1863 Home Front
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April 11, 1863

California Social life- In no place is society more free and cordial and ready to give a friendly reception to a stranger than in California. the new-comer is looked upon with favor nobody cares whether he belongs to a distinguished family has moved in fashionable circles or possess wealthy or influential friends or relatives. The great question is if he or she will be educated, polished and entertaining?

Of course Californians are not entirely above such considerations as govern society elsewhere, but they are influenced by them far less than the people in other states. The course of business is such that no profession has all the wealth. There are rich men of all occupations and some of the mechanical trades are now as profitable on the average to those engaged in them as are the learned profession. Those who were rich in the older States and received a thorough education and a polished training may here be poor while those who came hither poor and ignorant may soon be rich. Besides the changes are so rapid that our neighbor who is poor to-day may be rich to-morrow and the neighbor who is rich to-day may be poor tomorrow.

Again, California is pre-eminently a country of business. People came here to make money and everybody tries to make it; and is a state where wages are high and profits large a man's business depends to a considerable extent on the multitude of his friends as well as everybody else. The millionaire in Europe may treat his tenant as an inferior; in California the wealthiest land-owner is expected to treat his tenant as an equal. All these things have their influence in preventing the separation of our society in those classes which prevail elsewhere.

In no part of the world is the individual more free from restraint. Men women and children are permitted to do nearly as they please. High wages; migratory habits and bachelor life are not favorable to the maintenance of still social rules among men and the tone of society among women must partake to a considerable extent of that among men especially in a country where the women are a small minority and therefore are much courted.

Public opinion, which as guardian of public morals is more powerful than the forms of law, loses much of its power in a community where the inhabitants are not permanent residents.

A large portion of the men in California live alone either in cabins or in hotels remote from women relatives and therefore uninfluenced by the power of home. It is not uncommon for married women to go to parties and balls in company with young bachelor friends.

The girls commence going into society about fifteen and then receive company alone and go out with young men to dances and other places of amusement. In this there is a great error; to much liberty is allowed to the girls in the states on the Atlantic slopes and still greater liberty is given here where, as they ripen earlier, they should be more guarded.-

Life in the Pacific

April 11, 1863

How Lost! How restored!

Just Published in a Sealed envelope - Price Six cents

A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorriheca or Seminal Weakness Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage, Generally Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and Pitsmental and Physical incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse &c. - 

By Robert. J. Culverwell,M.D., Author of the Green Book &c.
"A Boom to Thousands of Suffers,"

Sent under seal, in a plain envelope to any address post upon receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps by Dr. C.H.J.

127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4586

March 11, 1863
$100 Bounty

For Discharged Soldiers

I can procure the Bounty of $100 for soldiers who are discharged for reason of Wounds received in battle who served less that two years. I am prepared to attend to Bounty Land Claims where they have been suspended by the department. Address with stamp for return postage.

E. R. Quiner
War Claim Agent
Atwood Block,  Madison, Wis,

June 17th, 1863
La Crosse The Democrat Journal 

THE FIRST SIGHT- The subject of just sight was being talked over at the supper table when the lady who presided "over the cups and tea," said that she always formed an idea of a person at first sight; and idea she usually found a correct one.
"Mamma," said her youngest son, in a shrill voice that attracted the attention of all present. 
"Well my dear," said the fond mother, "what do you want?"
"I want to know," said young America, "what you thought when you first saw me?"

Baltimore June 21.
Gen. Schenck has issued an order suppressing disloyal papers in Department as follows: Headquarter 8th Army corps, Baltimore, June 20, 1863. The following newspapers have been suppressed within the limits of this department. And the local press will not hereafter be allowed to publish extracts from their columns.
By order of the General Commanding.
The New York World
The New York Express
The Cincinnati Enquirer
The Chicago Times
The New York
W. S. Fish
Lieut. Colonel and Provost Marshal.


For families and Manufactures

$10 to $15 per Week Profit can be makes on them by any Woman In Manufacturing Stockings and Socks of every Size and Texture, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, COMFORTS, TABLE COVERS, MILITARY SASHES, NUBIANS, UNDERSLEEVES, SONTAGS, SHAWLS, RIGOLETS, CAPES, CRAVATS, HEADDRESSES, &c.

They use any description of thread; silk, linen or cotton and yarn of every kind, and of any size from 10 to 30 gauge, coarse or fine, rough or smooth, hard or slack, twisted, home spun or machine spun. They will double and twist the yarn from the broaches as they knit. They MAKE 3,000 STITCHES A MINUTE. The same stitch exactly as made by hand. Any one who can turn a crank can use them; a child can operate them when the work is commenced. Six dozen pairs of Stockings can be made a day easily and with steady work this number can be greatly increased.

