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14th Wisconsin at Shiloh
The Fourteenth, sometimes called the "Northwestern Regiment, also the "Wisconsin Regulars," was organized during the month of November, 1861. The place of rendezvous was Camp Wood, Fond du Lac. Under Colonel David E. Wood, of that place, it's regimental organization was completed in January, 1862.
It was composed, for the most part,of companies from
the northern line of frontier counties. Company A was called "Wood's Protectors;"
B, "Waupaca and Portage County Union Rifles;" C, "Omro Union Rifles;"
D, "Messmore Guards;"
E, "Manitowoc and Kewanee County Guards;" F,
"De Pere Rifles;" G, " Calumet and Manitowoc Invincibles;" H,
"Forest Union Rifles;" I, "Black River Rangers;"
K, "Noble
Guards." The field and staff officers were nine; the company officers thirty;
non-commissioned officers and privates eight hundred and twenty-total, eight hundred and
Veteran Newspaper Man Recalls War Camp Here
Camps Were Located North of Forest Avenue Between Waupun and Hickory Streets
An interesting feature of the Old Settlers meeting this afternoon was the reading of a paper prepared by A.T.Glaze relative to the location where the Third and Fourteenth regiments established their first camp. The paper was read by Mrs. L. A. Bishop and was as follows: "Two regiments of Wisconsin troops, the Third and Fourteenth camped in Fond du Lac. Both occupied the same camp grounds on the north side of Forest avenue between Waupun and Hickory streets. The public entrance to the camp was on the east side of Boardman street and the soldiers' entrance and guard house was on the west side of Waupun street four or five rods from Forest avenue. "On the north side of Forest avenue there was at this time a narrow belt of timber and among these trees the tents and general camp was pitched. The drill and parade grounds were on the open prairie to the north as far as Rosedale avenue. The camps were named in honor of the colonels commanding the regiments, Camp Hamilton and Camp Wood. "The Third regiment had regimental drill three times a week and dress parade every day. The drilling was by Colonel Hamilton and what the boys received here was not hard. They got a double dose when on the banks of the Potomac. The men of the Fourteenth regiment were drilled by Major John Hancock, then major of the regiment, but whose home was at Oshkosh. He was a splendid drill master and put the boys through the drill and dress parade every day in the week. "The writer visited these camps three or four times a week to see what was going on that a newspaper might make use of and keep well posted. Colonel Hamilton was transferred to the western army in 1863 and made a brigadier general. He was in chief command at the battle of Ieuka, Miss, and was highly complimented. He was then known as General Hamilton. Colonel Wood was taken sick in the south and brought to his home in this city where he died. "What was known to us as the Air Line road was not built to Milwaukee then and when the troops left for the seat of war, they boarded the cars on what is now known as the 'old line'. The trains were without air brakes and this work was done by men and there was considerable jerking in the starting and stopping of the trains. In the stopping of the trains, which bore the Third regiment, a drawbar was jerked out when near Chicago and the rear part of the train thumped the front savagely and there was a prospect for a grand smash, but Jack Tripp was on the engine and by good management, saved a general wreck. A worse frightened lot of men could not be imagined. Adjutant Crane said they did not get half so great a scare during the whole of the war. The car equipment and train service of that period was such that it may be wondered that many more people were not made to face serious accidents more often. "Both of these regiments had religious services every Sunday. They were generally held in the Armory hall, but generally in camp, Rev. Dr. Robertson, of the Presbyterian church, being the preacher a greater part of the time. "The section of the city included in the camping site is now thickly covered with buildings but at the time of which I have been writing, there were scarcely any buildings in evidence. It was nearly all open prairie at the time.
from Fond du Lac Commonwealth, 3/23/1912
Fond du Lac, was mustered into the United States service, on the 30th of January, 1862, and left the State for St. Louis on the 8th of March. Leaving Fond du Lac and proceeding by way of Chicago, they arrived at St. Louis on the 10th of March, and went into quarters at Benton Barracks. Here they were assigned to the forces designed for operations up the Tennessee River, with General Grant, and embarked on transports at St. Louis, on the 23rd of April, arrived at Savannah on the 28th, went into camp, and were assigned to provost guard duty.
