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Mine Run

Nov. 7th, march about sunrise toward Kelley's Ford, cannonading all the afternoon in the direction of Rappahannock Station and the Ford. We camp for the night at Morrisville. Distance fifteen miles. Nov. 8th, march at an early hour across the river at Kelley's Ford, thence up the railroad, bivouacking for the night in line of battle at Brandy Station. Distance ten miles. In yesterday's battle at Rappahannock Station and Kelley's Ford our army captured several pieces of artillery, a bridge, a train and 2000 prisoners. (Here is where Fillmore got in his work.) Nov 9th, about 4 o'clock A. M. march back, recrossing the Rappahannock River on a pontoon bridge to repair the railroad from Warrentown Junction to the river. We go into camp near Beverly's Ford. Distance seven miles. Remain here doing picket duty and fatigue duty on the railroad and earthworks until Nov. 26th. March to Culpepper Ford on the Rapidan. Twelve miles. Nov. 27th, cross the river on a pontoon bridge before daybreak, marching our upon the plank road leading from Chancellorsville to Germania Mills. Nov. 28th, at an early hour our advance is made and soon the enemy's pickets are engaged. At Robertson's Tavern we form in line of battle and halt. Dec. 1st, late in the afternoon we fall back through the Wilderness, recross the Rapidan at midnight near Germania Mills. Distance seven miles.

Dec. 2nd are detailed to guard Mitchell's Ford, to which place we march, five miles. Dec. 3rd, rejoin the division.

Dec. 4th, lay out a camp at Kelley's Ford and commence to build winter quarters. Remain here until Dec. 24th, when we break camp and march to Culpepper Court House, where we again build winter quarters about three-quarters of a mile west of village, and here we are strongly quartered for the winter.