They are very simple; the most inexperienced can at once work and understand them; they do not get out of order and with good care they will last a life-time.

The slightest reflection will show that a Knitting Machine, by its novelty and the various uses to which it can be applied, is altogether better as a profitable investment than a sewing machine, for the Knitting Machine is an actual producer of goods which are very saleable, because every one wears stockings, socks &c which can be made on the machine and sold at a very liberal profit. From $2 to $3 a day profit can be made on them - those who use them attest to this fact. The farmer can knit his wool and sell the goods manufactured. In a neighborhood a Machine will pay for itself easily In a short time.

We will give to suitable persons who purchase of us the right to sell Machines in their townships at a good profit thus enabling them to easily earn the price of a Machine. PRICE OF MACHINE complete $50.

A Circular, which we will send on application, will give further and full particulars, cut of Machine &c.

With each Machine is sent a complete Book of Instruction giving full directions how to see the Machine and to make and finish all the articles it knits.

Address with stamp.

Office-120 Lake Street, Chicago

Tea for the Cure of Diarrhea -Solon Robinson through the New York Tribune renews recommendation of a tea made from the bark of the gum tree for the cure of diarrhea is a southern clime.
The tree grows in all the Southwestern States upon moist land or near streams, sometimes to two feet diameter. The color of the bark is sometimes like white oak. The twigs and leaves are shaped like those of the maple and all old trees bear an abundance of seed-balls, three fourths of an inch diameter, rough with honeycomb like cells open on the surface. These balls lie thickly under the trees in winter. The young trees have a curious appearance. The twigs are ornamented with a sort of excrescence like flakes of dry, spongy bark which adhere to the twigs edgewise. The trees when cut exude a white gum, pleasantly aromatic.

La Crosse The Democratic Journal
July 4th, 1863

The Rejoicing-The glorious news of yesterday was so generally believed to be true that a large gathering of citizens took place in the evening in front of Lloyd & Supplee's where bonfires were kindled, the cannon fired, martial music given, and patriotic speeches made. Sheriff Usher, Drs. Blakeslee & Cameron and Col. Lewis, formerly Surgeon of the Second Regiment, were called out, all of whom addressed the assemblage.

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863
Lost - On the 30th inst., on Jefferson street, between the corner of Mason and 401 Jefferson street, a plain bold ring, with the initials "E. W. Y." to "J.R.R.," 1858, engraved on it.-The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this office.

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863

There will be a grand Pigeon Shooting match at the McClellan Garden on the morning of the 4th of July at half-past ten o'clock.
A good time may be expected. Music at the Garden during the whole day and evening. Dancing will commence in the commodious ball on the grounds at six o'clock. A magnificent display of fireworks, under the superintendence of an experienced pyrotechnist will take place in the evening.

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863

Clear Grit.-We noticed in our streets on Friday a Belgian girl on horseback with a man's saddle, and her feet in the stirrups, that is to say, not being over delicate, she rode man fashion. On inquiry, she told us that her sister was very sick, and that she had come seven miles to summon a physician. think of it, ladies. How would you relish such a ride of fourteen miles? Would the prospect of relieving the sufferings of a sick sister nerve you to it?
Ozaukee Adverser.

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863

The Indian Scare-The famous "reliable gentleman," hailing last from Stevens Point, gave us a call on Saturday. He says the Indian scare is entirely without foundation, and that there are but a few harmless Indians in the neighborhood. It is hinted that the object of the scare is to exempt Portage county from the draft, which hint we are slow to give the slightest credence.-Wausharca Argus

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863

Enrolling Officers-We understand that enrolling officers have been appointed for most to the towns in the county and are progressing in the performance of their duties, without interruption. As it is no part of the Democratic creed to resist the law we cannot expect any forcible resistance to the enrollment in this strongly democratic county.-Ozaukee Ade.

Milwaukee Sentinel
July 4, 1863

A wealthy Milkman-A Victim of Misplaced Confidence
While passing along Main Street, between Wisconsin and Mason, yesterday morning our attention was attracted by the loud and angry tones of a German, whose milk wagon was standing in front of a house on the west side of the block. Heads were thrust out of windows, and store doors were filled with the occupants of the stores to see what had broke loose; and there stood the excited German, his hands wildly gesticulating toward the house and pouring out a torrent of vituperation upon those who were about moving out of it, because (as near as we could make out) they had not liquidated their milk bill. He was evidently endeavoring to carry the place by "storm" and at the rate he was going on when we left, he ought to have succeeded.

