince?
Because it must be preserved! (Oh!)
2. Why is it that the Seceeders refused to adopt
our National Banner for their ensign?
Because, like naughty boys, in getting the stripes
they would have seen stars!
3. Why is DeGroat & Ryans Company like
the Southern Confederacy?
Because seven of them seceded.
4. Why is Lincoln like a poor horse?
Because he shows backbone! (This was received with
roars of laughter as may be imagined)
5. Why will the Southern planters, instead of
tilling their plantations, turn to a new vocation?
Because, while they choose to secede
(see seed), they
will have plenty of grape to make them whine (wine).
6. Why is the American Flag like the colors of the
Because, though these colors may fade, a whole legion
of traitors cannot make them run.
7. Why will the Union pass safely through the
crisis? Because the Stars and Stripes are never to be trampled upon by traitors. (My!)
8. What is the difference between Lincoln before
and after the Union was dissolved? (!!)
Before the Union was dissolved, he split rails, and
after, he railed at the split. (Written by a relation of Jeff Davis evidently)
9. Why will the winner of the cup tonight be like
a man undergoing a severe course of medical treatment?
Because he will be sold coming in, and cupped going
10. Why will our flag outlive all others?
Because the rose will whither, the shamrock
will droop, the thistle will die and the palmetto decay, but the stars must
shine forever.
It was decided that the number 10 was the best
conundrum and the author was requested to come forward and receive the cup, but no one
came forward, it was left in the box office to be claimed to-day.
May 11, 1861
Under Pay- The Companies enrolled in the 1st and 2d Regiments are under pay from the
State. Some supposed that they would not get any pay until called into the service of the
United States, but we are glad to learn from an official source that until that time they
receive pay from the State.
This is only just and right
May 11, 1861
A general order has been issued, constituting the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Regiments a brigade,
and appointing Rufus King, Brigadier General.
May11, 1861
Edwin Wadsworth, of Rock County, has been commissioned as Commissary of the 2d Regiment with rank of lieutenant
May11, 1861
Military Items-The State has purchased from James Catlin, of Burlington
Woolen Factory, 1,531 1/2 yards Grey cloth and 50 yards cadet cloth.
May 11, 1861
E. D. Smith, Menasha Pail Factory, offers to furnish Camp
Randall with
necessary wooden ware free of charge.
May 11, 1861
A special order has been issued, directing the commanders of companies in the 3d and 4th
Regiments to continue enlisted men at quarters and board till further orders.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, Wis
May 11, 1861
Extra session of the Wisconsin Legislature
Executive Office, Madison, May 9, 1861
The extraordinary condition of the country, growing out of the rebellion against the
Government of the United States makes it necessary that the Legislature of this State be
convened in Special Session, to provide more completely for making the power of the State
useful to the Government and to other loyal States.
I, therefore, in pursuance of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the State
of Wisconsin, do hereby convene the Legislature of this State for a Special Session
thereof to be held at Madison, on Wednesday, the 15th day of May, 1861 at 12M.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my (t.a.) hand and caused the
Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed, this 9th day of May, A.D. 1861
By Governor: ALEX W. RANDALL
L.P. Harvey, Secretary of State
Now Let Slip the
Dogs of War.
The President's twenty days of grace is exhausted, and unless we soon witness the most
decided military action against the rebels, the most intense distrust and excitement will prevail. We cannot now afford to permit the rebels, to maintain an armed defensive, to
block our commerce, insult and hang our citizens, and annoy us in all manner of ways. No,
the President has given ample time for all lawless bands to disperse, and it should not be
sufficient for him to know the capital is merely safe, with 30,000 troops, at enormous
expense, surrounding it. It will not be enough to keep what forts and arsenals we now
holds by force of arms - It will not satisfy the law-abiding north to merely keep the
Potomac, the Chesapeake, the Delaware - the railroad and telegraph communications free for
government use and occupation by the force of 150,000 troops, at a cost of millions. No,
these things are not enough - They must not be the sine qua non
of the object for which 153,000 troops were marshaled into service at the tap of the drum.
The great north-west, and the upper Mississippi Valley are in a blaze of excitement. Here
we are, cut off from the Gulf by piratical bandits, who not only hinder and menace our
commerce, but threaten our lives. This state of thing's cannot - Must not - shall not long
continue. If the powers that be do not give the word of command, the Mississippi - Civilians will
"assume the responsibility," and in mighty phalanx of 200,000 strong, will swarm
like clouds of Saharan locusts, overrunning the lower Mississippi, until every Bayou is
free from piratical obstruction. All the captured forts must be retaken - All the stolen
property must be restored - all menace must be withdrawn or the southern rebels will see
such an outpouring of Hoosiers, Wolverines, Buckeyes, Badgers, Gophers and Hawkeye's
will overwhelm them in dismay.