On Saturday afternoon, April 5th, the division of General Nelson, being the advance of General Buell's reinforcements to General Grant, arrived at Savannah. On the morning of the 6th, the booming of cannon and rattle of musketry, indicated that the battle of Pittsburg Landing had begun. All day the troops lay at Savannah, which was only nine miles below the Landing, on the east side of the river. In the afternoon, orders came for all the reinforcements at Savannah to move rapidly, as our forces were being driven back. General Nelson, having to waited in vain for transports, started his division immediately on the double quick, and crossed to the battle field, between five and six o'clock, and posted his troops just above the Landing. The Fourteenth was in line when orders came for it to move. They embarked on one of the transports, but were detained, waiting for Crittendon's division of Buell's forces, and did not arrive at the Landing until 11 o'clock, P. M. Marching to the ground above the Landing, the regiment formed in line of battle, and bivouacked for the night, exposed to a heavy rain.
Pvt. James K. Newton Co. F 14th Wisconsin |
At an early hour on the morning of the 7th, they were ordered to the front, being assigned to a provisional brigade, temporarily attached to General Crittenden's division, which consisted of the Fourteenth Wisconsin, a Kentucky, and two Indiana regiments, and a section of a Chicago battery, under the command of Colonel Smith, of the Kentucky regiment. Forming in line of battle about two miles south of the Landing, on the main road to Corinth, General Nelson's brigade was on their left, and General R. McCook's on their right. The New Orleans battery, supported by the Crescent City (rebel) brigade, was stationed on a ridge in their front. The rebel battery opened on them with shot and shell. The Fourteenth was ordered to lie down on the slope of the hill, and consequently the enemy's missiles passed over their heads. After enduring this fire for an hour and a half, the rebel infantry made a charge upon their position, for the purpose of capturing the Chicago battery. The Fourteenth rose and met them with a deadly fire, driving them back some distance, but were in turned back. The regiment rallied, however, and were ordered by Colonel Smith, to charge and take the battery. The ground in front was a gradual descent for twenty rods, and covered with a dense growth of underbrush and trees. At the bottom was a small ravine; from the ravine, the ground rose at an angle of some twenty degrees, and was almost a clear field, excepting a few fallen trees, and also some standing timber. This elevation continued for some thirty rods, and there, upon the highest point, was stationed the rebel battery. The order to charge was given, the ravine was crossed, and the regiment commenced the ascent on the further slope, when Lieutenant Colonel Messmore, who was in the advance, leading the charge, was dismounted by the bursting of a shell, seriously injured, and compelled to leave the field. Colonel Wood had ridden to the rear, to urge forward the Kentucky regiment to the support of the Fourteenth, and met with an accident, his horse falling on him, and injuring his leg. Major Hancock was thus left in command of the regiment, which he retained until it was leaving the field. The charge was made upon the battery, the rebels were driven from it, many of the horses were shot, others were cut loose, and one of the guns was spiked by Lieutenant Staley of Company D, assisted by Sergeant Blackett, of Company K, and others. The rebel infantry were in heavy force in rear of the battery, and rallied a perfect storm of lead upon the regiment, which was compelled to retire, the rest of the brigade failing to reinforce them. They fell back to within sixty rods of their original line. From this time till the close of the battle, the regiment was constantly engaged, and made two other charges upon the battery, and finally were successful in capturing and holding it.
