Handbook of the Second WisconsinINTRODUCTION The 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry (WVI) Association began with only a handful of members in 1960 with the main purpose of the Unit centered upon the idea of preserving American Civil War heritage through reenacting and performing "living history". In 1990, the Unit was reestablished as a result of a general rekindling of interest in the Civil War. Membership now tops 200 members and is still growing. Through the use of authentic-styled uniforms and equipment, along with drills, battles, and camp life portrayals, we believe the general public might become more accurately aware and ponder what life might have been like for the average Northern soldier during America's greatest trial. Further, and with great pride, the Unit attempts to depict and honor one of the greatest Union regiments to take to the field. The original regiment of what eventually became known as the famous "Iron Brigade", with their infamous "Black Hats", have long since concluded their rendezvous with destiny in such places as the bullet-riddled "Cornfield" of Antietam and the fury of "McPhearson's Woods" of Gettysburg.
All that remains of their deeds, can be found in the volumes of Civil War literature or upon numerous but fading monuments that silently stand guard over the fields that once were saturated with the blood of American manhood. It is the main purpose of this organization, through its activities and conduct, and its thoughts and beliefs, that these deeds and sacrifices do not go unremembered and become forgotten. Rather, that all Americans of the Civil War who gave of themselves to the belief that freedom is not free, are honored, studied, and remembered by ourselves, our fellow citizens, for the sake of the past, the present, and above all, the future. This Handbook was proposed during the Fall of 1993 as a means of better organizing the Unit and to eliminate various problems and confusions that have occurred since 1990. Much of this is a result of various "growing pains", difficulties, and the huge growth of the Unit. During the Annual Meeting held in December 1993, the proposal was passed for an official Handbook to be created using the distributed written proposals as a guide. A first-draft of the Handbook was later given to the 11 voted officers of the Unit who were authorized by the Annual Meeting, to review, modify, and edit this draft and in the end, to come up with the final Handbook. The draft was unanimously passed after much discussion and compromise. This is the culmination of that effort along with over 100 man-hours of work.
This is OUR Handbook and its contents were derived in the finest tradition of democracy-not from an individual but rather, the majority of individuals. Please read it carefully and proudly act accordingly. Also remember that this booklet is not just a "bunch of rules and regulations". It is put together to make the Unit more consistent and to make sure we are all on the same "sheet of music". It is the product of all of us. Finally, the 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association has continued to expand and continues to do so because of two main reasons. First, are the people that make up the Unit. We have built a reputation (among others) of being a truly warm and friendly group of people. Period. Our members will never claim expert knowledge, but will be the first to greet a new person with an aiding hand and a warm smile. To the disdain of some, we accept any sincere and dedicated person and every member has a voice.
Our pride in our people and their value, is the backbone of our organization. Our members give of themselves and truly desire nothing in return other than to be amongst others who do the same. We are "good people". Secondly, through time the Unit has developed a sense of Teamwork that continues to attract more members in the belief that we as "common people with a common vision, have found the ability to work & struggle together to accomplish an uncommon goal." Despite our faults, awkwardness, and blunders, our members still remain dedicated to our task. Because of this continued effort we have begun to develop an indescribable pride that only our members understand. In the end, this deep pride and attachment to the Unit is not first found on the drill field or in our camp, it is found in the hearts and minds of our people. May this continue and be the source of our growth and strength.This handbook has been updated with changes from the 1995,1996,1997 and 1998 Association meetings.
MEMBERSHIP 1.00 Intent In that the original Veterans of the 2nd WVI sacrificed themselves for the sake of the Government and the Constitution, the 2nd WVI will not adopt any rule, policy, or requirement that by so doing, would defy these very sacrifices. Therefore, this Unit will not prevent any American Citizen or its equivalent, excepting those convicted of a Felony, from joining, and participating, reenacting and portraying, an Iron Brigade Federal soldier of the American Civil War, of the 2nd WVI, when based on conditions of religion, ethnic origin, sex, age, race, disability, sexual/political preference, or nationality. 1.01 Rights & Duties Persons are granted membership upon personal signature on the appropriate membership application and payment of dues. Excepting invited guests or units, no individual may participate with the Unit in any form unless there is a completed application on file. Renewal payment of dues will be required at the beginning of each calendar year to the 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Incorporated in order to maintain membership. Tardy dues will be subject to cancellation of membership. New memberships and refunds will be granted on a prorated basis. Members will have the right to vote on Unit issues after having attended at least three events. To retain the right to vote on Unit issues in succeeding years each member must have attended 3 events in the prior calendar year. Members must be sworn in once, through the traditional flag ceremony using the National Colors whereupon each member will recite the original oath administered to the original Federal soldiers of the American Civil War. The Headquarters Group will administer the oath as soon as practical for each member. Members will have a period of 1 year from the time of joining, to receive the oath. Failure to receive the oath will nullify membership. Prior to that time, members will still have full membership rights after attending 3 events as indicated above. Each member will be assigned to a Field Command. 1.01(A) As part of the regimental dues a portion shall be added to the regular dues to cover the cost of the Association liability insurance policy. 1.02 Discipline In becoming a member, each member inherently agrees to abide by the rules, regulations, policies and requirements set forth by the Unit in the Handbook and other methods. Any member may be permanently dismissed from the Unit upon a serious infraction of Unit rules and policies. Permanent dismissals may only come about through a 2/3 majority vote of at least 21 present members after a discussion on the alleged infraction before the Unit. The alleged offender will have the right to defend his actions at this time. The alleged infraction will be put into writing by the Unit Commander and the results of the vote will be included. Tie voting will not be considered a majority vote. Temporary removal of a member from the Unit may occur at the discretion of the Unit Commander or a Field Commander when based on reasons of safety, law, or Unit Handbook. Action of this type will be made with extreme judgment and will culminate in a Unit meeting as above if necessary. Violations of a lesser transgression will be handled by the appropriate Field Commander along with the Unit Commander with a verbal warning given first. A subsequent violation will proceed with a written warning signed by both the respective Field Commander and Unit Commander. Any subsequent violations will proceed as temporary or permanent dismissals as indicated above. 1.03 Authenticity & Participation Regardless of any condition listed in 1.00, each member will agree to make every possible and reasonable effort to authentically depict, portray, and represent a typical veteran soldier of the original 2nd WVI subject to inspection by Unit officers. The results of such inspection will be based on well documented information, photos, diaries, letters, and records associated with the Iron Brigade and the American Civil War. Therefore, conditions listed in 1.00 that would be contrary to this section, shall be corrected to pass inspection to as much extent as reasonably possible. This requirement does not intend nor implies any defect, offense, discrimination, racism, or any other derogatory suggestion, aimed at any individual, group, or sect. (e.g., To require a non-Caucasian male to alter his skin tone for sake of authenticity would clearly be unreasonable if not offensive. However, to require a female member to hide her long hair is both possible and practical to maintain authenticity and therefore is not unreasonable). Further, any condition(s) listed in 1.00 which reasonably jeopardizes the personal safety of any or all members of the Unit, will cause that member's participation to be restricted or limited by Unit officers. 1.04 Officer Restrictions Officers of the Unit may not have membership in other Civil War re-enactment units. An officer is any member holding the rank of Corporal or higher. 1.05 Medical Emergency Information Card. Each member of the Association is expected to complete two(2) copies of the medical information card(found in Appendix B of this document). One copy is to be turned into and retained by the Commanding Officer. The second is to be laminated and carried on the reenactors person at all times. 1.06 Non-Field Affiliation with the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association Individuals who wish to have a non-field capable affiliation with the Association will be welcomed as a Friend of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association. Such a designation will not permit the Friend to participate as a re-enactor at any event and does not include voting rights within the Association. The affiliation does include a subscription to the Fugelman newsletter. The affiliation will carry a annual $20.00 per household fee.
