March 1863 Gen. Cutler, having been assigned to a brigade in our division took leave of us by the following order: Headquarters 6th Regt. Wis. Vols. No. 10. Officers and Soldiers:- Having been assigned to another command its becomes my duty to take leave of you as your commanding officer. When nearly two years since, I first met you as your commander, an entire stranger to you all, it was with the hope and expectation that the Regiment would be a credit to the State and service. I have not been disappointed. Your ready submission to a rigid discipline; your patient endurance of fatiguing marches in cold, heat and storm by night and by day; your suffering from hunger and sickness and above all you determined and unflinching bravery on numerous bloody battlefields have won for you a name which is the pride of you state and have elicited the highest commendation of all the Generals under whom you have served or fought. Your conduct has been all I could desire. While I part from you with sadness, it is at the same time with a feeling of pride that I have had the honor to be your commander. I leave you in the confident belief that your future conduct will be as honorable as your past; that the memory of your fallen comrades; of your past deeds of heroism and the justice of the cause for which you fight will prompt you to meet undismayed the enemies of your country, and that you will not allow the evils of semirebels at home to swerve you from your duty as patriots or to dishonor the flag of our country. L. Cutler Colonel E. S. Bragg, now our Colonel by his tried courage and ability on every battle field our regiment has seen, has won from officers and men the fullest confidence, and all are gratified with his promotion. Maj. R. R. Dawes is Lieut. Col., has also proved himself a brave and capable officer Capt. Hauser is Major. L. A. K. From the 6th regiment Bear Belle Plain, Va. March 25th, 1863. "Now brighter days in prospect swift ascend." Editors Republic:-The gentle breath of spring is once more upon us, and the army of the Potomac which only awaits its earliest sun shine, will soon hurl it self on the enemies of the Republic with greater force than it has ever done before. It is now an army, consolidated united systematized. Reformed in discipline, purged of disloyalty and in subordination, encouraged by an outspoken and loyal citizen community, and backed by a determined and unswerving administration it feels deeply its own consequent power and efficiency. The changes that save been and are being wrought in this army, are many and distinguished. We shall enter upon the campaign of 1863 with that cogency and self confidence which only age and experience can confer. As it requires time for discipline, and as old troops are better than new, so is the army of the Potomac in 1863 better disciplined and more army like than it was in 1862. But military discipline is not the only feature in which this army has been improved. the delusive sentiment that we were but citizen soldiers whose services would be needed in only two or three engagements, and then being dismissed, the nation would resume its reckless march in the paths of peace and progress, with the same indifferent provisions against internal and external dangers as before has passed away. The magnitude and strength of the rebellion have convinced us of the necessity of using every exertion ot make ours model armies in powers of endurance and strength of character. The nation resolves to convert itself into a vast military school, and if need be a temporary despotism, to preserve its own existence. The grand mass meetings that have been held in different portions of the northern states have shed a truly loyal and wholesome influence on the soldiers in the field as well as the citizens at home. The first flush of military enthusiasm has died away and is succeeded by a sober and determined resolution to save the county at every hazard.- The popularity of Gen. McClellan created more by the clamors of the Pennsylvania and New York press than by any deeds in the field, was too premature to be permanent or to withhold the confidence of the soldiers from other commanders. The recent systematic assault on the war and its supporters by the copperheads at the North has proven abortive and there seems more real sense earnestness and vigor manifested by patriots everywhere. I would not be understood as attacking to detract in the least the past character of the army of the Potomac. The genius of history has recorded for it a reputation for prowess and gallantry which the best armies in the world might covet. But the fact cannot be denied that to a certain extent it has been victimized by bad management and those who know it best feel that it s brightest and proudest days are yet to come. Gen. Hooker is ever active in preparing his command for the coming campaign. He has inaugurated several changes relative to the transportation of baggage and ammunition, that promise to curtail those unwieldy wagon trains, which hitherto have rendered the army totally incapable of making rapid marches. I trust that his new experiments may prove practicable and that he may prove himself to be the man for the times if there be such a personage now existing among us. But we shall not despond even though he and yet another be cast aside for the army is fast becoming independent of pet generals and more devoted to the worthy objects of their veneration the true principles of the contest. Such a spirit having supplanted the misguided enthusiasm of 1862 and in view of the encouraging support which the armies are receiving from the Government , we count with sanguine hearts on the campaign of 1863, as restoring peace to the country and submission to the Constitution of the United States. H. J. H. Again Promoted.- Rufus R. Dawes, if this place, has been again promoted. He is now Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixth Regiment. We congratulate him on his advancement Although but a Young man having but barely attained his majority, he has made a name and achieved a position in our volunteer army of which he and his friends may well be proud. This promotion of Col. Dawes reminds us of a fact connected with his old company, K, of the sixth, which may interest our readers. That company had furnished a larger number of good officers than any other company that we are acquainted with. From it have been taken one Lieut. Col. one Major, two Adjutants, one Brigade Quartermaster, four Captains, and w know not how many Lieutenants. So many promotions from one company attests the fact that it has always held high place as a well drilled and efficient body of men. Our people may will be proud of the first company sent from Juneau county |