The gun spiked by Lieutenant Staley was afterwards sent to Wisconsin as a trophy. During the whole of the engagement, the Fourteenth displayed such conspicuous gallantry, that they received the commendation of those who witnessed their heroism. They fought like veterans, and received the sobriquet of "Wisconsin Regulars", for their soldierly conduct on the field. After remaining until the rebels were retreating on all sides, the regiment retired towards the Landing, when Colonel Wood again assumed command, having sufficiently recovered to do so. Arms were stacked, the roll was called, and every man was present, or was accounted for as killed or wounded except a few, who reported during the night.
In this battle, the Fourteenth established a character for bravery and endurance, which it sustained throughout the war. For over ten hours, they fought, without being relieved, until there was no more fighting to do. Captain Waldo, of Company E, was killed, while bravely leading his men to the charge. Lieutenant Post, of Company B, was mortally wounded. Lieutenant Smith, of Company C, was seriously wounded, but retained command till night. Captain McCall, of Company K, when the regiment left the field, was ordered to take a detachment of the left wing of the regiment, and examine the ground, and bring in the wounded, if to be found, rejoining the regiment at the Landing. Captains Ward and Polloys, and others, were mentioned for their conspicuous gallantry.
The casualties were 20 killed or died of wounds and 73 wounded. Previous to the battle, Lieutenant Colonel Messmore had tendered his resignation, but it was not accepted until the day of the battle. He therefore went to the field with the regiment, where he was disabled, as we have stated. Major Hancock was promoted Lieutenant Colonel, to date from April 7th, and Captain L. M. Ward was promoted Major, dating from April 18th.
The regiment remained at Pittsburg Landing, Colonel Wood being appointed Provost Marshall, and the regiment acted provost. For four days they remained without tents, exposed to almost continual rains, and without sufficient rations. The fatigues of the battle, and these exposures, together with the unhealthiness of the position, produced much sickness. The health of Colonel Wood was seriously impaired, and he returned to Wisconsin, and died on the 17th of June, from fatigue and disease contracted in the service. At his death, Lieutenant Colonel Hancock was promoted Colonel, Major Ward as Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Pollys, Major.
The regiment remained engaged in provost guard duty at the Landing until the 23d of July, when it was relieved and moved to Hamburg and engaged in the same kind of duty, that place being made the chief depot of supplies for the troops stationed at Corinth. Captain Vaughn, of Company E, was appointed Provost Marshal. They remained at Hamburg, until the 23d of August, when they were ordered to Corinth and were assigned to the Second Brigade, Colonel Oliver, Sixth Division, under General McArthur.
The Fourteenth took part in several reconnoitering expeditions to points in the vicinity of Corinth, and on the 16th of September marched with the left wing of the Army of the Tennessee, under General Ord, to the east side of Iuka. The battle before that place was fought to the south of the town, on the 19th by the divisions of Generals Hamilton and Stanley. Near this place two companies of the Fourteenth had a small skirmish with the enemy. Price having evacuated Iuka, and Van Dorn threatening Corinth, General Ord's forces, by a forced march of thirty miles, reached that place on the 21st.
Here the regiment remained until the lst of October, when it marched with the Eighteenth Wisconsin to Chewalla to join the Second Brigade at that point, and watch the enemy, who was supposed to be approaching by that road. They went to within two miles of Chewalla and formed in line of battle. On the approach of the enemy next day the whole force fell back, skirmishing, the men sleeping on their arms that night within two miles of the old breastworks at Corinth, Companies C and K as skirmishers, bringing up the rear. About an hour and a half after daylight of the 3d of October, the skirmishers of the Second Brigade became engaged, but the enemy approaching in force they were obliged to fall back, after obstinately contesting the ground.
The Fourteenth, under Colonel Hancock, was sent forward and drove back the enemy. Orders were then received to fall back to the hill north of the railroad, and hold that position at all hazards. At the foot of this hill, near the old line of breastworks, Company E, Captain Vaughn, supported by Captain Samuel Harrison, of Company F, were deployed as skirmishers. When the battle became general the enemy made their appearance before the old breastworks in great force, compelling the two companies to retire behind the old works.
