Isaiah Williams
Co. I, 6th Wisconsin

Isaiah Williams (Left), Friend (Right)

"When shall the glorious sun 
And the din of battle cease
And above the homes of freedom
the white winged angel Peace"

"Weep not for me when I am gone"

Isaiah Williams enlisted June 1, 1861 for three years during the war in
 Company "I", Sixth Wisconsin Infantry. 

Captain Johnson was mustered into the U.S. Service July 16, 1861 at Camp Randall, Madison, Wisconsin. Left the state soon after for the seat of the war. Was ordered to Washington, D.C., arrived there after some delay on the road. Went into camp on Kalorama Heights. done picket duty along the Potomac above Georgetown for some time then moved from there to Chain Bridge and from there to Arlington Heights on the old Lee farm, stayed there and did picket duty for the winter. Broke camp and started to Manassas Junction with McClellan in the spring. Was under McClellan, went to Fredericksburg. 

Was there doing guard duty while McClellan was on the Peninsula Campaign, was in Popes retreat from the Rappahannock to Bull Run, was in some light skirmishes until August 28 when we intercepted Jackson's Division. The brigade to which the Sixth was attached, last in. Killed and wounded about 800 men. Our regiment did not have a field officer left at the Second Bull Run. 
We was not so hotly engaged. 
Our regiment was the last to cross the bridge over Bull Run. 

Was on the march into Maryland until the 14th, met the enemy at South Mountain, Maryland. Last in our company, 6 killed, buried them in one grave  the 19th, was engaged in the Sharpsburg or Antietam battle, was wounded early in the engagement being on the skirmish line. shot through the right lung. went into the hospital at Boonsboro, MD., was given the best of nursing by the ladies and old men of the place and surrounding country. 

Was there about 6 weeks, got able to walk around some, was moved to Frederick City, was there some time, was sent from there to 
convalescent camp near Alexandria, Virginia. 
Was discharged from the service as I was not likely to be of any service to the country, came home and in 1864 wanted to enlist again in the 35th Wisconsin but they wouldn't take me. Was drafted and rejected. 
Have been a constant sufferer ever since I received the wound. 
Applied and received a pension of $2.00 per month in 1878, have had it increased twice since that time and now draw $8.00.

Isaiah Williams  

He was a corporal when wounded. His obituary mentions he was in the battles of Gainesville, Second Bull Run, South Mountain and Antietam. 
Gainesville is not mentioned in his biog.

From Herdegen and Beaudet,  "In The Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg" where writing about the early days of the Iron Brigade: "Soon to be Company "I" of the new regiment, the "Guards" boasted lads more familiar with the pitch fork than a musket. 
They would become soldiers who would do their duty. 
One was---"Isaiah WILLIAMS of Franklin, who was shot through the right lung at Antietam, but who would not die".
From the Milwaukee Telegraph, Feb. 1, 1880.

Williams CW letter 1a of 4croped.JPG (64917 bytes)Click thumbnail to see first page of letter below

Washington, D. C., August 20th, 1861

Camp Kalorama

Dear father and mother I once more sit down to write to you no that I am still alive and wel hoping these few lines may find you in good health. I have not had a letter from you since we left Madison but I have heard from there and was sorry to hear that father was sick got the word in a Letter from Lewis but he did not say what was the matter only that he had bin sick. J. B. Weeks got a letter from John he said that you was done harvesting but did not say what you had to pay was glad to hear that he had rented the place it was the best thing for you and him both for you could not have farmed both places there has bin no fighting to amount to anything since we have bin here there has bin some skirmishing between the pickets on the other side of the river there will be a general fight in a few days or at least it is expected we have to keep every thing packed and one days rations cooked so as to be ready to start at any hour day or night the rebbel army is not more than 3 or 4 miles from ours on the other side of the river the baloon that you have read about or at least I expect you have was up yesterday afternoon all the time nearly but whether it made any discoveries or no I dont no and wil not no for the papers are not allowed to print anything in them concerning the movements of our army atall I expect you hear more about what is going on than what I can and a great deal you hear is not so I dont feel much like writing today for I was up all night at the hospital waiting on the sick there is but one from our company there Charles is sick and appears wel satisfied and I guess he is I am satisfied that I am doing my duty as far as I am able for my country you need not grieve for me if never get back for it is a just cause that I am in I never had my health better in my life and you can guess whether I have or not my weight is 182 1/2 pounds this morning when I left Viroqua was 170 if that is not doing pretty well I dont no to gain 12 1/2 pounds in two months and if you could see the amount of soldiers that is here to feed you would think grain would bring a better price there than it does there is so says the quartermaster 80000 rations of bread issued out each day un the D. C. if that be so there is more soldiers in the field than we had any idea of for there is not one half of them here tell John D. and g. Hope that I would like to hear from them I have wrote to them got (no?) word from them yet and I wont allow to write any more to them until got one from them we do our own cooking all that we have in our tent is cooks and sometime one does the cooking and some time another but I will quit for this time I want you and John to do the best you can and if I get through alive I will be there sometime the report is that general Scott say that we can all take dinner at our homes on Christmas and if he aint getting them I dont no the reason for they are coming in daily write soon and let me no all about everything that is going on and how you are getting along give my love to all Charles sends his respects to you all.