Milwaukee Sentinel Saturday July 4th, 1863

Our National Anniversary

The eighty-seventh anniversary of our National Birthday finds us still engaged in the war for the preservation of our Nationality.

Because we are thus engaged, and because there is room for the greatest anxiety as to the result, there are many who seem to doubt the propriety of celebrating the Fourth of July as we usually have done.

While the people of the Atlantic States are threatened by an immense invading Army, when the Capitol is in danger, while our gallant Armies in the Mississippi Valley are exposed to manifold dangers and are liable to meet great disasters while in all directions we see reasons of the greatest solicitude as to the future of the Republic it seems to many really patriotic men , improper to continue the usual festivities of our Independence Day.

There were some features of our former celebrations which should certainly be omitted. A severe experience has taught us that our former fashion of indiscreet National boasting was not in the best taste. It is not apt to be repeated this day. No "spread-eagle" oration will be received with favor by an intelligent audience to-day.-Our National vanity has suffered too many humiliations within the last two or three years to respond as It formerly did to the wild flights of National self-adulation which ones formed the main staple of Fourth of July orations. But it constitutes no good reason for the abandonment of our National Festivities, that we have been so severely chastened and made to realize the elements of evil and danger in our political system. We have as much grounds as we ever had to celebrate the virtues and achievements of those who won for us what we have already enjoyed of political rights of the inestimable blessings of civil freedom.

That we are to-day involved in civil war and that our former blessings are in peril is not the fault of our Revolutionary ancestors, and does not arise from any inherent defect in the form of Government which they have given to us.

Wherever in this country the principles of this immortal declaration have guided the political action of the people, there have been realized all and more than all the blessings anticipated by the Fathers. No wars or considerable sedition's have arisen within the limits of those States where the declaration has continued to only the popular political creed. Had all the States remained faithful to the doctrines of this inspired document there would to day have been no occasion or opportunity for civil war. If rebellion shall at last triumph, it cannot be said that the ideas of free Government embodied in the Declaration have failed.

It is because in our section of our once prosperous and united country, there has been a gradual abandonment of the Revolutionary doctrines, that we have been brought by unavoidable necessary into out present mournful condition.

And between the doctrines of an oligarchy based on human chattelhood, and the doctrines embodied in the Declaration and practiced in the loyal States, the same battle is now being waged that was fought by our Revolutionary Fathers during seven years of greater hardships, trials and privation, than any we have yet been called on to encounter.


Sentinel July 7, 1863
Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary, and Sexual Sisters.-
New and reliable treatment-in Reports of the Howard Association
sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.

Dr. J. Skilling Houghton, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
May 18045 d1mo

Milwaukee Sentinel July 7, 1863 

From Racine - A  boatload of excursionists are coming up from Racine to-day to attend the celebration. The boat will lie off the bay during the pyrotechnical display giving the excursionists an admirable chance to view it, and return in good season to Racine.

Milwaukee Sentinel July 7, 1863 

The balloon ascension takes place to day near the corner of Main and Michigan streets, in the third ward.