Here they gallantly fought the enemy until the rebels rushed from the woods, over the entrenchments, where they fell back fighting, toward their brave Captain Vaughn. Captain Harrison was mortally wounded. The position on the hill was held by the Fifteenth Michigan and Fourteenth Wisconsin, from nine o'clock till one in the afternoon, although suffering severe loss, and until the troops on the right and left retired after being flanked. The artillery was then ordered to the rear, and Colonel Oliver retired in good order with his command, to near Battery F, from whence they fell back into the town, and were placed by General McArthur to the north of General Rosecrans' quarters, and remained until morning. From the above it will be seen that the battle of Corinth was opened by the Second Brigade, of McArthur's Division, preceded by skirmishing from Chewalla to the outer works, on the lst and 2d of October, and on the 3d they held their position until they found themselves flanked on both sides, and the enemy charging upon them in columns.
It was madness to remain, and they were retired by Colonel Oliver, as stated. The Fourteenth Wisconsin was always steady, cool and vigorous, and was the one to rely upon in any emergency. Though suffering more loss than any other regiment in the command, they maintained their lines and delivered their fire with all the precision and coolness which could have been maintained upon drill. Such was the encomium passed upon the Fourteenth by the Brigade Commander, Colonel Oliver.
On the morning of the 4th of October, the Brigade was marched to the rear of the Seminary Building, formed columns of attack and took position in support of batteries, and held them. The command was very much exhausted, having been continually engaged since Thursday in marching and skirmishing.
The regiment and its officers were highly spoken of in the reports of superior officers, and Colonel Hancock also makes special mention of many of his line and noncommissioned officers, among the latter were Sergeant H. W. Durand, of Company A; Private Thomas Tompkins, of Company B; Sergeant Joseph Wells, of Company C; Sergeant B. F. Goodwin and Private Andrew Flagg, of Company E; Sergeant E. A. Moore, of Company H; Private Warren Foster, of Company T; and Private Charles F. Davis, of Company K; also Sergeant Major John M. Reed, and Color Sergeant Dennis Murphy, who bravely clung to his flag, though three times wounded. The color guard for that day were volunteers their names were Corporal Joseph Doucett, of Company E; James A. Thompson, of Company B, (killed;) William Carrill, of Company F, (wounded;) Joseph Meek, of Company I; John Noon, of Company G; and Gilbert Waldron, of Company C. The Colonel says they were all brave and trustworthy fellows, and worthy of mention.
The casualties, as officially reported, were 30 killed or died of wounds and 48 wounded.
The regiment joined in the pursuit of the enemy to Ripley, returning to Corinth on the 12th, where it remained until the 2d of November, when it moved to Grand Junction, where General Grant was concentrating the forces of West Tennessee, and on the 27th, accompanied that general in his southward movement, reached Yocona, Miss., when the disaster at Holly Springs, on the 20th of December, occurred. They then accompanied the forces on their retreat from Mississippi to Moscow, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, thence they moved to Memphis on the 10th of January, and on the 17th, embarked for Vicksburg, where they landed and engaged in guard and fatigue duty.
Colonel Hancock, having become disabled by ill health, resigned on the 23d of January, 1863, and was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant Colonel Ward, who was appointed Colonel, Major Polleys, Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Asa Worden, Major.
On the 8th of February, they embarked on transports for Lake Providence, seventy-five miles above Vicksburg, with the other forces of General McArthur, arriving there on the 10th of February. Here they remained until the 20th of April, engaged in sundry reconnaissance's, seizure of cotton, supplies, etc., when they again proceeded down the river to Miliken's Bend.
