Battle of Shiloh
Among the many regiments that marched away from the State of Wisconsin, following the "Stars and Stripes," the most beautiful flag that was ever kissed by the dews of heaven, keeping step to the weird, wild music of the fife and drum; leaving their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sweethearts, and, what was harder still, their wives and prattling babes behind, and resolutely setting their faces toward the march, the comfortless bivouac, the hospital and the field of carnage and of death, were the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Eightieth Regiments of Infantry. They were made up of companies from all parts of the State, and of men from every walk of life, they were composed of men who had enlisted, not as mercenaries of soldiers of fortune, who fight foe fame, plunder or empire, but as volunteers in the grand army of their beloved Republic; to fight, and die if need be, for a great principle, and to preserve a priceless heritage for their posterity. They had laid aside their robes of peace and put on the habiliments of war. They had set their faces toward the foe, and you could see written upon those faces a grim determination to win the war upon which those faces a grim determination to win the war upon which they were entering. Our great captain, Grant, did but express the feeling of his men when he uttered those determined words: "We will fight it out on this line of it takes all summer."
What an ovation we received from the loyal people of our State as we marched away! How little we, in fact, knew of what was in store for us here, and of the test to which we would be subjected in a few short days!
It is said that "Coming events cast their shadows before." An incident which occurred in my company the evening before the battle of Shiloh verifies that saying. Some people say that we were surprised that Sunday morning, but such is not the fact. All day Saturday we had the instinctive feeling that a great battle was imminent. You all doubtless remember many times when just before a hard storm, and while there was yet no sign of a cloud, something in the atmosphere has told you of what was coming. You whole nervous system, like a great barometer, has warned you of the approaching danger. So it was on that Saturday. We felt that we were soon going to be arrayed in deadly conflict, and that some of us would probably pay the price of loyalty and be numbered with the slain. On Saturday evening a number of us gathered together in one of the large Sibley tents we were then using. One of the boys struck up a song in which we all joined. That song was followed by others, and the spell which seemed to be over all caused us with one accord , to sing the songs of home and bygone days, Our last song was "Brave Boys Are They." How the words come back to me today!
"Thinking no less of them,
Loving our country the more,
We sent them forth to fight for the flag
Their fathers before them bore."
We closed the evening's singing with the lines:
"Oh! The dread field of battle!
Soon to be strewn with graves!
If brothers fall, then bury them where
Our banner in triumph waves."
The Singing ended, and under the spell of its patriotic pathos, without uttering a word, we separated and each man retired to his own tent; some to dream of homes to which they would never return, and of friends they would never meet again this side of the "eternal shore." That little company never met again. On the next morning the "long roll" called them from their dreams of home to "dread field of battle," of which then had sung the night before. Some of them fell that day; but we have this great consolation: We were able to "bury them where our banner in triumph waved."
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The First Day, April 6th
When the regiment went into camp on the afternoon of the 5th the men had no thought of an enemy being nearer than Corinth. The picket line that night was stationed less than half a mile in advance. That night the men made their bed for the first time in their army experience on the ground, and retired with no more expectation of an attack than they had in their barracks in Milwaukee. During the night occasional shots were heard in the direction of Corinth, but nothing was thought of the firing until early morning, when it became more frequent and soon continuous on the right, single shots giving way to volleys.
The Sixteenth Wisconsin Infantry at
Shiloh, Tenn.,
April 6, and 7, 1862,
By D. G. James
Researched and written by his great grandson
Fred G. Cook
The Sixteenth Regiment was ordered into Camp Randall, Madison, Wis., November, 1861, with Benj. Allen, colonel, Cassius Fairchild, lieutenant colonel, Thomas Reynolds, major, and George M. Sabin, adjutant. The muster into the United States service was completed January 31, 1862. They remained in camp, drilling and preparing for the work at the front, until March13, when they struck camp and took the train for St. Louis, Mo. Arrived the night of the 14th at East St. Louis. On the morning of the 15th the regiment was transferred from the cars to the steamer Planet and ordered to report to General Grant at Savannah, Tenn.
