Letter to Mother
Point, La. July 5,1863
Point, La. July 5,1863 Dear Mother, Hurrah at last I can write you a letter with the gladdening news that “Vicksburg is ours.” Yes, it is ours and a merry fourth we had too, for we heard the news just in time to talk and inquire about it all day, and although we did not go through the extra maneuvers which you did at home, still I will venture to say that we felt as merry. I do not know the particulars of the surrender but understand it thus: On the night of the 3rd, Pemberton offered to surrender the place on the fourth on conditions or on the fifth unconditionally. Gen. Grant sent him back word the same as he did at Donaldson and Gen. Pemberton not liking the idea of the Yankees making fun for themselves by bombarding them for the sake of celebrating the 4th, thought best to surrender unconditionally on the eve of the 3rd, which he did , and gen. grant and staff rode in, in triumph, on the morning of the 4th. The orders are strict about not leaving camp and so we can’t go and see Vicksburg yet, but I am confident that Grant will not forget old fighting Joe [General Mower.] My heart is too full to write, so I hope you will excuse this until I can compose myself. I sent you a box which I sent you a receipt for. We have received our pay but I wont risk it in this letter but will send it when things become more settled. Yours
affectionate I have concluded to send you $30.00 and risk it. I drew $20.00 and am that much ahead of my pay. Most assuredly, I have my cause to be thankful, and I am thankful, hearty, and well. I hope for my sake that you will not worry any more at present. George Holmes says tell his wife that he is well. All the Springfield boys are well. (With inflation since then, the $30.00 would be worth at least $450.00 in today's money) |