They were now attached to Ransom's brigade of McArthur's division. Marching across the Peninsula, camping twelve days at Smith's plantation, they reached Grand Gulf on the 13th of May, and immediately proceeded to join the Seventeenth Army Corps, then near Raymond. They reached there while the battle of Champion's Hill, on the 16th, was in progress, five miles to the left. On the 17th, they were put in motion towards Vicksburg, and reached Big Black River, where the battle had just been fought, and assisted in the construction of two floating bridges, and the next day marched to Vicksburg, and advanced to a position within range of the enemy's guns in the lines of the Seventeenth Army Corps. In the assault on the enemy's works, on the 19th, they attained a position within eighty rods of the enemy's lines. The next two days were spent in skirmishing, and constructing rifle pits. In the terrible charge of the 22d, the Fourteenth took a conspicuous part, penetrating a considerable distance beyond any other regiment of the brigade, and attaining a position in front of the enemy's fort, where no other regiment was near them. Here they were obliged to seek cover until night approached before they could escape. In this charge, the Fourteenth lost one hundred and seven in killed, wounded and missing. The list of killed and those who died of wounds, are from the Adjustment General's records, and the list of wounded are in the monthly reports. Many others were slightly wounded, but were not reported: killed or died of wounds: 28; wounded: 50.
The Fourteenth remained engaged in the duties of the siege until the surrender of the city on the 4th of July, when it was assigned the position of honor on the right, and ordered by General Ransom to take the advance in the triumphal entry of our troops into the city, the general complimenting them with the remark that "every man and officer of the Fourteenth was a hero." On the 12th of July, the regiment embarked with the rest of the brigade of General Ransom, and proceeded to Natchez, of which place they took possession on the l4th.
They remained at Natchez until the 9th of October, when, pursuant to orders, they proceeded to Vicksburg, and encamped for the winter. A "Board of Honor," of which General McPherson, of the Seventeenth Army Corps was President, awarded medals of honor to the following persons in the Fourteenth Regiment for gallant services: To Sergeant Asel Childs, of Company C, Medal of silver, inscribed "Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg;" to Herman Runge, of Company D, Medal of gold, inscribed "Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg", to Corporal Moses Wynn, of Company H, Medal of silver, inscribed "Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg;" to Corporal Adin Gibson, of Company H, Medal of gold, inscribes "Shiloh and Vicksburg."
More than two-thirds of the regiment reenlisted on the 11th of December, constituting it a veteran regiment, being the first regiment to reenlist in the Army of the Tennessee.
On the 3d of January, 1864, they embarked for Wisconsin, on veteran furlough, arriving at Madison on the 20th, and on the 26th, were paid, and received furlough for thirty days.
The regiment was ordered to rendezvous at Camp Washburn, Milwaukee, but owing to the severe snow storm, which blocked the railroads and impeded the general travel in the country, many of the men failed to report promptly on the date their furloughs expired. A peremptory order to the Colonel to rejoin the corps at Vicksburg compelled him to leave the State with only a portion of his command. Major Asa Worden remained in Milwaukee, with instructions to collect and assume command of those who were behind, and follow the regiment.
On the 6th of March, the regiment arrived at Vicksburg, just in time to participate in the ill fated Red River Expedition. The regiment was not in a fit condition to take the field but 2,500 men were to be made up from the Seventeenth Army Corps, to be composed, as far hs possible, of troops that had not accompanied General Sherman on his Meridian Expedition, from which he had just returned. The Fourteenth was, therefore, included in the quota of the Seventeenth Corps, it was assigned to a Provisional Division, under the command of General Thomas Kilby Smith, and was known as the "Red River Division." Colonel Ward was assigned to the command of the Second Brigade, composed of the Fourteenth Wisconsin, and the Ninety-fifth and Eighty-first Illinois regiments.