UNIT STRUCTURE 2.00 Intent This section is of extreme importance in that our actions and bearing in and out of the camp and field indicates the most about what kind of unit we are or aspire to be. The intent of this section will be to facilitate an authentic, consistent, organized, enjoyable, and efficient method of performing routine Unit activities. It is assumed that each member wishes to exemplify and uphold a high standard of excellence simply as a matter of personal as well as Unit pride and thus will act in this capacity accordingly. 2.01 Unit Organization The Unit will be divided into 6 groups. The senior group will be the Headquarters Group. The Headquarters Group will normally be led by the Lt. Col. of the Unit who is also considered the Unit Commander and therefore is the commander of the entire Unit. Under the Headquarters Group will be 5 subordinate groups called Field Commands. Listed according to seniority will be the Infantry, Artillery, Quartermaster, Commissary, and Medical Field Commands. Each Field Command will be led by an officer called a Field Commander. 2.01(1)(a) Headquarters Group Will be led by the Lt. Col. of the Unit who will have overall authority and jurisdiction within the entire Headquarters Group, the Unit, and the Field Commands. He will normally be considered the Unit Commander unless absent. All outside inquiries and concerns from other units, host units, event organizers etc. will be referred to the Unit Commander. The staff of the Headquarters Group will consist of the Lt. Col., Adjutant, Adjutant Lieutenant, Major of Infantry, Major of Artillery and the Field Commanders from each of the 5 Field Commands. The Headquarters Group will continually meet as necessary to coordinate Unit activities, meals, drills, problems, questions, etc. Each of the Field Commanders will then be responsible to disseminate information coming from the Headquarters Group to their respective Field Commands. 2.01(1)(b) Hierarchy of Unit Command When the Lt. Col. is absent. The Adjutant will then be the Unit Commander. This will then be followed by the senior uniformed commissioned Infantry officer; to the senior uniformed commissioned Artillery officer; to the senior uniformed Infantry Sergeant; to the senior uniformed Artillery Sergeant; to the senior uniformed Infantry Corporal; to the senior uniformed Artillery Corporal; to the Quartermaster Sergeant (if in uniform); to the senior uniformed Commissary NCO; to the senior uniformed Medical officer. Beyond this point the Unit will be considered non-cohesive and will be represented by individuals. In effect, each of these replacements for the Lt. Col. might also be the Field Commander of his respective Field Command. He therefore will still have the responsibility of commanding his Field Command in addition to being the acting Unit Commander. In some cases, a lower ranking officer may actually be the Unit Commander compared to a higher ranking Field Commander of another Field Command. When this occurs, the lower ranking officer who is the Unit Commander will be given the equivalent authority and respect as though he were the Lt. Col.. 2.01(1)(c) Autonomy of Field Commands Each of the Field Commands will generally be considered semi-autonomous in regards to performing in the field and for the most part function on their own, including electing its own officers, and continually coordinating with the other Field Commands. However, in matters concerning the entire Unit, these Field Commands will come together as one group, making the priority "for the good of the 2nd WVI". When differences arise between the Field Commands, they will be settled first through the Headquarters Group, and failing that, will be put before the entire Unit for majority vote of at least 21 members present. Tie voting will be considered a non- majority vote. 2.02(1) Hierarchy of Field Commands Each Field Command will have an officer in charge who will be considered the Field Commander. The highest rank of any Field Command will be Captain excepting the Quartermaster and Commissary Field Commands which will be led by Sergeants. Higher ranking officers having to fall-in as Privates should be continually sought after for advice and counsel by the lower ranking officer who is assigned as acting Field Commander of their respective Field Command. 2.02(2) Discretionary Interruption In cases where the highest ranking officer must fall-in as a Private, he may supersede the lower ranking acting Field Commander in times when the senior officer feels it essential for the "good of the 2nd WVI". However, these interruptions should be very rare and made with extreme care. Continual interruptions will be considered detrimental to the Unit. Additionally, the actual highest ranking officer of the Field Command, whether falling-in as a Private or in his officer's position, may temporarily adjust, remove, add, or temporarily promote any lower ranking officer position as he sees fit. This should be done with extreme judgment and would only normally occur in order for officers to learn other positions. Nevertheless, no officer may depict their rank when required to fall-in as a Private. 2.03 Infantry Structure Inclusive of the line officers (not the Lt. Col., Adjutant Lt. or Majors), the Infantry Field Command will be structured and led by the senior of the officer(s) listed as follows: 6 men or less = Cpl 7-9 men = Sgt, Cpl 10-12 men = Lt, Sgt Cpl 13-15 men = Lt, Sgt, Sgt, Cpl 16 men and higher = Cpt, Lt, Sgt, Cpl * More Lts, Sgts, & Cpls may be added as needed. * If present and desiring to do so, the Lt. Col., Adjutant, and Adjutant Lieutenant may depict their rank regardless of the number of men present in order to facilitate recruitment and maintain the integrity of the Headquarters Group. 2.04 Artillery Structure See Section 14.00 2.05 Quartermaster Structure The Quartermaster Field Command will be led by the Quartermaster Sergeant. Until such time this Field Command requires further men, the Quartermaster Sergeant will be the only member and subsequently the Field Commander of this Field Command. If so desiring, the Quartermaster Sergeant may fall-in as a Private in a Privates uniform. At this time he will be treated as a Private although he may nevertheless be part of, and participate in, the Headquarters Group. 2.06 Commissary Structure The Commissary Field Command will be led by the Commissary Sergeant followed by a Commissary Corporal. Privates may permanently become part of the Commissary Field Command if they so choose through the approval of the Commissary Sergeant. Such Privates who show merit, dedication, service, and performance, may deservingly be promoted to Commissary Corporal by the Commissary Sergeant along with the approval of the Lt. Col.. 2.07 Medical Structure The Medical Field Command is a specialized group and may contain as many officers as it so chooses up to the rank of Captain. Nevertheless, this Field Command must establish a seniority structure in order to facilitate who will be the Field Commander. Privates may permanently become part of the Medical Field Command upon the approval of the Medical Field Commander and promoted accordingly. 2.08 Limitations The following sections 2.08(1) - 2.08(3) will normally apply to the Infantry Field Command although the other Field Commands may choose to comply according to their needs 2.08(1) Officers as Privates Excepting the Lt. Col. ,Adjutant and Adjutant Lieutenant, those present of a higher rank than needed, must fall-in as Privates without exception. Each officer in the Unit must have a Private's uniform available for such instances. Those who insist on portraying an officer may not participate with the Unit during that event. Higher ranking officers that are not needed may not avoid becoming Privates by opting to be Unit Commander instead or finding some other position of officership. 2.08(2) Hierarchy of Field Commander When the needed highest ranking officer is not present to be Field Commander of a Field Command, the next eligible lower ranking senior officer shall be Field Commander. See also 3.07. 2.08(3) Change of Field Commander The moment there exists enough men "in the line" to complete a required category, the rank structure will be adjusted accordingly. This is inclusive of all combat officers excepting the Lt. Col. & Adjutant Lt. The new Field Commander may however, choose to remain as a Private in order that the current Field Commander may gain experience and ease complications with the host unit's existing battalion rank structure. 2.09 Jurisdiction The Headquarters Group will have jurisdiction over all parts and activities of the Unit as a whole. The Lt. Col. and/or Unit Commander will therefore have jurisdiction over all or part of any Field Command(s) but will seek counsel from the Headquarters Staff. Problems of jurisdiction will be settled by the Unit Commander. 2.09(1) Infantry The Field Commander and his subordinate officers will have jurisdiction regarding the Infantry portion of the camp, drills, pickets, battles, etc. In the event the Artillery Field Command is bivouacked with the Infantry Field Command, seniority in the camp will be determined according to Appendix A when necessary. See also 2.09(2). 2.09(2) Artillery The Field Commander and his subordinate officers will have jurisdiction regarding the Artillery portion of the camp, drills, pickets, battles, the gun, etc. See also 2.09(1). 2.09(3) Quartermaster The Quartermaster Sergeant will have jurisdiction regarding the ordering, research, catalogs, prices, phone listings, equipment recommendations, and Unit equipment. He must assure proper information is available to assist members in acquiring approved quality equipment. He will have authority over all ranks up to that of Lt. Col./Unit Commander in areas concerning the rather limited Quartermaster activities only. Otherwise, and when uniformed as the actual Q.Sgt., the Q.Sgt. is the senior Sgt. of the entire Unit. 2.09(4) Commissary The Field Commander of the Commissary and his subordinate officers will have complete jurisdiction within the area of the Commissary. However, outside of the Commissary, the C.Sgt. will have the rank of second senior Sgt of the entire Unit. C.Cpl(s) will likewise have rank as senior Corporal(s) of the entire Unit. This essentially serves the purpose of allowing the Commissary officers to assign temporary tasks and duties to Privates and Corporals from other Field Commands in order to facilitate the needs of the Commissary. The C.Sgt., C.Cpls., and staff, will not be commandeered for other duties unless authorized by the Unit Commander. Commissary Officers will have authority over all ranks up to that of Lt. Col./Unit Commander within the confines of the Commissary. 2.09(5) Medical The Field Commander of the Medical Field Command and his subordinate officers will have jurisdiction within the area of the Hospital and Medical camp only above any rank up to that of Lt. Col./Unit Commander. 2.10 Restrictions on Field Commands Field Commands may adopt customized rules, policies, and regulations that are specific to the needs of those respective Field Commands. However, any such action will be subject and subordinate to all applicable sections of the Handbook. All such specialized needs must be published in the Handbook.
UNIT FUNCTIONS 2.51 Unit Newsletter The Fugelman, the newsletter of the 2nd WVI Association will be published at least six times a year. All submissions to the newsletter shall be turned into the newsletter editor within one week of the annual business meeting, by April 1, by June 1, by August 1, and by October 15 for publication one week after each deadline. A sixth edition of the newsletter will be published during the winter months at the editor’s discretion. 2.52 Unit Annual Banquet A permanent committee shall exist consisting of at least one member from each infantry company and Battery B to plan and organize the annual banquet. 2.53 Unit Event Scheduling Events that will be attended by the Association will be divided into 3 tiers. Level One events will be Association-wide events. These will constitute those events that the Association designates as Level 1 events and one event that each company and the Battery designates. These are maximum effort events that should be attended by all members of the Association. Level Two events are company level events. Level 2 events are sponsored by the individual companies. The members of those companies are expected to attend these events. The other companies of the Association are invited to attend but are not expected to attend. Level Three events are optional events. These are normally nationally or regionally sponsored events that may be attended at the discretion of the individual. 2.54 Unit Annual Meeting The Unit annual meeting shall be set for the last Saturday in January at Allenton, Wisconsin to commence at 1:00 P.M. for each calendar year.