Milwaukee Sentinel July 7, 1863

A Novice in a Balloon-Sensations

Who can describe the sensations of a novice in his first experience at ballooning? does any person exist which which can do justice to the tumultuous an conflicting sensations of the air voyages when he first realizes that, all ties which connect him with earth are positively surrendered; henceforth his own volition must be surrendered, and he must drift ,drift, drift at the will of a power in which so strangely yet so confidently he is willing to repose! In the first few seconds during which the buildings and other objects around him are apparently retreating, this novice will feel some little trepidation; all is so-new untried and strange; this feeling hovered lasts but a few seconds; the grandeur of the scene below disables all thought of self and his whole soul becomes entirely absorbed in drinking in its beauty and in analyzing the immense variety of objects so suddenly opened to his view. That sea of ten thousand upturned faces; the varied picture of the spectators those streets which look like very narrow paths in a garden; those patches of green, smuggest brownish silver which he knows to be the Milwaukee river; that immense mirror, Lake Michigan; that looking glass Lake Pewaukee; that piece of rope laid across the marsh, which he knows is the Chicago Railway track; that patched quilt off to southwest , known as fields and farms; that brown spot, called the City of Racine, and many, many other objects which are growing smaller and smaller, can never be erased from the memory of the novice who sees them but once. All these soon become dimmer and dimmer fainter, and fainter as he drifts over the lade and ascends some seven thousand feet from its surface. Everything now, is dim, hazy and obscure. Oppressive, awful stillness reigns supreme.-Awe, is the best word he can select to define his feeling now. He will want to sit in prefect silence; to do so is rapture. If he speak his voice does not sound as if it came from his lips, but as though it were buried deep in his chest; deep, strange, not his own voice in any sense. The sound of his comrade's voice does not come from the customary place; but is located about twenty or thirty feet distant, and above him. As he goes higher and higher that buzz, buzz, buzz in his accompanied by a dull pressure in the interior of that organ is very disagreeable, His wish now will be to descend, and thus rid himself of the annoyance. The balloon which though somewhat flaccid when he started on the trip is now full, round, taut and symmetrical. He pulls the line leading to the valve at the top of the balloon, to allow the escape of a portion of the gas. Soon that disagreeable buzz and pressure of which has complaint ceases; the atmosphere appears less hazy, the shore line of the lake which had almost disappeared becomes plainer and plainer, and he becomes conscious that he descending rapidly even though there be not the least possible sensation of motion. In this instance the descent was quite rapid as the Professor Steiner , was desirous to test certain principles in motion, which have been the subjects of his study and research, and which he now wished to illustrate by positive experiment. In his own good time, these will be made public and his companions in this trip will be called to verify as witness to the success of this practical application of a new principle discovered by himself. The balloon, was permitted to descend until the car suspended beneath struck the surface of the lake with considerable violence, causing a decided rebound. The current of air now acting on the balloon, drove it at the rate of some thirty miles per hour towards the shore the car in which we were seated barely skimming above the surface of the water, and occasionally dip, dipping in the surface. Talk of "Pegasus," Bonner Teams," and other fogy things! give me the good balloon "Hercules," with thirty-mile-hour breeze, and Professor Stiener holding the ribbons. Talk of elixirs!" Is there, can there be other elixirs equal to that which coursed through these veins, when seated to the can of the "Hercules," and skimming along the surface of Lake Michigan, exhilarating to a agree that you must shout, you must cut up antics, which under circumstances would be deemed insanity?


Camp Meeting- On Sunday a number of young folks and several of mature years visited a Dutch Camp meeting now in progress some nine miles south of here. During their visit the rite of baptism (by pouring) was ministered "alike on the just and the unjust," and for two or three hours the crowd in attendance took the most drenching shower of the summer. The damage to summer finery was terrible and the sight of the ladies with lopped hats, faded ribbons, drenched and stained dresses and countenances that denoted anything but a devotional spirit, was both pitiable and laughable to behold.-
Waushara Argus

Tuesday July the 7, 1863
Milwaukee Sentinel

Another Balloon Ascension in Contemplation.-
We understand it to be the intention of Prof. Steiner to make a series of Army Ascensions in this city in the course of a few days, provided he can obtain the proper assistance from our citizens. The design is to make an inclosure inside of which seats will provided for the accommodation of visitors and those who may desire to make ascension. a rope allowing a ascent of 2,000 feet is to be attached to the balloon, so that it can be pulled down without the necessary of allowing any of the gas to escape. There are hundreds of our citizens who would like to take a ride into the upper air in this way, and we hope such arrangements will be made as to induce the Professor to take hold of the enterprise.

Pusillanimous- The innate meanness of certain men in this city who make some pretensions to decency, was never more fully illustrated than in the position they took in reference to the recent Fourth of July celebration. we are cognizant of several instances of this kind but the most despicable of all was that of the Principal of the Ninth Ward School, who when asked for a delegation of scholars from the school to make up a party of children to sing on the occasion, not only refused to have anything to do with it, but vented his spleen by saying ht he should feel degraded to associate with the interested in getting up the celebration and then went on with a torrent o abuse against "Abe Lincoln" in the presence of the school. Such a blackguard has no business as the Principal of a Public School. He isn't hired to promulgate sentiments of this kind among the children, and if the School Board did their duty they would dismiss him forthwith.

July 7th
Milwaukee Sentinel

Come to Grief- A drunken copperhead who had stopped to read the bulletin at the Wisconsin Office yesterday noon, showed his sympathy for Jeff Davis by cheering for him. Whereupon a young man evidently a sailor, stepped up to him and said he had been in the service of his country for the past three years and he had not come up here to hear such demonstrations. Copper replied that he should talk as he had a mind to, and it was none of his business. This was the sequel for assault on the part of Jack, and he laid the critter out in a twinkling. Some bystanders now interfered and took off the patriotic tar. But watching his opportunity he pitched in and clinched with the snake and this time came down under but by a dexterous movement rolled his antagonist over and pummeled him till his face was covered with blood.

He got up from the ground, fully convinced that there is power in patriotic arms.