Accompanying in the command of General A. J. Smith, the expedition proceeded down the Mississippi and up Red River. The Fourteenth was present at the capture of Fort de Russey on the 14th of March, and the "Red River Division," to which it belonged, remained and destroyed the works, rejoining the command on the 17th. On the advance of General Banks, above Alexandria, the Fourteenth accompanied the expedition on its march to Bayou Cotile, and thence, by transports, to Grand Ecore. There the rest of General A. J. Smith's command debarked and marched for Shreveport, where General Kilby Smith's "Red River Division," of the Seventeenth Army Corps, was distributed as guards among the fleet of over thirty transports, which, with the gunboats, proceeded up the river, intending to reach Shreveport at the same time with the army of General Banks. Reaching Long Bayou, sixty or seventy miles below Shreveport, they found a large transport swung across the stream, which had to be removed before they could proceed further. While engaged in this work, news came of the defeat of the army at Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads, and an order was also received to return immediately to Grand Ecore.
The return was immediately commenced, and from this time until the fleet reached Grand Ecore, the vessels of the fleet were continually harrassed by the fire of the enemy from both bank of the river. On the 12th, the fleet was attacked by the enemy in force at Pleasant Hill Landing, under the command of General Green, of Texas. A severe fight ensued, lasting an hour, in which the enemy were repulsed, with great slaughter, General Green being killed. The army proceeded from Grand Ecore to Alexandria, halting till the dam could be built by Colonel Bailey, to enable the gunboats to pass the rapids. They then continued on to Simmsport, skirmishing every day. The Fourteenth took part in the engagements at Clouterville, Marksville and Yellow Bayou, and in several minor skirmishes. With the rest of General Smith's command, the Fourteenth proceeded to the mouth of Red River, and thence up the Mississippi to Vicksburg, where it arrived on the 22d.
That portion of the regiment which was left in Wisconsin reached Vicksburg six days after the departure of the regiment in the Red River Division. It moved up the river with the rest of the Seventeenth Army Corps, and subsequently joined General Sherman's Grand Army at Ackwortb in the month of June, and performed gallant service in the campaign against Atlanta. It became known as "Worden's Battalion," and was composed of Company E, and portions of each of the nine other companies of the regiment. Company E accompanied Sherman's Grand March to the Sea, as the guard of the pontoon train of the Seventeenth Corps.
The fragments of companies rejoined their regiment at Nashville, in November, 1864. We have been unable to find any account of the operations of this battalion during the Atlanta campaign, as no report has been made to the Adjutant General.
The casualties that during the campaign were killed or died of wounds was 6.
The regiment moved to Memphis the latter part of May, and in July, took part in the "Tupelo Expedition," under the command of General A. J. Smith. On the afternoon of the 13th of July, while marching from Pontotoc, Miss., to Tupelo, the train was attacked by a brigade of the enemy's cavalry.
Colonel Ward's brigade was marching on the flanks of the train as guards, and the enemy was gallantly repulsed by the Fourteenth and Thirty-third Wisconsin, Leaving their killed and wounded upon the field, and also a stand of colors which were found and brought off the field by Captain C. M. G. Mansfield, of Company H.
The Fourteenth also took part in the battle of Tupelo, on the 14th, which resulted in the defeat of the rebel Generals Forrest and S. D. Lee, and also engaged in a fight with the enemy on the 15th. The casualties were 6 wounded. Returning to Memphis, the regiment was ordered to St. Charles, Ark., and thence on the lst of September to Duval's Bluff, on White River. From Duval's Bluff a reconnoitering expedition was sent to Augusta, under command of General Graves, of the Fifteenth Michigan, composed of the Fourteenth Wisconsin, three other infantry regiments, a section of artillery, and a squadron of cavalry. Embarked on transports, on the second day out, the fleet was fired into by a large body of the enemy in ambush, and several were killed and wounded, among them Colonel Graves.
The command devolving on Colonel Ward, he landed his force twenty miles above, and marched upon Augusta, meeting but slight resistance, the enemy flying at his approach. The information having been obtained, the force returned to Duval's Bluff, from whence the regiment moved by rail to Brownsville, twenty-five miles from Little Rock, on the 7th of September.
