August 2001

August 25, 2001


Has anyone ever been to Vicksburg? I'll be there in a few weeks, and want to
make the most of my visit. My time will be limited, so if anyone has any
suggestions on what "not" to miss, it would be appreciated.

This is my first trip to a National Military/Battlefield Park. Upon reading
the history of the Siege of Vicksburg, my interest in the Civil War has been

Input welcome! 

Daniel Wilson

August 23, 2001

If anyone would be interested in driving out to Chambersburg, PA on Oct. 18th, to attend "In the Footsteps of the Iron Brigade" seminar by Lance Herdegen of Carroll College?  Lance will lead a bus/walking tour of Brawners Farm/Second Manassas, South Mountain, Antietam and Gettysburg on Oct. 19-20-21. Cost of seminar is $250, and full details can be seen by going to, and clicking on this seminar.  I would like to have someone else to go
with, and share the driving, gas and hotel expense.
Please contact me, if you might be interested in participating, at: Lance Myers, 424 Bowlavard Ave., Belleville, WI 53508 (608)424-3656 or email:  Thanks!!!!

Lance Myers

August 22, 2001

This is Misty, David Dresang's sister.  I just got into the 21st century, but wanted to send a short note, and was hoping you guys could pass the message to the 2nd Wis. boys and the civilians for me?  Would you please tell everyone that I had a great time, that everyone was so nice to me, and made me feel like a real part of it all.  I truly appreciated the way everyone made me feel.  I thank all of you for that, and thanks again for making my last weekend with my brother an awesome one!  I have stories to tell my family back here!  THANKS!
August 12, 2001

Having had a week to reflect on my experiences at Bull Run this year, I had a few thoughts.  Even though it was unbearably hot and at times the battle scenario was a bit confused, I can't remember a time when I had so much fun surrounded by great people who were as enthusiastic as I about what we were really doing out there in our wool uniforms baking in the sun.  I have to give all the credit in the world for those people who planned this trip and to the officers and others who made it enjoyable, especially those who made sure we drank several canteens of water on the hour.  Nobody from our group became a heat casualty.  Our group of guys were always online and ready to go and our drill looked sharp.  It felt good to be a member of the Second Wisconsin and we honored the people who fought there.

I also want to thank Marc Storch for his excellent tour of the First Manassas and Brawner's Farm battlefield sites.  I learned a lot and it really made the trip for me.
If you ever get a chance to go to a national event, do it.  I can't wait until Antietam next year.  I only hope the 145th Bull Run in five years is a little bit cooler.
Mike Moran
Second Wisconsin, Co K 

August 2, 2001

I have gotten a few emails and a bit of flak for not being forthcoming on the early war second Wisconsin uniforms in time for the 1st Manassass event this year.
I send my apologies to all those disappointed by my (seeming) lack of results.
The truth is, I found more in my research than I could assemble and assimilate in a single years time.  I cannot and will not in good conscience recommend an expensive uniform impression to the second without full, documented research and at least a year of open debate with other uniform historians of this fine unit.  One person holding most or all of the cards on this topic invites error.
Anyhow, I discovered lots of goodies.  Discounting individual company uniforms and the summer cottenade uniforms, I have documented three distinct gray frock styles worn by our Badger forebears; and two styles of headgear.  I have also been able to document at least two cap box patterns issued, and some variations in the leathers.  I have a definite theory on the style of hardpack used, along with some textile info and specs on where some of the gear was manufactured.
This has been of great excitement to me, and I look forward to presenting these finds to the second to dissemble, debate, rail against, and flame at their leisure. My only regret is that this information came too late to properly outfit a group of men to represent the second properly at their baptism of fire.   (sigh)
The chance is before us to remedy this for the next go-around.  I would hate to miss another opportunity.
 Pvt. B. L. Sundell, 10th Tennessee Co. D (but whose heart remains 2nd E).