CHAIN OF COMMAND 3.00 Intent The following will be the framework of command as it applies to individuals within the Unit and each Field Command. Its purpose will be to make the Unit more authentic, streamline tasks, duties, activities, and create a sense of organization to allow for more enjoyment and satisfaction. Sections 3.01 - 3.05 apply to the entire Unit with obvious exceptions allowed according to the needs of a specific Field Command. 3.01 Privates: Privates will normally be assigned, and report to, a Corporal for basic questions, information, and comments. The Privates are considered the backbone of the Unit and great care should be taken to continually train, assist, and encourage all Privates. Privates are to learn School of the Soldier and basic Company Drill and other skills as they apply to their respective Field Commands. Privates may report to the Sergeants and First Sergeant if necessary. Privates will not present themselves in an informal manner to commissioned officers. 3.02 Corporals: Corporals will have the primary concern of looking after the Privates assigned to them. The Corporal will play the role of "big brother" and will handle basic problems and questions from the Privates in addition to training small groups of Privates. A Corporal must be sure to constantly "square away" his men. He must be skilled in School of the Soldier and Company Drill and other skills as they apply to his respective Field Command. He also must become familiar with the responsibilities of Sergeants. The Corporals will report to the First Sergeant whenever necessary to complete the Corporal duties and Corporals will very rarely speak with commissioned officers. Corporals will be structured according to seniority within their ranks. 3.03 Sergeants: Sergeants will continually monitor the activities of the Corporals and must be knowledgeable in School of the Soldier, Company Drill, Guard Mounting, Skirmish Drill, Picket Duties, and basic Battalion Drill as well as other skills required of their respective Field Command. The Sergeants will be considered the "glue" holding the Field Command together and who the Field Commander relies upon heavily. The First Sergeant will act as the liaison between the commissioned officers and the lower ranks and be akin to a "stern mother" of his Field Command. His primary responsibility is to make sure the Field Commander's orders are carried out. Sections 7.00 and 8.00 describes the responsibilities of the Quartermaster Sergeant and Commissary Sergeant respectively. 3.04 Lieutenants: Lieutenants will normally associate with commissioned officers and his primary concern is to assist and monitor the Sergeants through advice, instruction, information and orders. Lieutenants must work very closely with the Field Commander to coordinate the Field Command. Lieutenants must be knowledgeable in School of the Soldier, Company Drill, Guard Mounting, Picket Duty, Battalion Drill and other skills required with his respective Field Command. He is akin to an "overseer" and is to act as a type of coach for the Sergeants while quietly supervising the day-to-day routine the Field Commander has no time for. 3.05 Captains: Captains will normally be the Field Commander of his respective Field Command. Heavy responsibility rests with this man as he is accountable for the performance, conduct, condition, authenticity, and morale of his Field Command. Invariably, his Field Command will be an extension of his own person. His primary responsibility will be the safety and performance of his Field Command. He must be very skilled in all aspects of the soldier and a master at handling people. He is akin to a "benevolent dictator" and his orders must be carried out to the letter in order for the Field Command to achieve the goals he sets, maintain honor, and instill intense pride. 3.06 Adjutant Lieutenant Adjutant Lieutenant will assist the Unit Commander and Field Commanders in matters of authenticity, specific instruction, and assist in the field when necessary. He will work extremely close with the Unit Commander in order to coordinate the Unit. His primary responsibility will be to assist the Headquarters Group and Unit in any capacity requiring his skills. He will be akin to a "specialist" for the Unit and is not elected but appointed by the Lt. Col.. He will hold no actual seniority as an officer in the Unit but will be given all respect and courtesies as befitting the rank of Lieutenant. He will have no voting rights as a Headquarters Staff officer, but will be allowed all other voting rights pertaining to a regular member. 3.07 Adjutant Adjutant Is appointed and removed by the Lt. Col.. He will also be on the Headquarters Staff and have full voting powers as a Headquarters Staff officer. He will be the immediate replacement as Unit Commander when the Lt. Col. is absent positioned and uniformed as the senior Captain of the Unit. Also, when the regular Captain of the Infantry Field Command is absent, and a rank of Captain is required for the Infantry Field Command, the Adjutant will then act as Infantry Field Commander. When the Captain of the Infantry Field Command is required and is present, or there does not exist enough men to justify a Captain, the Adjutant may fall-in as a Private or least senior Corporal. 3.08 Major of Infantry or Artillery Majors are elected by the majority vote of the entire unit to act as commander of their respective field units when the number of attending members warrants a higher ranking officer. They will also represent the unit as part of the command staff of any larger organizations that the Unit may participate in. 3.09 Lt. Col./Unit Commander Lt. Col./Unit Commander will be the Unit Commander except when absent and therefore replaced by an acting Unit Commander. His primary responsibility will be to manage the administrative affairs of the Unit including but not limited to: organizing Unit participation at events, maintaining and directing dues and memberships, recruiting and forming new Companies of the 2nd WVI, publicity, directing meetings, Handbook facilitation, coordinating with other units, and acting as the Unit "safety officer". 3.10 Chain of Command in the Field Commands All Field Commands will implement the chain of command indicated in this Chapter as is practical for the needs and requirements of that specific Field Command. 3.11 Election and Appointment of Officers Officers of the Unit will hold their positions for a period of 3 years until such time they resign, are dismissed, or are promoted. Officers shall be promoted accordingly when based on good character, knowledge, merit, service, dedication, and performance. They will be nominated, elected, and appointed as follows: Lt. Col. = Elected by majority vote at the annual meeting by the entire Unit. Major Infantry = Elected by majority vote at annual meeting by the entire Unit. Major Artillery = Elected by majority vote at annual meeting by the entire Unit. Adjutant = Appointed & removed by the Lt. Col./Unit Commander. Adjutant Lieutenant = Appointed & removed by the Lt. Col./Unit/Commander. Captains = Elected by majority vote of his respective Field Command at the annual meeting. Lieutenants = Elected by majority vote of his respective Field Command at the annual meeting. Sergeants = Elected by majority vote of his respective Field Command at the annual meeting. Corporals = Elected by majority vote of his respective Field Command at the annual meeting. Quartermaster & Commissary Sergeants = Elected by majority vote of the entire Unit at the annual meeting. Commissary Corporals = Appointed and removed by the Commissary Sergeant.
Captains and Lieutenants are elected at the company level when a company gains enough members to warrant that election. These officers will be a part of the regimental officers pool. At events where an officer is positively needed, one may be temporarily appointed by the respective senior Field Commander or Unit Commander from the regimental officers pool. If the Field Commander and Unit Commander are one in the same person than the decision is automatic. 3.12 Official Seniority For the actual listing of seniority see Appendix A.
CONDUCT 4.00 General Conduct Members of the 2nd WVI will behave in all aspects with courtesy, respect, and honor when associating with the public, other units and their members, and any fellow member. Members will diligently act as though personal ambassadors or diplomats of the Unit and encourage cooperation, friendliness, and assistance to any person of the public or any other re-enactment group. Each member will be a direct or indirect representative of the Unit as a whole, and therefore will conduct themselves of the highest quality with regard for the Unit's pride, honor, and reputation. 4.01 General Attitude The attitude of the Unit and all its members is based on Teamwork. The Unit will not be based on the intent, attitude, goals, actions, ego, or domination of any one individual. Rather, the Unit will model itself as a cohesive group of individuals acting in unison as though a single person. In this will be found our strength, pride, and honor. Individual differences, qualities, strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics are recognized as the very root and power behind the Unit coming from each member and therefore are firmly encouraged. However, all of these factors should be expressed or sacrificed with the priority given to the Unit as a whole. 4.02 Safety The foremost priority of this Unit will be the safety of its members, followed by the same for the public and other re-enactors. No member will tolerate or behave in an unsafe manner whenever participating directly or indirectly as a member of the Unit. 4.03 Law Members will strictly obey all Federal, State and Local laws, ordinances, and requirements without exception. Any violations will appropriately be reported to Law Enforcement. Any law violations may be subject to temporary or immediate and permanent dismissal from the Unit. No member may violate any court order, injunction, probation, or parole restriction related to conduct, alcohol, or firearms while participating directly or indirectly, as a member of the 2nd WVI. No one convicted of a Felony may join the Unit. 4.04 Alcohol No alcohol will be associated with any type of weapon at any time. Therefore, no member of the Unit will handle a weapon while consuming or having recently consumed alcohol. Consumption of alcohol will only be permitted during the evening hours after all scheduled events have been completed for the day. Those participating in after-hours picket or guard duty must be of sober mind and body determined by the respective Field Commander. 4.05 Underage Consumption Members under the age of 21 will not be allowed to consume any alcohol as required by Wisconsin Law regardless of the presence of a parent or being in a State with a lower drinking age. Applicable violations will appropriately be reported to Law Enforcement. Unit violations will be immediately reported to the Unit Commander. Any member possessing, consuming, and/or furnishing alcohol, must be 21 years of age. Anyone furnishing alcohol to any person is responsible to assure the individual(s) being furnished alcohol have reached the age of 21 regardless of any circumstances. 4.06 Contraband No possession or use of illegal weapons, drugs, or contraband will ever be tolerated and shall be immediately reported to the appropriate Law Enforcement agency and the Unit Commander.
HANDBOOK 5.00 Handbook The 2nd WVI will publish its policies, rules, and procedures in a convenient Handbook to be given to every member. Members will be expected to cheerfully and honorably abide by the Handbook. The Handbook will have the intent of creating a clear and understandable framework for how the Unit is to conduct itself in order to avoid confusion, frustration, and double-standards. Further, it should be remembered that the Handbook is formulated and approved by the Unit as a whole, not by any single individual(s). 5.01 Permanent Handbook Approval The Handbook will be permanently approved by majority vote of the Unit at the annual meeting. Permanent amendments will be made at this time with any such amendment being discussed and approved by majority vote. The Unit vote at this meeting will have precedence over all other previous votes. Expense of publication of the Handbook must also be approved by majority vote. A tie vote will be considered a non-majority vote. Any changes to the Handbook will be published in the Fugleman citing the appropriate statute. Updated Handbooks will be published only as necessary if and when enough changes may require a new publication. 5.02 Temporary Handbook Approval Temporary changes may be made to the Handbook for a period lasting until the convening of the annual meeting. This may occur by majority vote of at least 7 present officers. No more than 4 officers may be from the same Field Command and if more are present, they are selected by seniority. Tie votes will be considered a non-majority vote. Any member can request a temporary amendment making such a request to the Unit Commander. Any amendments made must be announced to the Unit and published in the Fugleman by the member who proposed the successful amendment citing the appropriate section number. 5.03 Distribution The Headquarters Staff will be responsible for distribution of the Handbook. Any Handbooks given to new members after an amendment has been made, must reflect the change with this being done by the Headquarters Staff. 5.04 Handbook Authority Any Field Command within the 2nd WVI may make subsequent and specialized publications associated with the needs and circumstances for those Field Commands in the Handbook. However, all such publications from a given Field Command will be subject and subordinate to applicable sections of the Handbook and any specialized Field Command rules must be published in the designated section of the Handbook.