Rejoicing at Fox Lake
Fox Lake, 8th July, 1863

Eds. Sentinel:-Our usually quite village was awaken from its slumbering apathy lost evening over the joyful news of the surrender of Vicksburg. About seven o'clock a dispatch was received here confirming the previous report of its fall. The church bell was rung bonfires fires built and the cannon opened its mouth vomiting forth the good news to the surrounding county. It spake as it never spoke before. The streets were crowded with people-men, women, and children all congratulating each other over the joyful intelligence received. It was an occasion long to be remembered.

Praise God for the occasion.-

The Kenosha Telegraph, July 9, 1863

The Surrender of Vicksburg! The City Capitulates on the 4th of July!
The official Dispatch
Washington, July 7, 1863

The following was received at the Navy Department this afternoon:
U.S. Mississippi Squadron
Flag Ship Black Hawk
Vicksburg, July 4, 63

To Hon Gideon Wells, Secretary of the Navy
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Vicksburg as surrendered to the United States forces on this day, 4th of July.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.

D. D. Porter,
Acting Rear Admiral.
The First Announcement
Cairo, Tuesday Noon, July 7, 1863
The steamer
V.F. Wilson from Vicksburg on the 4th - Her Captain bearer of dispatches to Capt. Pennock - has just arrived. The dispatches are from Admiral Porter. He says Vicksburg surrendered to our forces on the 4th at 10 a.m. after forty-eight hours bombardment. No particulars.
Cairo, July 7-11:15 a.m.-

A dispatch boat has just arrived having left Vicksburg city at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Her passengers announce that Pemberton surrendered on the morning of the 4th at July, and that our forces were to march in as of 10 a.m. on Sunday. Pemberton went out in the morning with a flag of truce and
offered to surrender in case he would be allowed to march his men out.
Grant is reported to have replied that no man should leave the place except as a prisoner of war. Pemberton then went back, and after a consultation with his subordinate officers, unconditionally surrendered.

La Crosse Republican 
July 15th, 1863

ADVANTAGES OF BAD CHARACTER-A gentleman went lately with a friend to the Opera House and arrived before the doors were open. While waiting in the crowd, standing behind his friend, he amused himself by picking the pocket of the latter, abstracting there from a handkerchief. Hardly had he done so when he was tapped on the shoulder and on turning round he saw a gentlemanly looking individual who handed him his own snuffbox with a polite bow observing that he never knowingly "operated on a brother professional and was sorry that he had made such a mistake."

La Crosse Republican 
July 15th, 1863

FEROCIOUS- A Kentucky editor whose patience has been exercised by a series of tribulations more severe than ordinary, advertises as follows:
"Wanted at this office, a bull dog, of any color except pumpkin and milk; of respectable size, snub nose, cropped ears, abbreviated continuation, and bad disposition; who can come when called with a raw beef steak, and will bite the man who spits tobacco juice on the stove and steals our exchanges."

La Crosse Republican 
July 15th, 1863

The term "raid", now so frequently used, is not an Americanism, as has been supposed, but is a word of British origin having the sanction of Sir Walter Scott. In his boat song in the "Lady of the Lake," occurs the following couplet:
"Widow and Saxon maid 
Long shall  lament our RAID."
Attention to this quotation will save certain foreign correspondents from using some of the quotation marks with which they now ignorantly drape their epistles.

La Crosse Republican 
July 15th, 1863

The 7th N. Y. Regiment
The Splendid 7th N. Y. Regt., which sent at a moment's notice to repel the rebel invasion of Pennsylvania, returned to N. Y. in time to pay its respects to the rioters of that city, thirty of whom were killed at the first pop. Glory to God and the 7th Regiment.

La Crosse Republican 
July 15th, 1863

SIR EDWIN LANDSEER AND THE LIONS.- We wish (says a weekly contemporary) Sir Edwin Landseer may live for ever; but one third of his number of sixty years and one has passed since he received the commission to execute the famous African lions that will some day astonish us in Trafalgar Square. No man has even yet seen the models for them nor anything more solid than a  drawing on paper, and it is reported that the sculptor's visit to the Zoological gardens where he has dissected several lions, are incessant and so alarming to those brutes that each one turns tail when the growl is passed that he has arrived.

The La Crosse Weekly Republican
August 26, 1863

"Old Abe's Last Joke- Fowler of the R. R. Gazette is responsible for the following- the great and all absorbing topic in fashionable circles for the past few weeks has been in what style would Mrs. Lincoln have her dresses cut. A matter of so great importance naturally occupied much of the time of the Cabinet and kept the President awake nights.
As the Cabinet failed to arrive at any harmonious action the venerable Abraham put his foot down and settled the question by ordering the dresses cut low in the neck and without sleeves "for "said he sententiously "my time is much occupied with business and I want to see as much of Mrs. L. as possible"

The La Crosse Weekly Republican
August 26, 1863

Copperhead Catechism- 

A breezy old copperhead tried his affection yesterday on a loyal German near Lang's Saloon. 