Our commercial pathway to the Gulf must be kept free from the thorns and debris of
rebellion or the Mississippi will be crimsoned from Cairo to the
delta. This we believe
to be the determined sentiment of every 999 out of a thousand
who inhabit the Great West. We all prefer to have the government act - to take the lead, and to say "come, boys" but if we are not called out our
volunteers will Go Out. They cannot and will not lie idle, so long as there is a foe in
the field.
We must not merely stand on the defensive now - we must punch
on the aggressive. That is, we must follow up the retreating foe - give him battle until
he shall cry enough and be content to live under the good old stars and stripes - We say
to the President and Cabinet, that the people of the great north-west are not satisfied
with this apparent tardy movement. Our troops are anxious to be led on.
They must and they will go. No power can keep them in check much longer and if the
President don't soon give the word of command, the western battalions will put themselves
under marching orders, and will be after the scalps of the free-booters.
The Power of the
United North
We have during the past three weeks had the most convincing evidence that an army can be
assembled in the course of twenty or thirty days of seven hundred thousand men, devoted to
the union. Here are the figures:
Maine |
18,000 |
New Hampshire |
12,000 |
Vermont |
10,000 |
Massachusetts |
40,000 |
Rhode Island |
5,000 |
Connecticut |
15,000 |
New York |
150,000 |
New Jersey
20,000 |
Pennsylvania |
135,000 |
Delaware |
4,000 |
100,000 |
50,000 |
65,000 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
Iowa |
15,000 |
Minnesota |
8,000 |
Kansas |
3,000 |
California |
10,000 |
Total |
700,000 |
But a well appointed army of half this number, giving Wisconsin the privilege of
furnishing 10,000 good men, would beyond all question be amply sufficient to conquer a
permanent peace, and bury secession so deep that it would never be heard of again. We want
to see an army called into the field on a scale of such magnitude, that Jeff. Davis and
his crew, like Crockett's coon will be willing to come down and stay down, until it shall
please the insulted laws to run them up as high as Human's gallows.
The Printers
No trade or craft in the country has turned out an equal number of volunteers with the
printers, in proportion to numbers. They are accustomed to the use of the "shooting
stick" and no one would be "justified" in questioning their bravery in the
"matter" of war. The printers have given a "proof" of patriotism, that all may "copy" after, with perfect "justification" So
walk up and "register" your names in "large caps".
May 11, 1861
The Southern, Atlantic and Gulf Coast from Cape Henry to the Mouth of the Rio Grande - Possibilities
of Blockade -
The following is condensed from the New York Commercial
Advertiser, and furnishes
the names of the Southern ports, which must be taken into account in order to render a
blockade complete:
Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds;
Beaufort, North Carolina;
Wilmington, North Carolina;
Georgetown, South Carolina;
Charleston, South Carolina;
Savannah, Georgia;
Brunswick, Georgia;
St. Mary's, Florida;
St. John's River, Florida;
St. Augustine, Florida;
Key West, Florida;
Fort Jefferson. Florida;
Cedar Keys, Florida;
St. Marks, Florida;
Pensacola, Florida;
Mobile, Alabama;
Mouths of the Mississippi;
Galveston, Texas;
Matazora Bay;
Brazos, Santiago;
Mouth of the Rio Grande;
Of these twenty-one points, a part are of but limited commercial importance, and are so
inconvenient of access for ships of much burden, and have such limited means of
communication from the rear as to render their blockade of minor importance for several
Post the Books
We think that the events of this war will be more minutely chronicled than any of its
predecessors. A corps of the most talented reporters have taken the field, and will no
doubt give the world a minute description of every event, and every heroic deed. Post will
the books, and let us have a war to refer to hereafter, that shall be a standard of
bravery and patriotism in all ages to come.
Weekly Patriot, Madison,
The Programme Won't Work
We see that the Journal and Argus, to say nothing of some other sheets, have raised the
emancipation standard, and propose to make the abolition of slavery in all the south the
leading object of this war. Now, we don't care how much slavery is crippled, as an
incident of the war, but let us here sound a note of caution in the ears of the
abolitionists - that the moment the purpose of abolition should be announced, or made
reasonable certain, by the action of the Administration - our cause is dished, and the
battle, if not decided against us would never be won by northern arms. - Strange that men
of ordinary intelligence cannot see the breakers ahead. Once let it be announced at that
moment every border state, instead of maintaining an armed neutrality would take up arms
in bloody earnest and fight us to the bitter end; and besides thousands in the North whose
very sympathy is with the Stars and
Stripes, and on the side of law, order and constitution
would become neutralized at
least, and would leave the war wholly in the hands of the Abolitionists.