(Unless listed elsewhere for Artillery-14.00, Commissary-8.00, & Medical-9.00, Field Commands.)
6.00 Intent
The complete uniform for all Privates and NCO’s of the Infantry, Artillery, Quartermaster, Commissary, and Medical Field Commands will be kept in good field condition, including but not limited to, removal of excessive dirt, and the mending of holes and tears. The general appearance will be presentable in order to reflect pride and honor on each member and the Unit as a whole. The intent of this section is to create a consistent appearance of the Unit. The Unit’s appearance is critical in terms of reputation and pride which then influences possible recruits, hosts, moral, and other units. Further, the uniform speaks very strongly on how we feel about ourselves and how we are organized. Each uniform is subject to inspection by the appropriate Field Commander or his designee. This section is not to be confused with a list of approved merchants. Do not purchase any uniform items without consulting a designated Company representative. Each Company within the Association has their own standards and preferred suppliers. Be advised if you purchase items without guidance, you may be making a financial error. Unacceptable uniform and equipage will be removed regardless of the expense! The Unit Commander will ultimately determine the definition of “period wear”.
6.01 Minimal Uniform Required
New members are greatly encouraged to attend events even if various items are missing from their uniform. Arrangements and offers to lend equipment to new members should be made whenever possible, and prior to an event. It is the responsibility of the new member to pay the lender for any damage or loss of loaned equipment. New members must understand that in order to remain consistent, a minimal uniform requirement is essential in order to participate with the Unit at an event. Therefore, any member may only take the field, camp, participate in battles or skirmishes, etc, when equipped in and with the following uniform items. A pattern 1858 Dress Hat, Fatigue Blouse, Sky Blue Kersey Trousers, Jefferson Bootees, Spectacles (if necessary), Civilian or Issue Shirt, Suspenders, Wool Socks, Waist Belt, Canteen, Haversack, and Mess Furniture. All items must be of proper construction, materials and patterns. Additional leathers, equipment and/or weapon may be acquired through time. It should be remembered that there are positions often available in the Color Guard, Medical Field Command, and Commissary, and as “runners” in case a member does not have needed leathers and/or weapon. Nevertheless, the minimal uniform as listed in 6.04 thru 6.15 will still be required in order to participate. This is not intended to alienate any person, but is simply a matter of needed consistency. Further, the impression of the entire Unit becomes detracted when even one person is seen milling around with anything less than the minimum required uniform. New members should remain diligent in acquiring the minimal equipment necessary and are encouraged to seek out help from veteran members who will gladly assist. It will be customary that a period of one year should be enough time to acquire the minimal equipment. WARNING: Any member arriving without the minimum required uniform will be required to obtain the missing items or will be required to remain outside of camp. The only exception will be Camp of Instructions, meetings, and other such appropriate settings.
6.02 Weapon Requirement
No member will be required to acquire or use a weapon for any reason. Ample opportunities exist for other participation such as Commissary, Color Guard, and Medical Unit, along with basic drill, and are greatly encouraged.
6.03 Modifications
Modifications to the 2nd WVI uniform, equipment, and method of wear may only be approved on a temporary basis by the Unit Commander as dictated by the event, documentation or safety circumstances. Permanent changes may only be made through the prescribed Handbook process. The Unit Commander will have the authority to reject changes required or requested in the 2nd WVI uniform by anyone. The 2nd WVI uniform will be as follows with exceptions listed elsewhere according to the specialty needs of the respective Field Commands.
(Unless listed elsewhere; see 8.00, 9.00, & 14.00)
6.04 Pattern 1858 Dress Hat (Hardee)
The hat for all Privates and NCO members of the Unit will be the Pattern 1858 Dress Hat. This hat was traditionally associated with the Iron Brigade and can be worn as follows:
1) With the brim folded at the wearers discretion or left unfolded.
2) With a black plume attached to either side.
3) With sky-blue infantry worsted hat cord attached.
4) With all brass attached and polished including the Jager horn with the numeral 2 centered in the horn, the company affiliation, an eagle shield holding the brim (if folded), and a 1 7/8” red 1st Corps felt disc attached to the front face.
5) All hats will be kept in good condition.
Any, or none of the above may be implemented based on the desired impression, for the event, to correspond with the appropriate time frame. Item #4 represents a fully “dressed” hat. It is not necessary for everyone to wear their hats exactly as prescribed. Soldiers personalized their hats and members are encouraged to do the same. Ostrich plumes should be limited to an 1862/63 (see Appendix) impression and should be trimmed to the top of the dress hat. Corps badges should only be worn for an 1863 (see Appendix) impression and a limited number worn in the Unit for an 1864 impression (see Appendix).
6.05 Fatigue Blouse or Dress Coat
The coat will either be an enlisted U.S. Dress Coat (Frock) or an enlisted Fatigue Blouse (Sack Coat). The Fatigue Blouse is preferred over the Dress Coat but is not mandatory. All buttons should be attached. NCO’s may choose to wear proper chevrons and or NCO waist belt and buckle. The Fatigue Blouse and Dress Coat should be of a documented pattern, construction and materials.
6.06 Sky-Blue and Dark-Blue Trousers
Your first purchase should be Sky-blue trousers, after which Dark-blue trousers can be purchased after the minimal uniform requirements are met. Dark-blue trousers should only be worn for an early war impression (pre-1863, see Appendix). All trousers should be of a documented pattern, construction, and materials.
6.07 Jefferson Pattern Bootees (Brogans)
Period leather bootees with pegged soles. Orthopedic customizing is allowed if necessary. Heel plates recommended. No modern foot apparel.
6.08 Spectacles
Members with corrected vision must wear either period glasses or contact lenses. However, period glasses are recommended as means of eye protection over contact lenses. Period frames are readily available from sutlers and the prescription can be filled out at most optometrists. Correct eyewear is often overlooked by many re-enactors who otherwise have a splendid uniform, only to be ruined by modern glasses.
6.09 Shirt
Any long-sleeved civilian shirt of documented pattern and material (100% cotton) is acceptable. Civilian shirt buttons should be comprised of either bone, shell, porcelain, milk glass, hard rubber, or wood of two or four hole styles. Issue shirts must be of a documented pattern and material (100% domet wool flannel). Issue shirt buttons should be comprised of paper backed, stamped tin, four hole buttons. White linen and bleached muslin Issue shirts are inaccurate and are discouraged.
6.10 Suspenders
Documented period pattern suspenders only.
6.11 Wool Socks
Either wool or cotton, hand knitted, or period machine constructed, with period tops and side seams, available in varying lengths. Stick to dull colors such as gray, brown, cream, blue, dark green, tan, or dark-red.
6.12 Waist Belt
Traditional U.S. Infantry, black leather, enlisted waist belt with U.S. buckle, worn around the coat. NCO’s have the option of wearing a standard enlisted waist belt or a NCO waist belt and buckle.
6.13 Canteen
Pattern 1858, smooth side, canteen is preferred, but pattern 1862 bullseye canteen is acceptable. Brownish gray canteen covers are more accurate. Stainless steel or tin canteens are acceptable. Do not fill your canteen with anything other than water if it is made of tin! The canteen straps should be shortened so that the canteen rides on the small of the back.
6.14 Haversack
Pattern 1851, U.S. regulation, black tarred canvas. The haversack strap should be shortened so that the haversack rides on the small of the back.
6.15 Mess Furniture
Documented pattern mess furniture only. No stainless steel mess furniture allowed.
1) Tin cup or coffee boiler only. No crimped bottoms.
2) Spoon: stamped steel or silver plated, fiddle back or oar shaped handle.
3) Fork: 2 to 4 tine steel, wood or bone handle.
4) Knife: straight steel blade with wood or bone handle.
5) Combination sets of a documented pattern are acceptable.
6) Plate: tin or steel, stamped, no pie plates.
6.16 Undergarments
Period drawers of a documented pattern and material are acceptable. (Male)
6.17 Gum Blanket
U.S. regulation black rubberized ground cloth with small brass grommets. Ponchos are acceptable but the Gum Blanket is preferred.
6.18 Blanket
Issue blanket of documented pattern, mouse brown or gray, with end stripe, without binding, with U.S. correctly attached in the center, is preferred.
6.19 Cartridge Box and Cartridge Box Belt
U.S. Infantry cartridge box with U.S. plate attached to the outside flap. Positioned on the body with the proper belt, black side out, with eagle shield attached to the front center of the belt. The cartridge box belt should be shortened to ride at the waist belt.
6.20 Pattern 1850 Percussion Cap Box
U.S. Infantry cap box attached to the waist belt between the U.S. buckle and the brass belt keeper.
6.21 Scabbard & Bayonet
Two or seven rivet pattern scabbard attached to the waist belt. It must have a secure brass tip. Bayonet must fit the weapon properly. Defective bayonets must be removed or repaired. Purchase the correct pattern bayonet for your rifle musket. Springfield pattern scabbards are preferred.