The voyage was down the Mississippi to Cairo, thence up the Ohio to Paducah, Ky., thence up the Tennessee to Savannah, where they arrived the 20th, and then proceeded up the river to Pittsburg Landing, disembarking in the afternoon of the same day. The entire voyage passed very pleasantly, stopping at different historical points. Among them was Johnsonville and Fort Henry, which showed the effects of Commodore Foote's bombarding in February.
We camped near the river several days, when the regiment was ordered out to the front of the encampment and attached to Colonel Peabody's brigade of General Prentiss' Sixth Division, Army of the Tennessee. Here it remained, doing camp duty and engaged in the various drills of the brigade and division.
April 4 General Prentiss ordered a review of the division in a field to our left and front about a quarter of a mile, since known as the review field. After the review of the troops the general took a gallop down an old road to the front, accompanied by his escort. He had proceeded hardly eighty rods before he encountered a squadron of Confederates coolly witnessing the review. They beat a hasty retreat without any demonstration. That night General Prentiss advance his picket line further to the front. Saturday afternoon (the 5th), Companies A, B, C and D of the regiment were ordered out, with two companies of the Twenty-first Missouri, under command of Colonel Moore. They advanced about one and one-half miles to our right and front, covering the front and left of General Sherman's division, near the Corinth and Pittsburg road in the edge of Fraley Field, about a mile in front of Shiloh Church and one and one-half miles from our camp. Here they remained until the morning of the 6th, when, between 4 and 5 o'clock, Colonel Moore, hearing a commotion in his front, ordered Captain Saxe to deploy his company and make an advance, which he promptly executed. He had proceeded but a short distance when his command received a volley from the enemy, which killed Captain Saxe and Sergeant John Williams. This was the opening of the battle of Shiloh, and the time was 4:55 a.m.
It was conceded that Captain Saxe was the first officer who was killed in that battle, and it further dispels the erroneous idea that some far-distant historian had that General Prentiss' division was surprised that morning and the men bayoneted in their beds.
General Prentiss, having been informed of what was transpiring at the front, came up to Colonel Allen's tent, who was already out, and informed him of the death of Captain Saxe, and ordered him to get the balance of his regiment into line and be ready to move. He went on down the line ordering out the balance of the Twenty-first Missouri on his way to brigade headquarters. He returned from his own headquarters, mounted at about 6 a.m. He ordered the brigade forward into line of battle, which advanced about eighty rods, where they remained about half an hour, when the regiment was ordered to change front to the right, going about another quarter of a mile in front of our camp, near the Rhea Field, whre we awaited the coming of the advance skirmish line, which was falling back slowly, impeding the advance of the enemy as much as possible.
Here the four companies, except some that were in other parts of the field, joined the regiment, and the whole brigade became engaged in holding the position about half an hour, when we fell back about half a mile to the Spain Field. Forming our second line, we held this position until it became impossible, owing to lack of support on either flank. The brigade was ordered to fall back and form a new line in rear of our camp. This was about 8 o'clock a.m. They fought desperately to hold the camp. Here Lieutenant Colonel Fairchild was severely wounded and taken from the field. Colonel Allen's horse was killed, and while mounting a second horse that was also killed.
This line was held until the ammunition was nearly exhausted, and the rebel hordes were coming on in front and flank, rolling up great columns like the waves of the ocean.
Finding their valor was of no avail against such odds, General Prentiss told the men to take to the trees for shelter and to fall back, fighting to the best advantage, which they did, doing good work, which the enemy's dead and wounded showed the next day. The line fell back slowly until it found General Hurlbut's division in line. The ammunition becoming exhausted, it had to relinquish its place to an Iowa regiment, supposed to be Colonel Shaw's Fourteenth, of W.H.L. Wallace's division. The regiment went to the rear of Hurlbut's line, replenished their cartridge boxes and was taking a needed rest, having been under fire, without food or water, since 6 a.m. Their rest, however, was of short duration. A staff officer came riding up to Colonel Allen and requested him to put his regiment on the front, relieving an Indiana regiment which was out of ammunition. The Sixteenth promptly responded and immediately opened fire. Soon after Colonel Allen received a wound and had to retire from the field.
