November 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Remember our friends in harms way

News of Bill Graff Nov 30th, 2004

News of Bill Graff Nov 16, 2004

Company G Families,  

Click for addresses  for the next of kin if you wish to send a card of support and sympathy.


If you haven't been following Iraq in the news lately, Bill Graff's unit
lost two marines this week. The last news of Bill I heard was about a month ago, before the assault on Fallujuh, and Bill was detached from his company guarding detainees at Forward Operations Base (FOB) Kalsu.
If you want to drop Bill a line, his e-mail address is:

Bill's Snail mail address is:
2/24, G CO. (WPNS. PLT.)
UNIT 43510
FPO AP 96426-3510

PFC Matthew T.Barbour
Please send a note if you get a chance

Also, Matt Barbour is still at the National Training Center, Ft. Erwin, California helping conduct field exercises. You can drop him a line at:

Yr. Obt. Srvt.,



Mary Sue Gilardi sent the following information on our comrade, Dan Gilardi, to

Craig Mickelson. I am sure that we all appreciate the sacrifice Dan is making

for our nation and that we all look forward to his return to our ranks!

Daniel is currently at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Daniel is a

member of the Wisconsin Air National Guard. Daniel went to Texas in July to

go through boot camp. He completed boot camp in August and is currently attending

technical school there.

Currently, Daniel plans to return to Madison in early December, and to

matriculate into the University of Wisconsin-Platteville beginning in January.

Daniel is still a member of Company K and will join us this year, but he will

have to work around his drill obligations with the Guard.

Dear Friends,

The 118th Medical Battalion, the unit that has been a part of Reclaiming
Our Heritage (at Woods) in its first 2 years, is now serving in Iraq.

Wish list for the 118th
Patricia A. Lynch
Harvest Graphics
5830 S. 92nd St.
Hales Corners, WI 53130-2219