6.22 Rifle Musket
3-banded, .58 cal M1861/63 Springfield or pattern 1853 Enfield rifle muskets are acceptable. These will be continuously inspected and should be constantly cleaned. In addition, the purchase of a cone wrench, cone pick and wiper is strongly recommended. Bluing on pattern 1853 Enfield rifle musket should be removed.
6.23 Rifle Musket Sling
Must be of a documented pattern, constructed properly of dark leather. The sling must be properly secured to the musket. No canvas.
6.24 Shelter Half
Must be of proper pattern and material. Grommets should be hand sewn. Brass grommets are inaccurate and are discouraged. It takes two shelter half’s to make a shelter tent. No one under the rank of commissioned officers should have a common tent (wedge or A-frame).
6.25 U.S. Pattern Knapsack
Soft pack, double bag pattern only. Blanket rolls are also acceptable.
6.26 Overcoat
Foot pattern only. Sky blue kersey wool. Standing 3’’ collar. Body lining of wool or cotton. Cape. Unhemmed skirt bottoms.
6.27 Sash
Standard red worsted wool sash for Sergeants used only at the Field Commanders discretion.
6.28 Leggings
Rademacher style or exact replica only. No other style acceptable. Attached with leather hoops to the out side. These will be severely inspected. Limited to 1862 impressions only (see Appendix).
6.29 Timepiece
19th century timepieces only. No wristwatches.
6.30 Vest
Any documented civilian pattern or tailor made U.S army vest are acceptable.
6.31 Cartridges
They will be made of paper with no modifications such as staples or tape. The color should be white or off white. Securing strings are suggested. No coin wrappers, grocery bags or newsprint. Filled with 60 grains of FF or FFF black powder. NO pyrodex. Keep in mind muzzle debris can travel up to 35 yards.
6.32 Percussion Caps
Commercially sold caps only.
6.33 Powder
FF or FFF black powder only. To be stored safely. See 6.31.
6.34 Accessories
Items such as bottles, pipes, matches, books, money, tobacco, cigars, housewives, etc, are acceptable but should be limited to what might actually have been possible to carry on the march. Cigarettes shall not be carried or used while in camp or in formation. Ammo boxes, furniture, lanterns, and other camp accessories are acceptable, but are subject to inspection and possible removal.
6.35 Appendix
Introduction: The following list has been developed to assist all members of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association, Inc. in setting a standard for uniform & equipage based on each year this regiment was active in the War of the Rebellion. This list is meant as a guide for event impressions. It is subject to change due to further research or the orders of the Field Commander.
May – September:
Smatterings of state issued and company issued uniform & equipage that is not completely documented at this time. Some items of known prevalence include the state issue haversacks (heavy white duck) & state issued canteens with green wool flannel covers, the double brimmed shako, and the gray coat & trousers encompassing a wide variety of differing construction methods, materials, & patterns.
Musket: Pattern 1816/1822 “Belgian Conversion” Harpers Ferry .69 Caliber Smoothbore Musket & Pattern 1855 Maynard Rifle-Musket in Company B. (These were kept till January of 1862)
October- December:
U.S. Pattern 1858 Dress Hat (including full dress hat ornamentation consisting of regimental numeral, company letter, infantry horn, infantry hat cord, eagle plate, & ostrich plume trimmed to the crown of the dress hat), Jefferson Bootees, Civilian or Issue Shirt, Dress (Frock) Coat (in majority) or Fatigue Blouse, Dark Blue Issue Trowsers, Civilian Suspenders, Federal Issue or Civilian Drawers, Federal Issue leather accouterments, U.S. Pattern 1858 Smoothside Canteen with leather or linen straps, U.S. Issue Knapsack, U.S. Issue Rubber Blanket, U.S Issue Blanket, U.S. Foot Pattern Overcoat.
Musket: Pattern 1816/1822 “Belgian Conversion” Harpers Ferry .69 Caliber Smoothbore Musket & Pattern 1855 Maynard Rifle-Musket in Company B.
U.S. Pattern 1858 Dress Hat (including dress hat ornamentation of lessor occurrence), Jefferson Bootees, Civilian or Issue Shirt, Fatigue Blouse or Dress (Frock) Coat or Cut-Off Frock, Dark Blue Issue Trowsers or Sky Blue Kersey Trowsers (by late August of 1862), Civilian Suspenders, Federal Issue or Civilian Drawers, Federal Issue leather accouterments, U.S. Pattern 1858 Smoothside Canteen with leather or linen straps, U.S. Issue Knapsack, U.S. Issue Rubber Blanket, U.S Issue Blanket, U.S. Foot Pattern Overcoat, U.S. Issue Linen Leggings (May-September Only), & Shelter Halves.
Musket: Pattern 1854 Austrian Lorenz .54 Caliber Rifle Musket (From January of 1862 to June of 1864)
U.S. Pattern 1858 Dress Hat (including a small occurrence dress hat ornamentation & the addition of a 1 7/8 inch red worsted wool 1st Corps Badge for impressions after April of 1863 only, or no dress hat ornamentation at all.), Jefferson Bootees, Civilian or Issue Shirt, Fatigue Blouse (in majority) or Dress (Frock) Coat or Cut-Off Frock, Sky Blue Issue Trousers, Civilian Suspenders, Federal Issue or Civilian Drawers, Federal Issue leather accouterments, U.S. Pattern 1858 Smoothside Canteen with linen straps, U.S. Issue Knapsack, U.S. Issue Rubber Blanket, U.S Issue Blanket, U.S. Foot Pattern Overcoat, & Shelter Halves.
Note: No linen leggings or Dark Blue Issue Trousers.
Musket: Pattern 1854 Austrian Lorenz .54 Caliber Rifle- Musket
U.S. Pattern 1858 Dress Hat (including a small occurrence dress hat
ornamentation or no dress hat ornamentation at all.), Jefferson Bootees,
Civilian or Issue Shirt, Fatigue Blouse (in majority) or Dress (Frock) Coat, Sky
Blue Issue Trowsers, Civilian Suspenders, Federal Issue or Civilian Drawers,
Federal Issue leather accouterments, U.S. Pattern 1858 Smoothside Canteen with
linen straps, U.S. Issue Knapsack, U.S. Issue Rubber Blanket, U.S Issue Blanket,
U.S. Foot Pattern Overcoat, & Shelter Halves.
Musket: Pattern 1854 Austrian Lorenz .54 Caliber Rifle- Musket
Final Note
Once again, do not purchase any uniform items without first consulting with a designated company representative. Each company within the Association has their own standards and preferred suppliers. Be advised, if you purchase items without guidance, you may be making a financial error. Unacceptable uniform and equipage will be removed regardless of the expense. Ask the more experienced members for help. We will be happy to share our experiences and help you with the process of becoming a Union soldier of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry!
End of changed material
QUARTERMASTER FIELD COMMAND 7.00 General The Quartermaster Field Command is essentially a figurative rather than a literal unit. However, this Field Command will consist of 1 member until such time additional men are needed. This unit will be headed by the Quartermaster Sergeant who will act as the Field Commander and may participate as a member of the Headquarters Staff whether uniformed as the Quartermaster Sergeant or a Private. The Quartermaster Sergeant will be responsible for providing information on proper equipment from sutlers, authenticity, ordering, catalogs, prices, etc. See also section 2.05. He may be uniformed as a Private if he desires and respected according to the uniform he wears.