The regiment maintained this position until about 3 p.m. when the troops to the left gave way and the regiment had to fall back on the line in the rear of the Bloody Pond, to the left of the Hornets' Nest. Here was more of the desperate fighting, which was the key to the situation, as General Grant informed General Prentiss that if he could hold that position until sundown the army would be safe. He did so, but at a great sacrifice. At 5:30 p.m. he, with a part of his division, was compelled to surrender to avoid being annihilated.
After Colonel Allen was wounded and had left the field, Major Reynolds assumed command, which he retained from then on.
After the surrender of General Prentiss the remainder of the division fell back to the last line formed for that day. The enemy again appeared in our front, but not with much force. After receiving a couple of well-directed volleys, they fell back out of reach of musketry, and bivouacked for the night in our camp, while our army remained in line exposed to one of the most severe storms that usually follow a battle. This closed the battle for April 6, at that time the bloodiest battle ever fought on the American continent.
The morning of the 7th, after partaking of a breakfast consisting of raw pork and hardtack, the regiment advancing to locate the enemy, found that they had fallen back nearly a mile and lay in line awaiting us. The battle then opened, the army, having been reinforced by General Wallace's division of the Army of the Tennessee, which had not been engaged the previous day, and two divisions of General Buell's army. The Sixteenth was put on the reserve and was used to reinforce different parts of the line as necessity required. The enemy was put on the retrograde movement until about 4 o'clock p.m., when they abandoned the field. The regiment was then ordered to return to its camp, and immediately proceeded to caring for wounded and burying the dead, which later took us several days, going over the field where we were engaged, some parts of which had caught fire, which prevented us from identifying all of them.
The official report gives the losses of the regiment as follows: Forty killed; one hundred and eighty-eight wounded, of which thirty-nine were mortal; missing, twenty-six, and but four of them were known to have been taken prisoners. One of that number was wounded, which swelled the number of wounded up to one hundred and eighty-nine, and dead to sixty-two, as compiled from the Adjutant General's office in revising reports. It would be well to know that six of the color guard of the regiment were killed, and their remains were laid in a circle around the flagstaff in the National Cemetery at Pittsburg Landing, on the hill overlooking the Tennessee River.
The following are the names of the six that stood by the colors to the last:
Sergeant H.L. Thomas, Sergeant L.E. Knight Sergeant J.L. Holcomb,
Sergeant J.P. Willis, Sergeant Philo Perry, Sergeant Erwin Rider.
Call it "Pittsburg Landing" or "Shiloh", it was the battle that awoke both North and South alike, the Civil War was going to be a long drawn out affair. Of the three Wisconsin regiments that fought at Shiloh, 2,292 were fit for duty on the morning of April 6th, 1862. Over the next 36 hours, 627 would become casualties by either dying (79), being wounded (345) or be missing (203), either by being captured or buried in unmarked graves.
These figures pose a 27.4% casualty rate for just Wisconsin soldiers alone. Average for the entire Union Army at Shiloh was 26.75% while the Confederacy was 24.33%.
Shiloh lays claim to 23,746 casualties identified as 3,482 killed, 16,420 wounded and 3,844 missing. Ninty-four general officers and regimental commanders are included in the overall casualty list; 50 Union officers opposed to 44 Confederate officers.
At the onset of the Civil War, Wisconsin had only been a state a little over 12 years. Our new State sent 91,379 of her citizens to fight for the cause. Some 79,297 survived the war, but 12,082 never came home; either from being killed in action (3,810) or dying from disease (8,272).