From Isaiah Williams

To his Father and mother

2Williams CWletter 2a of 4 (2)croped.JPG (179825 bytes)Click thumbnail on your left to see first and last page of letter below.


Camp at Arlington heights, Va

Feb. 27, 1862

Dear folkes, it is with some pleasure that I write you to let you know that I am wel I received A letter from today and was glad to hear from home again it may be the last that I may ever hear from their for their is going to be Something done in A few days our cops says that he heard general K's say something today that we would see some hot work before six days we have orders to be ready to march on short notice and to take just as light loads as we can to have clothes enough to have to change of shirts and socks we have sent to box of clothing home I sent a blanket and Charly sent one I sent them to John and told him that one was Charlys and he can pay the freight if they ever come we sent them to Mr. Newell as Jim had some in it Charly sent A coat to you spoke about Mart he is in the company yet but we put him out of our tent but he don't care he is as lively as ever and I guess that if he could get a chance he would do the same thing over again you said that you wanted John to build A stable in the Spring and if he can do it with out going in debt he had better do it but if not he had better let it alone these hard times. I expect that there wil be a hard battle fought soon Some of the officers think that it wil be as hard as has bin fought yet and if so some of us wil not get out alive that is certain but who it is we don't no... but if it is my lot to fall I will fall at my post doing my duty but hope for the best and if I do fall don't weep after me for I wil fall in A good cause do the best you can for each other and help one another and if I never get home fix it if you can so that John wil get what little property I have for I want him to have it I wil close as can't think of much more we was mustered in today we wil have two months more pay due us now tell mother that I think of her often and would like to see her but I can't and that is no use of talking about it but I wil remember her while alive and I hope that I may some time get home to see you all once more good by until you hear from me again. write soon as I want to hear from home as often as I can you need not send me any more papers

From Isaiah W

To Father and Mother

When shall the glorious sun shine
And the din of battle cease
And above the homes of freedom
Floats the white winged angel Peace

"Weep not for me when I am gone"

U.S. Hospital Frederick, MD  December 11, 1862

Dear Mother and father  it is with pleasure that I attempt to write you  I received a letter from you yesterday of the 27th  was glad to hear of you all being wel  I am not wel and never expect to be as wel as I was but my cough has left me my side still pains me  I cant lay on that side yet  my wound has about healed  it does not run anymore  their is one of my ribs that was shot of or part of at least for the bones came out in pieces  I got the $3.00 you sent me but they wont take it here  I wil try and get it on to some one for I need the money  if you send me any more please send eastern money if you can get it  it is no use  they say there is no such bank  I have tried it all over Frederick but could do nothing with it I am out of paper  that is what you sent me in your letter  you said I would not hear of mothers working out any more  I am glad of it for I would rather hear the work going undone  you said for me to tell you if you could help me in any way  I dont think you could  their is several men here now that is trying to get their discharge but of no use  their fathers is here but it makes no difference  they wont discharge men that has one leg off  they have a bill up in congress to discharge all that wil not be able for duty in 2 or 3 months and them that wil be able in that time to give them a furlough and break up the camps that we are in  we are in tents and anyone that is sick or very bad in any way it is no place for a sick man to be now in the winter  I am glad to hear that you are up with the work and to hear that the horse was doing wel  pork is low and I think it would be higher to see the amount that is used in the army  I had a letter from grandady  he said they was all wel but he was very feeble  he said that uncle John was going west in the spring  if I could get my discharge I would go and see them  it would not be out of my read much to go that way. Direct to US general Hospital campB Frederick MD write often and let me no how you are getting along  this is full  From Isaiah Williams to his father and mother + all

October 16th, 1862
Union hospital  Boonsboro, MD

Dear friends  it is with great pleasure that I again try to write to you to let you no how I am doing with my wound  I am doing very wel  I am getting wel as fast as I can  I was badly wounded but not dangerous  I was not shot through the lungs but very close to them  it was four weeks yesterday since I received my wound between day light and sun up   you wrote about my coming home  wel if I can get a discharge I can get home  if not it will be almost impossible for they wont give furloughs unless their is someone here to see after it and then it takes some time and a great deal of trouble more than it would be worth  I am going to try hard for my discharge but dont no whether I wil get it or not but their is nothing like trying  I expect their will be a hard battle out near harpersferry in a few days there is some cannonading today  I wil have to quit without writing half what I would like to but I am give out  I want you to write direct as you did to Boonsboro until further orders I wil close hoping this wil find you all wel  I wish Mary good luck with her boy  goodby  Isaiah Williams

 Lt. John Williams, 25th WI
(Isaiah's older brother)

materials have been shared by
Paul Noel

Max Noel

webWilliams 6th WI Medical Discharge Certificate2.jpg (20367 bytes)

Click to see Medical discharge paper

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Click to see Muster paper