COMMISSARY FIELD COMMAND 8.00 General The Commissary will be managed primarily by the Commissary Sergeant who will have complete jurisdiction over the Commissary in the field subordinate only to the Lt. Col./Unit Commander. A Commissary Corporal will take charge of the Commissary in the absence of the C. Sgt . The C. Sgt. will manage appropriate and accurate book work, accounts, equipment, records, funds, and purchases of the Commissary including food, menus and assigning Commissary Staff. There will exist a Commissary Committee of 3 members including the C. Sgt., Lt. Col., and one other officer, to approve major Commissary purchases other than food, when exceeding $49.00, by vote and perform non-field decisions regarding the Commissary. 8.01 Equipment/Records All equipment purchased or donated for the Commissary will be the property of the 2nd WVI Assoc. Equipment on lend to the Commissary will still have ownership with the lender. All Commissary records will be open to inspection by any Unit member upon request. Damages of or loss of property lent to the Commissary will be replaced out of the Commissary Fund. No one will tamper with, borrow, or remove, Commissary property, food, or equipment without authorization of the Commissary staff. C.Sgt. will report the Commissary financial status at the Annual Meeting. 8.02 Expenditures Any expenditures from the Commissary fund for any purpose other than for the Commissary, must be made by unanimous vote of the Commissary Committee. All monies intended and forwarded to the Commissary of the 2nd WVI Assoc. shall always be recorded, as well as expenditures, by the C. Sgt. Commissary fund monies will have the primary purpose for purchases of food for participants with remaining monies for equipment, etc. 8.03 Jurisdiction "In the field Commissary," will be defined as being at any legitimate event within the area of the Commissary tarps/tents and associated campfires. A sign will be posted designating the Commissary area. 8.04 Payments Members participating in the Commissary will forward payment to the 2nd WVI Commissary to the address designated by the C. Sgt. to be received at least 7 days before the official opening of the event. Tardy payments will be at risk. Advance contact with the C. Sgt. indicating participation in the Commissary, will be greatly appreciated. Confirmation of payment received will be the responsibility of the participant. C. Sgt. contact for tardy payments will not be made. 8.05 Payment Amount Current payment as of this printing is $12.00 per participant and is subject to change at the discretion of the C. Sgt. Full payment must be made regardless of how many meals the participant chooses or actually eats. 8.06 Meals Meals provided will be two breakfasts, two lunches, one supper with the menu determined by the C. Sgt. The C.Sgt. will make certain enough food is available for all participants. 8.07 Guests Special arrangements and invitations must be cleared through the C. Sgt prior to the event at the discretion of the C. Sgt. Payment for guest meals must be acquired outside of the Commissary fund at the discretion of the C. Sgt. 8.08 Refunds There will be no refunds after two days prior to the event. 8.09 Meal Sharing There will be no splitting or sharing of meals with non-Commissary participants. 8.10 Special Diets Any special diet requirements or fussy appetites will not be the responsibility of the Commissary. 8.11 First Aid Kit The Commissary First-Aid kit will be marked with a green medical stripe and is to be kept in the Commissary except in emergency. It will be maintained by the Commissary. Further, First-Aid may also be found with the 2nd WVI Medical Field Command or EMS stations. 8.12 Loitering Only assigned personnel to the Commissary will be in the Commissary at the discretion of the C. Sgt. Gatherings for meals, festivities, relaxing, and meeting will first be cleared through the C. Sgt. The C. Sgt. will post meal times. 8.13 Personal Property No personal property will be found in the Commissary, with the exception of eatingware during meals. Unattended muskets, shoes, dishes, etc. will be removed and turned over to the First Sgt. of the Infantry. The Commissary will be responsible only for Commissary property. 8.14 Meal Procedures All Commissary participants will fall-in on the street in uniform with eatingware prior to any meal for inspection. At this time the C. Sgt. may make announcements and assign Commissary duties. Any tardy personnel will run the risk of not being fed at their own responsibility. Upon command, the Unit will proceed to the Commissary in an orderly fashion. 8.15 Eating Priority Guests will receive portions first, followed by Privates, and on up through the rank structure. Seconds are welcome after all present participants have been served initially. 8.16 Dishes Dishwater will be provided and each person will thoroughly wash their own dishes. Hot water will not be used for other cleaning unless cleared through the C. Sgt. 8.17 Fires The fires in the Commissary area will have priority use for the Commissary. Non-Commissary participants and other units may use these fires at the discretion of the C. Sgt. but will normally be considered of secondary importance. 8.18 Work Detail Any member participating in the Commissary will be expected to cheerfully assist in any Commissary duties assigned. These duties will be restricted to Privates and Corporals. They include but are not limited to dishwashing, wood gathering, water runs, erecting and striking tarps/tents, and food prep, etc. 8.19 Authenticity Any member, whether participating in the Commissary or not, must be dressed at all times, when in the Commissary, in the minimal uniform required as stated in Chapter 6.00. This includes from sunrise on the first official event day until the official close of the event or unless further specified by the C.Sgt. This includes also the after-public hours and night festivities. This will be strictly enforced by the C. Sgt and Infantry Field Commander or his designee. Far too much work and money has gone into this major attraction for members to be found lounging in the Commissary with partial uniforms. 8.20 Clean-up/FARB Items All members using the Commissary will clean up after themselves. No bottles, plastic wrappers, beer cans, cigarette butts, etc. will be left behind for the Commissary Staff to clean up. They are far too busy. Any violator may be denied a meal on the authority of the C.Sgt without refund. Persistent violations will authorize the C.Sgt to deny a meal to the entire Unit without refund. 8.21 Problems Any problems with operations of the Commissary in the field may be reported by the C.Sgt to the Infantry Field Commander or the Infantry First Sergeant if necessary. 8.19 Uniform Members permanently assigned to the Commissary will comply with all uniform requirements in Chapter 6.00 except that the Company affiliation letter on the hat is removed. Portions of clothing may be removed for cooking and other duties as necessary at the discretion of the C.Sgt. 8.20 Private Storage Personal storage of food, liquor, or other such items will not be allowed in the Commissary or its equipment. If you wish to store such items, it must be cleared through the C.Sgt and those items will then become the property of the Commissary and you will no longer have access to those items. Store your own items in your own equipment and in your own place. 8.21 Non-Participants Persons not participating in the Commissary, but still desiring to cook their food in the Commissary, will be secondary to those participating. Further, non-participants must use authentic cookware etc., when in the Commissary and are subject to all rules of the Commissary as though they were actual participants.
MEDICAL FIELD COMMAND 9.00 General The Medical Field Command is formed to provide medical support to the sick and injured personnel of this Unit. The services provided for by this Field Command include, but are not limited to the following portrayal: 1. Establishment of a Field Hospital to provide complete medical services to the sick, injured, wounded, or otherwise infirmed personnel. 2. Provide medical battlefield support during times of combat. 3. Support and maintain the hygiene of the Unit encampment. 4. Provide medical counsel to the Unit Commander. 9.01 Autonomy The Medical Field Command is established as a semi-autonomous group within the Unit. The following considerations will apply: 1. The highest rank available within the Medical Field Command will be that of Captain. The Medical Field Commander will also be considered the Chief Surgeon. 2. The Field Commander will be assisted by two (2) surgeons, with the rank of Captain. 3. The surgeons will be assisted by two (2) Assistant Surgeons, with the rank of Lieutenant. 4. The non-commissioned officers will function as Hospital/Medical Stewards. Their title will reflect their function either internal to, or external to, the field hospital. The terms of the title are interchangeable. 5. There shall be a minimum of one (1) Medical Steward per company within the Unit. More may be authorized by the Medical Field Commander. 6. An Ambulance Section will be established consisting of: a. An NCO b. Two (2) Ambulance Corpsmen per ambulance. 7. In times of combat under fire, an Infirmary Detail will be formed from the regimental band or other spare members. Their duties will be assigned by, and subject to, the Medical Field Commander. 8. The rank authorized by this section will be allowed only within the confines of the Field Hospital environment. The officers and NCO's will have no authority within the Unit unless authorized by the appropriate portions of the Handbook or temporarily by the Unit Commander. However, it is the duty of all regimental personnel to render appropriate customs and courtesies befitting their rank.
9.02 Job Assignments A. Chief Surgeon Portrayal 1. It is the duty of the Chief Surgeon to select a site for the field hospital coordinated with the host unit wishes. During battle, the Chief Surgeon will be responsible for the prompt portrayal of medical and/or surgical attention or intervention of incoming wounded personnel. Attention must be given to placing the Medical Field Command as close and as reasonably and authentically possible, to the rest of the Unit. 2. The Chief Surgeon is responsible for the daily operation and maintenance of the Field Hospital and will coordinate activities and scenarios with the other Field Commands through the Headquarters Staff. 3. The Chief Surgeon has the complete authority, responsibility, and autonomy of this Field Command. He is answerable only to the Unit Commander. B. Surgeon Portrayal 1. The Surgeon will assist the Chief Surgeon as required by the situations at hand. 2. The Surgeon will portray all surgical operations as required by the situations at hand. 3. Each Surgeon will be required to perform direct patient care during non-battle time. They will tend to the medical patients entrusted to them. This will include hospital, as well as sick call duties. 4. The Surgeon will perform other functions as ordered by the Chief Surgeon. C. Assistant Surgeon Portrayal 1. Assist or relieve the Surgeon in caring for the sick and wounded, either in camp or on the march. 2. On the battlefield, establish a First Aid Station. This station will be erected outside the range of small arms fire. This station will tend to the wounded soldiers in portraying: a. Control of hemorrhage by ligature, tourniquet, bandage, or compress. b. Adjust and temporarily fix fractured limbs. c. Administer water, medicine, and stimulants as required by the patient's condition. d. Oversee that the wounded are promptly carried from the battlefield to the Field Hospital by the Infirmary Detail or the Ambulance Corps. D. Hospital/Medical Steward Portrayal 1. As an NCO, or non-commissioned officer, he has the responsibility for the medical, surgical and personal care of the sick and injured placed. 2. He is directly responsible for the procurement, storage, and maintenance of all hospital supplies. 3. He is responsible for the dispensing of appropriate pharmaceutical preparations as prescribed by the Unit surgeons. He is also responsible for the diet and reporting of a change of condition of his patients. 4. He must have a working knowledge of cooking and must be able to provide nutritional support coordinating but subordinate to the Commissary Field Command. 5. He is responsible to the officers appointed over him. E. Ambulance Corpsman Portrayal 1. This individual is responsible for the transport and delivery of the wounded from the battlefield to the Field Hospital, as ordered by the Assistant Surgeon. 2. As required, this corpsman will also transport the sick and injured from the Field Hospital to rear area medical facilities, as directed by the Chief Surgeon. 3. This individual, as well as other members of the team, is responsible for the maintenance and refitting of the ambulance to which assigned. F. Infirmary Detail Portrayal 1. As ordered by the Unit Commander under times of combat, the regimental band and other non-combatant elements of the Unit will be detailed to the Medical Field Command. 2. These individuals will provide for patient support within the Hospital during actual combat. Their duties will be assigned by the Medical Field Commander/Chief Surgeon. 3. When no longer required by the Medical Field Commander, these individuals will be released to return to their primary Field Commands. 9.03 Uniform Guidelines 1. All uniform requirements of the Handbook apply to the Medical Field Command personnel with the following exceptions: a. Officers 1. All shoulder boards will bear the letters "MS", denoting the staff position of the Medical Service. 2. Hat insignia will bear the letters "MS". 3. The pants will contain either a gold, kelly green, black, or no welt down the leg seam. This will be up to the individual's own discretion. 4. A kelly green sash will be worn over the frock coat, befitting an officer of the Medical Service. 5. A kepi or Hardee Hat, with the "MS" insignia may be worn while performing duty functions. The Hardee Hat will be preferable. b. Non-Commissioned Officers--Medical Steward 1. A diagonal green stripe will be worn on each sleeve. The low point of the diagonal will face forward. The caduceus will be centered between the elbow crease and shoulder seam. 2. Each individual is authorized to wear the Medical Steward's hat cord. This consists of a tan and green weave. 3. The pants will bear the red NCO stripe down the seam. 4. The red NCO sash may be worn for dress occasions. 5. The appropriate Hardee Hat. c. Ambulance Corpsman 1. A red diagonal stripe will be worn on the sleeve. 2. The kepi, or Hardee Hat will have a two (2) inch red stripe around the bottom circumference of the hat where applicable. 3. The ambulance chief will be a Corporal and will wear red Corporal stripes on his sleeve. 4. The ambulance corpsmen have the rank equivalent to that of a Private. d. Infirmary Detail As a temporarily assigned position, there are no special uniform exceptions.