And what of the three regiments who first "saw the elephant" at Shiloh? All three went on to fight another day, but not without many giving that ultimate sacrifice;
Not written by generals, but by the very men who raced to the front lines in facing the elephant. Wisconsin at Shiloh is their story. It brought you, the reader, right up by their side as the Confederacy tried just about everything in the book to drive you into the Tennessee River, a feat suppressed at the end of that first gallant day on Palm Sunday, 1862. With General Buell's Army of the Ohio arriving late that first night, he gave Grant the much needed reinforcement. It was but a matter of time before the Union would force the Confederacy to retire from the field. By 5 p.m. Monday, April 7, 1862, the battlefield lay quiet. The wounded and dying were cared for as the burial details began their gruesome work. Mass graves were dug for both Union and Confederate soldiers, many who couldn't be identified "known only but to God" were later reinterned in the National Cemetery at Pittsburg Landing itself.
While on burial detail the following day, private Dave
James (Company C of the 16th Wisconsin) found a book next to a fallen Confederate soldier
that he was about to help bury. Blood from the soldier's body had spilled onto it's cover.
James slipped the book into his haversack and later wrote in it's cover - "Stained
with the blood of a rebel and found on the Shiloh Battlefield - April 8th, 1862 by D. G.
James. It was a religious book, one that had belonged to a Confederate from Memphis. The
book was passed down from generation to generation and now is in the possession of his
g-g-granddaughter (my daughter) Lori Bessler, an employee at our Wisconsin State Historical
Society. Yes, the memory of Shiloh lives on. I am sure that in years to come, more will be
written about this decisive battle, just as there is much yet to write about the other
aspects of the American Civil War. A war that still fascinates Americans (and some
Europeans) some 132 years after the last shot was fired.
Above researched
and written by D. G. James, great
grandson Fred G. Cook
The Second Day, April 7th
Fourteenth Wisconsin Infantry at Shiloh, April 7, 1862
By Captain F. H. Magdeburg.
The Fourteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry was organized in Camp Wood at Fond du Lac, Wis., November, 1861, by assigning thereto companies which were recruited at Fond du Lac, Weyauwega, Omro, La Crosse, Manitowoc, Depere, Chilton, Greenbush, Black River Falls and Mazomanie, and were respectively designated A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and K. The regiment was mustered into the United States service in January, 1862, and left Fond du Lac March 8, 1862, for St. Louis, under the command of Colonel David E. Wood. After a brief stay at St. Louis it was ordered to Savannah, Tennessee, where it was still camped on April 6, 1862, when the battle of Shiloh began.
In the evening of April 6 the regiment embarked on a steamboat and was landed at Pittsburg Landing after dark that night. It made its way up the steep bank and camped in the open as best it could that night, most of the officers and men standing in the pouring rain all night, getting wet through, while some lay down in the mud and slush on their rubber blankets, getting muddy as well as wet. Monday morning, April 7, 1862, after eating a frugal meal out of haversacks, the regiment moved forward to the front, without guide or assignment. It was part of the Army of the Tennessee, General Grant's command, but the Colonel, without inquiring for that army or a portion thereof, to join his command to, attached himself and his regiment to the Fourteenth Brigade of Crittenden's Division, Army of the Ohio. Thus it came about that the Fourteenth Wisconsin fought that day within the ranks of the Army of the Ohio.
At 8 in the morning the regiment was in line of battle a
short distance beyond the mile circle from the landing, near and to the left of the
Corinth road.
By 10 o'clock an advance position had been gained of a little over a quarter of a mile,
partly on the left and partly on the right of the Eastern Corinth road, fairly facing the
Duncan Field. The Duncan Field was then passed, the right of the regiment passing through
the corner thereof, and at noon a point was reached near the Hamburg and Purdy road, about
half way between, at which point a tablet has been placed by the Park Commissioners.