Copperhead -D'you know that this war is going to free all the d--d niggers in the South?
German- Yaw.
Copperhead- And you want to make the nigger your equal, do you?
German- Yaw
Copperhead- Then you want your daughter to marry a d--d nigger?
German- I'd sooner she'd marry a nigger than a Copperhead!
Copperhead mizzled

The La Crosse Weekly Republican
Sept. 9, 1863

Imprudent: What part of a soldier's duty would ladies take the most delight in?
We wrote "Present Arms" but snarley old Benedict at our elbow suggests "Dress Parade, " We wouldn't like to be in his shoes if his wife should find him out.

The La Crosse Weekly Republican
Sept. 16, 1863

Steamer Lost
Steamer Planet arrived this morning bringing news that the steamer Sunbeam was foundered on Lake Superior the 28th day of August.  All on board except the wheelsman, were lost.
The wheelsman lashed himself to a piece of wreck, and after floating 30 hours was washed ashore at Portage, 20 miles from the scene of the disaster. He reports that the Sunbeam left Superior city, Thursday. Early next morning, during a gale, the steamer was struck by a heavy sea which rolled her over on her side. Small boats were immediately got out and the passengers and crew were being put into them, when the vessel was struck by another heavy sea, and commenced breaking up. The rescued man saw the boats filled with the passengers and crew swamp soon after leaving the wreck, and is sure that all are lost but himself.

The Planet picked up portions of the wreck, which were floating about for two miles around where the vessel went down. Passengers and crew numbered 35.
Names of those last as far as ascertained is as follows:
Passengers-A. Sherman and son, A. Cohen, Ontonagon.
Crew-Dougal, Capt., W. A. Gardner, clerk, Thos. F. Healy, first engineer, Patrick and J.O. Donell, first and second mates, of Detroit; W. H. Collin, saloon keeper, O. McHale, cabin boy, of Chicago; Jas. Butters, fireman.
The scene of the disaster is located a little northwest of Eagle River, 10 miles out.
( the Sunbeam had been active on Lake Michigan carrying troops)

The La Crosse Weekly Republican
Sept. 30, 1863
Since the war began, the New York Tribune's composing room alone has been represented in the army by twenty-nine journeymen who were employed at the case, setting type, previous to their enlistment.- Since September1st, 1862, the Tribune has been paying four dollars a week to the families of thirteen of its compositors who are in the Union army. This is practical patriotism.

The La Crosse Republican
Oct. 21, 1863

The Iron Brigade Coming Home
The Chicago Tribune of Tuesday last has a Washington special, stating that the 19th Indiana, 2d, 6th and 7th Wisconsin, and 24th Michigan regiments, composing the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps of the Army of the Potomac, known as the Iron Brigade, are to go home within 20 days to recruit up to their maximum numbers, furloughs to be given at the discretion of the Governor, to expedite it. 
Other regiments will by turn be allowed similar privileges.
Certainly , if any soldiers in the service have earned a furlough it is the Old Iron Brigade. Let them be received with such a welcome as heroes deserve from a great and generous people in whose defense they have shed their blood and freely risked their lives.

The La Crosse Republican
Oct. 21, 1863

Said an Irishman to a telegraph operator: "Do you ever charge anybody for the address in a message? " "No." replied the operator "And do ye charge for signing sir?" said the customer. "No sir." "Well, then, will ye please send this? I just want my brother to know I am here." handing the following: "To John McGinn at New York-(signed) - Patrick McGinn." It was sent as a tribute to Patrick's shrewdness.

The La Crosse Republican 
Oct. 21, 1863

The Copperheads are now doing what has for 80 years been regarded as impossible. They are making the foes of the Revolution respectable by the comparison which their conduct bears to those enemies of free government.