DRILL RULES. MANUALS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 10.00 Official Manual The 2nd WVI will use Caseys and Scotts manuals as the official drill manuals taking priority above all others. Other manuals may be used as reference but are subordinate to Caseys and Scotts. See 10.01. 10.01 Field Commander The respective Field Commander will have overall authority in implementing and interpreting any manual or document considered or used by that Field Command. 10.02 Silence During any type of drill, the Field Commander will have authority and silence will be maintained except for commands given by authorized officers. The Field Commander will designate who these other officers will be just prior to commencing drill. 10.03 Questions Drill time is very valuable and shouting, yelling, and arguing must not occur in that it creates confusion, frustration, and wastes time. Therefore, questions, comments, and suggestions will be addressed and considered by the Field Commander at an appropriate time only when indicated by that officer. 10.04 Discussion If a member does not feel the Field Command is conducting a skill correctly, he will cheerfully continue the present skill until the matter can be addressed as in 10.03.
NON-ADULT MEMBERSHIP 11.00 General Non-adult persons will be considered as those under the age of 18. Non-adult persons are welcome but may only participate in the Unit under the following limitations. Purpose shall be to protect the Unit as a matter of liability as well as creating an environment of safety, enjoyment, and responsibility for all members. 11.01 Membership Must be paid, signed and a registered member as with any adult. 11.02 Uniform Must be completely dressed in at least the minimal uniform required according to Chapter 6.00 for his respective Field Command. 11.03 Restrictions A. Under the age of 12, may not participate or join the Unit. B. Ages 12-15, when handling any weapon, must have a Certified Hunters Safety Certificate as required by Wisconsin State Law. A copy of this certificate must be on file with the membership application. Must be accompanied by a parent who is a Unit member and/or an adult parental designee. C. Ages 16-17, although not required by law, when handling any weapon, must have a Certified Hunters Safety Certificate. A copy must be on file with the membership application. 11.04 Maturity All non-adult members must show competence, maturity, and demonstrate responsibility as would be expected of any adult member. Regarding this, any difficulties shall be reported to any officer for further action on the part of the Field Commander. 11.05 Participation Non-adult members will participate in one of the following three positions according to their respective Field Command: 1. Soldier, falling-in with a weapon or artillery and participating in the capacity of a soldier as with any adult member including drill, camp activities, and battles not in violation of any section of Chapter 11 - 11.04 inclusive. 2. Musician, falling-in with assigned instrument and participating in drill, camp activities, and battles not in violation of any section in Chapter 11 - 11.04. 3. Camp Assistant, if not participating as in 11.05(1) or (2), the member will be assigned to any Sergeant or Corporal per the Field Commander of the respective Field Command, who will then employ the member in duties including but not limited to: wood gathering, dishwashing, canteen runners, message runner, Medical Assistant, etc. 11.06 Intent Intent of this chapter will be to require complete participation in the Unit. All members shall have the right to expect authenticity, responsibility, and worry-free participation in regards to non-adult members as well as adult members. The Unit or its members shall not be expected to handle the role of baby-sitting nor will "running at large" kids be tolerated. Non-adult persons will be fully welcome, but "children" shall remain at home.
2ND WVI PARTICIPATION, OTHER UNITS, & WALK-INS 12.00 General It will be the general policy of the 2nd WVI to welcome any Federal re-enactor soldier to participate, fall-in, or socialize with the Unit. All other re-enactors will be treated with respect and welcomed accordingly. All members of the 2nd WVI will behave in a friendly, honorable, and diplomatic manner with all persons whom they have contact. 12.01 Walk-Ins Any guest, non-member, or unit, wishing to fall-in with the 2nd WVI will abide by all rules and policies of the Unit within reason. However, failure to comply whether based on prior knowledge or lack thereof of these rules and policies, may be cause for immediate removal from participation with the 2nd WVI at the discretion of the Unit Commander or respective Field Commander. Any problems of this type shall be reported to a Field Commander or the Unit Commander. 12.02 Reporting In All guests, non-members, or units wishing to participate with the Unit must report directly to the Unit Commander. The Unit Commander will then notify the appropriate Field Commander. Together, they may deny, restrict, or approve the request to participate. Requests should be made prior to, or at the beginning of the event. Tardy or last minute requests will likely be denied. 12.03 Confidence In order to participate, guests, non-members, and other units must have the confidence of the appropriate Field Commander and Unit Commander. This may be based on past history, reputation, observation, and recommendations about the person(s) in question. This is intentionally vague to give as much latitude and discretion to the Unit Commander and respective Field Commander as is necessary for the overall safety, pride, and honor of the Unit. 12.04 Removal The Unit Commander or Field Commander shall have the authority to remove all or any guest, non-member or any or all portions of a unit falling-in with the 2nd WVI, at anytime based on sound judgment. 12.05 Removal Of The 2ND WVI The Unit Commander or a Field Commander may remove any member, Field Command, or the entire 2nd WVI from a camp, battle or entire event when remaining is detrimental to the Unit based on reasons of safety, law or Handbook.. Any member wishing to remain in the situation shall do so at his own risk. 12.06 Other Unit Requirements When falling-in with another unit, all courtesies will be extended along with respect to that unit and its officers. However, no 2nd WVI member, Field Command, or the entire Unit, will be compelled, ordered, or required to violate any law, the Handbook, or act in an unsafe manner. Any such situation tempered with good judgment will be cause for denial or omission of action and will be supported by the entire 2nd WVI. Any such problem should immediately be reported to a Field Commander or the Unit Commander.
CAMP STRUCTURE AND ETIQUETTE 13.00 Military Demeanor All members when in the general area of the 2nd WVI camp will properly salute commissioned officers or higher ranking commissioned officers of the Unit upon meeting that officer for the first time on that day. For the remainder of the day no further salutes are required. When out of camp, all members will properly salute commissioned officers or commissioned officers of higher rank whenever they are encountered. Salutes to Confederate officers is discretionary. Commissioned officers will normally be addressed by their rank. Discussions between commissioned officers and enlisted men shall be quite restricted as befitting the appropriate rank and situation. Overall, to preserve an authentic atmosphere and pride in how the Unit appears, all members should behave with proper military etiquette. 13.01 Reporting In All Privates and NCO's will report to the First Sgt. (or assigned First Sgt. of the appropriate Field Command) as soon as possible upon first arriving at camp. This will allow for the size of the Unit to be continually brought up to date and allow for quicker roll-calls. Further, information can be exchanged such as placement of tents, equipment, and event info. Failing to report-in may result in having to move your tent, missing out on something, or other such inconveniences. 13.02 Reporting-Out All Privates and NCO's will report to the First Sgt (or assigned First Sgt of the appropriate Field Command) upon leaving the event early or when choosing not to participate in a battle, when participating with another unit, or other such activity. 13.03 Punctuality All members will be expected to be punctual when at an event in terms of rising, falling-in, roll call, meals, medical scenarios, flag-raising, work details, etc. Officers will attempt to give ample opportunity and disseminate information in that the troops can be on time. Important times will be posted at the Unit Commander's or appropriate Field Commander's tent and meal times will be posted at the Commissary. Tardiness may result in denial to participate or assignment to special details. 13.04 Uniform In Camp All members of the 2nd WVI will wear at least the minimal uniform required as indicated in Chapter 6.00 whenever participating with the Unit from morning light of the first event day until the official close of the event. This includes but not limited to, evening hours, mornings, night festivities, battles, camp life, drill, etc. Conditions such as heat or bad weather will allow for modifications to the uniform to be made determined by the Unit Commander or Field Commander. In cases of individual medical stress, the uniform will obviously be allowed modification tempered with good judgment and common sense. Additionally in camp: 1. Coats may be removed as long as a vest covers the braces. 2. Coats may be removed without vests at the Field Commander's discretion such as during evening activities or periods of inactivity. 3. Coats will normally have at least the top button secured when worn unless a vest is worn underneath. 4. It will be common practice that the hat will be worn at all times except when sleeping or conducting such an activity where the hat is not practical. 13.05(1) 2nd WVI Camp Restrictions Only Unit members, or approved guests or units, will be allowed to participate, camp, eat, and sleep, etc., in the Unit camp area, tents, officers tents, Commissary, and street, etc. Members, guests, or other unit re-enactor's: spouses, girlfriends/boyfriends, families, including children, babies, and dogs etc., will not be participating, camping, sleeping, eating, or "running or hanging around", etc., with or in the 2nd WVI camp. The general camp of the 2nd WVI is not a KOA Campground and "families" are best taken care of through the use of the Civilian Camp or simply left at home. If any such contacts need to be made they should be done away from the Unit camp although limited and brief visits are acceptable. This is for reasons of safety, liability, enjoyment, and authenticity. Obvious exceptions to these restrictions are those who are actual members portraying a 2nd WVI soldier not in violation of any other portion of the Handbook. 