From this point the regiment charged a battery located in the road at the northeast corner
of Barnes Field. The battery was taken, but the regiment was repulsed, and not until it
had been thrice taken was it held by the regiment, which then passed beyond it. At 2
o'clock p.m. the regiment's position was in the Barnes Field, about one-quarter of a mile
inside the two-mile circle.
At 2 p.m. General Beauregard began his retreat, which was accomplished at 4 o'clock, and the battle was practically over. The Fourteenth Wisconsin was then ordered back to the landing and at once placed on provost guard duty.
The casualties on April 7, 1862, were 16 killed, 74 wounded, 3 missing; total 93. The names of the killed, as well as of those who died of wounds, is here given. May the sacrifice of their lives be ever remembered by a grateful people.
Killed at Shiloh, April 7, 1862.
Captain Geo. E. Waldo, E.
Corporal Joseph King, A.
Corporal Frederick A. Cullens, I.
Private Lucius Barker, G | Private John D. Putnam, F |
Private Samuel Bump, G. | .Private Henry Peeler, H. |
Private John Eastwood, B. | Private Thomas Rayson, I. |
Private Harvey E. Frost, I. | Private John J. Rockwood, I |
Private John B. Glenn, D. | Private Gottlieb Schlinsog, I. |
Private John Moser, G. | Private Thomas Morgan, B. |
Private Ebenezer Newton, G. | |
Died of Wounds Received at Shiloh, April 7, 1862. |
First Lieutenant Joseph D. Post, B., May 27, 1862. |
Sergeant Charles Drake, B., April 20, 1862. |
Corporal Water'n R. Lisherness, I., May 18, 1862. |
Corporal Horace D. Lyman, K., April 19, 1862. |
Private James Alley, C., April 15, 1862. | Private Daniel D. Hammon, H., May 29, 1862. |
Private Ezra B. Austin, E., April 10, 1862. | Private John Owens, D., May 7, 1862. |
Private Charles G. Bacon, I., May 7, 1862. | Private Henry Ross, I., April 18, 1862. |
Private Charles A. Briar,
K., |
Private Ezra L. Whittaker, B., May 9, 1862 |
Private John Begood, K., June 8, 1862. |
Story of the
Putnam Stump on Shiloh Battlefield
at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.
J. D. Putnam, a member of Company F, Fourteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, was killed April 7, 1862, during a charge of his regiment made upon a rebel battery, and was buried where he fell by his company comrades, at the foot of a young oak tree.
Thomas Steele, one of the burying party, suggested that Putnam's name should be cut into the tree sufficiently low down so that in case the tree was chopped down later on the name should still remain to tell who was there at rest. This suggestion was carried out.
When the Government established a National Cemetery at Pittsburg Landing, Putnam's body was removed thereto, and his grave in the National Cemetery is, owing to these precautions taken by his comrades in 1862, one of the few bearing full name, company and regiment.
When the Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commissioners, in 1901, visited the battlefield to select a site for a State monument, it was found that the tree had years ago been chopped down, but the stump remained, and though very badly decayed by age, the name Putnam, cut into the tree in 1862 by his comrades, was still legible. Thomas Steele, who was with the Commission, expressed a desire to have that portion of the stump which bore the inscription given him. After consultation, the National Park Commissioners granted the request, and the portion bearing the inscription was sent to Thomas Steele, who fortunately had it photographed and then forwarded the slab to G.A.R. Memorial Hall, then located in the Capitol at Madison, to be there preserved as a relic. A poor place it proved to be. It was destroyed in the Capitol fire.
The Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commissioners resolved to mark the spot, because of its absolute and indisputable correctness as to the position of the Fourteenth Regiment at a certain time of the day, and further decided to reproduce the original stump in granite, placing thereon the name, company and regiment of Putnam, as cut into the tree by his comrades, and on the reverse side the legend relating to the incidents connected therewith. The photograph of the stump in the hands of Captain F.H. Magdeburg, president of the Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commission, was, with a pencil sketch of the balance of the stump made by the park engineer of the National Commission, sent to Joseph Newall & Co., at Westerly, R.I. who were enabled therefrom to reproduce an exact facsimile of the stump as found by the Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commissioners while visiting the battlefield in 1901.