The La Crosse Republican
Oct. 21, 1863

Why Stonewall Jackson was Killed.
A new Version of the Cause
From the St. Louis Republican, Oct. 12th
Mr. Editor:- I have just had a conversation with a gentleman who was in the East at the time of Lee's first invasion of Maryland and who met with a very intelligent German who had abandoned a New Orleans rebel regiment in which he had served twenty six months having participated in  nearly all the great battles in Virginia and who belonged to one of Stonewall Jackson's divisions. This German seemed to be well posted in Southern politics and manifested a knowledge of Southern leaders and their abilities which is rarely met with in rebel soldiers.
He says that Stonewall Jackson was never a secessionist, yet he was a democrat of a strong States Right character. That he differed with Jeff Davis and all other leaders of the rebel Government on many material points in regard to the manner and means of the defense of the Confederacy. The policy of the rebel troops over the Confederacy sending North Carolina troops to defend Virginia. While Virginias troops were called to the rescue of the old North State, Jackson stoutly and persistently opposed this scattering policy contending that the troops of each State should be as signed to the defense of their own State. Of course this policy of Stonewall made him popular with the soldiers as they preferred defending their own homes and in consequence of this growing popularity of Jackson with soldiers, rendered it necessary that he should be "put aside".  Jeff Davis dared not remove him as President Lincoln did McClellan as the soldiers of the rebellious confederacy would not stand it.
Jackson was, as his history shows, an uncompromising radical in any view he entertained and pursued and carried through everything he undertook with a bull-dog pertinacity. In a word he must be put out of the way or the Confederate Army was at any moment on the brink of disintegration and ruin.
After a consultation of rebel leaders at Richmond it was resolved that at the next battle, Jackson was to be shot down. Extra Billy Smith, of Virginia, who was then candidate for Governor of that State, was charged with the execution of this plan. A sufficient quantity of rebel scrip procured the men who were willing to slay the rebel chieftain and at the battle of Chancellorsville, Stonewall Jackson fell by the hands of rebel soldiers in the manner before stated. After this feat was accomplished the Confederacy slept sounder.

J. B. T.

The La Crosse Republican 
Nov. 18, 1863

Bright Yellow cloak with scarlet hoods, scarlet cloaks with yellow hoods, blue cloaks with white hoods, purple cloaks with orange hoods and striped and checkered cloaks with crimson hoods, are all the rage in N.Y.

The La Crosse Republican
Nov. 20, 1863

The custom of smoking by women has recently been introduced into England. The "Court Journal " says " Ladies belonging to la crème de la crème of society have introduced cigarettes. We could mention the names of many of England's aristocratic daughters who openly indulge in mild Latakia"

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

Antiquity Of Man

In his last essay, Agasiz throws out the following opinion on this interesting topic.
"It is difficult to be specific when describing the fossil human bones so much discussed recently, because the evidence is, at present, too scanty to admit of any decisive judgment concerning them. It becomes, however, daily more probable that facts will force us sooner or later to admit that the creation of man lies far beyond any period yet assigned to it and that a succession of human races, as of animals, have followed one another upon the earth. It may be the inestimable privilege of our young naturalists to solve this problem but the older men of our generation must be content to renounce this hope: we may have some  prophetic vision of its fulfillment; we may look from afar into the land of promise but we shall not enter in and possess it."

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

Rebels say that they have almost nothing where with to feed the Union prisoners at Richmond yet the Common Council of that city has just voted $60,000 to buy  a house for Gen. Lee.

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

The next draft
We last week copied a short statement from an exchange in regard to the next draft to the affect that it would be "exclusively from the second class- composed of married men between the ages of 35 and 45 years." This was an error. Solicitor Whiting defines the matter as follows:
"Those of the second class shall not be called out until those of the first class shall have been exhausted.
As between the first and second classes, the law (Sec.3,) requires "that the second class shall not in any district be called into the service of the United States until those of the first class shall have been thus called in."

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

The Arlington estate is advertised for sale for the payment of taxes.

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

The President's health is improved and he will soon be able to attend to his official duties.

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

The World With in- Each heart is a world. You find all within your self that you find without. The world that surrounds you is the magic glass of the world within you. To know your self, your have only to set down a true statement of those that ever loved or hated you.-- Lavater.

La Crosse Democrat 
Dec. 2, 1863

The Pacific Railroad - It is understood that the President, in compliance with the terms of the law of the last Congress, decided that the Northern Pacific Railroad shall start from a point on the Missouri River nearly opposite Council Bluffs in connection with the Mississippi and Missouri and the Rock Island Railroads.

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863

A man in Pebbleshire was in the habit of praying nightly in a field behind a turf-dyke and on one occasion exclaimed that if the dyke was that moment to fall upon him he would be justly punished for his sins. It did fall instantly being pushed over by a concealed acquaintance and Jock sung out from among the ruins. "Heck sirs! it's an aufu' world this , a body canna say a thing in a joke but it's ta'en in earnest."

La Crosse Democrat
Dec. 2, 1863
More Editors Called- Ried of the Beaver Dam Citizen, Herron of the Mineral Point Intelligencer and Hume, of the Chilton Times, have drawn prizes in the draft.