13.05(2) Re-enactors portraying any type of female civilian, or child, or baby, etc., will not be allowed to eat or sleep in the camp of the 2nd WVI. These situations are to be handled through the Civilian Camp or other camp or area. 13.05(3) Civilian Women In Camp In order to preserve authenticity, all re-enactors portraying civilian women will have the following restrictions as they relate to being in the 2nd WVI camp: 1. All must be completely and authentically dressed from morning of the first day of the event until the official close of the event when in the 2nd WVI camp. Authenticity will ultimately be determined by the Unit Commander. 2. Any violations of this section will result in the alleged violator(s) being asked to leave on the authority of the Unit Commander until the problem is corrected. 3. Any individual, or group of women, wishing to participate in the 2nd WVI Commissary must comply with all the applicable rules related to participating in the Commissary in addition that no such participants may actually eat in the Commissary or in the camp. Instead, participants will have their meals delivered by a designated member of the Medical Field Command to the Medical Camp or other out-of-camp location specified by the Medical Field Commander. Additionally, a Unit member may deliver and eat a meal with his/her spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. who is not a participating Unit member, at a mutually agreed upon out-of-camp location if not in violation of Commissary rules. 4. Such persons may not visit or be in the 2nd WVI camp during: a) meal times for the Unit. b) other times specified by the Unit Commander or Infantry/Artillery Field Commander. c) the morning hours prior to the public hours. 5. Such persons may only be in the 2nd WVI camp: a) when accompanying or participating in an approved scenario or activity related to the Unit, such as duties associated with the Medical Field Command, Nurses Corps or US Sanitary Commission, etc. b) during the public hours when escorted. c) during the evening hours after public hours and may be unescorted. Escorting Procedure: Upon arrival near the camp, such women should hail the first 2nd WVI soldier nearby. However, it would be more preferable for such women to contact an officer near the officers tents. Nevertheless, any soldier(s) contacted shall politely escort arm-in arm such women through the camp. This requirement will apply during public hours of an event only. After the public hours, authentically dressed women will be welcome to enter camp on their own. 13.05(4) Civilian Children In Camp Younger Civilian children re-enactors must be accompanied by an adult at all times and are generally discouraged from being in camp for any extended period of time. Any such unattended child will be returned to the parent by an officer and will be asked to keep the child away from the camp. With the exception of spectators, non-member children will essentially be discouraged, as the Unit has found itself in the position of becoming "baby-sitter" in the past and this will no longer be allowed to continue. See also Chapter 11.00 for further exceptions. 13.06 Tents The camp will be mapped out and structured according to Appendix B. Only dog-tents and wedge-tents will be allowed on the street itself. No wall-tents or tarps with the exception of the Commissary tent/tarps allowed on the street. If you insist on a wall tent, go the Civilian Camp. Only commissioned officers may have wall tents and these will be of a limited number with restrictions determined by the Unit Commander and Field Commander. Upon arriving in camp report to the First Sergeant or designee for tent placement. If you come in to camp very late, quietly and quickly set-up your tent in an appropriate location. However, keep in mind it may have to be moved in the morning. All dog and wedge tents shall be organized inside as close as possible to Appendix C and open to inspection and public viewing. Further, your tent should continually be kept orderly and neat and not a "dumping ground" for personal equipment. All personal belongings shall be on your person or packed neatly in your tent - not strewn about. Your weapon will always be within arms reach, in your tent, or stacked on the Color Line. Keep your "kit" continually squared away as though camp could be struck at any moment. 13.07 FARB Material During public hours of an event, there will absolutely be no FARB material visible anywhere in the Unit camp. This includes plastic wrappers, beer cans, pop cans, coolers, etc. During non- public hours, limited FARB material will be considered very unpopular and barely tolerable. Not having it to begin with is even better. Any officer may request the removal of FARB material at any time. Abuse or "stretching" of this section will not be grounds for a debate. Rather, the FARB material in question will simply be removed. Period. Authenticity will ultimately be determined by the Unit Commander. 13.08 Weapons Discharge Weapons will only be discharged out of camp unless otherwise specified by the Field Commander. Only then, and after permission is secured, may a weapon be discharged in camp. In general, firing of weapons will be considered unusual except during drill and battles. 13.09 Color Guard & Unit Flags The Unit's National and State flags will be in the charge of the Keeper of the Colors who is to be appointed by the Lt. Col.. These flags are the property of the Unit. The Keeper of the Colors is responsible for the cleaning, repair, and general well-being of the flags. Any requests to use the colors must be made to the Keeper of the Colors and at no time may the Colors ever be out of the presence of at least 1 Unit member except when authorized by the Lt. Col.. The Keeper of the Colors must be familiar with basic Color Guard Drill and is responsible to organize the Unit Color Guard and to train them. Whenever possible, the Color Guard should consist of officers having the rank of Corporal or Sergeant. Members wishing permanent assignment to the Color Guard may make their request to the Lt. Col. and Captain of Infantry who then must approve the assignment and make promotions accordingly. Promotions to Color Corporal or Color Sergeant shall be done through the Lt. Col. and Captain of Infantry. The promoted Color officers will have the least seniority of the equivalent ranks and will have jurisdiction over the Colors only. Pride, precision and dedication are tantamount to becoming a member of the Color Guard. Utmost respect will be given to the Colors at all times. 13.10 Vehicles in Camp Vehicles in camp will only be allowed during the traditional "set-up" time commonly associated with Friday evenings prior to the beginning of the event. Please park in such a manner so that you do not park someone else in or are boxed-in by tents being pitched. Unload and set-up quickly. Vehicles may also enter the camp upon the official close of the event. During any other time, vehicles may only enter the camp after securing permission from the Unit Commander. Do not leave your vehicle in camp unattended. Do not leave your vehicle running for any extended period of time. You will become exceedingly unpopular if you do either. 13.11 Animals Pets are not permitted. Visitors must clear any pets through the Unit Commander and any such visit should be brief. 13.12 First Person Members are encouraged to portray a "first person" as they see fit. However, this is not required but it is preferable that members avoid modern talk and expressions during certain activities particularly the battles or skirmishes. During these moments such talk tends to spoil the "mood" we try so hard to create. 13.13 Artillery & Infantry Together (Blood is thicker than water Rule) It will be the normal procedure that the Artillery and Infantry personnel, camp, tent, eat, and carry on together in the same camp & street according to Appendix B. Exception to this may be when the Unit is attending National events. Obviously this is very unusual and will draw criticism. However, we are a single & unified association and separation of these 2 Field Commands except during obvious times of drill or battle will be greatly discouraged and resisted. Intent remains that Battery B, 4th US Artillery and the 2nd WVI, are semi-autonomous from within the Unit, but from any outside perspective we are one. This is akin to being "twin brothers" and each is dedicated and mutually supportive of the other. Therefore, a "Red Leg" tenting with, or alongside a "Ragged-Ass" will be commonplace if not expected. Seniority within the camp will be determined according to Appendix A when necessary along with a good dose of common sense. Each of these Field Commands will carry on their separate duties as expected of them but continuous coordination and fraternizing will occur between the respective officers and personnel. Placement and location of the gun(s) and Artillery personnel will preferably be in the "mutual camp" or as near as possible. Again this is highly unorthodox. Nevertheless, final disposition of Battery B, 4th US Artillery will remain the singular decision of the Artillery Field Commander. 13.14 Protecting Property of Other Members All members will be expected to treat and care for equipment that is borrowed as well as cleaning these items when necessary. Damage or loss of borrowed property shall be compensated at the owners discretion. Further, members will diligently keep an eye out for other member's equipment when the owner is indisposed. However, continual carelessness on the part of the owner will cause their equipment to be at its own risk. Members should keep a sharp watch on their tent as well as other member's tents particularly when non-members and the public are present. Do not hesitate to query any suspicious situation regarding yours or other members property. Report problems to your Field Commander.
ARTILLERY FIELD COMMAND 14.00 14.01 Jurisdiction Artillery field pieces and crew members may only participate at Unit events or under the Unit colors with the approval of the Association artillery commander. Paste additional information here upon publication.
COMPANY STRUCTURE 15.01 Organization Each company may designate it own non-military officers(president,secretary/treasurer etc...) to facilitate the normal functions of the company. In addition, each company may designate their own secretary/treasurer and that person is authorized to use the Association tax number when making company purchases.
Appendix A
Seniority List 1. Lt. Col. 2. Adjutant 3. Infantry Major 4. Artillery Major 5. Infantry Captain 6. Artillery Captain 7. Infantry 1st Lieutenant 8. Artillery 1st Lieutenant 9. Infantry 2nd Lieutenant 10. Artillery 2nd Lieutenant 11. Quartermaster Sergeant (when in uniform) 12. Commissary Sergeant (Higher seniority when in the Commissary) 13. Infantry 1st Sergeant 14. Artillery 1st Sergeant 15. Infantry 2nd Sergeant 16 Artillery 2nd Sergeant 17. Infantry 3rd Sergeant 18. Artillery 3rd Sergeant 19. Infantry 4th Sergeant 20. Artillery 4th Sergeant 21. Infantry 5th Sergeant 22. Artillery 5th Sergeant 23. Color Sergeant(s) by seniority 24. Commissary Corporal(s) by seniority (Higher seniority when in the Commissary) 25. Infantry 1st Corporal 26. Artillery 1st Corporal (continue Corporals as with seniority of Sergeants) 27. Color Corporal(s) by seniority 28. Privates by seniority 29. Medical Staff (Higher seniority when in the Hospital) 30. Adjutant Lieutenant (But given all respect befitting a Lt.)
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