This granite facsimile was put in position on April 7, 1906, on a concrete foundation placed by the Park Commissioners, on the identical spot from whence the original stump was removed in order to allow the facsimile to be placed.
14th Wisconsin |
16th Wisconsin |
18th Wisconsin |
Killed in action: |
68 |
77 |
41 |
Died of wounds: |
38 |
64 |
21 |
Died of disease: |
201 |
247 |
212 |
Died in accident: |
2 |
5 |
2 |
Total losses (entire war): |
311 |
393 |
276 |
Unit Strength at Shiloh: |
750 |
827 |
735 |
Killed in action (Shiloh): |
(29) |
(62) |
(41) |
Percentage of total just at Shiloh: |
9.3% |
15.8% |
14.9% |
Total Aggregate in Regiment: |
2,182 |
2,200 |
1,637 |
Percentage Mortality Rate: | 14% |
17% |
16% |
Mortality Rate: 13.2% |
Click above for large photo
Wisconsin at Shiloh
Report of the Commission
Compiled by
The Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commission was created by Chapter 381 of the Laws of 1901, which chapter was subsequently amended by Chapters 199, 371 and 53 of the Laws of 19033, 1905, and 1907, respectively.
Soon after the passage of Chapter 381 of the Laws of 1901, Governor R. M. La Follette appointed Captain F. H. Magdeburg and R. E. Osborne, of the Fourteenth, Lieutenant D. Lloyd Jones and D. G. James, of the Sixteenth, and J. W. Baldock, of the Eighteenth, as Commissioners.
The Commissioners met and organized at Milwaukee by electing Captain F. H. Magdeburg president and Lieutenant D. Lloyd Jones secretary.
All the Commissioners went to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., in October 1901, and after having unanimously decided to erect but one monument for the three regiments, they selected a site, which was satisfactory to all of them, because all three regiments had fought over the ground selected—the Sixteenth and Eighteenth Regiments on the 6th and 7th of April, 1862, and the Fourteenth Regiment on the 7th of April, 1862, while the latter was making a charge against a Confederate battery, capturing the same. One gun of this battery has ever since been at Madison as a trophy.
It took a long time to secure the approval of the site selected. As soon as approval was received we asked for designs, and the result thereof proved clearly the inadequacy of the appropriation and the unwisdom of the limitation as to the exclusive use of Wisconsin granite, contained in Chapter 381 of the Laws of 1901. The Commissioners then decided to await the approaching session of the Legislature of 1903 and then ask for an increase of funds and for the elimination of the unbusiness-like restriction limiting the Commissioners of the exclusive use of Wisconsin granite. Our efforts were successful, and we obtained $5,000 more as well as an amendment which directed that the kind of material to be used in the construction of the monument was to be left to the judgement of the Commissioners.
We then proceeded with the work, asked for designs limiting the cost, and offered premiums, for first and second choice, of $225 and $75 respectively. We appointed a committee of three, composed of a sculptor, an architect and a member of our Commission, to make a selection from the designs submitted. First choice was awarded to the design submitted by Comrade Captain W. R. Hodges, of St. Louis, Mo., who had been a member of the Thirtysecond Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. The design submitted by Captain Hodges embodied the patriotic sentiment that all who die upon the battlefield for their country are sure of their reward in heaven.
The design submitted cotemplated the figure of an officer. It was changed to represent a color sergeant, and the following instructions to the sculptor were given: The soldier should not be dead, but mortally stricken. His agony should be expressed by his grasp at his death wound, supposed to have been received near his heart. His face should express exultation of the knowledge that victory crowns his effort and that the sacrifice of his life to his country's cause is not in vain, which fact is made clear to him by Victory holding aloft the flag he carried, where, in his last moments, he can gaze upon it and glory in the comforting thought of victory won. The figure of Victory shouold be impossing and chaste, and her face should express tenderness and solicitude.
