Letter to Mr.Hilas Meachum


Nashville, Tenn.  April the 6(?)th 1860
Mr. Meacham
Dear Sir, I once more resume my seat for the intention of writing a short letter but whether it will be very interesting to you or not I will leave you to decide. It has been some time since I last hurd from any of your folks perhaps some of them may be unwell and by that purpos are not able to write never the les I feel prompted to write and find after how you are all getting along and how farmers are prospering in Springfield,
I doubt not times are rather hard these days there in Wis. for I feel that this war is making a fearfull change throughout the hole country although I don't think it is noticed to much as far North as Wis.  all that can be seen there to convince one there is a war raging through this U S is I think the thinning out of men. it has been some time since I left there but I can imagine something about how times is prospering through the northern states. and can realize the changes down south here the most that can be seen to make it look lively is Soldiers there is pleanty of them every where and wherever they are all is life and prosperity.
The 22nd are still incamped the same as when you heard from me last  all is prospering in health among men. the weather is also very fine although we are having pleanty of rain  never the less it is very warm  So we do not mind them much. I suppose the weather there in Wis. is getting quite warm   The snow I presume is all melted ear this an I doubt not you will soon commence your Spring work and you will have luck during your labors.
A few more lines and I must close. I suppose you have purchased that head stone ear this for James Grave & trust all is done towards fixing right about the grave that you can do. At least I hope so and will leave all to you if there is more required to make it look neat  I shal have it leave it all to you in fixing for I am in the army and cannot get there to do any thing myself. And perhaps will never return there but I will trust to good luck & hope the time will soon come when I may return from this war.
I have one more request to make and I regret in having to trouble you thus but it is very important and I shal have to ask it of you.  it is about paying the Express matter on sending James remains to you it is not all paid you  the Sixty dolers you sent came all right at the same time I sent you after it I sent home for the remainder but insted of sending the money they sent a Certificate of the amount thinking it would answer the same purpose which it normally would if they wer not in want of the money and as my money is drawing interest I have made up any money to send to you a part of that bounty  I presume you have it all. I shal have to have $ 80  I suppose it is grean backs if it is not i cannot use it down here   if it is no grean backs you use the amount mentioned in grean backs and I will pay you what ever percent you think is reasonable. Express it on soon as posable for there is no knowing how soon we have to leave here and I wish to get it before leaving  direst it via Nashville. I trust I will not have to bother agane very soon.
I will know come to a close trust this will find you all in as good health as myself which I can ashure you could not be better. I send my best respects to all and hope to hear from you soon
Yours Truly in Friendship.
T. T. Aikens