On the 17th the regiment was temporarily attached to Major General Mower's Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps, and marched from Brownsville in pursuit of the rebel General Price, who was then engaged in his last great raid into Missouri. The Eighth, Thirty-third and Fourteenth Wisconsin were all engaged in this expedition, and after a hard march of 340 miles, they reached Cape Girardeau, in Southeast Missouri, on the Mississippi River, without coming up with the forces of General Price.
They immediately proceeded up the river to St. Louis, thence up the Missouri to Jefferson City, then out on the Pacific Railroad to Warrensburg. Here the brigade to which the Fourteenth was attached, remained until news was received of the defeat of Price, and the dispersion of his forces. About the middle of November, they returned to St. Louis, and quartered at Benton Barracks.
On the 23d, they embarked on transports, and proceeded to Nashville, Tenn., to reinforce General Thomas, who was then preparing to resist the approach of the enemy under General Hood. The battle of Franklin had been fought, and Hood was stationing his forces for an attack on Thomas' lines. The Fourteenth immediately went to work erecting temporary, defenses in front of their position, which was on the extreme right of the line. Major Worden had been mustered out, and Captain E. F. Ferris had been promoted Major, and was in command of the regiment.
The brigade, under the command of Colonel L. M. Ward, was ordered to the support of General McArthur's division, which was a mile and a half to the right, and in the advance. Before he could reach General McArthur, the assault had been made and the works carried. On reporting to General McArthur, Colonel Ward was ordered to occupy the captured battle works, to prevent a flank attack. The rebels being found in On Granny White's Pike, Colonel Ward's brigade was selected to dislodge them. The enemy was found in two lines, between the stone walls on either side of the pike, and was abundantly able to repulse any assault on his front. The brigade moved forward at a double quick, expecting to be warmly received. A few scattering shots only were fired, when the most of the enemy jumped over the walls in their rear, and scattered. 280 prisoners were captured, nearly all with their guns loaded and capped. Bivouacking for the night, early the next day the Sixteenth Division moved to the extreme right, on the Franklin Pike. Here the regiment remained all day without being engaged, and next morning joined in the pursuit, reaching Clifton, On the Tennessee on the 3d of January, 1865, thence they moved by transports to Eastport, Miss., where they arrived on the 11th. On the 18th, an expedition to Corinth routed out the rebel General Ross' brigade from that place, and returned to Eastport on the 22d. Manley J. Arman, of Company K, is reported as killed at Clifton, January 6th, 1865.
On the 8th of February, General Smith's division left Eastport transports, debarked at Vicksburg, remained a week, and then proceeded to New Orleans, where they arrived on the 22d of February. The force of General Smith here received the designation of the Sixteenth Army Corps.
Taking part in the operations against Mobile, they left New Orleans On the 12th of March, and proceeded to Dauphin Island, in Mobile Bay, and debarked eight miles up Fish River, on the west side of the bay. On the 25th, the army, under General Canby, marched from Fish River and on the 27th, invested Spanish Fort, the division to which the Fourteenth belonged, having the advance. From this time, the Fourteenth was constantly engaged as skirmishers and sharpshooters, until the surrender of Spanish Fort, and the evacuation of Mobile, sustaining considerable loss.
We find the following casualties at Spanish Fort, in the records of the Adjutant General: killed or died of wounds, 4; wounded, 4.
On the 9th of April, they marched to Blakeley, thence to Montgomery, Ala. Here they arrived and went into camp, west of the city on the 23rd. On the l9th of July, the regiment was ordered into the city, and Colonel Ward was placed in command of the post, Lieutenant Colonel Ferris being in command of the regiment.
Here Company E, which had been with General Sherman's expedition, rejoined the regiment on the 16th of July. On the 27th of August, they moved to Mobile, and on the 9th of October, were mustered out, by reason of their services being no longer required. They returned to Wisconsin, and disbanded.
Regimental Statistics. Original strength, 970. Gain by recruits in 1863, 60, in 1864, 439 in 1865, 41; by substitutes, 85; by draft in 1864, 200, in 1865, 115; by veteran reenlistments, 272; total 2,182. Loss by death, 287; missing, 13; deserted, 97; transferred, 23; discharged, 407; mustered out, 1,355.