We repeat we care not what may become of slavery - let it take its chances like any other
institution and bide the events of the war for Constitutional Government, and let
not the North, for one moment, entertain the idea of waging a war of extermination against
any institution recognized by our Constitution. Let us remember that we are to command the
sympathy and friendly alliance of not only our own citizens, but those of foreign
only by fighting to uphold our constitution and laws as they existed at the date of
rebellion. One step beyond this is fatal, and we become the aggressors, and will speedily loose the sympathy of all Christendom.
The Reception of
Judge Douglas
The people of Chicago, without distinction of party, did themselves peculiar honor in
bestowing upon the distinguished Senator of Illinois such an enthusiastic welcome on
Wednesday evening lost as monarch ever received. Judge Douglas was met at the depot on his
arrival by a procession of twelve or fifteen thousand people, and escorted to the immense
National Hall, where a living mass of humanity greeted his return.
He was welcomed to his home with a stirring address, from which we find room for the
"In the momentous issues of the present the political strife's
of the past sink into
utter insignificance. Then the nation was at peace, and the citizens turned aside from
their daily avocations, only to rally under the standard of this or that party candidate.
Now we are started by the beat of drum and by the bugle's martial notes. The North unites as with but one pulse with one arm in the
That rally is to the Battlefield; the Watchword "our Country" the more vigorous
the prosecution of the war, the speedier will be the restoration of peace. The North, Sir
did not inaugurate hostilities; neither is this a war of sections wherein men according to
their nativity and residence are at liberty to exercise their option in choice of friends
and foes. It is the struggle of patriots to uphold the majesty of the law and maintain the integrity of that government which of all others on the face of the earth is the noblest
the proudest citadel for human liberty. When rebels essay to undermine it no patriot can
falter between allegiance to his country and fellowship with those who would implant the
envenomed fangs of treason in her very vitals.
"In such a crisis as this the people hold to strict account their public servants,
whether in council or in camp - Hence execrated is Mason of Virginia; honored is Douglas,
of Illinois. (Applause.)
"Davis basks for awhile in the sunshine of rebel favor, only to sink the deeper in
eternal infamy. Scott, God bless him, in all the wealth of an approving conscience - right
in the sight of God and man - adds new luster to his eventful life and ere long he will be
classed with Washington by the glad acclaim of exulting millions. Applause)
"Sir, it is because of your prompt and gallant efforts to sustain the government
casting off the shackles of the partisan for the freedom of the patriot, that Chicago
receives you this night with open arms, and charges me, in her name to bid you
Judge Douglas after the deafening applause had subsided, made one of his happiest,
popular, forensic efforts, declaring that 'Every man must be on the side of the United
States, or against it - there can be no neutrals in this war", Long, loud and repeated cheers the vast assembly rising and tumultuously cheering the
illustrious Senator and patriot. It was such an ovation as well might make any man proud
of such a home, and such neighbors.
An Awful Catastrophe-
The Richmond (VA) Wig.
In an article on the feeling of the Old Commonwealth,
"There is a pride which every man born on Virginia soil feels in the State of his
birth - Her past glories are his; her great men - the greatest the world ever produced -
are his compatriots, and their name is a precious part of his inheritance. To see such a
commonwealth subjugated and partitioned out among sniveling Yankees would drive all her men to desperation, all her women "would refuse
to breed".
[Such a "refusal" on the part of the Virginia women would necessarily end the
race of "great men" in that State.]
appeared in the Memphis papers of last week. That the burial of the
American flag would be publicly celebrated by the military and citizens on Sunday, the
A Female Zouave-A
lady entered a wigmaker's establishment in Broadway, a few days ago and directed the hair
dresser to cut her hair off short, and part it at the side. She stated that her husband
had enlisted and that she was determined to follow him- N.Y. Tribune.
May 11,1861
More than Enough-
Every morning when we are in Secretary Watson's room for a time we hear gentleman
from various towns in the State complaining that good Companies organized in their
towns are not placed in the first regiments instead of the Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth. They
were reported full at an early day, but the trouble is that other companies were a little
before them.
One gentleman from Prairie du Chien was complaining this morning that the Company formed
there was not in a higher regiment than the sixth. It was reported full on the 29th April,
and yet there were over 50 Companies ahead. He stated that the Company was well drilled
and commanded by a gentleman who was perfectly educated as a military man, and had seen
service. He had been untiring in drilling the Company, and it was now in a high state of
efficiency, and the gentleman spoke highly of the discipline of the men and their
appearance, and said it was too bad that after the citizens had kept them at their own expense for two weeks, such a Company should be disbanded.