Joseph Vitas, Jr., State Senator from Manitowoc county, has been caught in the draft.


Civil War



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Friday, December 25, 1863
The Milwaukee Sentinel

Christmas Day

The Post Office will be open on Christmas Day from 2 to 3 P.M.
Afternoon mails close at 3 P.M.
Jno. Lockwood, P.M.

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MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! ~ To Croesus J. Smith, who lives in the splendid large mansion on the corner, and drives along Spring Street in such magnificent style; to Lazarus Baggs, who dwells in the humble cot and eats his bread in the sweat of his brow; to young Napoleon B. and Grace Evangeline, children of the above Croesus, who are riding their new hobby horse or displaying their new toys of costly materials; and equally to the juvenile offspring of the above Lazarus, who is this morning blowing frantically his tin trumpet and "waking the echoes far and near;" ~ to all classes and conditions we wish a Merry Christmas, indeed. But if there's a rich man who has sat down to his holiday feast without doing something to make easier the lot of the poor, and in doing it voluntarily and unostentatiously, we hope his turkey may be tough, his meats unsavory, his Christmas pudding scalding hot, and his wine sour and stale.
To the soldier, especially, as merry a Christmas as their rough life can afford them, and many of them will have it merry whereever they are, for after all we carry the materials for enjoyment within ourselves, and are indebted more to the inner than the outer world for whatever of cheer or gloom we experience throughout life. Go ahead, boys, make the best of it, as you have already well learned how to do, and rest assured you are not forgotten at home to-day. Every family, almost, has a 'vacant chair' at its table, placed for some absent one; absent, alas! perhaps 'in that land from whose bourne no traveler returns!'
But sorrow must not be the prevailing emotion to-day ~ pleasure must abound. Sleigh bells must jingle, the voice of laughter ring out from the merry riders; skates must ring on the glare ice; music must sound to the measured motion of 'flying feet.'  To-morrow we go plodding on as usual; to-day let us have a


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from the Federal Capital

Washington, Dec. 21, 1863
For the last few days we have been favored with pretty snug winter weather, a heavy rain on Thursday having been followed by a severe freeze, which has stiffened the mud very materially, and made good skating for the benefit of the juveniles.
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December 26, 1863

Some very matter-of-fact people have always pretended that this fine old fellow was an entirely imaginary being; and that the stockings that were hung by the chimney corner at night and were found filled with good things in the morning, were not stuffed by old Santa Claus, descending through the sooty chimney, but that rather the children's minds were stuffed with nonsense by the same persons who had stuffed their stockings with gifts. Now we were always loath to give up the idea of a real, personal Santa Claus, and were glad to be confirmed in our original impressions by seeing, dashing down past the post office last evening, a strange looking equipage,

"With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
We knew in a minute it must be St. Nick."

But his carriage is no longer drawn by "eight tiny reindeer." He has got reduced some way or other to a single donkey, and that a small one, but of good mettle, and he dashed bravely through the crowd, down to the Newhall House, and up the steps into the office, where Santa Claus dismounted and hopped briskly about the house with his huge basket of candies and other 'goodies' on his back, peering into the corners for stockings to fill with his favors. But he was evidently too early by several hours, and disconcerted at seeing so many present, and soon made his exit.

"He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle"

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La Crosse  Democratic Journal
Dec. 30, 1863

Another Female Soldier
Lizzie Compton, a bright young lady of sixteen arrived in the city yesterday from Barnstown where she had been encamped with her regiment, the 11the Kentucky cavalry , of which she had been a member for several months past. Her history during the past eighteen months is strange and romantic. She has served in seven different regiments and participated in several battles. At Fredericksburg she was seriously wounded but recovered and followed the fortunes of war which cast her from the army of the Potomac to the army of the Cumberland. She fought in the battle of Green River Bridge on the Fourth of July last and received a wound which disabled her for a short time. She has been discovered and mustered out of the service seven or eight times but immediately reenlisted in another regiment She states that her home is in London Canada West and that her parents are now living in that place. This young girl has served a term of eighteen months in the army and were it not that she spreads the annoyance of being detected and mustered out she would enter the service again.

She was sent to this city by the officer in command at Bardstown to be again mustered out, and is now at Barrack No. 1, awaiting orders-Louisville Journal

La Crosse  Democratic Journal
Dec. 30, 1863
A Rebel taken at Chickamauga said of our artillery that he "didn't think the Yanks would use them big guns much longer." Why not? inquired the Feds. "Because" said he. "The Confederacy is getting so narrow that you'll fire clear over it and hit your men on the other side."