Quiner, Military History of Wisconsin, 1866
Co. E and others were attached to 17th Corps in March 1864
as Worden's Battalion. They joined Sherman's army in the Atlanta Campaign with the
fragments of other companies, rejoining the regiment at Nashville, Tennessee, November
Company E. under Command of Captain Henry went with Headquarters as guard to the Pontoon
Train to Savannah and through the Carolinas and the Grand
Review in Washington finally returned to the regiment at
Montgomery July 16th 1865.
The following is a brief history of the Company E, of the 14th Wisconsin after being detached from the regiment, After the fall of Atlanta the following order was received.
Hdqs. Dept.& Army of the Tenn.
Smyrna Station Ga.
Nov, 10 1864.
Special Orders
No. 163
Co. E. 14 Reg. Wis. Vol. Inft. Is hereby detached from Regiment and assigned to duty with Pontoon Train of this Army and will forthwith report to Capt. B. F. Buzzard in Aldrige
By Order of Maj. Gen. Hayword ?
![]() |
Captain Joseph Smith, Company E, Fourteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry |
Date Nov.11/64 March from Smyrna Station and reported to Capt. B. F. Buzzard at the
Chattahoochee River for duty . " 12 Ordered to report to B?? Hill 1st. M? Engineer
Pontoon Train at Atlanta Ga.
" 15 Marched from Atlanta Ga. Assisted in laying two bridges across the Ocmulgee River Ga.
" 30 Laid Pontoon Across the Ogeechee River Ga.
Dec. 2 Laid Pontoon Bridge across Little Ogeechee River Ga.
" 5 Laid Pontoon Bridge across Big Head River Ga.
" 9 Laid Pontoon Bridge across Ogeechee River 12 Miles above Fort McAllister Ga.
" 21 Took up the Bridge Entered the city of Savannah Ga. Where the company remained in campuntil January 6/65 moved out to Fort Thunderbolt SC.
Jan. 11 Skipjacked onboard Steamer " Fortune of Baltimore" and proceeded to Beaufort S.C.
" 14 Laid Pontoon across Broad River Port Royal Ferry South Carolina
" 24 Left Port Royal Ferry
Feb 9/65 Laid Pontoon across South Edisto River 83 miles from Beaufort S.C.
" 10 Laid two more Bridges across South Edisto
" 12 Marched and laid two Bridges across the North Edisto River
" 16 Pontoon lain across the Blockade by two Rebel Forts on opposite side of the Saluda River the Rebels Shelled the Team but only succeed in killing two Mules when the team was in a ?? Bridge on the Saluda River S.C.
" 17 Laid the Pontoon across Broad River near Columbia S.C.
" 22 Laid the Pontoon across Wateree River
Mar. 4/65 Laid Pontoon across the Great Peedee River at Cheraw S.C.
" 8 Marched into N.C.
" 9 Laid Pontoon across the little River N.C.
" 12 Laid Pontoon across the Cape Fear River Near Fayetteville N.C.
" 22 Laid Pontoon across Neuse River Near Goldsborough N.C.
April 14/65 Laid Pontoon across the Neuse River At Battle Bridge N.C. 11 miles from Raleigh N.C.
May 8/65 Laid Pontoon across the Roanoke River N.C.
" 13 Laid Pontoon across the Pamunkey River VA.
" 18 Laid Pontoon across the Occoquan River V.A.
" 24 Arrived at Washington Took part
in the
Grand Review of the Army,
Train turned over at Washington
June 7/65 Arrived at Louisville Ky.
" 24 Order Received Relieving Co. from duty with 1st Mo.Engs. Ordered to join the Regiment for duty at Brosslyn Fort Ala. by way of New Orleans La.
By order of Maj. Gen. John A. Logan