Yet so it is all over the state, and although it must be mortifying to those in authority
to allow such brave and worthy men to disband, yet when so many good men all over the
State are anxious to meet the enemy there seems to be no other alternative, as up to the
present time many more than enough for a much worse crisis have offered.
June 1861
Weekly Patriot
June 1 1861
Ellsworth-This gallant officer was known to many of our citizens, as he lived in this city
during the fall of 1859.
While here he had the appearance of a steady and studious young man and was
devoted to the military art. He was reserved and courteous in his manners, and the friends
he made were aware that he had plenty of solid metal in his composition, although he did
not flaunt his qualifications, or made as much of them by show as some would do. For this
reason when he become famous in the Zouave movement many were surprised that the quiet
young man who had drilled some of the military of this city had attained such prominence.
But he had the industry and energy necessary to make rapid progress in getting a knowledge
of the art for which he had a natural aptitude, and the manner of his death shows that he
was not lacking in the devotion of a patriot or the courage of a practical soldier.
His career, though short, has been bright and glorious, and its termination
leaves a mark upon the annals of the time which can never be obliterated and will afford a
theme of mournful and admiring interest when the patriots of the country are spoken of by
succeeding generations.
Weekly Patriot
Madison, June 1, 1861
Interested- We notice that the Liverpool newspapers are discussing the probability of the
U.S. Government being able to effectually blockade 3,000 miles of southern coast.
It is evident that the writers comfort themselves with the idea that it cannot be done,
and it is curious to observe what a knowledge they have of the points at which vessels can
load with cotton and successfully run the strongest blockade.
The Second Regiment - It is still in doubt whether the Second Regiment will leave Tuesday or
Wednesday. General King has written from Washington to have them sent on without delay,
and stating that they will be furnished with arms at Harrisburg.
The Madison Journal, June 17, 1861
Arrival At
Janesville - The Second Regiment of
Wisconsin Volunteers left Madison to-day at 11:45 AN and arrived here at 1 o'clock P.M..
There were over 1100 men, occupying 21 cars. When they arrived at the depot in this city
there was a large crown of people, estimated at 3,000 or 4,000 who received the volunteers
with hearty and reiterated cheers, to which the soldiers as enthusiastically responded.
the cars stopped the different companies marched to the tables near by which had been
spread by our citizens with ample provisions for the whole regiment. As the time of stay
in our city was limited there was little ceremony used upon the occasion. After the men
had partaken of the collation, they immediately repaired to the cars, preparing for
departure. Col. Coon thanked the people of this city for their generous hospitality and
patriotic devotion to the cause of their country; to which Judge Armstrong made a short
but appropriate reply.
While the troops were occupying the cars and the trains were preparing to depart there was
much cheering on the part of the people waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies and shaking
of hands between friends about to part perhaps forever.
As Capt. Ely's company belonged in this
city, there were crowds about them bidding them farewell. It was in some respects a sad
scene, the separation of near and dear relatives, with the certainty almost that with some
it would be final.
The boys, however, appeared in good spirits and anxious for active
service. The regiment is a fine body of men, strong and healthy and able to bear their
part bravely in the rough duties of war. We have no doubt they will do so and that in
active service we shall hear a good account of them. They appeared to be well provided
with every necessary to make them comfortable. Their arms will be furnished them at their
point of destination which is probably Washington, although nothing is known certainly
about it.
The regiment remained here about one hour, and departed at 2 o'clock for
Chicago, amid the cheers and hearty good wishes of thousands of Janesville and Rock County
people. If there had been a day's notice that the regiment would certainly arrive here at
a specified time we have not a doubt that ten thousand of the hardy sons and daughters of
Rock County would have greeted them.
Janesville Gazette, June 20, 1861
The Janesville
Gazette is evidently out of humor. After an article
involving the program of the movements of the second regiment, it adds a P.S. "Word
has been sent us from Madison by Capt. Ely that the train will not stop here long enough
to allow the entertainment provided for the soldiers and the train will not arrive until
between one and two o'clock. We have to come to the conclusion that we nor anybody else
knows anything about the matter and let the whole thing take it's own course. Probably if
the regiment could have been hauled around by way of Milwaukee, the officers in command would find abundance of time to partake of the hospitalities of that city. It
is likely that some-thing definite will be heard in time for the meeting this
Milwaukee Sentinel, June 21, 1861
Reception of the
Regiment at Chicago - The Regiment was met sixteen miles from Chicago by a special escort and
committee and attended to the depot where the troops debarked about 6 PM. Their march
across the city was a continued ovation. The escort was admirably managed by Col.