A contract was made with Captain W. R. Hodges on August 20, 1903, which stipulated the sum of $13,000 and the premium for first choice, $225, as the consideration, and limited the time of completion to August 20, 1904.
On December 29, 1904, Secretary D. Lloyd Jones died suddenly at his home in Milwaukee. The work of the Commission being practically completed, we all joined in asking the Governor not to fill the vacancy in deference to Secretary Jones' memory, which request was acceded to. Commissioner D. G. James was then elected secretary of the Commission.
Conditions over which no one had any control dragged the erection of the monument along to April, 1905. When completed and erected, the pedestal was damaged by one of the workmen, necessitating the substituting of a new plinth, thus delaying the work another three months.
The Shiloh National Military Park Commissioners placed an iron tablet on the spot where Captain Saxe, of the Sixteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, was killed, in commemoration of the fact that he was the first Union officer killed at the very beginning of the battle, April 6, 1862.
The Commissioners, in April, 1905, unanimously agreed to have the Putnam stump on the battlefield replaced by an exact reproduction in granite, because part of the original had been destroyed in the Capitol fire in Madison, where it had been placed in the G.A.R. memorial room as a memento and for safe keeping, and because the other part of the stump still in place at Shiloh was fast decaying. The Commissioners desired to forever fix this location on behalf of the Fourteenth Wisconsin, of which Putnam was a member. He lost his life on that spot and was buried by his comrades where he fell.
In July, 1905, we were notified that the monument was acceptable to the Shiloh National Military Park Commission, it being in all respects up to their rules and requirements. It then being too late for dedication, subject to the approval of the Governor. This being obtained, the work required to make the dedication of that monument a memorable and successful affair began.
Chapter 53 of the Laws of 1907 made possible the publication of this official report of the Commissioners, accompanied with other information relating to the battle of Shiloh and the part taken therein by the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth Regiments of Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, the dedication trip to Shiloh, as well as description of present condition of Shiloh battlefield, with maps and views to make the volume instructive and interesting.
We submit herewith our finanical report up to December, 1906. In closing, the Commissioners desire to express their thanks to all who interested themselves in behalf of this work, to the press of Milwaukee and the State, as well as that of other States, giving our work support as well as publicity, enabling us to make the whole, including the dedication, a grand success; to the railroads and steamboat companies granting reduced rates of fare, and especially to the Illinois Central Railroad, which placed a special train at our disposal going and special cars returning, as well as to the St. Louis & Tennessee River Packet Company for placing at our disposal their newest steamer, the City of Saltillo, we are under great obligations.
Respectfully submitted by the Commissioners.
. H. Magdeburg, D. G. James, R. E. Osborne, J. W. Baldock.
Expenditures of Shiloh Monument Commission.
To Riverside Printing Company…………. $4.00
To Traveling Expenses of Commissioners. 272.20
To Traveling Expenses of Commissioners. 30.58
To Riverside Printing Company…………. 5.00
To T. Alice Ruggles Kitson……………… 75.00
To Traveling Expenses of Commissioners. 21.69
To Riverside Printing Company………… 4.00
To W. R. Hodges, contractor……………. 2,500.00
To Traveling Expenses, F.H. Magdeburg. 39.85
To Traveling Expenses of Commissioners. 167.64
To W. R. Hodges, contractor…………… 10,725.00
To Joseph Newall & Co………………… 200.00
To Dedication Expenses………………… 1,048.26
15,093.22Unexpended balance of appropriations…. 906.78
Total appropriations Chapter 381, Laws 1901;
Chapter 199, Laws 1903; Chapter 371, Laws 1905 $16,000.00
Source materials:
Wisconsin At Shiloh - Wisconsin Shiloh Monument Commission -1909
Wisconsin Losses in the Civil War - Published by the State -1915
Records and Sketches - Published by the State - 1914