J. H.
Tuckers and Lieut. Col.'s J. R. Scott and Booth and the following companies made up the
The Light Guard Band leading was followed by
Co. A Zouaves, Capt. Hayden
Co. B Zouaves, Capt. Clyborne
Co. D Zouaves, Capt. Colby
Co. F Highlanders, Capt. Kuffen
Light Guards, 60th Reg. Lieut. G. W. Gage
Anderson Rifles, Capt. Raymond
Several officer of the Irish Brigade were also in the procession which moved from the
depot through Lake Street, Michigan Avenue and Van Buren Street to the Michigan Southern
depot where the regiment took the cars for the east leaving at half past nine o'clock last
evening. All along their route through the city thousands of spectators lined both sides
of the streets. The enthusiasm was great. Much praise was elicited by the appearance of
the troops to whom the whole community wished a safe journey.
Janesville Gazette, June 1861
Strawberry Depot. - dealers and families can be supplied with prime Strawberries, fresh every day,
at the fruit store of Mr. Truslow's, No.101 East Water Street. These strawberries are put
up in the best manner, and are the finest in this market. The attention of dealers, and
families who may wish to supply themselves with the best, is directed to his
Strawberries. - The renowned Wilson's Albany Seedling, from the celebrated fruit farm of
Kidde and Knox, very choice, and put up in beautiful fruit baskets, of quart and pint
size, imported daily by
Jobber of Foreign Fruits
Milwaukee Sentinel, June, 1861
gentleman from Alabama says that the large planters are still in the
Union, A month ago there were fourteen counties in the state which had not sent
a single volunteer. The "poor white trash" say, "We have no
interest in going to war for the rich people; we have no property, no negroes to
protect." When they go into large towns, however, they are taken into
barrooms and when they get sober, find that they have enlisted in the war.
Madison Weekly Argus, June 25, 1861
/6/62 Kenosha ???? Telegraph
Out On Picket
Crouching, hiding ‘neath the thicket,
Scared at every twig that falls
Oh, confound me
I can hear them all around me-Hear those awful Minie balls
Ping! Ping! Ping!
What deadly song they sing!
Why do they shoot me, I wonder "Say! Old fellow!’
You whose pants are striped with yellow, So you want to kill me dead in
thunder Louisiana,
That’s a kind of offhand manner.
Shooting men you never known
Now just stop that!
Else you see I’ll take a pop at
All such looking men as you.
Past me rushes Another ball into the bushes
"Look out for a leaden pebble
So exclaiming
This to him while I was aiming "Crack" and dying lay the rebel
So on picket Peeping from behind the thicket
All day long we keep up shooting
How exciting
After once you’re tired of fighting
Taking rebels off their footing.
Tis delightful! Tho’ at first it seems so frightful
Killing people in this manner]
Just remember
It was only last December
That they spat upon our banner!
Hints to Volunteers
Keep Your Shoes Easy
A. Soldier needs, besides his soldiery drill
1. Good feet.
2. A good stomach.
3. And after these comes the good head and the good heart.
But Good feet are distinctly the first thing. Without them you cannot get to your duty. If
a comrade, or a horse, or a locomotive takes you in its back to the field you are useless
there, and when the field is lost you cannot retire, run away, and save your bacon.
Good shoes and plenty of walking make good feet, A man who pretends to belong to an
infantry company ought always to keep himself in training, so that any moment he can march
twenty or thirty miles without feeling a pang or raising a blister. Was this the case with
even a decimation of the army who rushed to defend Washington? Were you so trained my
comrades of the Seventh?
A captain of a company who will let his men march with such shoes as I have seen on the
feet of some poor fellows in this war ought to be garroted with shoe strings, or at least
compelled to play Pope and wash the feet of the whole army of the Apostles of Liberty.
If you find a foot soldier lying beat out by the roadside, desperate as a sea-sick man,
five to one his heels are too high, or his soles are too narrow or too thin, or his shoe
is not made straight on the inside, so that the great toe can spread into its place as he
I an old walker over the Alps across the water, and over Cordilleras, Sierras, deserts and
prairies at home; I have done my near sixty miles a day without discomfort-and speaking
from large experience, and with painful recollections of the suffering and death I have
known for want of good feet on the march, I say to every volunteer: Trust in God: But keep
you shoes easy!
The Appleton Motor reprinted from the
Atlantic Monthly, 27. June 1861
Thanks to Cprl. Mark Karweick